frick webp

>attempt at uploading Google developed image format on Google developed document editor

epic for the win

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    what the frick is webp anyway? why do images need to be more "efficient"? even high quality images are 7-8mb max. we all have fast connections. it isn't the images slowing down websites, either, it's all the fricking scripts and trackers trying to figure out your shoe size from your mouse movements.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >even high quality images are 7-8mb max.
      Anon, I...

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you've ever noticed a JPEG artifact, you want images to be more efficient.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't mind the format itself, but I really fricking hate that 99% of websites convert a perfectly acceptable image into webp then serve it with a loss of quality and there's no way to stop it anymore, making image quality shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      WebP(iss) is a failed image format pushed by israelitegle.
      Image formats needs to be more efficient so that either for the same space you have higher quality photos or that for the same quality you need less storage. The latter is crucial for internet usage as your media streams will be much shorter and the end user will notice quicker loading times and less bandwidth usage.

      The only formats that you should use and promote are JPEG XL and AVIF. See pic rel for details.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's a VP8 keyframe. The whole idea was that VP8 video was going to become popular and video screenshots would become lossless yet maintain low file sizes. Obviously that didn't happen but now the same thing is being attempted with AVIF (an AV1 keyframe).

      In laymans term video is used to store images like webm related.

      • 4 weeks ago
        • 4 weeks ago

          Don't know who your eceleb is, don't care. Anyway manga is one area where using a video to store images can be very useful. The fact that webp/avif are "video formats" ends up being very useful.

          • 4 weeks ago

            How do you generate a webm like this? I'd like to see how it would look with VP9. As far as I know, webp is the same codec as VP8 webm, but webp with vp9 was never implemented.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No clue, it was from a thread a few years ago.

            What is even the point of converting videos into an image format in the first place? Why not just keep them as videos? It's so comical that imageboards are a largely unchanged format from like the late 90s, but people post videos. But then on these top of the line modern websites people go out of their way to convert their videos into an image format from 1987

            They don't require a video player anymore. Makes things 100X easier for everyone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I've been proompting ChatGPT just like I used to do for ffmpeg shit, but I can't get it to generate something like this. I asked this in the questions general, maybe some ffmpegbrains know.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I usually use ffmpeg to generate videos from a string of images, can just use a wildcardand out pops a magic video in right format and bitrate

          • 4 weeks ago

            t. pixDAIZ

          • 4 weeks ago

            rent free

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's a VP8 keyframe. The whole idea was that VP8 video was going to become popular and video screenshots would become lossless yet maintain low file sizes. Obviously that didn't happen but now the same thing is being attempted with AVIF (an AV1 keyframe).

            In laymans term video is used to store images like webm related.

            Nobody cares about keyframea and nobody cares about manga and anime

          • 4 weeks ago

            So why did apple adapt HEIC? Isn't that just a HEVC keyframe?

            webp = proprietary google pajeet slop format
            sirs you will use the efficient formats

            Nope, it's just a VP8 keyframe you tard. VP8 = open sores. Unlike apple's proprietary HEIC dogshit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >even high quality images are 7-8mb max

    • 4 weeks ago

      >7-8mb max
      Unfortunately not, I have some 200mb pngs floating around.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    just israelitegle being israelitegle. webp will be in the graveyard in 5 years max

    • 4 weeks ago

      that's 5 years too long

      • 4 weeks ago


  3. 4 weeks ago

    Forget about webp, how the frick do we kill gifs? I still see sites with a bunch of video clips running as gifs for some reason. I think even some phones have a built-in "convert to gif" function for video clips. It's not even saving on bandwith, it's just making the file size like 10x while butchering the video quality. Then if you bring this up, people just go like "yeah but they're gifs :D"

    • 4 weeks ago

      Animated AVIF but it's useless until hardware acceleration for it becomes widespread.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What is even the point of converting videos into an image format in the first place? Why not just keep them as videos? It's so comical that imageboards are a largely unchanged format from like the late 90s, but people post videos. But then on these top of the line modern websites people go out of their way to convert their videos into an image format from 1987

    • 4 weeks ago

      What is even the point of converting videos into an image format in the first place? Why not just keep them as videos? It's so comical that imageboards are a largely unchanged format from like the late 90s, but people post videos. But then on these top of the line modern websites people go out of their way to convert their videos into an image format from 1987

      people like gifs because they're looping, silent, autoplay videos, just create that, ez pz
      and it's what most sites do with gifs anyways, they convert them to autoplaying, silent, looping mp4's to save bandwidth

      • 4 weeks ago

        In other words there is no need for gifs, because you can have silent, looping videos without gifs

        • 4 weeks ago

          yes but no, each app/website has to support that, and almost none do

    • 4 weeks ago

      that cat has really long legs

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Google docs is just shit in general. Can't do SVG either, enjoy your blurry raster images. I suggest Nextcloud. Collabora office has some performance problems but as least it can do SVG and shit.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    WebP exists for one reason and one reason only: monopoly. It doesn't have to be better than any of the alternatives, it doesn't even have to be good. Google simply needs everyone to use their products even when they literally don't get money out of it. They need people to use *their* image format, so they create a shitty image format, put zero effort in it, and start favoring all webpages that use it. In no time, most webpages embrace it, and the ones which don't end up buried after their pagerank drops to zero. Mission accomplished, Google now controls yet another part of the internet, this time the images.

    The irony is, Google is big enough to have countless separate departments. People in those departments can and do realize that WebP is absolute cancer and refuse to support it. It doesn't matter to them because their Google service isn't going to get penalized. It doesn't matter to Google because they want everyone else to use their formats, they can just use real formats instead. So you end up in this moronic reality where Google Images will show you almost exclusively WebPs that you can't use on Google's own services.

    • 4 weeks ago

      don't even get me started on webp malware... thanks israelitegle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and start favoring all webpages that use it. In no time, most webpages embrace it, and the ones which don't end up buried after their pagerank drops to zero.
      oh, i don't use google, i hope brave search engine doesnt use some of googles results

  6. 4 weeks ago

    webp = proprietary google pajeet slop format
    sirs you will use the efficient formats

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