Friedrich Nietzsche is regarded as a psychologist because a lot of the things he talk about are about people and the motivations behind their words an...

Friedrich Nietzsche is regarded as a psychologist because a lot of the things he talk about are about people and the motivations behind their words and actions and such. I am reading Nietzsche now and i realize that a lot of his passages are just about everyday mundane situations where he shows or hints at the underlying motivations behind various social games, customs, interactions or behaviors.

I want to hear if anyone have observed any real life situations in their day to day life that are real life examples of the things that Nietzsche writes. And i want to hear people's thoughts on their favorite passage or just any thought anyone have made about any of his passages. If you have any questions about any of his quotes and want it explained the come and ask. Don't be embarrassed. Some of the things he writes are really complex but some are really simple, no need to have a dick measuring contest.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >have conversation with son's mother
    >realise she's just mirroring back to me
    "Women are not even shallow."

  2. 2 years ago

    What are we capable of! - A man was so tormented the whole day long
    by his undutiful and ill-humoured son that in the evening he struck
    him and, turning to the rest of the family, said with a sigh of relief:
    'So! now we can go quietly to bed!' - Who knows to what we could be
    driven by circumstances!

    What does he mean by this?

    Substitute conscience. - One man is another's conscience: and this is
    especially important if the other has no other conscience.

    Does this mean that, the man that has no conscience is kept in line by other men that does have conscience? That the men with conscience will punish and make the man without feel bad if he violates ethics and morals? The man with conscience is punished by his own mind if he does wrong by feeling guilt, shame etc, which the man without conscience don't. And that is how "one mans is another mans conscience" ?

    Misogynists. - 'Woman is our enemy' - out of the man who says that to
    other men there speaks an immoderate drive which hates not only
    itself but its means of satisfaction as well.

    Men who do hate women do hate them self because they know they are not good enough.

    A school fo speakers - If one stays silent for a year one unlearns
    chattering and learns to speak. The Pythagoreans were the finest
    statesmen of their age.
    You know when you stop being social for a while you almost lose the ability to small talk? Its like you get a isolation induced autism. Like if you spend all time inside browsing IQfy, its like you start communicating by only sharing bits of interesting knowledge, and you can't even relate to people anymore or make jokes anymore, it becomes about nitpicking, arguing, and being very logical and just sharing facts and information. Everyday chatter is not about sharing facts, its more about just sharing words that only show you are feeling somewhat okay in the moment. "hah nice weather isn't it? Oh yes its very lovely haha!"

    • 2 years ago

      i think that the man was having a fixation to correct his son's behavior
      a job unfinished is how he viewed it
      at the end of the day when he finally could go about doing it, he says to his family "what a relief that this fixation is now over"
      the man values stability of society greatly and has compulsions to rectify the behavior of "those harmful to the fabric of society"
      nietzsche indicates how "strange but true" this phenomenon is by saying "What are we capable of!"
      essentially the man is driven mad because the son is "strange", whilst others view the man's behavior as strange

    • 2 years ago

      Guy A = leader
      Guy B = follower

      A sets up the framework, B lives it.
      B falls short, A, having empathy, will feel guilt for his "short coming framework".
      B has offshored responsibility.
      B is a vessel and is irrelevant.
      A is the man one should be concerned with.

    • 2 years ago

      the subjugation of women must occur, and at the same time, it is a very difficult thing to pull off
      to pull off such a thing is extraordinarily difficult
      to put the genie back in the lamp
      to be torn between "what needs to occur" and "what it will take for it to occur" is what he means by "hating oneself" and "hating the means of satisfaction"

      as for the second part...
      to hate women is to admit one is not up to par
      one must be clinical in how they view the subjugation of women
      to show emotion and not be clinical about things is to indicate that one is not able to pull off such a feat as subjugating women

      • 2 years ago

        >Men who do hate women do hate them self because they know they are not good enough.
        i do not know if you typed this but LOL all the same

    • 2 years ago

      i think you are right in your assessment
      i think nietzsche thinks everyone wired like himself
      he fails to recognize that most people do not "unlearn chattering" to the same depth that he knows to be normal
      people are wired to have different depths of introspection

  3. 2 years ago

    Usually misunderstood. - In a conversation you can watch one of the
    participants busy setting a trap into which the other then falls - but
    he does it, not out of malice, as might be thought, but out of pleasure
    at his own artfulness.

