Freezing a dead laptop battery might revive it?

Is it true? wikiHow says so:
I bought a cheap Toshiba laptop that I didn't use it for months and the battery died. It only works connected to the AC now.

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  1. 2 months ago

    If the battery is dead, why does the battery work with ac?

    • 2 months ago

      The laptop works when connected to its charger, powered by AC.

      • 2 months ago

        but the battery is dead?

        • 2 months ago

          Anon, have you ever removed a battery from a laptop? The laptop will still work.

          • 1 month ago

            But the battery works when the battery is plugged in. Why is the battery dead?

          • 1 month ago

            Are you moronic?
            When you charge your laptop it power your laptop + charge the battery.
            If the battery is dead, it still power your laptop.
            It doesn't work when the battery is plugged in, it does work because you power you laptop and it bypass the charge.

          • 1 month ago

            Lol. Why are you still feeding the troll. Dude probably laughing his off

          • 1 month ago

            but the battery is dead? this isn't possible.

          • 1 month ago

            fyi i think he's referencing a meme, maybe

  2. 2 months ago

    You have better chances looking for someone to repack it with leh based 18650 batterinos.

    • 2 months ago

      Would DIYing that be difficult? I removed the battery and it has a connector with 10-12 small cables... I doubt I'd be able to get which one does which.
      Also, they sell these batteries on aliexpress, but they are as expensive as the laptop itself, which is ridiculous.

      • 2 months ago

        it's not exactly hard, but you need a spot welder. if you use a soldering iron instead your cells will be damaged before you even use them.

    • 2 months ago

      modern laptops don't use 18650s, so it depends how old op's laptop is

    • 2 months ago

      modern laptops don't use 18650s, so it depends how old op's laptop is

      BTW, the part number for the battery is PA5331U-1BRS

      • 2 months ago

        i've only refurbished the older kind with 18650 cells in them, i haven't looked into if you can do similar with those really thin ones

        • 2 months ago

          right. this laptop was cheap and light. I'd have to make a monster with it to use those cells, and even then I'm not sure it'd work lmao
          still, an idea worthy of investigation, so thanks for that

          • 2 months ago

            i suppose there's no reason why you couldn't, just have to find either same size cells or close enough
            keep in mind that working with bare cells is potentially dangerous, so i wouldn't recommend just anyone try this
            by similar i mean using equivalent cells, though technically there's no reason you couldn't make a custom pack that uses 18650's instead, yes, it would work, the chemistry is the same, just in a different shape

            if you're curious, maybe peel off the top to find out what type of cells it uses. /do not/ use a knife

          • 2 months ago

            actually, the label says "GB31241-2014". google images shows a bunch of different battery cells, so I guess that's it?

        • 2 months ago

          BTW, the part number for the battery is PA5331U-1BRS

          i suppose there's no reason why you couldn't, just have to find either same size cells or close enough
          keep in mind that working with bare cells is potentially dangerous, so i wouldn't recommend just anyone try this

          right. this laptop was cheap and light. I'd have to make a monster with it to use those cells, and even then I'm not sure it'd work lmao
          still, an idea worthy of investigation, so thanks for that

          by similar i mean using equivalent cells, though technically there's no reason you couldn't make a custom pack that uses 18650's instead, yes, it would work, the chemistry is the same, just in a different shape

          • 1 month ago

            Just replace them with safe chinese salt batteries. No dangerous lithium

  3. 2 months ago

    The cold of the freezer realigns the chemicals.

  4. 1 month ago

    Batteries aren't that expensive, you'd probably be better off buying one for cheap from aliexpress or something. You can find the parts number easily.

    • 1 month ago

      the battery for this laptop costs $60, and that's not considering shipping. the laptop itself cost me $100. it's not really worth it.

      >open battery pack (at your own risk of course)
      >check voltage of each cell with a multimeter
      >try to get them all to a matching voltage + charge a bit one by one if they were all low (may need a special charger or to "parallel charge" with a similar cell that has more charge, again be careful and don't do it too long, wear eye protection)
      >switch to original charger once cells are all somewhat charged/matching
      >attempt to charge to full + drain + charge to full with original charger
      >if it works you may have revived it, if not you may need to trash the bad cells and either replace them or just get a whole new battery and repurpose the remaining good cells in a flashlight or diy electronics project
      vuaeco on YouTube has some vids on reviving batteries. I've mostly had good luck with this. I revived 3/4 Nyko Xbox 360 controller battery paks after digging them out and finding they were basically bone dry. Getting them back up to 1V or so by force with another battery made the original charging cable work again. One of them stopped holding a charge and got really hot after a while so I had to give up on it. Basically sometimes charge gets too low and it can't get back into normal range without some babying. Also if things get unbalanced in battery packs they stop working right.

      >vuaeco on YouTube
      nice, will look it up. thanks non.

  5. 1 month ago

    >open battery pack (at your own risk of course)
    >check voltage of each cell with a multimeter
    >try to get them all to a matching voltage + charge a bit one by one if they were all low (may need a special charger or to "parallel charge" with a similar cell that has more charge, again be careful and don't do it too long, wear eye protection)
    >switch to original charger once cells are all somewhat charged/matching
    >attempt to charge to full + drain + charge to full with original charger
    >if it works you may have revived it, if not you may need to trash the bad cells and either replace them or just get a whole new battery and repurpose the remaining good cells in a flashlight or diy electronics project
    vuaeco on YouTube has some vids on reviving batteries. I've mostly had good luck with this. I revived 3/4 Nyko Xbox 360 controller battery paks after digging them out and finding they were basically bone dry. Getting them back up to 1V or so by force with another battery made the original charging cable work again. One of them stopped holding a charge and got really hot after a while so I had to give up on it. Basically sometimes charge gets too low and it can't get back into normal range without some babying. Also if things get unbalanced in battery packs they stop working right.

  6. 1 month ago

    sounds reasonable. also heard that shotgun to the roof of your mouth can power up you with up to 30IQ.

    • 1 month ago

      Lies I got only 10 IQ.

      • 1 month ago

        i said "up to", it's not guaranteed to get this much.

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