Euthanize all autists?

Medical scientists in Canada have announced that autists should be euthanized.
Is this a good idea and should this policy be applied worldwide?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Can someone answer if its possible to cause extinction of the autism population.
    This policy if applied worldwide state policy federal policy local with the participation of everyone?.

    • 2 months ago

      >Can someone answer if its possible to cause extinction of the autism population.
      You would have to prove first that there is something like autism in the first place. Currently, it's just a social construction pushed by pharmaceutical companies and other psychiatric institutions with little scientific evidence.
      >but muhh severe autism
      Brain damage caused by prescription drugs. That's why they claim it's genetic.

  2. 2 months ago

    why shouldnt autistic adults be able to choose if they want to continue their own life or not? why should the father be able to force her against her will to continue her life?

  3. 2 months ago

    Disinformation. The girl wants to be euthanised and applied to do so herself

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't it pathetic that she asked the state for permission to kill herself?

      • 2 months ago

        I imagine assisted suicide is rather painless, as opposed to trying to have a nice day or something. She probably wants a pain free death

        • 2 months ago

          >I imagine assisted suicide is rather painless
          Spoilers - it’s not, it’s not anymore painless than execution by lethal injection. It’s not painless, it’s merely tolerable to watch happen because they’re paralyzed before the lethal wienertail is administered.

        • 2 months ago

          Buy heroin, jesus

      • 2 months ago

        as he says

        I imagine assisted suicide is rather painless, as opposed to trying to have a nice day or something. She probably wants a pain free death

        it's better to be directly provided with effective suicide chemicals compared to a possibly painful death at home with gas or hanging yourself

    • 2 months ago

      >Imagine one day you discover that your adult daughter, who still lives with you, wants to be euthanised. As far as you are aware, she is healthy. She suffers from autism and ADHD, but no physical illnesses or disabilities that you know of. You know that she has faced many difficulties in her life, but you love her and desperately want to prevent her death. You are left fighting against her doctors, who encourage her decision and are perfectly happy to help her go through with this. To make this nightmare even worse, no one will even tell you why your daughter has been approved to die.

      It’s not misinformation so much as the original article title is misleading - still I sympathize with the father on this one. Also, slippery slopes are fricking real - this can potentially start going to some weird places fast. This shit should only be available for people with terminal cancer where even the best painkillers aren’t doing much. People with mental issues need to stop being pussies and unfrick themselves.

  4. 2 months ago

    Baity article that misrepresents an issue.

    Daughter is 27-years old, hardly a kid that needs her daddy, and suffers from a non-disclosed medical issue that apparently causes her significant pain. She's not perfectly healthy. Canada's MAID sucks but not for that reason.

    • 2 months ago

      >another fertile and breedable woman killed by fascists
      when will it end?

  5. 2 months ago

    Assisted suicide is murder.

    • 2 months ago

      Why should a father have any say over the personal medical decisions of his adult children? She is a grown woman and is mentally competent enough to make her own choices.

      The alternative is these people dying painfully either by their own hand (in this case) or from the terminal illness they have (in most cases). Assisted suicide is humane.

      • 2 months ago

        >Assisted suicide is humane.
        It's a stalking horse to normalise being put to death by the state.

      • 2 months ago

        >The alternative is these people dying painfully either by their own hand (in this case)
        If she hasn't killed herself yet, then what is the problem? If she does kill herself, then the problem has solved itself. If she tries to kill herself and fails in a way that is further harmful to herself, then she has just made her condition worse and will probably reflect on how good she used to have it. If she tries to kill herself and fails in a way that is not harmful to herself, then we are back at step one. The state isn't needed in this case or the case of terminal illness, which is natural and inevitable. We are all terminal cases.

    • 2 months ago
      Fledgling Investor

      and abortion?

      • 2 months ago

        Also murder, but if the fetus is going to be moronic, then I'm cool with murder.

  6. 2 months ago
    Anonymous Magnate

    They are just jelly of all my $$$

  7. 2 months ago

    >t anti-autist troll is back

  8. 2 months ago

    >perfectly healthy
    pick one

    • 2 months ago

      autistic doesn't really define a state of ill-health or disease so it's not an oxymoron. Otherwise, everything you don't like turns into a disease.

      • 2 months ago

        mental illness is a disease, the brain is part of the human body, if it is unhealthy then thats no different than having a bad leg or a stomach disease

        • 2 months ago

          if the world around you makes you unable to function because it's objectively mentally insane that is not mental disease for an autist anon.
          humans have a set of values, at least publicly. by that measure most humans are fricking insane, objectively. they just hide it and most people discard it when notice in others because they to are also mentally insane.

          • 2 months ago

            >i blame other for my own failings because i consider myself infallible.
            >i'm a perfect special snowflake

          • 2 months ago

            I mean if the environment is shit cmon. You can't possible compare the chances of success of someone from a shithole and zero generational wealth with someone from some top tier country with a bunch of resources shoved into their ass.
            You can find outliers in everything but statistically speaking you won't do much.
            But sure, the outliers that made it, in similar conditions as me, are better than me. I can accept that.

        • 2 months ago

          >mental illness is a disease, the brain is part of the human body,
          Show me the proof.

          Show me that the brain disease - mental illness metaphor is anything other than a lazy metaphor meant to excuse economic inequality and problematic work conditions? It's not like all those mentally ill people were diagnosed by top-notch neurologists with a full in-depth brain scan.

  9. 2 months ago

    Unironically worse than the holohoax, and not just because this time it's real.
    Blatant proof that all democracies become fascistic regimes of intolerance.
    Reminder that is morally defensible to kill those that try to kill you. Autists unite!

  10. 2 months ago
    Aspiring Investor

    Frick canada to be honest

  11. 2 months ago

    mass slaughtering of all of the autists would be a big improvement for humanity, thanks for getting the ball rolling on it, science

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