    Then again, you will see one set up a joke so
    that the other can make it, tie a loop so that the other can unknot it:
    but he does it, not out of benevolence, as might be thought, but out
    of malice and contempt for cruder intellects.

    Definition of crude

    crude (kro͞od)
    adj. crud·er, crud·est
    1. Being in an unrefined or natural state: crude cotton.
    2. Lacking tact or taste; blunt or offensive: a crude, mannerless oaf; a crude remark.
    3. Lacking in sophistication or subtlety; simplistic: had only a crude notion of how a computer works.
    4. Not carefully or skillfully made; rough: a quick, crude sketch.
    5. Undisguised or unadorned; plain: must face the crude truth.
    6. Statistics In an unanalyzed form; not adjusted to allow for related circumstances or data.
    7. Archaic Unripe or immature.

    Is this like you set up the joke, you lay out the facts, the moron just eats it up, gather up the pieces, and then make the joke, just as you knew he would. And he does it while feeling so good about him self, laughing out, enjoying that he the wise one was able to come with such a joke! Meanwhile you the one that laid it out, that set up the situation, you just kind of laugh inside of you at this simpleton of a human in front of you that you can run laps around this little moron. That he is that easy to control or manipulate, that you can so easily make him take the bait, make the joke, all the while thinking it wasn't set up deliberately. And you enjoy the feeling of being superior because you got one over him? That little shit, hah!

    I had a boss that used to do this to one of his underlings. It seems he developed a special kind of way to talking to his moronic emplyees, where he would do this kind of thing all the time. And he would laugh when he did it, at first it looked like he was laughing at their jokes, but if you where more observant he laughed AT them and not with them. He had got them. He was pitying them, those little shits, he was superior to them. And this was his way of showing it. And also taking revenge upon them because they where annoying and doing their jobs properly or where being difficult.

    Can anyone relate?

    • 2 years ago

      >And also taking revenge upon them because they where annoying and *NOT* doing their jobs properly or where being difficult.

      >have conversation with son's mother
      >realise she's just mirroring back to me
      "Women are not even shallow."

      What are you talking about?

      • 2 years ago

        >What are you talking about?
        Read Nietzsche.

        • 2 years ago

          You could have easily elaborated instead of giving him a pseud non-answer

          • 2 years ago


            Final Taciturnity. — There are some men who fare like the digger after hidden treasures: they quite accidentally discover the carefully-preserved secrets of another’s soul, and as a result come into the possession of knowledge which it is often a heavy burden to bear. In certain circumstances we may know the living and the dead, and sound their inmost thoughts to such an extent that it becomes painful to us to speak to others about them: at every word we utter we are afraid of being indiscreet. — I can easily imagine a sudden silence on the part of the wisest historian

            You ever realized something about someone you wish you didn't? Do you see trough people and wish you could not?


            A Loss of Renown. — What an advantage it is to be able to speak as a stranger to mankind! When they take away our anonymity, and make us famous, the gods deprive us of “half our virtue.”


            Not Justifying Oneself. —
            A. But why are you not willing to justify yourself?
            B. I could do it in this instance, as in dozens of others; but I despise the pleasure which lies in justification, for all that matters little to me, and I would rather bear a stained reputation than give those petty folks the spiteful pleasure of saying, “He takes these things very seriously.” This is not true. Perhaps I ought to have more consideration for myself, and look upon it as a duty to rectify erroneous opinions about myself — I am too indifferent and too indolent regarding myself, and consequently also regarding everything that is brought about through my agency.

            Only beta males justify them self. If you want to get laid then stop giving a frick and dont justify.


    • 2 years ago

      346 there were a lot of weird ideas floating around in sexually repressed victorian late 19th centruy times, like now on this site! Women didn't have the same rights then, no voting, occupations not open to them other than housewife, etc

      351 Don't know. I think Neitzsche might be off on that, I can't imagine setting up a joke for someone else to make out of malice for cruder intellects, maybe in a 'look how smooth we are compared to others' but is that contemptuous of them?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah i thought it was strange as well. Usually when one is setting up a joke in others company is a positive and funny thing where you joke around with your friends. But this doing it out of malice and contempt i had to think about a lot to try and understand it. I can't see my self doing it or having done it and i can't see anyone IRL doing either other then the example i gave. I can't quite articulate it either, not properly. But in the event that it happens its very subtle and not done overtly. Its also just about the will to power. I think the word of intellect is used more general as someones intelligence, mind etc. I do not think was off at all, he is lightyear's ahead on human psychology.

