Everyone here who believes in or practices magic, why? Can you learn to shoot fireballs? Can you fly?

Everyone here who believes in or practices magic, why? Can you learn to shoot fireballs? Can you fly? Can you turn lead into gold? If not, then what is the point of practicing it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    dumb hylic, give us a quest

  2. 2 years ago

    419. The term supernatural is a contradictio in adjecto. Supernatural means that something is superior to nature. But if anything were superior to nature, how could it ever exist or happen? If anything can happen at all, that simply means that it's natural. One may argue that supernatural is something that doesn't normally happen, but cyclones and earthquakes rarely happen yet their rarity does not render them supernatural. They are very much a part of nature. And so would be bread falling from the sky or the seas parting to let someone walk across them, if these things had ever actually happened, which is doubtful. The moral here is that just because something may be beyond subhuman understanding doesn't mean that it's magical. Or, in Arthur C. Clarke's words, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Which is to say that magic is merely a form of extremely advanced technology, in other words something perfectly achievable and natural.


    • 2 years ago

      >intrigued by the nonsense anon posts
      >want to read further
      >website requires an account to read about “hoarding stupidity”

      Well that’s not very magical is it

    • 2 years ago

      So how do you achieve the effects of magic? I would very much like a succubus gf

      • 2 years ago

        You’d rather have the succubus gf than being able to shoot fireballs? Anon, pls.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd take the gf too tbh. Fireballs are useless to me

      • 2 years ago

        I'd take the gf too tbh. Fireballs are useless to me

        If you want a succubus gf, why don’tcha just take my wife!

    • 2 years ago

      >Supernatural means that something is superior to nature.
      Jesus fricking christ. I understand that breaking down the word, "Supernatural = Super (above, beyond) + natural," but when is the word ever used with this meaning of "above nature/superior to nature" in any meaningful work that deals either with the supernatural or with its existence or non-existence? That's attacking a strawman. The author goes on to not define what he means by magical (although maybe his definition is elsewhere in the text, I won't create an account to find it out). The quote and what comes after it is perfectly correct, of course, if you understand magic as the apparent power of influencing reality through mysterious/supernatural ways, incl. rituals and so on, but is completely ruined by all the moronic shit that comes before it. Pointless wankery with the one correct thing about it being a quote from another author. Pathetic.

      >Umm yes magic is real but it's not actual magic like you imagine it's just meditation and chemistry but it's still magic because le umm...it just IS, okay!?

      That's your argument:
      >IRL science is not the same as science in fiction
      >This somehow invalidates science and you shouldn't do it because you aren't going to bring dinosaurs back to life.
      >IRL coding is not the same as coding in fiction
      >This somehow invalidates coding because you aren't going to hack the Pentagon in 10 minutes

      What's the point in using strawmen and fallacies to disprove it? Typical materialist mistake of trying to prove something doesn't exist, as if it was possible to do so.

      • 2 years ago

        >He made fun of Evola, he must be a materialist bugman!11

        • 2 years ago

          I'm talking about

          419. The term supernatural is a contradictio in adjecto. Supernatural means that something is superior to nature. But if anything were superior to nature, how could it ever exist or happen? If anything can happen at all, that simply means that it's natural. One may argue that supernatural is something that doesn't normally happen, but cyclones and earthquakes rarely happen yet their rarity does not render them supernatural. They are very much a part of nature. And so would be bread falling from the sky or the seas parting to let someone walk across them, if these things had ever actually happened, which is doubtful. The moral here is that just because something may be beyond subhuman understanding doesn't mean that it's magical. Or, in Arthur C. Clarke's words, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Which is to say that magic is merely a form of extremely advanced technology, in other words something perfectly achievable and natural.


          too. What I said about materialists making the mistake of trying to prove that something doesn't exist has nothing to do with Evola, and not all materialists are bugmen. Something being different from its fictionalized/idealized form (or the fiction or idea of something being different of the real something) does not invalidates neither the real something nor the fake.
          If you define magic as shooting fireballs from your hand, surely then there's no evidence from it ever happening and no evidence of it being physically possible. If you define magic as le meditation/nofap/self development and its effects on your own brain, thenvehat you define as magic is real and exists, but then magic is merely a synonym for a specific lifestyle.
          At any rate, the word is always used as a synonym, even in the case of, say, Crowley, and not as something that stands on its own. I will not try to define it in a firm way nor defend it, but this I will say to OP,

          So how do you achieve the effects of magic? I would very much like a succubus gf

          , and the lurkers who might be interested in magic:
          Whatever you want to do using magic, do it with something else. At least you won't have to deal with an added layer of bullshit.
          The one good synonym for magical power is knowledge. Knowledge is magical power. The one good synonym for magic (in use) is applied knowledge. Gain knowledge about what you want and them apply the knowledge to get it. Better than cumming on letters and burning them at night for a succ, as they describe in /x/

          • 2 years ago

            >The one good synonym for magic (in use) is applied knowledge.
            Hidden knowledge. Knowing to stop at red lights and drive at green lights is applying knowledge, but it doesn't make you a wizard.

      • 2 years ago

        Just further proof that every anti-materialist on this board is secretly or openly a literal magic practitioner rofl lmao

  3. 2 years ago

    >Umm yes magic is real but it's not actual magic like you imagine it's just meditation and chemistry but it's still magic because le umm...it just IS, okay!?

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's all made and followed by:
      1. Weird edgy nerds(/x/ and sometimes /misc/)
      2. Hippies
      3. Schizophrenics
      And the rationalization ends up being

    • 2 years ago

      Well yeah. It may be hard to understand when you have no imagination.
      Are you one of those people who can't visualize a red apple?

    • 2 years ago


      Everyone here who believes in or practices magic, why? Can you learn to shoot fireballs? Can you fly? Can you turn lead into gold? If not, then what is the point of practicing it?

