G-Google xixsters, what can we do to stop zoomers from bypassing our propaganda??

G-Google xixsters, what can we do to stop zoomers from bypassing our propaganda?? They're using tiktok to search for stuff!

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Google cripples its own search to "protect democracy"
    >uses AI powered sentiment analysis to make sure nobody can disagree with the CURRENT THING
    >will hand over all your data to glowies on a whim (Unless it's to contravene your state laws and get an abortion)
    >censorship gets so bad people start looking to a CCP app for free speech and interesting content

    Why would I want to use google. Consider the absolute state of Silicon Valley.

    • 2 years ago

      >censorship gets so bad people start looking to a CCP app for free speech and interesting content
      This is the most surreal point, I wouldn't have seen this downright comedy scenario unfolding 10 years ago

      • 2 years ago

        The constitution is dead.

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw you will never be sugoi dekai

      >censorship gets so bad people start looking to a CCP app for free speech and interesting content
      This is the most surreal point, I wouldn't have seen this downright comedy scenario unfolding 10 years ago

      It actually makes perfect sense. China cares about censoring what Chinese people see, because every government loves stability. For that exact reason, China is happy to provide uncensored truth to the west, because that will make their citizens unhappy and provoke unrest, harming their rivals.

      • 2 years ago

        This. It's the same reason RT is often a pretty reliable source when it comes to controversies in Europe and USA: They don't give a shit about supporting <i>our</i> political narratives.

      • 2 years ago

        China wants unrest outside their country yeah. That doesn't mean they want to tell the truth. They want people to like China and not like anything else, inside country and outside. Truth matters very little to Chinese.
        Same for Russia.
        Sadly there's many people who fall for it.

        • 2 years ago

          You're right, I should have said that they're happy to provide a platform for westerners to speak truth to westerners. That goes for Russia too. Obviously if content is too critical of their governments they'll pull it, but Russia in particular has surprised me with how much tolerance RT shows to criticism of Russia. I'm Swedish and our state sponsored media would never allow even half the things I've seen on RT about Russia get published if they were about Sweden, the culture here is very much "we must look good to the foreigners, cover up anything inconvenient to that narrative".

          • 2 years ago

            >cover up anything inconvenient to that narrative".
            Clever, instead of wearing the white sheets and burning crosses, put the white sheets on the nogs instead to hide them.

          • 2 years ago

            That's basically what's happening, yeah. Immigrants (legal, illegal, and asylum alike) are shoved into ghettos and news never mention them. Middle class and above Swedes basically never notice them, because the only opportunities to do so are on public transport (which these classes don't use, Swedes love cars) and while grocery shopping (the nice neighbourhoods are far from the ghettos so despite going to the same chain stores, the clientele is mostly kept separate). Even working-class Swedes don't interact all that much with them, because unless they live in Gothenburg or Stockholm they're well off enough to have cars anyway and the jobs are separate (Swedes have mandatory education up to age 16, and employers use this to discriminate and hire only Swedes for the good working class jobs, while immigrants take the soul-killing part-time jobs).

            Lidl is a chain of low-price grocery stores. Go to one in a middle class neighbourhood and it's clean and generally pleasant. By German or French standards, it would qualify as a very nice store. The staff consists of Swedes with a handful of third generation immigrants. Go to one near a ghetto and it's dingy with staff consisting exclusively of age 18-30 Arab and Bosnian women.

            Honestly, as a Swede, the system works. I'm angry at the taxes I pay, and even more so at the outrageous diesel price, but Swedes are 100% to blame for those problems. Our moronic-ass population insists on electing greens with a hard-on for the idea that we need to punish ourselves to make up for the sins of other countries.
            I live in the outskirts of a smaller city (65k pop, too small to have a ghetto or receive many immigrants), and 95% of the time I never even notice that we're suffering from an integration and immigration crisis. The problem is contained to the three large cities, and even there mostly to the ghettos, which Swedes can very easily avoid ever interacting with.

          • 2 years ago

            Sweden is very cucked but it does make sense too. Local media targets locals. RT targets foreigners to spread unrest.
            Locals rarely want to hear about how shit they are. They'd move to other news that doesn't make them feel bad.
            Foreigners don't care about it. Instead can be interesting news that never affect the locals.

          • 2 years ago

            >"we must look good to the foreigners, cover up anything inconvenient to that narrative".
            This is why I hate westoid so much. The truth is, we are just corrupt as those third world countries, we are so good at lying.

        • 2 years ago

          ok anglo

    • 2 years ago

      >censorship gets so bad people start looking to a CCP app for free speech and interesting content
      This is the most surreal point, I wouldn't have seen this downright comedy scenario unfolding 10 years ago

      Is it really about censorship? Somehow I think it's more related to zoomers literally not having the attention span for doing a search.

  2. 2 years ago

    >can't use folders
    >can't google
    >slaves to the algorithm
    What went wrong with zoomers?

    • 2 years ago

      >>can't google
      well, the internet is shittier today than before. People write even fewer and everybody is vlogging. And googling is just no typing on the site's search bar.

  3. 2 years ago

    Oh NOW they want to get rid of tiktok. Hmm someone tried that just recently and got called a nazi for it hmm maybe they should have listened to him

  4. 2 years ago

    Thank you Prambhakahar Raghdadavan for bringing this to our attention.

  5. 2 years ago

    >FACEBOOK of all companies will outlast google

  6. 2 years ago

    >people arent using maps because of tiktok and instagram

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