does he have a rape fetish?

does he have a rape fetish?

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  1. 1 month ago

    I dunno about him but I do

  2. 1 month ago


    yeah probably

  3. 1 month ago

    He has a medieval fetish and there was a lot of raping going on back then

  4. 1 month ago

    No, you're thinking of bacon.

  5. 1 month ago

    Everyone does. It's unironically the most natural thing in the world.

    • 1 month ago

      To call a desire to rape a "fetish" is a misuse of the term. A rapist is not a fetishist. GRRM is a misogynist, racist, pervert, who I would almost expect to be altogether anti-Christ, yet is surprisingly temperate only in his atheo-agnosti-whatevers. His perversions encompass a large gathering which includes rape.

      It's fascinating that wicked people like you always must lie to themselves that everyone is fundamentally the same. One of the only things Dale Carnegie may have been right about was his assertion that even the most wicked of men have to believe they are good.

      • 1 month ago

        Accepting that they have dark impulses and then not acting on them doesn't make a person wicked. It makes them honest, reflective, and probably more well rounded than you are.

        • 1 month ago

          The internal world of spirit is superlative to this physical one. If you indulge in wickedness in your soul, you are still wicked. Not only that, but rest assured it finds its way into your life—like plugging up a leak only for the water to come in through another crack. You may not have raped anyone, but you've certainly bled wickedness into you daily life as a result of fantasizing about it. There's nothing special about acknoledging dark impulses. Everyone has them. What is special is uprooting them and stamping them out as a matter of routine. Refinement is special. Perverse fantasizing is base—in the old and true meaning of the word.

    • 1 month ago

      >hairless monkey on a tiny spec of dust who lives for 0.000000000001th of the universe life observes how 0.0000000000000000000000000001 phenomena look (slightly) alike and invents a category for such phenomena as if they were regulated by (likely metaphysical) universal laws of which said dust-spec-monkey has, of course, knowledge. He calls this category: the "natural".

      • 1 month ago


  6. 1 month ago

    I bet he has a scat fetish based on some of the things he's written.

    • 1 month ago

      You already know he wrote the Dany diarrhea section while imagining her doing it on his chest.

  7. 1 month ago

    What actually is a rape fetish? I'm fairly submissive myself but even I can get aroused at the thought of forcibly fricking a woman. I don't add additional details like punching her in the face or killing her, it's just the basic dynamic of having sex with a woman who is somewhat to very reluctant. Can't every guy imagine this and get a hard-on? It's basically just a subspecies of "imagining fricking." Specifically for me it's a subspecies of "imagining fricking really animalistically, with lots of desire." Again, I don't actually imagine or think about harming the woman, and obviously as soon as I think about her filing a police report and crying I think "aw shucks I probably shouldn't rape nobody after all." But my penis by itself is capable of saying "Yes, that is kind of hot" if I imagine forcing a woman's legs apart and putting it all up in her.

    How is this a fetish? Do rape FETISH guys specifically fantasize about the face-punching, police report-filing parts?

  8. 1 month ago

    That's not R Scot "Rape in every story" Bakker

    • 1 month ago

      Michael Moorwiener probably also has some weird shit going on with how often rape and incest factor into his work.

  9. 1 month ago

    he's a white anglo

  10. 1 month ago

    He's an author. His conception of consent is unlikely to be flawless in any case.

  11. 1 month ago

    He has more of that that Lewis Caroll thing. Pretty sure he said his favorite character was Arya

  12. 1 month ago

    Since this is the ASOIAF thread of the day. I just want to say I saw this Preston Jacobs video for the first time recently
    Preston is genuinely moronic when it comes to the small details of the story, be it who Jon Snow is, or the conspiracies, or everything that has to do with Dany. But when it comes to the big picture, the central themes of the story, he completely understands Martin.

    I think that video has hit the mark of what Martin is doing with the story.

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