

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    its ok

    • 4 weeks ago



      It's moronic except in very specific circumstances when you need very specific requirements from your software. If you are in the 0.0000001% of people that meet that, then it's really nice.
      Otherwise it's a hassle to maintain, doesn't give you real world speed improvements like it used to, and doesn't really even give you street cred because it's not actually difficult to install if you follow the manual.

      t. Used Gentoo many times over the years, am waiting for genthree to see if it can change my mind.

      >my mind.
      I doubt they can since it seems to have rotted to nothing.

      It's moronic except in very specific circumstances when you need very specific requirements from your software. If you are in the 0.0000001% of people that meet that, then it's really nice.
      Otherwise it's a hassle to maintain, doesn't give you real world speed improvements like it used to, and doesn't really even give you street cred because it's not actually difficult to install if you follow the manual.

      t. Used Gentoo many times over the years, am waiting for genthree to see if it can change my mind.

      Uselessly tedious

      And before anyone comes up with arch: arch is a badly designed distro with castrated kernel and lack of packages.

      Uninstall Gentoo.

      stupid homosexuals

      • 4 weeks ago
        OS MASTER

        quoted the same post to say
        >my mind
        >stupid homosexual
        Are you a stupid homosexual?

        Can you say one of those very specific requirements?
        op here

        You really require your music player to use PostgreSQL instead of sqlite, and cannot have postgres even be an option
        You do NOT want your package X to have gtk support, just commandline version
        moronic shit that nobody cares about pretty much

        • 4 weeks ago
          OS MASTER

          >my mind.
          I doubt they can since it seems to have rotted to nothing.
          stupid homosexuals

          wait I just saw the next line, you can ignore the stupid homosexual part

      • 4 weeks ago

        >stupid homosexuals
        Come on, uninstalling Gentoo is fun, try it. If you like it you can do it again and again for maximum pleasure.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Come on, uninstalling Gentoo is fun
          cheque'd and fun is what is most important. Therefore, I retract my insult and apply it to my self for forgetting that fundamental truth.

  2. 4 weeks ago


  3. 4 weeks ago

    It's moronic except in very specific circumstances when you need very specific requirements from your software. If you are in the 0.0000001% of people that meet that, then it's really nice.
    Otherwise it's a hassle to maintain, doesn't give you real world speed improvements like it used to, and doesn't really even give you street cred because it's not actually difficult to install if you follow the manual.

    t. Used Gentoo many times over the years, am waiting for genthree to see if it can change my mind.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Can you say one of those very specific requirements?
      op here

    • 4 weeks ago

      >it's a hassle to maintain
      emerge --sync
      emerge -uDN
      emerge -ac
      wow such hassle

      • 4 weeks ago
        OS MASTER

        it is, what if you want the latest KDE?
        You have to go unmask 9000 packages and shit when in a normal distro you'd just enable a repo for it

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't use KDE. Anyway, I'm pretty sure what you're saying is incorrect.

          • 4 weeks ago

            he is correct however, KDE is a broken piece of shit that has to be constantly masked by gentoo jannies, maybe if KDE was actually good we wouldn't have this non-problem and instead could update to latest KDE that breaks our entire system the way archtoddlers do everyday

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            >I'm pretty sure what you're saying is incorrect
            It isn't, and you're clearly a moronic know-nothing if you're only pretty sure of yourself. You should be more confident so you don't get made a fool online

          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh we're insulting now? Ok.
            >pass user since 2012
            >salty over a linux distro he doesn't like
            Yep, fella clearly lives life to the fullest.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            Where did I make an insult? I was showing facts.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >gets called out for calling someone moronic for no reason
            >waaaah i was just showing facts waaaaaaah
            Wouldn't expect any other response from a child.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            there was a reason I called him moronic, he made a false claim which another anon already agreed was false.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah keep riding that narcissism train. Everyone is so proud of you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            maybe if he spent all that money since 2012 on real hardware he wouldn't have to seethe about compile times, must suck being so poor that you have to save for 12 years

            epic clapback, except if you're using modern enough hardware that the compile time is near instant, then you REALLY don't need to compile from source and are getting no benefit from doing so

            you're a moronic troony who understands nothing and your opinion is worthless, stay poor and mad

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            i have a nice PC

          • 4 weeks ago

            oh no no no

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            I do sort of wish it was just a K tbh, so I could do passthrough if I wanted to run troonix but you can actually just play games on it anyway now

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah maybe if you weren't poor you could afford a real CPU that isn't more castrated than you, troony

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            I'm not a troony, just a normal male.

