
Good non-Kindle E-Readers?

Where do you pirate books when they aren't available on LibGen?

I'm probably gonna buy an Onyx Boox Tab Mini C, but gonna wait till the reviews come out. I want something portable that's good for note taking, books, PDFs, and manga.

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  1. 12 months ago

    The name/brand most bandied about is Kobo, followed by Boox.
    As for pirating, IRC, undernet #bookz

  2. 12 months ago

    What's wrong with kindles tho? I use Anna's Archive and Gutenberg Project + Telegram/VK channels for more obscure stuff...

    • 12 months ago

      >Telegram/VK channels
      which ones?

    • 12 months ago

      >Telegram/VK channels
      which ones?

      Seconding this anon.
      I don't know anything about telegram.

    • 12 months ago

      >Telegram/VK channels
      Which ones? Please, do help your lit brethren out.

    • 12 months ago

      >use kindle
      >download epub
      >"wtf why don't epubs work"
      >have to spend more time looking for mobis or give up and use pdfs
      >try to use calibre to convert epubs
      >inconsistent formatting
      >mod kindle for koreader support
      >jailbreaking is only for versions xyz
      >wait for new jailbreak
      >"turn off wi-fi otherwise your kindle might update when you turn it on and disable jailbreak"
      >kindle breaks from an update
      >switch to kobo
      >can use epubs and koreader with no problem
      ill probably keep the paperwhite as a backup but the no epub support is really shit.

      • 12 months ago

        >use kindle
        >download epub
        >connect the kindle to my pc
        >open calibre
        >send to device and convert the book in one click
        >no formatting problems, no inconveniences, 10/10 experience
        Not sure if reading physical books turns you into a moron by virtue of inhaling ink or something (all of you seem to like the smell of books for some weirdreason) but my experience with kindle has been amazing, I think I'm never going back, it just feels too convenient.

      • 12 months ago

        You can send epubs straight to the kindle using the send to kindle feature or the email thingy, dummy

      • 12 months ago

        i'm with these 2

        >use kindle
        >download epub
        >connect the kindle to my pc
        >open calibre
        >send to device and convert the book in one click
        >no formatting problems, no inconveniences, 10/10 experience
        Not sure if reading physical books turns you into a moron by virtue of inhaling ink or something (all of you seem to like the smell of books for some weirdreason) but my experience with kindle has been amazing, I think I'm never going back, it just feels too convenient.

        You can send epubs straight to the kindle using the send to kindle feature or the email thingy, dummy

        i think u might just bee retarted

      • 12 months ago

        >>use kindle
        >>"wtf why don't epubs work"
        I used kindle for 8 years, downloaded hundreds of epub and this never happened

    • 12 months ago

      >What's wrong with kindles tho?

      The 6" model doesn't have a "night light" color temp feature.
      And the software is more user hostile compared to some other readers. Nothing major, but expect a few more nags and having to sign in with an Amazon account, shit like that.

      I thought my Kobo was going to be gay when it forced me to make an account on start up, but after making the account, I just turned off all online features/wifi and used downloaded epubs, and it hasn't bothered me once. Much better than my Kindle Paperwhite which I thankfully got used for 20 bux given how annoying it was.

      >I thought my Kobo was going to be gay when it forced me to make an account on start up

      You don't have to make an account if you enable "sideload mode". It's an official feature, but it's a bit hidden.

  3. 12 months ago

    I thought my Kobo was going to be gay when it forced me to make an account on start up, but after making the account, I just turned off all online features/wifi and used downloaded epubs, and it hasn't bothered me once. Much better than my Kindle Paperwhite which I thankfully got used for 20 bux given how annoying it was.

    • 12 months ago

      How was the kindle paperwhite annoying?

      • 12 months ago

        I have a kindle paper white and have zero issues pirating books.

        I think newer models have stricter software than older models, I think at least, feel like I remember reading that when trying to decide which reader to buy

        • 12 months ago

          Hmmm that’s interesting and definitely worth considering as mine is about 3 years old now

    • 12 months ago

      I have a kindle paper white and have zero issues pirating books.

    • 12 months ago

      which kobo did you get? in some of them (clara hd and anything similar enough) you can open a file from another device and edit it to remove account necessity.

  4. 12 months ago

    I got a Kobo h2o for like $90 refurbished. Works great and has a page turning button and it's very ergonomic. It can also handle most formats of books so you shouldn't have trouble getting tons of free books online

  5. 12 months ago

    I bought a kindle for $50 from some teenager who absolutely got it as a gift from his grandma and used the money to buy drugs. All I did was a factory reset, decline to connect to wifi / finish setup later, turn on airplane mode, and use caliber to sync books I find on the internet. It works very well but I have no idea if it works better or worse than the kobo just want to tell everyone to check craigslist / fb market and see if there's any teens selling their unused kindles they got as graduation gifts. You can get one for probably as cheap if not cheaper than the off brand models and I can promise the batterey and backlight are very nice (but again, better or worse than kobo? I have no idea)

    • 12 months ago

      What model? How does it handle large PDFs (hundreds of pages, 50+ MB)?

