Fixing EV technology

In order to not have to wait so long till it charges, we could just use a fuel tank, what do you think?

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  1. 2 months ago

    u will need more than a fuel tank you'll need all the other parts a combustible engine car would normally have compared to an electric car. STUPID homosexual.

  2. 2 months ago

    that's what hybrid cars are.

  3. 2 months ago

    Quick-change modular batteries.

    • 2 months ago

      >hauling a whole ass EVbattery thereby ruining the car's km/Mj and halving the carrying capacity
      I dunno man.

      • 2 months ago

        No, dumbass. "Gas" stations stock fully charged standard batteries, basically like giant AA batteries. You drive in, pay, and a robot arm takes out your depleted battery and put in a fully charged one in. You drive away in 5 minutes.

        • 2 months ago

          This is essential what my lawnmower has. 6 slots for batteries so I can mow two acres, swap in some fresh ones and keep on going for the last acre and a half.
          >mower is much quieter that a gas one
          >rest of the lawncare machines also run on the same batteries
          >never have to go get/store gas for all the lawn tools
          >house has solar
          >sun grows my grass
          >sun powers the tools to cut my grass
          >upfront cost was about 1.5x a similar quality gas mower
          >now stuck in brand ecosystem for tools that take the same batteries

          • 2 months ago

            You bought an electric riding mower? Is the big EGo one?

    • 2 months ago

      You're onto something

      • 2 months ago

        this is trash

        I shouldn't need a fricking machine to do it.

        I should be able to swap my battery
        - drunk,
        - with one hand
        - while on the phone


  4. 2 months ago

    ^ and this is from 2022. the only problem with this is that battery technology is advancing so fast it would be pointless to standardize them right now. maybe once the the design has stabilized we can have universal and inter-compatible EV batteries

    >we could just use a fuel tank, what do you think?
    too inefficient. generating the power in a big turbine and then sending it through the grid to the battery, and then using the battery to move the car is literally more efficient than the small gasoline engine in internal combustion cars

    • 2 months ago

      My house doesn't act like a fuel station if we just use a fuel tank

      Battery swaps are a meme
      >locks you into a lifetime battery lease
      >station needs to have enough batteries on hand to meet demand
      >station still needs to DC fast charge the batteries if demand is high
      >if demand outstrips supply you're just DC fast charging with extra steps
      >limits how you can design cars vehicles
      >still takes longer than fueling
      >can't leave your car to do literally anything else while it's swapping

      • 2 months ago

        >but what if the gas station runs out of gas?
        this is the best FUD oil lobbies can come up with?

        • 2 months ago

          Bot or just moronic? That post was for EVs, just not battery swapping

    • 2 months ago

      You're onto something

      These are garbage

  5. 2 months ago

    Toyota Prius with extra battery

  6. 2 months ago

    E-cars will keep being a meme UNTIL solid state batteries finally get used in them.

    • 2 months ago

      Solid state electrolyte: NEVER
      If it was a real possibility for manufacturing then Panasonic would be all over it. How many years does a given tech have to be just a couple years away before people realize its bullshit?

    • 2 months ago

      Meh we need cheaper batteries, not better

      • 2 months ago

        The most wrong statement ever said.
        Personal electronics and the automotive industry alike are crying for higher energy density with less volatility. The propensity for totally random formation of dendrites leading to internal shorts is a significant safety issue. A solid electrolyte in theory solves this, but it remains a thing of fantasy. There is no 7000mah phone that is guaranteed safe to never have a thermal event. There is no 100kwh EV battery pack guaranteed to never instantly vent and cook you alive if you're involved in a major collision.
        We need better batteries. Better batteries however are something that no company on the entire planet can manage to actually produce.

        • 2 months ago

          >The most wrong statement ever said
          It's not. Lithium batteries are expensive. NMC? LFP? All fricking expensive.
          Car isn't an ebike or escooter so weight isn't that much of a concern. What you want is cheap ( car has to be $15000 or less ) and that shit works in cold climates and has more cycles. This is why Tesla have switched from energy dense NCAs to LFP. But even then, LFP is expensive as frick. Maybe sodium ion cells would work better, but currently they are twice the price of NMC per wh

        • 2 months ago

          >The most wrong statement ever said
          It's not. Lithium batteries are expensive. NMC? LFP? All fricking expensive.
          Car isn't an ebike or escooter so weight isn't that much of a concern. What you want is cheap ( car has to be $15000 or less ) and that shit works in cold climates and has more cycles. This is why Tesla have switched from energy dense NCAs to LFP. But even then, LFP is expensive as frick. Maybe sodium ion cells would work better, but currently they are twice the price of NMC per wh

          Well about that... It doesn't matter in slightest. Look at China. All they care about is cheap. Safety, reliability - doesn't matter

        • 2 months ago

          this one is from 2021, all byd cars since 2022 use these batteries. the energy density is slightly lower than the alternatives but the trade off is you don't die a horrible death

          • 2 months ago

            Didn't byds catch fire?

          • 2 months ago

            the ones with the old batteries did, just like all the other EVs. most (if not all) manufacturers use batteries from either catl or byd, tesla uses both iirc but they also produce their own, it depends on the model. so in a sense most EV fires are from byd, even if the car brand is vw or tesla
            I don't think however they sell the blade batteries to other manufacturers. I think they licensed them to toyota at some point

  7. 2 months ago

    Charging batteries is an incredibly inefficient use of fossil fuel (or any other method) of generating electricity.
    The use of petroleum based fuels for transportation has given us unreasonable expectations for alternatives.
    If you want battery operated electric cars you will drive less and and wait a long time to refuel.
    Simple as.

    >Please wait a while before making a post

  8. 2 months ago

    >Fixing EV technology
    to fix EVs first you must fix EV marketing.
    Current driving cycles were designed to put ICEs under some load to measure "worst-case" emissions, and even supposedly steady cycles like FTP-75 or US-06 during high-speed section contain "dips" in speed which may be irrelevant for pure ICEs, for EVs it gives them opportunity to recover small amounts of energy which do add up.
    While 350 mile range is impressive, what's not impressive is that it's achieved virtually at steady state driving 30mph with ac off at 65F preferably rolling downhill 1/3rd of time.
    imo what's needed is the high-speed speed battery drain test on hub dyno, let's say 2 passes with 12 minute segment at steady 80mph.
    which i think would completely fair since people have right to expect that they'll be able to "just" hop on interstate, turn on cruise control and just eat miles

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