            Yeah keep riding that narcissism train. Everyone is so proud of you.

            I'm sorry I didn't mean to be offensive. Here's how my Linux desktop looks like. Usually it's run on bare metal but I am currently booted into Windows.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >maybe if he spent all that money since 2012 on real hardware he wouldn't have to seethe about compile times, must suck being so poor that you have to save for 12 years
            Or maybe he just doesn't understand the distro and is mad at himself. Who knows?

          • 4 weeks ago

            you haven't said anything of substance in defense of gentoo. you're just some newbie blindly defending the distro because it's a IQfy meme. what you don't understand is that it's only a meme for the "hard" install, it's not actually a good distro choice for 99% of people.

            you also keep calling people trannies when gentoo is extremely popular on twitter and mastodon with troony/programming socks types, moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't need to defend what just works and I'll be happy once you go back and preferably have a nice day due to your axewound going septic and pain becoming unbearable.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >"just works" distro
            oh ok so you're actually moronic, have a good day gay

          • 4 weeks ago

            worked for me without breaking for over a decade, I guess this is caused by me being moronic

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            it's probably caused by you being either excessively autistic or a "basic b***h" (not mean to be offensive) meaning you don't really do serious ricing and therefore are not serious business

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah my time isn't worthless so I dont "rice"

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            then why waste your time and CPU power on gentoo?

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            for you, upgrading xorg takes a large amount of CPU time
            for any normal distro user, it takes relatively little

          • 4 weeks ago

            it doesn't take a large amount of CPU time

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            it takes a larger time than any other distribution

          • 4 weeks ago

            unless you are using the bin package which defeats why gentroons use it in the first place right?

            maybe it's true, who knows, sorry I didn't notice because my time isn't worthless and I don't spend my day staring at htop

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            my time IS worthless and I still choose Arch for this reason, but there's of course a lot of compiling Arch too if you use the AUR.
            I saw the argument in this thread that portage overlays are ABS/AUR but better which I do agree is true in some ways but not in the ones that matter to USERS. Yeah you get USE flags which are great if you're a mega ricer but there's not as much software available through overlays as there is in the AUR. I just looked for a random lesser known piece of software, cwrapper, and it's in AUR but I could not find a gentoo overlay for it so you'd end up just installing it manually.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yes I can tell that your time is worthless which is why you'd somehow convince yourself that AUR is better than gentoo.

          • 4 weeks ago

            it is better since half the gentoo overlays are unmaintained garbage

          • 4 weeks ago

            unmaintained 10 year old ebuild is still less broken than redditroony PKGBUILD that was pushed up your ass yesterday, keep coping

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            I don't want to convince a gentroon to stop using it, I was just offering my opinion to OP who asked for it. I have no problem with you continuing to use Gentoo if you like it. I was only offering my opinions on why Gentoo is moronic. You don't get any realistically useful speed benefits from compiling on your own machine in 2024. Disk space is a non-issue for including unneeded features in 2024 (in fact Gentoo often takes MORE disk space since it keeps all the source code and compiled files and basically doubles the install size). Reducing your attack vector footage by disincluding features? Sure, valid. Otherwise I just don't get what Gentoo offers these days.

            >it's moronic to copypaste the settings for another CPU
            What is moronic is you thinking you can copy paste from that image, you stupid homosexual. Why wouldn't you just substitute the information that is applicable to you and your system?

            hmm, his phone doesn't let him select text from images to paste into his ssh client?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Look, you are still stupid. If you have all that setup, why would you use arguments for another CPU when you installed?