      • 12 months ago

        nta, but my kindle paperwhite 11 handles pdfs pretty well, that is if you turn on page turn animation. Otherwise, you get flashbanged every page turn.

      • 12 months ago

        I have the paperwhite from a few years back. It handles a regular book / textbook in pdf format just fine but stuff like pdf atlas or textbooks with tons of diagrams and figures aren't really what it's good for. I have for example the atlas of middle earth and it's essentially unusable on the kindle. I also have read entire books that were downloaded in pdf format with no trouble though.

    • 12 months ago


      Good non-Kindle E-Readers?

      Where do you pirate books when they aren't available on LibGen?

      I'm probably gonna buy an Onyx Boox Tab Mini C, but gonna wait till the reviews come out. I want something portable that's good for note taking, books, PDFs, and manga.

      Get an iPad Mini.

      • 12 months ago

        That beats the whole purpose of an e-reader moron

        • 12 months ago

          Mind you tongue, sire.

  6. 12 months ago

    I use a Kindle 3, the one with the keyboard. I can't stand touch screen and every other UI I've tried, including modern kindles, feels like ass.

    >I want something portable that's good for note taking, books, PDFs, and manga.
    Sounds to me like you want an iPad air to be honest. Or some other ultralight tablet + stylus. PDFs notoriously don't play well with e-ink ereaders and manga requires a fair bit of resolution and absolute screen size, especially for two page spreads. Personally my portable PC is a windows surface because I didn't want to frick around with mobile OSes when there was an option for a full OS in a tablet format (and the keyboard/cover thing works well). Only downsides are winblows 10 and the price, but the upsides are it's super portable for traveling and because it's a full OS I can play (non-gpu) games (like nukige) and do basically everything I'd want to do on a computer, wherever I want. Currently I'm reading moonrunes web novels with kanjitomo as an aid for kanji I don't recognize, which as far as I know simply can't work on any kind of tablet OS even if you get a bluetooth mouse working.

    (It's the Hannelore spin-off/sequel to Ascendance of a Bookworm)

    • 12 months ago

      Which Surface model do you have?

  7. 12 months ago

    Kobo 8inch is the best I’ve owned so far. I had 3 kindles before.

  8. 12 months ago

    Best advice about e-readers even found

    Good reading

  9. 12 months ago

    I went to walmart and got an onn for 80 bucks qnd it works fine

    • 12 months ago

      Please show it. What all books have you saved and what are you reading nowadays?

  10. 12 months ago

    Kobo Clara 2E is what I have, it's great

  11. 12 months ago

    just buy a kobo and put files on it with calibre for fricks sake
    why do we still need these fricking threads every single day holy shit

    • 12 months ago

      there's more than 1 person on IQfy
      maybe the question you should be asking is, "why do I come to IQfy every day when it's just making me irritable?"

  12. 12 months ago

    I got a Kobo Aura HD last week for $25 and loved this 2013 junk but the battery hard died in three weeks of use. Wanna get a Libra 2 or H20

    • 12 months ago

      *days, and I cant get to charge, even tried low volting thru pc usb

    • 12 months ago

      So just replace the battery.


      Good non-Kindle E-Readers?

      Where do you pirate books when they aren't available on LibGen?

      I'm probably gonna buy an Onyx Boox Tab Mini C, but gonna wait till the reviews come out. I want something portable that's good for note taking, books, PDFs, and manga.

      >Where to pirate books
      Read the sticky
      Poke around installgentoo wiki

  13. 12 months ago

    Miss me with that gay shit

    • 12 months ago

      >Kobo Clara 2E
      It's quite grim and disheartening that, with the exception of Kindle and its variants, no other e-reader is available here in India.

      • 12 months ago

        Do you have PocketBooks?

      • 12 months ago

        Actually i noticed a Kobo variant on Amazon. It's sort of outdated (like the model has been out since 2019) but it's got the largest screen. I think that's 7.8 inches. Even the largest available Kindle devices in India (as the buttholes are never going to release Kindle Scribe here ever) aren't that large lmao. Interested?

  14. 12 months ago

    i have a supernote, i quite enjoy it.

    • 12 months ago

      How does it handle epubs, mobi, and large PDFs? I thought it was mostly a writing device.

      The A4X2 which is supposed to come out later this year looks nice. Finally something with a user replaceable battery and dual booting Linux/Android support.

  15. 12 months ago

    Love my libra H20, besides an issue I've had where it will randomly crash every few months. I recommend to anyone using e-readers to add two pop sockets to the back stacked together, makes for an amazing finger hook

  16. 12 months ago

    Is there anything worth to get tomorrow on "Stuff your Kindle Day"? All I see is shitty romance novels

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