        >'look how smooth we are compared to others
        More as in, "look how smooth i am in compared to this guy".

        Have you ever charmed someone? Have you ever observed two people trying to out charm each other? You ever observe someone with superior social skills communicating with someone of lower social skills? It in these dynamics you'll find it and see it.

        You ever seen kids on the playground or teens that they pretend to be dumb just so the other guy will reveal that he is actually dumb, and after he revealed they laughed at the dumb guy for not getting it?

  4. 2 years ago

    Nietzsche is a poet first and foremost

  5. 2 years ago

    >have conversation with friend's girlfriend (my wife)
    >realise she's just mirroring back to me
    "Women are not even shallow."

  6. 2 years ago

    Not enough! - It is not enough to prove something, one has also to
    seduce or elevate people to it. That is why the man of knowledge
    should learn how to speak his wisdom: and often in such a way that it
    sounds like folly!

    This is one is obvious, its not what you say that matters but how you say it. Its all about sales

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    336 he probably means jerking off or depraved sex which he'd think is a good thing because it's wild and over the top

  9. 2 years ago

    338 immigrants talk about learning who they really are and their own biases and prejudices by being in a foreign culture. What comes up for them in different circumstances wouldn't necessarily be odd in their home country

  10. 2 years ago

    >I want to hear if anyone have observed any real life situations in their day to day life that are real life examples of the things that Nietzsche writes.
    Yeah I've seen a troony and it was very nietzschean

  11. 2 years ago

    Gardener and garden. - Out of damp and gloomy days, out of solitude,
    out of loveless words directed at us, conclusions grow up in us like
    fungus: one morning they are there, we know not how, and they gaze
    upon us, morose and grey. Woe to the thinker who is not the
    gardener but only the soil of the plants that grow in him!

    How many of you have spent to much time in the garden called IQfy and got some very unfortunate plants growing in them? You ever had bad memes "infect" your mind?

  12. 2 years ago

    His ubermensch is an interesting concept. I like the thought of the willpower overcoming all, however God exists and it is through this God that this is achieved. Look into Kierkegaard.

    The last man has to exist in some reality, be it hell. This is a dark view of the world for sure, but there is a machine, or engine, which propels the earth towards some finitude.

    • 2 years ago

      Somewhat too grave. - There are very excellent people who are too
      grave to be amiable or polite, and whenever they encounter a piece
      of civility they at once try to answer it with an earnest act of service or
      with a contribution from their store of energy. It is touching to see
      how they diffidently produce their gold pieces when another has
      offered them his gilded pennies.

      What does he mean? Can anyone explain? Anyone seen this IRL?

      Hiding one’s Intelligence. — When we surprise some one in the act of hiding his intelligence from us we call him evil: the more so if we suspect that it is his civility and benevolence which have induced him to do so.

      People don't like feeling they are dumb or others are smarter then them. But if you hold something back out of kindness its as if they treat you like a kid that is not old enough and capable enough to hear and handle it.

      Dangerous Virtues.— “He forgets nothing, but forgives everything” — wherefore he shall be doubly detested, for he causes us double shame by his memory and his magnanimity.

      Not only does your friend shame you by remembering all your faults, immoral choices, times you acted like a dick. He also tortures you by forgiving you for it! Showing off his better nature

      Thanks for your post. Anything else? I have nothing to answer sadly. I feel the ubermench thing has been talked to death and he says so much other things that i find amusing and interesting and i wonder why IQfy is not talking about that stuff

    • 2 years ago

      >God exists
      Citation needed.

  13. 2 years ago

    Dangerous Unlearning. — We begin by unlearning to love others, and end by finding nothing lovable in ourselves.
    homie what? Why you do you begin to unlearn your love for others in the first place? That is some dark shit.

    Different Pride. — Women turn pale at the thought that their lover may not be worthy of them; Men turn pale at the thought that they may not be worthy of the women they love. I speak of perfect women, perfect men. Such men, who are self-reliant and conscious of power at ordinary times, grow diffident and doubtful of themselves when under the influence of a strong passion. Such women, on the other hand, though always looking upon themselves as the weak and devoted sex, become proud and conscious of their power in the great exception of passion, — they ask: “Who then is worthy of me?”

