Do you think this anon will be vindicated or is he biased?

Do you think this anon will be vindicated or is he biased?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Biased, either an Armenian, Iranian, Indian or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup coping.
    This literally compromises 99% of people pushing those theories outside of the actual academics and I'm not even being hyperbolic.

    • 2 years ago

      >or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup
      Well now I'm questioning whether you're biased or not, because latest research does show that Haplogroup J comes from the caucasus

      • 2 years ago

        The Caucasus is a Near Eastern region, if you don't mean the Northern Caucasus specifically.

        • 2 years ago

          >The Caucasus is a Near Eastern region
          Anon, you're really not helping in making yourself seem less biased

          • 2 years ago

            Stop being moronic, where the frick is the Caucasus if not in the Near East? It's not in Europe for sure.

          • 2 years ago

            You know, what's funny is that you talk about "academics", when none of this terminology you cling onto is actually employed by any academic anywhere, people use the general term "Eurasia", and this is pretty well established and well known.

          • 2 years ago

            >Near East
            >when none of this terminology you cling onto is actually employed by any academic anywhere,
            >people use the general term "Eurasia"
            Ok so you are some kind of Armenian or Georgian coping with not being included in the right club, got it.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't recall Yemen being in the caucasus.

          • 2 years ago

            You said the word "Near East" wasn't used,which is flat out wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            And you said it refers to the Caucasus didn't you?

          • 2 years ago

            I love how your sense of inferiority can't help but come out and you just have to ape out at being rightfully grouped with Arabs and other people.
            My 99% figure is still on-point.
            You are not "Eurasian", you are Middle-Eastern or, in somewhat archaic terms, Near Eastern.

          • 2 years ago

            Lol, I can literally sense your anger coming off of this post, now, are you denying that the overwhelming amount of academics exclusively employ the term "Eurasia"? Because the study you posted even uses the term. Your whole point is that haplogroup J coincides with basal eurasian, or "Near-Eastern" admixture, this is a demonstrable falsehood, as the first samples of basal eurasian ancestry carry haplogroup E, while the first samples of haplogroup J carry caucasian hunter gatherer ancestry, which you might know, contributed to about half of the ancestry of proto indo europeans, now lastly, you keep insisting that "middle eastern", or "arab" carries negative connotations, now why would that be? Theyre among the only people among the face of the earth to practice a culture exclusive to them, one of much influence and many great achievements that is, why would i be insulted by that? This seems to be an insecurity on your part.
            >99% figure
            You have yet to demonstrate what this is supposed to mean

          • 2 years ago

            >basal eurasian, or "Near-Eastern" admixture
            Pure Basal Eurasians have not been a thing since the Mesolithic at latest, Y-DNA J came from Anatolia and the Levant in Europe, not through Indo-Europeans.

          • 2 years ago

            >you keep insisting that "middle eastern", or "arab" carries negative connotations, now why would that be? Theyre among the only people among the face of the earth to practice a culture exclusive to them, one of much influence and many great achievements that is, why would i be insulted by that? This seems to be an insecurity on your part.
            And yet you are so afraid to be associate to them to the point that you ignore the last 12k years of history and have to pretend that Basal Eurasians are the only "true" Near Eastern population.

            >You have yet to demonstrate what this is supposed to mean
            Refer to this [...]
            >either an Armenian, Iranian, Indian or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup coping.
            You are definitely one of those people and your arguments derive from emotion, not facts.

            and you have yet to address the following, how is it, that both haplogroup j1 and j2 overwhelmingly exceed its presence in the middle east in the caucasus? its approx. 60% in the middle east, yet <80% in the caucasus among vainakh-dagestani and circassian speakers, how do you explain that?

          • 2 years ago

            >and you have yet to address the following, how is it, that both haplogroup j1 and j2 overwhelmingly exceed its presence in the middle east in the caucasus?
            You realize that modern Caucasians are not pure descandantsof CHG? Modern levels are irrelevant because they fluctuate because of founder effects and simple randomness.

          • 2 years ago

            >You realize that modern Caucasians are not pure descandantsof CHG? Modern levels are irrelevant because they fluctuate because of founder effects and simple randomness.
            my god, the lengths you have to go to to willfully ignore the obvious, you do realize ingushetian are almost 90% j1? do you know how ridiculous that is?

          • 2 years ago

            >you do realize ingushetian are almost 90% j1?
            And? Ingushetian are not pure CHG, they are not even 50% CHG for that matter.
            You do realize that J1 and J2 split around 32k years ago? How come some neighbouring ethic groups have so much J1and very little J2 if supposedly their modern Y-DNA reflects the past?