      Look up Dean Radin

      • 2 years ago

        >Radin's ideas and work have been criticized by scientists and philosophers skeptical of paranormal claims.[4][5][6][7] The review of Radin's first book, The Conscious Universe, that appeared in Nature charged that Radin ignored the known hoaxes in the field, made statistical errors and ignored plausible non-paranormal explanations for parapsychological data.

        • 2 years ago

          >Seething Dawkins tier materialist academics desperately scrambling to discredit his voluminous collected evidence

  4. 2 years ago

    All religious rituals are essentially magical rituals, including the Christian liturgy.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Can you learn to shoot fireballs? Can you fly? Can you turn lead into gold?

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Of course you can do all those things with Magic. Duh.

    Frickin' dummy.

  7. 2 years ago

    There's a plethora of magic books and accounts from all over the world that go back thousands of years. And then suddenly "hurr magic is fake"? I don't buy it. Either magic did work in the past until something in the very fabric of reality caused it to stop working, or it still works and for some reason we can't prove it, or it was a LARP played by all of mankind for all of history. If it's the first one, then I imagine a contemporary equivalent would be if electricity stopped working, causing later generations to doubt if the internet ever existed.

    • 2 years ago

      catholic church and the british are covering it up

    • 2 years ago

      I think tptb might know real magic. Not talking about trillionaires, but those behind them. Possibly families which can be traced back to atlantis.
      As to why don't we have magic, possibly because ~~*they*~~ erased all traces of real magic books. What's left is larping magic knowledge, plebeian magic like Evola's, which is enhanced laws of attraction magic, which kinda work, but it's still not manifesting a fireball.
      All this is purely hypothetical.

      • 2 years ago

        You can do that stuff, but there's still going to be a question of "Why should I?" Modern countries could build pyramids, but they don't see a point in doing it. Likewise, qigong masters won't see much of a point in twirling a psi-wheel. The place where most energy is directed, and where you can see results, is in healing. A fireball doesn't accomplish much, and flying would be for someone fantastically advanced in esotericism, but curing illnesses and performing surgery with no knives is very useful.

        That said, most esotericists aren't doing it for practical purposes. They're engaging in spirituality and things like that are just peripheral. And most religions naturally stress that one's spiritual advancement is more important than acquiring spectacular abilities.

        I can't tell if these people are legitimate or trying to make others look insane.

  8. 2 years ago

    People can shoot fire from their hands by the way.

    • 2 years ago

      That's unironically true. But could it be considered magic at the current scale? A guy (john Chang)firing up a piece of paper after sending chi on it is barely magic.

    • 2 years ago

      That's unironically true. But could it be considered magic at the current scale? A guy (john Chang)firing up a piece of paper after sending chi on it is barely magic.

      Voodoo fire dancers in Africa are impervious to fire damage, it is a fact they show no signs of wounds when they apply burning poles to their body. They believe they are blessed by the fire spirits. No fire balls though.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yet to see any actual magic
    Start levitating and we can talk

    • 2 years ago

      Magic is using will to make an intended affect on one’s consciousness or an affect on physical material. Anons in this thread would benefit from reading into John Michael Greer.

      • 2 years ago

        Where to start with john michael greer

      • 2 years ago

        frick off james

        • 2 years ago

          He's right though.

  10. 2 years ago

    i´m a begginner when it comes to magic but what i do is meditations, rituals, invocations

    whenever i have an obe experience, i have difficult time separating from my body so that aspect i have to practice more

    i don´t know if you can shoot fire with magic but you can watch the real deal here, shame the youtuber that uploaded the video is dead because his homunculus killed him

  11. 2 years ago
    pimp with no hoes

    lmao i dont believe in magic but its interesting to know about the history of it

  12. 2 years ago

    Pretty strong article on the history of disenchantment and the problems modern re-enchanters face. Marred by some trump derangement syndrome takes and attempts at tying this to his politics but worth the read

  13. 2 years ago

    You can do that stuff, but there's still going to be a question of "Why should I?" Modern countries could build pyramids, but they don't see a point in doing it. Likewise, qigong masters won't see much of a point in twirling a psi-wheel. The place where most energy is directed, and where you can see results, is in healing. A fireball doesn't accomplish much, and flying would be for someone fantastically advanced in esotericism, but curing illnesses and performing surgery with no knives is very useful.

    That said, most esotericists aren't doing it for practical purposes. They're engaging in spirituality and things like that are just peripheral. And most religions naturally stress that one's spiritual advancement is more important than acquiring spectacular abilities.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's definitely real people just don't want to do it
      Holy mother of cope

      There's a plethora of magic books and accounts from all over the world that go back thousands of years. And then suddenly "hurr magic is fake"? I don't buy it. Either magic did work in the past until something in the very fabric of reality caused it to stop working, or it still works and for some reason we can't prove it, or it was a LARP played by all of mankind for all of history. If it's the first one, then I imagine a contemporary equivalent would be if electricity stopped working, causing later generations to doubt if the internet ever existed.

      Even if magic was fake there might have been some psychological or political benefit to practicing it, entirely possible it was a LARP

  14. 2 years ago

    I practice Satanic magic - achieving your goals by manipulating others’ perception/changing the context/working for what you want and being your own god. I want to shoot fireballs? Time to do some shots. I want to turn lead into gold? I’ll barter for it. I want to fly? I take a plane because I can afford to, thanks to a high paying job that I earned through hard work and charisma. Anything is possible, just do the work and shift the context. That’s real magical practice.

  15. 2 years ago

    I practice animal magnetism on myself (self-healing of minor pains). Why? Because it helps sometimes. I don't use magnets.

  16. 2 years ago

    lol literature is so fricking stupid

    • 2 years ago


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