    This reminds of me Rollo Tomassi the redpiller guy that says that women have an existential dread of ending up with a man with bad genes or a beta male that fooled her just long enough to drop his seed in her.

    When we seldom do Justice. — Certain men are unable to feel enthusiasm for a great and good cause without committing a great injustice in some other quarter: this is their kind of morality.

    Should we be worried about men who fight for a good cause?

    Acting the Truth. — Many a man is truthful, not because he would be ashamed to exhibit hypocritical feelings, but because he would not succeed very well in inducing others to believe in his hypocrisy. In a word, he has no confidence in his talent as an actor, and therefore prefers honestly to act the truth.

    "We dupe ourselves in order to deceive others, creating social advantage."
    Nietzsche is a evolutionary psychologist. He deals with instinct, drives and the eternal battle for status, resources, reproduction, and power.

    Courage in a Party. — The poor sheep say to their bell-wether: “Only lead us, and we shall never lack courage to follow you.” But the poor bell-wether thinks in his heart: “Only follow me, and I shall never lack courage to lead you.”

    So many people are afraid of doing or saying what they want to do, but put them under the leadership of a person that leads them to where they want to go and watch them get the courage to do it. And some people would love to lead they only lack the people that can follow them

  14. 2 years ago

    Noone wants to talk specifically about Nietzsche, those endemics who actually read Neech and even posses a supplementary background ih philosophy are rare, so your mostly stuck with people discussing the impressions of his wikipedia article and filling in the holes with their own imagination.
    What ive noticed is his observation about hypocrisy (its from twilight of the idols, but I forget from where exactly) holds true, people would rather have a multiple of slightly contradictory opinions then a more singular but openly self opposing opinion. When their belifs clash with reality, even though they might be actually faultless, instead of bearing through the effects of hypocrisy and failure once theyve commited it, more often then not they create and adopt additional opinions that rationalize away the failure and soothe the emotional distress. Its not about a lack of honest public or even private admittion, through that might be a part of it, but rather a need to constantly conciously adjust to reality instead of trusting their intuitions and a spontaneous change of heart as reliable guide while bearing through displeasure that you conciously dont attempt to heal. What this long term means is a loss of willpower and strenght, as all possible avenues of failure are increasingly accounted for, and the value of difficult goals are cynicaly torn down by analysis. They can no longer do anything on a whim or spontaneously. They can still exert to their limits, even more easily then before, but unlike children or "more natural" men, their limits cannot change, neither upwards nor downwards.
    Source: I am a lead engineer at a robotics firm and I saw this process every time my supervisor gets and guts a new guy. Almost noone can actually bear 6 months of hard ass pressure, even if they sense it might be worth it in the end

    • 2 years ago

      This is interesting. There is a lot there i don't think I'll do it justice.

      >When their belifs clash with reality, even though they might be actually faultless, instead of bearing through the effects of hypocrisy and failure once theyve commited it, more often then not they create and adopt additional opinions that rationalize away the failure and soothe the emotional distress.

      Is that like a failure of character on their part to just admit they where wrong and don't know , and instead of just accepting that "this was new to me or i was wrong, i better learn this thing" they instead deny it and try talking it away. But by doing that they fail to update their system of knowledge base because they don't admit their error. If you can't admit your errors then you can't learn new things. You have to acknowledge there is more to learn in order to learn anything. And if you don't admit it its like acting like you know everything and there is nothing other to know. It sucks to be wrong and it takes confidence to admit. I think it requires a certain level of self awareness and humility that sadly not everyone have. You can recognize those that do have it though. You should collect them they are precious lol. I think this kind of thing is common in kids and teenagers. They will never admit wrong and keep making up new rationalizations until it gets absurd. I don't even know if this is what you are saying.

      >Its not about a lack of honest public or even private admittion, through that might be a part of it, but rather a need to constantly conciously adjust to reality instead of trusting their intuitions and a spontaneous change of heart as reliable guide while bearing through displeasure that you conciously dont attempt to heal.
      I don't quite follow. I think its an unconscious defense mechanism, they might not even be consciously aware that they are doing it.