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            I wouldn't, because I'm not stupid.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well, you have some diagnosis that much is obvious.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            i would just use -march=native tbh

          • 4 weeks ago

            do you even know what this does or are you just a moronic homosexual who copy pastes without understanding?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It is pretty self-evident.

          • 4 weeks ago

            it sets the architecture to native in gcc

            >it's self evident
            so feel free to explain in detail how this affects what gcc does with cnile garbage before it is sent to codegen cave, I'm sure you can do this without asking alexa to give you a non-answer

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            it applies optimizations automatically based on the CPU that is running gcc.
            What these optimizations are is homosexual shit that only nerds care about. But when you set it to native it will do what it can to make it work best on your shit.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            it sets the architecture to native in gcc

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            it takes a larger time than any other distribution

            unless you are using the bin package which defeats why gentroons use it in the first place right?

        • 4 weeks ago

          What can't it be as easy to unmask KDE as it would be to enable a repo? Your ignorance is on display here.

        • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >it's a hassle to maintain
      its not tho. maybe it was when you used it but, its very stable right now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      plus i would like to add that the reason you explained is not the major reason to use gentoo at all. the reason to use gentoo is customizability. you can have everything just how you want it. and it gives me a peace of mind. it gives me a peae of mind that i can have guhnome without online account spyware baked into it, when i can modify an ebuild to change a very inane and insignificant thing for a package, how easy it is to patch any software before it is built, all automatically by portage. tho i agree that most people would not be willing to go through all the wait tiems during installation, it is a saviour for people like me who do not like to think aout their computer but still want it just the way they like. i have used every popular linux distro for past 7-8 years but none of them give the peace of mind that gentoo does.

      • 4 weeks ago

        does average computer user really just sit there and stare until software is installed? I update my system when I go outside or sleep.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I update my system when I go outside or sleep
          i dont even have to do that. mine updates in the background and i dont even notice when it is done because most of the times it takes less than a few minutes. the only time i have to leave it for running overnight is when theres a profile update. even for larger package updates all at once (gcc, llvm, rust, clang, firefox) it doesnt take that long.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            the big boys use up all your ram while compiling, no way you don't notice unless you cripple your compile speed by lowering the jobs

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sanest person ITT.

      • 4 weeks ago
        OS MASTER

        you've admitted to autism, sorry.

        • 4 weeks ago

          i am not medically diagnosed therofre i would not claim or say that i have autism. infact im perfectly normal human being.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >street cred
      The only reason you'd want to run Gentoo is to release yourself from the deranged whims of GNOME Foundation and package maintainers bribed by GNOME Foundation or otherwise filtered by Bash into accepting systemd

      t. using Gentoo right now on every computer for the last 12 years and contributing to it on a weekly basis

      • 4 weeks ago

        I could probably setup dwm on artix if I wanted to, the reason I'd use gentoo is because unlike other Black person distros, Gentoo just works.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Uselessly tedious

    And before anyone comes up with arch: arch is a badly designed distro with castrated kernel and lack of packages.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >lack of packages
      the only reason anyone uses arch is for the AUR (aka more packages)

      • 4 weeks ago

        which is beyond moronic because gentoo overlays is everything AUR wishes it could be, and some more

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Uninstall Gentoo.

  6. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      This is terrible advice, your shit may not compile.
      And if it does, it's still badly optimized, it's moronic to copypaste the settings for another CPU and defeats the whole point of Gentoo.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >it's moronic to copypaste the settings for another CPU
        What is moronic is you thinking you can copy paste from that image, you stupid homosexual. Why wouldn't you just substitute the information that is applicable to you and your system?

        • 4 weeks ago

          What noobs should be doing is reading the Gentoo wiki, not that bait pic which will lead them to copypaste commands, fail and ragequit.

          Do you understand the point now, moron?
          Any tutorial that just lists a bunch of commands without explaining what said commands do is a terrible tutorial.

