>everywhere else: humans arrive, megafauna goes extinct. >Africa: humans always been there, megafauna just chillin

>everywhere else: humans arrive, megafauna goes extinct
>Africa: humans always been there, megafauna just chillin
I don't get it.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Humans and megafauna have always coexisted since the garden of Eden.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >humans always been there
    Have they?

    • 4 weeks ago


  3. 4 weeks ago

    Humans didn’t kill the megafauna, climate change did.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >something happens in history I can't explain or don't know, therefore, climate change!
      >the vikings invaded because clime change!@!!!!
      >the black death was caused by rodents fleeing climate change!
      >farming and civilization happened because climate change!
      >humans left africa because climate change!
      >every civilization without written history collapsed because climate change!
      >sea peoples? CLIMATE CHANGE!
      >aryan languages spread? CLIMATE CHANGE

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes climate change can wipe out ecological niches that many animals and plants specialize in.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Americans are so moronic and brainfricked by politics that they're now outright denying even the possibility that climate change could cause changes in the way people live

        • 4 weeks ago

          are so moronic and brainfricked by politics that they're now outright denying even the possibility that climate change could cause changes in the way people live

          Americans are so moronic and brainfricked by politics that they're now incapable of considering the possibility that climate change isn't responsible for everything that happens in the world.


      • 4 weeks ago

        I am genuinely curious as to why no one hasn't invented the "climate change" model of history, it can explain
        >Agricultural revolution
        >Rise and Fall of Rome
        >The french revolution and the Napoleonic wars
        >The industrial revolution

        Name 5 Bantu ethnic groups. Tired of people name dropping Bantus as if they're a substitute for Black Africans that aren't Horners. Fricks sake "Bantus" didn't even exist until around 4,000 years ago.

        >Tired of people name dropping Bantus as if they're a substitute for Black Africans that aren't Horners. Fricks sake "Bantus" didn't even exist until around 4,000 years ago.
        True, Niger Congo is a better blanket term.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    African megafauna evolved around humans and are far more aggressive/dangerous. Megafauna in North America didn't recognize humans as a predator so they were easy to kill.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >. Megafauna in North America didn't recognize humans as a predator so they were easy to kill.

      Musk ox are the worst example. They huddle in an easily killable circle to protect themselves.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Magnificent goated animal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1CoTwXv-r4

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >I don't get it.
    that megafauna was linked to hotter or colder climates, thus the change of weather drove them to extinction or to evolve into smaller version of themselves

  6. 4 weeks ago

    : humans always been there, megafauna just chillin

    Humans evolved in Africa, so African megafauna is used to/afraid of humans. I suspect that Neanderthals had the same effect on their native megafauna before homosexual sapiens caused them to go extinct (both their megafauna + Neanderthals that is). Funnily enough, South Asia is one of the few places that still has their megafauna range vaguely similar to Africa, having wolves, elephants, rhinos, lions (barely), tigers, and even some things like bears that don't exist in Africa. It's thought that modern humans spent a lot of time in South Asia before migrating to the rest of Eurasia en masse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      DIO dislike monkey, anon

      • 4 weeks ago

        Who said that was Dio? That's Diesel, a completely unique character.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >completely unique character.
          Oh wait let me laugh harder.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Assuming you're autistic and can't tell that I'm obviously kidding, you should look up Diesel, it's a ripoff comic from the late 90s that only lasted for one issue heavily "inspired" by JJBA.

    • 4 weeks ago

      evolution isn't real

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >megafauna goes extinct
    Still a lot around anon. East Europe had and still has bears

    • 4 weeks ago

      goes extinct
      >Still a lot around anon. East Europe had and still has bears
      Lol, technically Humans are megafauna.
      If you want to be a deceptive moron, I can easily beat you to the catch.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >If you want to be a deceptive moron,
        How the frick am I being deceptive? Bears are megafauna, wolves are, reindeer and moose are too

        • 4 weeks ago

          Not him, but if you include animals that aren't even larger than humans (like wolves) the term becomes watered down to the point of redundancy

        • 4 weeks ago

          >How the frick am I being deceptive? Bears are megafauna, wolves are, reindeer and moose are too
          Wow, so how in the absolute frick could megafauna NOT be around?
          What was even the point of making your deceptive statement?