          • 2 years ago

            so you concede the argument

            >How come some neighbouring ethic groups have so much J1and very little J2 if supposedly their modern Y-DNA reflects the past?
            you literally made this up, j is the most common haplogroup in the caucasus and exceeds its frequency in the middle east, thats fact, youre literally just being educated right now, theres no argument to be had

          • 2 years ago

            >so you concede the argument
            The argument doens't follow, a population could be 100% of one y-dna lineages without their majority autosomal component having had this y-dna lineage originally, it's a complete non-sequitur.
            >you literally made this up, j is the most common haplogroup in the caucasus and exceeds its frequency in the middle east
            Again, J1 and J2 separated very soon, why in the world would they be so inconsistently spread among various Caucasian populaiton if ACCORDING TO YOU modern frequency reflects ancient origin? Using YOUR logic they should be evenly spread, are you so stupid you cannot even follow your own arguments to their logical conclusions?
            >who cares? when did i talk about this? why is this relevant?
            Refer to
            >Biased, either an Armenian, Iranian, Indian or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup coping.
            You contested the Near Eastern origin based on muh CHG, using your moronic logic an European with Chadic R1b wouldn't have a "African haplogroup" despite this haplogroup having been in Africa for the last 5+ millennia.
            >so why didnt you? lmao
            Because you called me biased based on that, which is incredibly ironic.
            It doesn't even matter where the Caucasus is, the fact of the matter is that the actual J y-dna came from the proximate origin of Anatolia and the Levant, the Roman world certainly wasn't flooded by Caucasian migrants.
            >do you contest that? yes or no? according to you, whats the dominant source of the middle eastern gene pool then, lets hear it
            I asked for a source, I'm waiting.
            >yet it can still be derived that theyre descended of them, the irony.
            What the frick is this even supposed to mean, nobody contested that Caucasians descend from CHG, the point is that you connecting J to CHG in the deeper past as opposed to Basal Eurasian or whoever else is baseless, you don't even know if CHG populations existed when J first split into J1 or J2.

          • 2 years ago

            split into J1 and J2

          • 2 years ago

            >you keep insisting that "middle eastern", or "arab" carries negative connotations, now why would that be? Theyre among the only people among the face of the earth to practice a culture exclusive to them, one of much influence and many great achievements that is, why would i be insulted by that? This seems to be an insecurity on your part.
            And yet you are so afraid to be associate to them to the point that you ignore the last 12k years of history and have to pretend that Basal Eurasians are the only "true" Near Eastern population.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have yet to demonstrate what this is supposed to mean
            Refer to this

            Biased, either an Armenian, Iranian, Indian or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup coping.
            This literally compromises 99% of people pushing those theories outside of the actual academics and I'm not even being hyperbolic.

            >either an Armenian, Iranian, Indian or some southern European with some Near Eastern haplogroup coping.
            You are definitely one of those people and your arguments derive from emotion, not facts.

  2. 2 years ago

    He who laughs last, laughs best.

  3. 2 years ago


    >so you admit we have pure basal eurasians right
    Do we? Where?
    >you dont just say something and expect people to believe it
    It's true in regards to the Euroepan mediterranean, if you want to start talking about where it ORIGINALLY came from then whatever, originally it came all from Africa but that's not exactly relevant.
    >thats a complete invention on your part, nowhere did i say this, reread my post, possibly reconsider your life
    Show me direct proof of IE-derived J Y-DNA.
    >defending a bogeyman ethnic group youre attacking because of your own projected insecurities doesnt mean im a part of them
    lmao sure, chimping out at one geographical categorization tends to be the classic behavior of people like you.
    >wow youre illiterate, basal eurasian admixture is the dominant admixture in the middle east even TODAY you moron

    • 2 years ago

      >Show me direct proof of IE-derived J Y-DNA.
      where did i say this, schizo? what are you talking about?

      • 2 years ago

        >where did i say this, schizo? what are you talking about?
        So you do agree that Y-DNA J came to Europe from Anatolia and the Levant, yes or no?
        It's you who raised the issue first, a non-insecure person would have just accepted it and moved on on more relevant topics.
        >right, semitic-speakers are associated with the 30% CHG middle easterners carry, my bad
        I asked for a source for basal admixture being dominant, you claimed that so give me the source.

        • 2 years ago

          >So you do agree that Y-DNA J came to Europe
          who cares? when did i talk about this? why is this relevant?

          >a non-insecure person would have just accepted it and moved on on more relevant topics.
          so why didnt you? lmao

          >I asked for a source for basal admixture being dominant
          do you contest that? yes or no? according to you, whats the dominant source of the middle eastern gene pool then, lets hear it

    • 2 years ago

      >chimping out at one geographical categorization
      >Stop being moronic, where the frick is the Caucasus if not in the Near East? It's not in Europe for sure.

      right, semitic-speakers are associated with the 30% CHG middle easterners carry, my bad

  4. 2 years ago

    cant believe i just had to waste a whole thread educating a moron on basic anthropology

  5. 2 years ago

    also what was this guys deal with purity? most western europeans have barely any original yamnaya ancestry, yet it can still be derived that theyre descended of them, the irony.

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