          BTW, the moronic zoomer tripgay agrees with you, that should make you realize you are in the wrong side here.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            I'm in my late 30s.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I disable names, trips, and pass status using CSS, so who cares who you all are. Only your words matter. That said, it isn't a fricking tutorial, dipshit. If you want a tutorial you fricking go to the handbook or google ``how to install GNU+Gentoo Linux'' and the first fricking result, dipshit, if the Gentoo Wiki Handbook.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes you need to go to the wiki regardless. The is no point in that picture and you are just proving it. It's not useful, just potentially misleading.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The is no point in that picture and you are just proving it.
            The only thing being proved is your ignorance.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No, the only thing being proven is that you are a fricking moron with no counterargument.

            If you are installing Gentoo for the first time you should go to the wiki, that pic is useless.
            And if you are reinstalling then you should already know the basics and have a backup make.conf saved somewhere, so the pic is also useless.

            The moron in your pic (Or is it you? is that why you are so defensive?) even forgot to set up any global USE flags and any CPU ID flags, so it's a poorly optimized install even for a Skylake CPU.


          • 4 weeks ago

            >counter argument
            >its a tutorial bro, but it isn't, so you gotta listen to me
            lol, what else ``should people do''? Is this a tutorial?

  7. 4 weeks ago

    get a hobby since your system just works

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >namegayging troony has concerns about updating some broken troonyware

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm a male.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    and a rope is already over your neck

  10. 4 weeks ago

    whatever nanosecond of speed improvement you get by compiling your own software from source is completely offset by the compile time. it's a meme distro and there is no point.

    just install it, screenshot your neofetch, and then switch to another distro

    • 4 weeks ago

      >poorgay posted it for the 123456478745464th time about how long it takes to compile on his troonybooted troonpad he found in a trashcan

      • 4 weeks ago

        epic clapback, except if you're using modern enough hardware that the compile time is near instant, then you REALLY don't need to compile from source and are getting no benefit from doing so

  11. 4 weeks ago

    gentoo is
    a) the only "real" way to run linux (i.e. a decent source-based distro)
    b) extremely high effort
    c) probably going to drain all your energy and you'll be back on arch before you even have the gentoo kernel configured lol

    • 4 weeks ago

      configuring gentoo kernel took me 5 minutes

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the only "real" way to run linux
      >extremely high effort
      stop spreading unture memes. infact portage takes away a lot of manual work that is needed to run the so called "real" linux

      • 4 weeks ago

        yes, but it's still more effort than a binary distro. of course, the binary distro cannot be bent to your will like gentoo can

        • 4 weeks ago

          yeah must be real effort to step away from your computer, zoom zoom

  12. 4 weeks ago


    I'm not a windows user, I am just using Windows currently because I planned to play video games and get drunk this evening. I have so far only gotten drunk.
    I even addressed the only real reason to use Gentoo and said it's fine if that's how moronic you are. It's fairly easy to harden a Gentoo install compared to some other Linux distributions.
    I do not have an axe wound as I am not a transvestite. I am a simple male. I am not very sexual and am not interested in sex, but if I was going to have sex I would like it to be with a woman using my penis.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >I am not a windows user, I just use windows.
    yeah and you aren't a troony, you just castrated yourself because you did or something.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can tell you really value your time by continuing this moronic conversation and making arguments where there are none.

      • 4 weeks ago

        watching mentally ill men drive themselves to suicide on their own is best use of my time I could possibly have on this earth

        • 4 weeks ago
          OS MASTER

          Why would I kill myself? Here's my reasoning on why I wouldn't:

          If I live, there's always a chance of having good feels.
          If I die there is zero chance of having good feels.
          Easy choice to not kill self.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I just want to say OS MASTER !JORDAN./os is based. and you are all huge homosexuals and gay and fake and larpers

    cope and seethe gentards

    • 4 weeks ago

      the fact that a 3rd worlder hates gentoo just proves that I'm right

      Why would I kill myself? Here's my reasoning on why I wouldn't:

      If I live, there's always a chance of having good feels.
      If I die there is zero chance of having good feels.
      Easy choice to not kill self.

      because I said so

      • 4 weeks ago

        what's the usecase of gentoo again?

