do you come from a family that reads, anon? tell us about it. mother

do you come from a family that reads, anon? tell us about it

>bougie background, very well versed in the classics but is not above occassionally indulging in mass market genre fiction, though she's very self-aware and wouldn't consider it high art
>a hick, once in a blue moon reads the odd detective novel, beyond that modern political works from whatever right-wing talking head
older brother
>mostly classics, had a period with a lot of 19th century lit, enjoys a fair amount of poetry and biographies of musicians
older sister
>books about veganas and buddhism, pop sci, raw and honest autobiographies about the author's ''lived experience''
younger brother
>jordan peterson, bishop barron, thomas merton, knee-chuh, houellebecq, LOTR every year, economics textbooks
>I don't read

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  1. 2 years ago

    Your younger brother probably has a Twitter account called 1492_Anime_Crusader_Groyper

    • 2 years ago

      I introduced him to IQfy but he didn't last very long. He especially took offense at all the racism and anti-semitism on /misc/. His girlfriend is israeli.

  2. 2 years ago

    >used to read some pulp crime novels back in her teenage years. Stopped reading altogether, except the occassional newspaper after marriage and kids.

    >I don't think he's ever read a book end to end. Recommended "The Secret" to me once.

    Younger sister
    >has a degree in literature so she has read actual lit. But hates it. Mostly reads isekai manga/manhwa or some other wish fulfillment bs. Though she used to read novels back in the days

    >used to read lot of r.l. stine, hardy boys, nancy drew and other kids stuff when young. Read some paulo coelho in teenage years. Got into fantasy later on and read a few series. Nowadays I read like one or two books per year. Also like pop sci especially related to physics

  3. 2 years ago

    My mom thinks it’s great that I read. She hates that I spend so much time reading. Everyone else thinks it’s gay or weird.

  4. 2 years ago

    My mother used to read. Her favourite book is Quo Vadis.
    Noone else has read even a single book since school.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s pretty crazy that in America, college students can graduate without reading a single book cover to cover. Plenty graduate without any reading at all.

  5. 2 years ago

    Not really. My father read as a younger man, mostly classics. My mother kept reading garbage like King and Crichton well beyond when most people stop. My maternal grandfather had a whole lot of books about the war and detective stories but I never saw him read any of them. My paternal grandmother was highly educated but I don't recall ever seeing her read either. My siblings aren't exactly intellectual types. Nether am I really to be fair. I have a keener mind than most of my kin maybe but it's not owed to books and not directed toward knowledge for the sake of knowledge or reading for the sake of entertainment.

  6. 2 years ago

    my mother was a college dropout, but always subscribed to the New Yorker her whole life and would read every issue cover to cover, and my dad a frustrated writer who idolized Nevil Shute and Hemingway and Raymond Chandler and his favorite books were 'Marley and Me' and 'Confederacy of Dunces', they made me read Lord of the Flies at age 8 so they could brag to their friends about it, I followed my own reading list in high school and read Conrad, Maugham, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, James M Cain. But its been years since I read a full fiction novel. The last attempt at reading fiction, I tried three times to read Infinite Jest but gave up after 20 pages or so each time.

  7. 2 years ago

    >CIA started hiring psychoanalysts again

    • 2 years ago

      Meds, weed, bbc

  8. 2 years ago

    >legal documents and emails for twelve hours a day
    >not much else
    >news and group chats
    >snapchat stories and Instagram captions
    Other sister
    >kids detective novels

  9. 2 years ago

    Sci-fi, romance novels, beach type novels, detective books

    Fantasy novels pretty exclusively, some scifi

    Manga, otherwise doesn't read

    Christian books, self-help/mindset books

    Music biographies, crime novels, war history
    Horror, classics, pop nonfiction is my guilty pleasure, comedic fiction, and stuff for my area of study in my masters (60s/70s counterculture lit)

  10. 2 years ago

    >thrillers, housewife erotica, Elena Ferrante and other such novels about the female experience, she’s the most voracious reader out of the lot

    >mainly non-fiction, mostly history books although he also has a penchant for shit-tier spiritual literature like Coelho and Gibran, Arthurian legends and Tolkien. He does have a copy of Hesse’s collected works and the Grapes of Wrath, which I presume he read some time before I was born or when I was too young to remember

    Younger brother
    >read maybe 1-2 books a year, probably shit that is recommend to him by some pseud friend, last time I was at his place I noticed Ecce homosexual on his shelf but it could’ve been his girlfriend’s

    >new age spiritual bs, though she’s anti-vax and is slowly going down the yoga mom-alt-right pipeline so I’m expecting her to mention Evola or some shit any day now

    Younger half-sister
    >doesn’t read

    • 2 years ago

      do you come from a family that reads, anon? tell us about it

      >bougie background, very well versed in the classics but is not above occassionally indulging in mass market genre fiction, though she's very self-aware and wouldn't consider it high art
      >a hick, once in a blue moon reads the odd detective novel, beyond that modern political works from whatever right-wing talking head
      older brother
      >mostly classics, had a period with a lot of 19th century lit, enjoys a fair amount of poetry and biographies of musicians
      older sister
      >books about veganas and buddhism, pop sci, raw and honest autobiographies about the author's ''lived experience''
      younger brother
      >jordan peterson, bishop barron, thomas merton, knee-chuh, houellebecq, LOTR every year, economics textbooks
      >I don't read

      your sisters should hook up

    • 2 years ago

      >Tolkien and Arthurian legends are bad
      What level of contrarianism is this?

    • 2 years ago

      >>new age spiritual bs, though she’s anti-vax and is slowly going down the yoga mom-alt-right pipeline so I’m expecting her to mention Evola or some shit any day now
      We should ban people under the age of 25 and over the age of 50 from the internet for this reason.

  11. 2 years ago

    yeah you have to > the relative and white text the comment dumdum

    also reading a bourgeois and veganal activity

  12. 2 years ago

    average girl sleepover

  13. 2 years ago

    >hasnt picked up a book in years
    >reads political and conspiracy theory books also some political philosophy
    >classics, philosophy, poetry

  14. 2 years ago

    >Read summaries of books instead of reading the entirety of the book. Believes that it's the same thing.
    >Started reading lit recently. Only because I was exposed to a particular section in the exam (MCAT) where I had to read mini-essays (humanities and sociology) and answer questions based on the author's position. I think I read around 200 essays as a practice, but, surprisingly I got hooked on the content.

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