      • 4 weeks ago

        humans are not megafauna.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Indian elephants are extinct?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No, but European elephants (no not mammoths, elephants) are.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, but they are still around in India and SEA, and also survived long enough in MENA to be recorded in written history.

    • 4 weeks ago

      No, but European elephants (no not mammoths, elephants) are.


  9. 4 weeks ago

    nobody thinks subsaharans are human

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Caring about who or who isn't human in 2024.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >eat mud cookie

      • 4 weeks ago

        about who or who isn't human in 2024.
        Cool anon. Feed yourself to some sharks then.
        >Lmao this guy is linking b***hute. I 1000% guarantee this guy is some diaspora shit.
        Lol, the truth hurts your fragile shitskin feelings.

        lmao you watched a youtube video!!! you're a subsaharan obviously!!!
        (insert more random nonsensical diversional statments.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Because caring about who or who isn't subhuman is poi tress. If Germans were human or above being one (superhuman) that didn't help jackshit in preventing them from losing land, bring ethically cleansed and being slavicised.

          A billionaire being subhuman or not doesn't negate the fact that they are a billionaire. The designation to them is as arbitrary as getting a visa or skipping the citizenship process.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >alleged nonhumans somehow kept their native megafauna alive until Europeans colonized Africa and greatly reduced their populations, despite these people having farming and some animal husbandry

      Seems like these "non-humans" are doing something right.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Seems like these "non-humans" are doing something right.
        Feel free to have a nice day and your extended family to "save the planet" anon.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Lmao this guy is linking b***hute. I 1000% guarantee this guy is some diaspora shit.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Bantus didn't kill the megafauna

    • 4 weeks ago

      Name 5 Bantu ethnic groups. Tired of people name dropping Bantus as if they're a substitute for Black Africans that aren't Horners. Fricks sake "Bantus" didn't even exist until around 4,000 years ago.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          Well done. Only took you ten minutes to look that up online.

          Because caring about who or who isn't subhuman is poi tress. If Germans were human or above being one (superhuman) that didn't help jackshit in preventing them from losing land, bring ethically cleansed and being slavicised.

          A billionaire being subhuman or not doesn't negate the fact that they are a billionaire. The designation to them is as arbitrary as getting a visa or skipping the citizenship process.

          >Because caring about who or who isn't subhuman is poi tress.
          Yep, you will have sex with anything. A dolphin, a horse, your pet cat, a homeless Nigerian with HIV etc.

          Because caring about who or who isn't subhuman is poi tress. If Germans were human or above being one (superhuman) that didn't help jackshit in preventing them from losing land, bring ethically cleansed and being slavicised.

          A billionaire being subhuman or not doesn't negate the fact that they are a billionaire. The designation to them is as arbitrary as getting a visa or skipping the citizenship process.

          >If Germans were human or above being one (superhuman) that didn't help jackshit in preventing them from losing land, bring ethically cleansed and being slavicised.
          Germans didn't invent the concept of superior or inferior ethnicities you stupid frick lol.
          Jews literally believe they are god's chosen ethnicity. They literally own the world now. They were almost wiped out by the Romans yet they are very powerful today. They are proof that you're wrong and racism is right. According to your own logic of might is right.
          >A billionaire being subhuman or not doesn't negate the fact that they are a billionaire. The designation to them is as arbitrary as getting a visa or skipping the citizenship proc
          It does actually. That reminds me of that time when a millionaire (Patricia O’Neill) bequeathed their 70 million-dollar will to a Chimpanzee.
          That did negate the wealth.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are an inferior human being.

          Zulu, Xhosa, Tswane, Herero, Shona, Bakongo, Hutu, Tutsi, and Ndbele or Nguni or maybe both. All the ones I can think of at the top of my head.
          I think they're jokenames, other than Zulus.

          You're the only person to get so many down, nice. Hell you even included the Hutu, and speaking of:


          I am genuinely curious as to why no one hasn't invented the "climate change" model of history, it can explain
          >Agricultural revolution
          >Rise and Fall of Rome
          >The french revolution and the Napoleonic wars
          >The industrial revolution
          >Tired of people name dropping Bantus as if they're a substitute for Black Africans that aren't Horners. Fricks sake "Bantus" didn't even exist until around 4,000 years ago.
          True, Niger Congo is a better blanket term.

          Bantu is a good catchall because they have relatively little non-african admixture compared to other SSA.

