Firefox on Mobile

Is there any way to revert to an older version of Firefox on Android? There was an auto-uodate after having the same version for 4+ years and I'm not pleased with it. This isn't just due to any differences in app aesthetics or it being less authentic, but all of the bookmarks and saved pages I have as user data are now inaccessible by the newer app version.

Once again, how can I revert to an older version or at least extract my bookmarks from the mobile app itself?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Find an older version on an archive website?
    That is why you should keep an apk cooy of your favorite apps. How tf can you have the same version for 4 years and not take that into account? You obviously loved the version so much that you didn't want to upgrade. And you didn't even do that?

    • 2 months ago

      find the older apk on apkpure and similar websites

      I have already attempted to install an older version via .apk, yet to no avail. My primary issue is being able revert to an older version without losing my user data (bookmarks and saved pages) and/or somehow reclaiming it before deleting the current version on my phone.

      • 2 months ago

        Or to rephrase my earlier question: How do I overwrite the current version of mobile firefox with an older version?

        • 2 months ago

          Uninstall the new version, install the old one. There should be no reason to lose your bookmarks on a new version though, they should be stored in Firefox Sync. New versions are better.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't use Firefox Sync nor Sync data on any applications I use. I keep it all localized.

          • 2 months ago

            Then you should keep backups or just use Firefox sync. You trust Firefox with your browsing data already, there's little incentive to use Mozilla software if you don't trust them.

          • 2 months ago

            >just use ~~*sync*~~, goy

          • 2 months ago

            bad advice, this will wipe the app data. The only way to achieve what you want is with root. I'd type out the instructions but I bet OP can't or won't root their phone.

          • 2 months ago

            Forgot to mention that you van just root your phone (if you haven't already) and then transfer data that way.
            But yeah Firefox sync has everything you are looking for. The anon that said you already use Firefox so you may as well trust them with that is correct.

            Yeah I said to root but now that I think about it, OP probably won't do it.

          • 2 months ago

            Forgot to mention that you van just root your phone (if you haven't already) and then transfer data that way.
            But yeah Firefox sync has everything you are looking for. The anon that said you already use Firefox so you may as well trust them with that is correct.

            Yeah I said to root but now that I think about it, OP probably won't do it.

            While I could attempt to root the phone, this is the one I primarily use, so I'd be more willing to do so either once I have a different primary phone for calling, texting, browsing, etc.

        • 2 months ago

          >Or to rephrase my earlier question: How do I overwrite the current version of mobile firecox (ha ha) with an older version?
          My best advice would be to just make a Firecox account and sync it that way since you really want that data.
          Why they can't just add a dedicated export and import bookmark button like brave mobile has is just beyond me.
          Buy yeah, firecox sync is your only option. Especially if you want yo also sync web pages.
          A Private web browser that requires you yo sync a Firefox account across devices to get your bookmarks.
          What kind of sick joke is this.
          Surprised you don't know this already though since you seem to be a Firefox savant.
          You don't see "make s Firecox account and firewiener (haha) sync plastered all over your browser everytime you open the app?
          God knows I do.

          • 2 months ago

            The thing is that the bookmark and saved pagess don't even show up on the application itself anymore. They're inaccessible. The data exists within the user data on the app page in Android OS though, which is what I want to access and retain.

          • 2 months ago

            Open up the [...] menu. The very first menu item is "Bookmarks" and it shows everything I've saved.

          • 2 months ago

            Once again, they don't show up at all and are inaccessible.

          • 2 months ago

            In that case you might already have lost your bookmarks. Do they still show up in manual user data backups? How are you sure they're still there but "inaccessible"?

        • 2 months ago

          >Or to rephrase my earlier question: How do I overwrite the current version of mobile firecox (ha ha) with an older version?
          My best advice would be to just make a Firecox account and sync it that way since you really want that data.
          Why they can't just add a dedicated export and import bookmark button like brave mobile has is just beyond me.
          Buy yeah, firecox sync is your only option. Especially if you want yo also sync web pages.
          A Private web browser that requires you yo sync a Firefox account across devices to get your bookmarks.
          What kind of sick joke is this.
          Surprised you don't know this already though since you seem to be a Firefox savant.
          You don't see "make s Firecox account and firewiener (haha) sync plastered all over your browser everytime you open the app?
          God knows I do.

          Forgot to mention that you van just root your phone (if you haven't already) and then transfer data that way.
          But yeah Firefox sync has everything you are looking for. The anon that said you already use Firefox so you may as well trust them with that is correct.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm still on Fennec 68. I couldn't find a way to keep the settings for a downgrade, not without rooting your phone. You'll have to delete the new version, then manually install the old .apk:

        I think I looked at Sync, but the old version I had didn't even work with Mozilla's sync servers. You may have to somehow set up a local Sync server on an old version and sync to it.

  2. 2 months ago

    find the older apk on apkpure and similar websites

  3. 2 months ago

    Make a backup of the app with the data, uninstall the current version, install the older version, restore the data

  4. 2 months ago

    I've lost user data plenty of times due to Firefox. usually opened tabs.
    I'll advice you to consider what happened as a blessing and learn to move on. Bookmarks et al are just an outcome of digital hoarding habits. they clutter your workspace, they also clutter your mind.
    learn to let it go and cultivate better habits. for example, writing a weekly blog , where you can share your learnings and then end it with 5-10 links about interesting stuff that you would have bookmarked. This way you're incentivizing yourself to produce and share knowledge, instead of just hoarding it within bookmarks.

    • 2 months ago

      This is good advice, and would be a next step of progression for me, except that I already produce content on YouTube about subjects I'm interested in. So as a digital hoarder of not just Firefox bookmarks, but bookmarks on both desktop and other mobile browsers, .pdf's, videos, etc., I have plenty more material on-hand to work with. It simply is a slight letdown and inconvenience when the app auto-updated and made the aforementioned Firefox on Android data inaccessible.

  5. 2 months ago

    • 2 months ago

      Read above comments.

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