"Einstein killed physics" -Luke Smith

>Physics is fragile because it is like a game of Jenga. Pull out or change one piece and the whole thing is either reordered or simply collapses.
>Modern physics now looks at the nature of our life on Earth as an exception to the general rule of frictionless and continuous movement in the vacuum of space.
>A valid question to ask is how much more that we take to be normal is a special case of reality? As we encounter more and more abberrant data, such as quantum mechanics, we might soon find ourself unifying seemingly disparate forces in the same was that Newton in a novel and seemingly absurd way the fact that objects fall to the ground with the apparent fact that the Earth orbits the Sun into one new concept: Gravity. Even worse with the unfalsifiable mess that is String Theory.
>Even if we have minutely mismeasured, the Jenga piece of light will radically alter everthing: our ideas of how old the universe is, our relationships with other planets, the solvency of general relativity, etc. We have many other things tied into our interpretation of light that will have to change if we realize our models of it are flawed.
>I remember talking to someone over the internet who accused me of having a low view of institutionalized science and being a dreaded epistemological anarchist because one of my degrees is in the "soft science" of linguistics: It is substantially more advanced and its findings are substantially more solid than physics. Since formalizing ideas in math doesn't just make something a better or a more rigorous science.
>The phenomenology of linguistics is as secure as ever across all theoretical frameworks. That is, we know how language works. Even if we totally rewrite our narratives and theories about linguistic basics, there is no debate about the structure of language and how basic data relates to other data. This is absolutely the opposite of math and physics.


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  1. 2 years ago

    >in the same was that Newton in a novel and seemingly absurd way the fact that objects fall to the ground
    What? I think this guy's brain is like a game of Jenga

  2. 2 years ago

    Sorry Luke, it doesn't sound like you know enough about modern physics to have a valid opinion on this

    • 2 years ago

      >a valid opinion
      He doesn't have a valid opinion on anything, ever.

  3. 2 years ago

    Get to the point. This is like a big reddit post, all whining and no logic.

  4. 2 years ago

    Ya know, this sounds like the perfect post for the physicsgays over in /pg/


  5. 2 years ago

    >anyway guys I don't know aynthing about cars but umm yeah in conclusion that is why this is the best car

  6. 2 years ago

    very anti-semitic post

  7. 2 years ago

    I will always remember Luke Smith as the perfect example of what happens when you fall for every single IQfy meme at once, without carefully analyzing them first.
    He owns four Thinkpads at least. While I see nothing wrong with them in themselves, as they are admittedly pretty good value for the price, four is just mindless consumerism, contradictory to his "philosophy".
    He started using every single shitty pseudominimalist, ncurses-based program, used a shitty riced out i3 setup of dubious actual productivity (like all tiling wms), then fell for the full Suckless meme and went in even deeper.
    Then he started making videos shitting on Python and praising C, which is ironic considering he is not even a programmer by his own admission.
    He effectively spent years trying out, configuring and hopelessly trying to integrate tens of meme programs to build what is, combined, effectively a shittier Emacs, just like most of IQfy was doing in their "productive" desktop threads a year or two ago.
    Then he read the Unabomber manifesto and blindly accepted it without constructively analyzing it first, same with the anarcho-primitivist ideology that was all the rage about a year and a half on IQfy and 8ch.
    While he stated on his website that he "didn't browse IQfy much anymore" it was obvious this wasn't the case.
    Then he went and took the memes way too far, and unironically went to live in isolation. While I see nothing wrong in itself, the actual reason he did it is massive cringe.
    He has the mentality of someone 10 years younger than he is, yet he acts like a literal boomer jokingly criticizing "zoomers" despite he himself being the worst example of a millennial.
    He attacks "nerds" when it't painfully obvious he's deeply unhappy with himself, as it was obviously self-directed criticism thinly veiled as an edgy dabbing video.
    He is a perfect example of someone you should avoid becoming at all costs.

    • 2 years ago

      This pasta is almost 3 years old now, and it has only become more accurate over time.

  8. 2 years ago

    >>The phenomenology of linguistics is as secure as ever across all theoretical frameworks. That is, we know how language works. Even if we totally rewrite our narratives and theories about linguistic basics, there is no debate about the structure of language and how basic data relates to other data. This is absolutely the opposite of math and physics.
    Has this brainlet never heard of experiments?
    Also what the frick is he on about with regards to math? We don't rewrite math.

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    "Higgs killed physics" - Sheldon Cooper

    • 2 years ago
  11. 2 years ago

    This guy’s moronic and simply doesn’t know physics

    • 2 years ago

      Doiiii momentum, inertia, friction. Nah mate , the ball is moving cuz i fricking booted it.

      What is there to learn?

  12. 2 years ago

    ITT: midwits talking about a midwit who criticized other midwits

    It seems truly urgent that I finish and publish my theory of everything.

  13. 2 years ago

    Isn't this moron a linguist or something? Or does he even have any physical training besides trying to suck his own dick? I'm asking because he documents every aspect of his life and to me it seems that he hasn't passed sudoku solving level https://lukesmith.xyz/library/

  14. 2 years ago

    Guys, you are being baited. Check the archives, OP posts this garbage roughly once a week and has probably rebooted his router twice already.

  15. 2 years ago

    What does
    >minutely mismeasured even mean?
    I'm not a physicist but if I had to guess if we were off by .1% with the speed of light not much would change physics wise. Although I'm sure we are much more accurate then that when measuring. Really it's a bunch of dribble.

    • 2 years ago

      The speed of light is known at infinite precision because we base our units on it.

  16. 2 years ago

    why do I only see pseuds using this word

  17. 2 years ago

    >That is, we know how language works.
    go ahead, use your linguistics knowledge and speak with a dolphin :^)

  18. 2 years ago

    eceleb thread

  19. 2 years ago

    Why do you keep posting this pseud's misshapen head? He's just like every other Redditor with a soft "science" degree.

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