        >insert ebussy.jpeg here

        • 4 weeks ago

          You will understand when you're white, which might not happen in your lifetime.

          I comprehend, but no I do not know architecture-specific optimizations because I'm not a programmer. I failed out of computer science in college after becoming an alcoholic actually mostly because of the assembly course. I do understand flags for features CPUs support and that is how gcc decides which optimizations to apply. I am not a moron

          Well maybe stop posting then because you're too braindead to comprehend what makes modern CPU's fast in the first place, and why your toddler distro inhibits all of it down to 2000's levels.

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            please expound, mister "time is so valuable" Black person

          • 4 weeks ago

            sorry my time isn't worthless, ask alexa about it or something

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            ok Black person

            >it's a hassle to maintain
            its not tho. maybe it was when you used it but, its very stable right now.

            install kde-9999 and tell me it isn't a pain in the ass compared to a distro like arch with kde-unstable

          • 4 weeks ago


            okay ahmed

          • 4 weeks ago

            at this point I can only assume this is bait

            yes gentoo is so good that everyone uses it, china built their distro on top of gentoo, google built their distro on top of gentoo, Israel built their distro on top of gentoo... And that makes you seethe because?

          • 4 weeks ago

            fake and gay
            every serious project builds their stuff on top of red hat or fedora software
            the NSA and CIA uses red hat
            even north korea's red star os is built on top of fedora
            gentard is irrelevant

  15. 4 weeks ago

    This OS MASTER !JORDAN./os dude is a really sad individual ngl.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    my top is to go to
    then download the latest iso of fedora workstation
    then nuke your hard drive and install it
    then go get a life since your computer just werks now

  17. 4 weeks ago


    I comprehend, but no I do not know architecture-specific optimizations because I'm not a programmer. I failed out of computer science in college after becoming an alcoholic actually mostly because of the assembly course. I do understand flags for features CPUs support and that is how gcc decides which optimizations to apply. I am not a moron

  18. 4 weeks ago
  19. 4 weeks ago

    Teaches you almost no relevant skills to using any other distro besides it. Should be seen just as macos.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Teaches you almost no relevant skills to using any other distro
      yeah gentoo just works so you don't need any skills to use it and that's, um that's that's just le bad mmmkay???

      • 4 weeks ago

        I mean it doesn't just work on lots of hardware. My ryzen 7 system from 4 years ago was missing some comparability that was patched in by most other distros at the time when installing gen2. Saying it just w3rks is a fallacy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          seems like not my problem

          • 4 weeks ago

            Requiring a network connection to be able to side load the kernel patch on a fresh install and fresh iso to get feature parity with current OS's is a problem with the distro and its community.

          • 4 weeks ago

            poor you, if only you could afford a $5 ethernet cable

            >I update my system when I go outside or sleep
            i dont even have to do that. mine updates in the background and i dont even notice when it is done because most of the times it takes less than a few minutes. the only time i have to leave it for running overnight is when theres a profile update. even for larger package updates all at once (gcc, llvm, rust, clang, firefox) it doesnt take that long.

            I leave my computer on 24/7 because my time isn't worthless enough to spend 5 seconds typing shutdown command or 5 seconds waiting for my system to boot.

          • 4 weeks ago

            > Be Me
            > Told to install gentoo
            > fdisk
            > Internet goes out
            > Cant install os
            > Anhero.

