
>Be me
>paying editor 50$ an hour for editing and I edit for 2hrs a week. That is 100$ 4 weeks a year for 12 months adding up to 4800$ a year.
>Am I getting scammed or am I getting a good deal?
Some extra info: She's a decent editor but she lollygags sometimes when we are working and adds stupid time-wasting inputs and when I ask her to get us to work on the draft. >stuff like, "I think the name for such and such is gay." "This such and such is weird and boring" "Yeah its called armor not plate"
Shit like that. She also likes to debate the historical accuracy of my fantasy. b***h ITS FANTASY!
She also refuses to do any work outside our "50min" time limit. (reading ahead and other stuff like that) then complains about the plot, till she reads it and asks me to change things back. But she wastes a lot of our time getting tea, talking about her life and shit and when 1:50 comes around she is quick to leave. (most of the time)
When I fight her on it she just sticks in the mud till I refuse to change it, then she apologizes for being a b***h afterwards. Which until she started doing that I thought I was the butthole.

The good things are she goes very in depth into the work and tries to give good feedback. She has also improved my writing immensely. We have also worked together for 4years on this project and I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting screwed. To further complicate things I consider this woman my acquaintance and mentor, but for the past two years I've really been getting fed up with how she treats me.

I also sometimes feel like she gaslights me. Sometimes she'll say indirectly that my work sucks, but sometimes she says. "Anon, this work will change the genre, you have to push through." I am also partly afraid she will try and take credit for the work and am constantly trying to fight the urge to attack her inputs into the story if my fears are true. Yet she also constantly attacks some of my ideas into the story and instead of nicely saying. "i don't think that's appropriate or whatever," she says. "Wow, that fricking sucks."

Mostly I'm pissed that she wastes most of our time and goes around in circles because she gets into this fit with me about doing shit her way. Also this woman had a fricked up past and two abusive parents. She also went through a divorce when we started working together. And is a old 70's feminist. I have no problems with these things but I wonder if they contribute to how she treats me (24m) and my work.

The reason why I am afraid of getting a new editor is because if this is just how editing is, I'd rather deal with her than frick around with another stranger who I'll hate even more. We have also been working for so long, I think she is starting to understand the story and its getting done, slowly none the less, but getting done.

I saw online that most editors charge 1000-3500 for most L books. is month or year?

>Am I getting scammed/should I get a new editor or am I just paranoid?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    How were you planning on making a return in your editing investment? I'm curious.

  2. 12 months ago

    you fricking sap

  3. 12 months ago

    To me it sounds like you aren't getting your money's worth, but I personally would never hire an editor myself, so I might not be the right person to ask.
    If you feel that the amount your writing has improved is worth the ~$20,000 you've spent and the stress you've gone through, then I suppose you have nothing to worry about. However, given that you've posted an image of a pink feelsguy gouging out his own eyes I infer that that is not the case.

  4. 12 months ago

    Lick her butthole

    • 12 months ago

      I found this really funny for some reason. I might be moronic.

  5. 12 months ago

    The client is king. You hired her so she should be your b***h. Just get a new editor.

  6. 12 months ago

    Just tell her what you expect of her as your editor and that if she can not meet those expectations than it will be time to find a new editor. Explain all you just wrote, what she does well and what she fails at and see what she says. You need to develop the editor/writer relationship if you want it to really work, same as any other relationship.

    • 12 months ago

      This is OP thank you for your words. Funny enough she just emailed me and asked for a review. I'm nervous of severing our partnership but reading the responses gives me a lot of courage. Thank you Anon.

      • 12 months ago


  7. 12 months ago

    post examples of what she had you change and that will tell us whether or not she's good

    • 12 months ago

      >anon has spent close to $20k on an editor
      >he has no publishing deal
      >he has no audience
      And you're worried about the quality of the editor? This dude just needs to stop paying her and move the frick on. If you don't have a publishing deal, what the frick are you doing anon? How are you justifying shelling out $20k dollars with no return on investment in sight? Stop believing in the sunk-cost fallacy. You are wasting your money! Ask your editor how you can recoup your $20k loss. I can guarantee she'll give you the run-around of "YOUR BOOK WILL REVOLUTIONIZE THE GENRE". Oh yeah? If that's true THEN WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A FRICKING PUBLISHING DEAL ALREADY THAT COMES WITH A COMPETENT EDITOR FOR FREE????

      • 12 months ago

        hey man maybe he's a dogshit writer

        • 12 months ago

          Honestly, OP is a bigger fool than R.C. Waldun when he payed that hack editor for over a year to edit L'Académie. OP, STOP PAYING YOUR EDITOR. CALL IT QUITS. EITHER SELF-PUBLISH OR SEEK A PUBLISHER (NOT VANITY PUBLISHING).

      • 12 months ago

        (OP) thank you for the advice anon, I'm going to give her figures of how much I've spent and ask to have a change.

  8. 12 months ago

    Weirdest findom fantasy I have ever read

  9. 12 months ago

    Does she at least send you nudes for $4800 a year?

  10. 12 months ago

    you're getting scammed, but getting a freelance editor in the first place was a mistake.

    Either get a publishing deal, or self-publish. If you've got enough chapters put on royal road or something and toss up a Patreon.

    • 12 months ago

      (OP) Thanks Anon, I'll think about it. The book has 42 chapters 59 in its fullest. We cut one of the characters out and recompiled alot of the chapters to flow better. I might just do that. I write some on Wattpad (I fricking hate it) and some other sights but I've never heard of royal road. I'll give it a try.

    • 12 months ago

      I consider getting a freelance editor as well. Is it really such a bad idea? Not getting one feels like a risk as well. I don't think I'll ever spend as much as OP.

      • 12 months ago

        OP I am a cheap editor because I'm independently wealthy from BTC, hit up @matthewg42 on fiverr

        • 12 months ago

          >independently wealthy from BTC
          i'm really fricking moronic and spent years on highschool trying to convince my stuck up father to invest on bitcoin before realizing how easy it is to make enough money to buy one myself. Sorry, still mad.

      • 12 months ago

        Getting feedback and an editor’s eyes can be great to challenge you and point out plain mistakes. You get blind to where your text falls down because you carry so much more of it in your mind.
        That said get fixed numbers and have a set amount of pages. Don’t be on the hook for years like this sucker.

  11. 12 months ago

    You know what you wanna get out. Stop paying someone to tell you that you should say it another way. just do it anon, be your own editor.

  12. 12 months ago

    Maybe a dumb suggestion but why not edit it yourself and continue to do so over time? Many famous authors have done that.

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