>Ever the intermingling of the people. >Has been the source of malady in cities,

>Ever the intermingling of the people
>Has been the source of malady in cities,
>As in the body food it surfeits on;
>And a blind bull more headlong plunges down
>Than a blind lamb; and very often cuts
>Better and more a single sword than five.
>>Par. XVI
Dante was so genius, he BTFO globohomosexual diversity 700 years beforehand.

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  1. 12 months ago

    That's why globohomosexual hates him. They actually wanted to remove parts of Dante from school programs. This is the level of excrements we have reached.

  2. 12 months ago

    Why does this website endlessly whine about liberalism? Don't you people ever get bored of the circle jerk?

    • 12 months ago

      to trigger oversocialized mutants like you, endless fun watching the pre-programmed pavlovian replies

      • 12 months ago

        You aren't triggering anyone. You come off as more upset making this.

        • 12 months ago

          this dog is well trained, he gives the same replies to each counterpoint!

    • 12 months ago

      Liberalism was the handmaiden of modernity, which has been a disaster for literature.

      • 12 months ago

        This. I don't know what you're doing anymore if you're intelligent and like the modern world. Modernity SUCKS. Even its apologists, like Fukuyama, don't sound sincere half the time. I'm ready for us to have a Renaissance-like period that kills Modernity and ushers in the next great era in history. We'll probably get some great literature out of it, too.

        • 12 months ago

          >All that matters is how pretty the buildings and poems are
          You can't be serious

          • 12 months ago

            That's all that's ever really mattered in the material world, Anon. Beauty, Truth, and Goodness most fulfilled in this life. What else matters? The present age is passing away.

          • 12 months ago

            >Truth and goodness are directly just how subjectively pretty the poems and buildings are.
            Euro culture is pathetically shallow. No wonder you people lost your god and your spines.

          • 12 months ago

            Better than the United States which has no culture and is just a continent-wide shopping mall.

          • 12 months ago

            How do YOU define the expression of Truth and Goodness in the world, Anon?

      • 12 months ago

        You people keep saying how shit everything is and how bad it is and blah blah blah but I honestly think we live in a great time. It just sucks if you are one of the losers. As always the losers cry while the winners revel.

        • 12 months ago

          great time for literature?

          • 12 months ago

            An excellent time for literature. Everyone is literate. You can make whatever you want. Most of the classics are available. The only limit is your willingness to search. Sure the propped up writers may not be good but then the greatest artists are often not big in their day.

            How do YOU define the expression of Truth and Goodness in the world, Anon?

            I define truth and goodness as sincerity and honor. A society is free to be simple or sophisticated, primitive or advanced, Urbanized or tribal. But it must be sincere in it's teaching, introspective, consistent in it's virtues and the championing of said virtues. How people express themselves is nice but it has nothing to do with how good or bad, how truthful or deceitful their society is. You people sound shallow. Surface level antiquarians who only look at the cover but choose not to dig beneath the surface. This honestly isn't a Western specific sickness but a danger to humanity as a whole. We begin to worship the results of truth and good without bothering to maintain that which made it in the first place. People also become too focused on their own expressions to the point of lashing out and belittle other people's expressions. It's fine to have a preference but stating that if it is different it must be inferior is dangerous and destructive thinking.

          • 12 months ago

            >You can make whatever you want
            This belief is exactly why literature today will never be great. Everyone is literate, everyone is free to do what they want, write about what they want. All playing fields are leveled, all people are equal, all literate is equal. There is no literary tradition of canon to continue because it doesn't exist anymore in postmodernist. It's just a sign out of multitudes you can utilise. There are no genuine hardships anymore to write about. There's no epic wars being waged, there are no heroes anymore, only parties and nations merging into a muddy one world order of endless beaurocracies. There are no places to discover in heaven or on earth that hasn't been discovered. The world is disenchanted. The west has fallen.

          • 12 months ago

            >No genuine hardship
            >In the modern world
            You've got to be joking.

          • 12 months ago

            Let me rephrase, there are no meaningful hardships except for the meaning crisis itself.

          • 12 months ago

            I know people whose parents raped them repeatedly growing up until they ran away and became street kids. The Haitians are living in a warring states period right now. The Chinese live under an Orwellian dictatorship. Frick every American prison is a goldmine for misery porn.

          • 12 months ago

            >How people express themselves is nice but it has nothing to do with how good or bad, how truthful or deceitful their society is.
            A body's health is measured by what comes out of it. Think on this for a while, you blithering midwit.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't think the loudest voice is always the wisest. The fact that you need to believe that shows an insecurity on your end. Same as your constant ad hominem attacks.

          • 12 months ago

            Naturally, it went over your head mr. redditor.

    • 12 months ago

      You aren't libero. You are a remote-controlled pawn in a simulation projected by israelites and other unnamable deviants.

  3. 12 months ago

    Do you think it’s even possible to write poetry like this today? I almost feel like the world is too modern and fundamentally different to write like this organically.

  4. 12 months ago

    How does this BTFO diversity exactly?
    1. This passage describes the intermingling of multitudes in general, without regard to their homogeneity, as evil. Basically a condemnation of urbanism more than anything.
    2. It is translated as "the people" (singular, as in one people), not "the intermingling of peoples" (plural, as in different races).
    3. Consider the cities he had to reference. Was 13th-14th century Florence particularly diverse? perhaps, but I doubt it.
    4. "Sempre la confusion de le persone" doesn't imply different peoples either.

    • 12 months ago

      Why waste your time? This guy is just using literature as a base board to push his crappy beliefs. Just like every other loser on every other board. Such people are beneath discussion.

      • 12 months ago

        Nah, he should be cleaning up shit threads (he’s a janny in case you didn’t know), but instead he’s the one making them.

    • 12 months ago

      The rest of the Canto makes it clear that Dante is talking about immigration.
      >singular, as in one people
      It means "the intermingling of the people" with outsiders

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