          • 4 weeks ago

            last time my internet went out I had bigger problems, like replacing my roof because your mom farted over my house and that was enough to rip it off

          • 4 weeks ago
            OS MASTER

            could you smell the fart (and describe the smell if so)

          • 4 weeks ago

            thankfully not, as it left my vicinity at mach 7, along with my shingles

          • 4 weeks ago

            thankfully not, as it left my vicinity at mach 7, along with my shingles

            Samegay namegay lamegay

  20. 4 weeks ago

    goodnight IQfyuys thanks for distracting me from what I planned to do but I'm finna fall asleep

    gentroons keep gentrooning
    everyone else you know what's up

    • 4 weeks ago

      i like your chaotically based style. i've come to appreciate and respect
      your triphomosexualry. you're interesting and amusing. clearly above the iq
      of a rock unlike so much of this board. but it's not like being a
      warrior for common sense in a thread consisting of half bait half
      unemployed autistic manchildren is an impressive feat

  21. 4 weeks ago


  22. 4 weeks ago

    Install Gentoo.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    wipefs --all. cfdisk /dev/sda.
    mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1
    mkfs.xfs /dev/sda3
    mkswap /dev/sda2
    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo
    swapon /dev/sda2
    cd /mnt/gentoo. links
    xvf stage3* mount --mkdir /dev/sda1 efi
    mount -t proc none proc
    mount -R /dev dev
    mount -R /sys sys
    mount -B /run run
    cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/
    chroot . /bin/bash -l
    emerge --sync
    emerge -va gentoo-kernel-bin grub linux-firmware
    grub-install --efi-directory=efi
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    • 4 weeks ago

      never installed this in my entire life
      poorgay Thinkpad troony spotted

      • 4 weeks ago

        what you need to understand is gentoo-kernel-bin can easily be used for fast setup and everything else including making your own kernel can be done after. you do not have to project yoyr insecurities on me nobody here is laughing at you. it's okay

        • 4 weeks ago

          my machine is fast so is every setup
          >your own kernel
          I use gentoo-kernel with 3 small changes

          • 4 weeks ago

            so I'm a poorgay you only can afford one fast machine. and know what you want in your kernel for that specific machine? got it. keep slaying lad

          • 4 weeks ago

            >configuring your kernel
            I literally use gentoo-kernel with 3 small changes, not sure if you seen it last time I sent the message.

          • 4 weeks ago

            and i wrote a widespread ez way to get started and got slack for using kernel-bin not sure if you seen it last time i sent the message

          • 4 weeks ago

            yes must be a poorgay thing to use -bin on gentoo

          • 4 weeks ago

            it's okay if you're only able to afford one computer. nobody is calling you loser for it lad

          • 4 weeks ago

            your Thinkpad collection isn't what I consider to be real computers, anon, computers are meant to compute things, and preferably very fast

          • 4 weeks ago

            it's okay i never called you a joke and i don't think you should feel like being a clown is your identity. i know deep down there's more to you

          • 4 weeks ago

            tell us more about your identity of being poor

          • 4 weeks ago

            don't worry i know you're cool and awesome. and no matter what people tell you. your apple smartwatch is cool and useful and so are you! and if people tell you your new iphone is a waste of money just call them poor cuz your awesome and defined by money. (in doubt of troony so just in case) slay queen.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I own a mechanical watch thoughie

          • 4 weeks ago

            nobody asked. you don't have to keep trying to define who you are. (oh i got fast puta for gayming) me oh i got (mech watch cuz i hart worker) it's okay not to project your insecurities. you still don't know what computer i have. your insecurities just straight away went to poor so you could amend the money you wasted on fast pewtar. but I'm just here to say i don't think you wasted money.

          • 4 weeks ago

            didn't read, stay on topic of you being too poor to afford a real computer that doesn't take hours to perform a basic task

          • 4 weeks ago

            something tells me you read it all and your instinct is to go back to your basic defensive way of writing while saying lalala i can't hear you. so just know this. it's okay not to be a school clown all the time, you are loved.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >something tells me
            and it isn't me so I didn't read the rest as I am not interested in conversations you have with your mirror

          • 4 weeks ago

            sure thing lad 😉

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Way behind the meta, use arch if you wanna be an average mainstream contrarian or use NixOS if you wanna be an early adopter contrarian.

    • 4 weeks ago

      too bad I just want my system to actually work so I will have to stick to gentoo

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