          The problem with using Bantu as a good catchall because they don't have as much non-SSA DNA is as flawed as calling them all Niger-Congo. Niger-Congo is a language family, and not all people who speak a language from that family is of West and Central African descent (most Pygmies that don't speak a Sudanic language), and there are some Niger-Congo speakers who depending on where they live, can be anywhere from 10-40% non-SSA, like the Fula and Xhosa, or they have a similar percentage from Nilotic or Cushitic people.

          For all of these confusing reasons, I just go by divides based on region and ethnolinguistic groups, like West Africans, Bantus, Horners, Nilotic and Omotic Africans, Sudanics, Sahelians, etc.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Bantu is a good catchall because they have relatively little non-african admixture compared to other SSA.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Zulu, Xhosa, Tswane, Herero, Shona, Bakongo, Hutu, Tutsi, and Ndbele or Nguni or maybe both. All the ones I can think of at the top of my head.

        Well done. Only took you ten minutes to look that up online.

        >Because caring about who or who isn't subhuman is poi tress.
        Yep, you will have sex with anything. A dolphin, a horse, your pet cat, a homeless Nigerian with HIV etc.
        >If Germans were human or above being one (superhuman) that didn't help jackshit in preventing them from losing land, bring ethically cleansed and being slavicised.
        Germans didn't invent the concept of superior or inferior ethnicities you stupid frick lol.
        Jews literally believe they are god's chosen ethnicity. They literally own the world now. They were almost wiped out by the Romans yet they are very powerful today. They are proof that you're wrong and racism is right. According to your own logic of might is right.
        >A billionaire being subhuman or not doesn't negate the fact that they are a billionaire. The designation to them is as arbitrary as getting a visa or skipping the citizenship proc
        It does actually. That reminds me of that time when a millionaire (Patricia O’Neill) bequeathed their 70 million-dollar will to a Chimpanzee.
        That did negate the wealth.

        I think they're jokenames, other than Zulus.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    its almost like Megafauna adapted to the Ice Age all died out when the Ice Age ended
    >everywhere else
    Auroch survived human hunting, they did not survive domestication.

    Mammoth survived into the Neolithic.
    Bison are still around today in Europe and North America.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Auroch survived human hunting, they did not survive domestication.
      That's a weird statement as they survived in the wild for more than 9000 years after first being domesticated until eventually being hunted to extinction.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The domestication was the primary factor in extinction as it produced a much more successful type that occupied the same niche and had a symbiosis with an ecological titan like humans.

        They survived hunting for tens of thousands of years, their numbers dwindled to nothing after domestication.
        Also the last Auroch wasnt hunted, it was found dead in early modern Poland.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The European Bison survived in the virgin forests of Eastern Europe, which was also the last habitat of the Aurochs so I don't see why they couldn't have survived if they weren't the favorite prey of European nobility.
          The fact that the last one wasn't hunted doesn't matter when they were only so few because they had been overhunted.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >its almost like Megafauna adapted to the Ice Age all died out when the Ice Age ended
      Wouldn't Megafuana adapted to the Ice age in Africa be hardest hit since the African climate today is far warmer in comparison?
      You're stupid made up theory is a stupid made up illogical theory.
      >Auroch survived human hunting, they did not survive domestication.
      Lol, other way around you stupid frick.
      >Mammoth survived into the Neolithic.

      "mammoths survived in the Yukon until about 5,700 years ago, roughly concurrent with the St. Paul population, and on the Taymyr Peninsula of Siberia until 3,900 to 4,100 years ago, roughly concurrent with the Wrangel population. The Taymyr Peninsula, with its drier habitat, may have served as a refugium for the mammoth steppe, supporting mammoths and other widespread Ice Age mammals such as wild horses (Equus sp.).[108][125] However, ancient environmental DNA in cold environments can be reworked from older sediments into younger sediments that clearly post-date extinction, raising doubt about validity of these dates."

      "Most populations disappeared between 14,000 and 10,000 years ago"


      >Bison are still around today in Europe and North America.
      "By that year, 48 remained, all held by zoos."

      humans are not megafauna.

      >humans are not megafauna.
      "The most common thresholds to be a megafauna are weighing over 45 kg"

  13. 4 weeks ago

    They adapted to human presence. Also Africa is huge as frick and has historically had low population density.

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