      >What this long term means is a loss of willpower and strenght, as all possible avenues of failure are increasingly accounted for, and the value of difficult goals are cynicaly torn down by analysis. They can no longer do anything on a whim or spontaneously. They can still exert to their limits, even more easily then before, but unlike children or "more natural" men, their limits cannot change, neither upwards nor downwards.
      You lost me

      • 2 years ago

        First of all, I have no idea about why the frick this kind of thing happens, so please excuse my obscurity, I have a small brain.

        All men are hypocrites, partly inconsistant, never quite fully aware of themselves. Even the wisest sage with the best restrain would break under enough torture or indoctrination. Man is flowing, everchanging, absolute ideals are only illusions for even are most base material constituent like DNA change with evolution or even in a single life with mutation or cancer. That is a axiom that I hold for humans, and all of nature also.
        By extension, whole complete knowledge of your own self is impossible. You have motivations, desires, thoughts that move you underneath the surface which you cannot get to with any kind of introspection, only hypothesise about. So what you should look at then, is the reaction of people when they catch themselves in a contradiction. If they conciously or unconciously just suffer through it without attempting to sooth the pain or calm themselves, then they on some level accept the flowing mysterious nature of life and are in tune with it - they are healthy. If they cannot simply power through - but resort to rationalization or forced introspection - they are trying to conciously, rationally grasp what they cannot get ahold of. They strive towards a perfect worldview rationally, instead of just letting it flow through them. They do this because the event overwhelms them, they do not believe they can deal with it fully. Is that clearer? I apologise for bad writing once again

  15. 2 years ago

    Nietzsche philosophy is just trannie philosophy.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like your philosophy is troony obsession.

      • 2 years ago

        Can't blame a man for laughing at the biggest morons in history.

        • 2 years ago

          >Mentally ill people castrate themselves
          I don't see the problem.

  16. 2 years ago

    Going our own Way. — When we take the decisive step, and make up our minds to follow our own path, a secret is suddenly revealed to us: it is clear that all those who had hitherto been friendly to us and on intimate terms with us judged themselves to be superior to us, and are offended now. The best among them are indulgent, and are content to wait patiently until we once more find the “right path” — they know it, apparently. Others make fun of us, and pretend that we have been seized with a temporary attack of mild insanity, or spitefully point out some seducer. The more malicious say we are vain fools, and do their best to blacken our motives; while the worst of all see in us their greatest enemy, some one who is thirsting for revenge after many years of dependence, — and are afraid of us. What, then, are we to do? My own opinion is that we should begin our sovereignty by promising to all our acquaintances in advance a whole year’s amnesty for sins of every kind.

    People on IQfy can tell you this one is very very true

  17. 2 years ago

    what book are you getting these from?

  18. 2 years ago

    >Nietzsche is just a psychologist studying every day normal behavior
    Steve Jobs burn in hell for letting you morons online

  19. 2 years ago

    Friedrich Nietzsche is the israelite aproved version of Stirner. He was just an incestuous moron who passed his last years of life in a mental institution saying that antisemitism was bad because his sister married an antisemitic man.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the opposite, her sister was a Nazi. You Nietzsche haters just keep making shit up because you have no arguments. Maybe read Plato on how to argue? Because you can't even ad hom correctly.

      • 2 years ago

        >her sister was a nazi
        Wrong. Adolf Hitler was 11 years old when Nietzsche died. The ideas of Hitler and National Socialism were created and started spreading after WW1. Its impossible that she could be a Nazi. You could say that she was a German of the late XIX century when antisemitism was on the rise in Germany.
        Another israelite approved writer. His ideas of the external perfect world have poisoned the minds of entire populations and made them slaves for centuries.
        I do not hate Nietzsche, I hate that he is even considered an original author when the only thing he did was to copy others and mix it with his knowledge of stories to make it pass as original thought.

        • 2 years ago

          >Was created after WW1
          You don't know history. Nationalism, anti-semitism and proto Nazism was rampant in Germany before any WWs and during Nietzsches time, he wrote about it and against it. Read a book, preferably non fiction.

          • 2 years ago

            I know many things about history. I conceded in my previous comment that her sister and her husband were Germans of the late XIX century with the antisemitism on the rise.
            German nationalism started before Friedrich Nietzsche was even born. Stiner comments about it in The Ego and Its Own and how absurd it was for him.
            You can't use a term on someone that wasn't even alive when it was created to reffer to a specific movement and it's allies. That is dishonest.

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