>germ theory. >the theory of evolution. >the telephone. >the television. >antibiotics. >electromagnetism

>germ theory
>the theory of evolution
>the telephone
>the television

How does one barren rocky wasteland mog the mick paddy in his lush fertile isle so hard? Both were colonial possessions...yet the Irishman has contributed basically nothing to the human race (of which he is only questionably a part) in comparison.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Because Scotland natively developed state hood while Ireland never did

  2. 2 months ago

    capitalism was invented when the Dutch discovered speculative investing

    • 2 months ago

      Wheels and a frame and pedals separately do not make a bike. The "ism" comes from its assembly into a system, which was done by Adam.

  3. 2 months ago

    Meme answer: Germanic and Anglo admixture
    Non-meme answer: Scotland has a very long history of cultivating modern universities and, iirc, had more universities than England before the act of union. They were more literate for longer. Ireland lost all its spot as a center for learning sometime in the Middle Ages. Scotland was generally more prosperous than Ireland and was never treated the same way. They were more often than not walking hand-in-hand with the English in colonizing places rather than being colonized. The only exception were the highland clearances, but that was mostly scot on scot violence and absentee Scottish lords pushing out rural scots to make more money.

  4. 2 months ago

    Presbyterians who were more of a trucial state with England than a colony, intensely poor, and also still willing to learn the styles of London to have better economic benefits. Even a lot of their poets said to learn English because it was more useful.

  5. 2 months ago

    Capitalism was invented by Martin Luther

  6. 2 months ago

    Have you ever been to Scotland?
    There's nothing to do besides shagging sheep. You have 2 choices at life, become a genius nerd (1%) or drink yourself to death (99%)

  7. 2 months ago

    Scots are white, Irish are browns solidarizing with Palestine and struggling for worldwide BBC superiority

  8. 2 months ago

    Scotland wasn't a colonial possession

  9. 2 months ago

    >the theory of evolution
    Guh? Don't get carried away.
    >the telephone
    >the television
    QI did a nice segment on this: https://youtu.be/zCmkjQFiOYA?si=fqSeNLTI-fXlFySM
    If you actually watch it through it does give Scotland a fair amount of credit and I do agree that they have invented and discovered a lot per capita but to answer your question a lot of these were the work of lowlanders who were never all that oppressed anyway.
    If you want to brag about the contributions of people mith Mac at the start of their surname maybe start with tarmacadam and go from there, you might find more than you expected.

    • 2 months ago

      Also Duchesne observed penicillin before Fleming but he wasn't very productive about it so I won't count that.

    • 2 months ago

      darwin stole the theory of evolution from a Scottish man, he acknowledges in letters it is not his theory. the academic mafia suppresses this fact.
      you can find the letters for yourself that he wrote, but the letters where he explains evolution to darwin are conveniently went missing in Darwin's posession.

      • 2 months ago

        Give me a name, Scot.

        • 2 months ago

          KEK, the link got taken down! I guess they're onto me, academia glowies..
          I'm sure you can find it somewhere else. Lookup Darwin's letter to Patrick Mathhew 21 november 1863, I'm sure its still up somewhere despite glowie efforts.

          • 2 months ago

            Aight, that is pretty cool ngl.

          • 2 months ago

            Like I said, Darwin is a thief, he stole from the proud scottish ppl like a typical anglo.

          • 2 months ago

            Well seen as I have you I want to strike a deal with you. There's an inventor called Samuel Curran. Up until recently his nationality was unspecified on Wikipedia. He was born in Ireland and had an Irish surname but spent most of his life in Scotland where he contributed a lot to university, national and royal society knowledge. The down-low is his father was from Scotland but probably came from an Irish family hence the surname and his mother was from Ireland and had a likely Irish derived surname as well, we just don't know for sure. There's also a rarely mentioned source that her middle name was from a previous marriage and that she birthed Sam in Ireland on her own volition, so he probably only had one grand parent with a non-Irish surname as far as we can tell and might have had some connection to Ireland by upbringing. My point is, if you could let it slide that he was, say, "Hiberno-Scottish" so to speak then I could tell all I encounter about Patrick Matthew in return. Wiki already has him on a list of Irish descended Scots but his main article and royal society entries don't specify this so it would be much appreciated seen as you already have that one guy who helped develop radar and people are gonna notice the name Curran is Irish anyway. What say you?

          • 2 months ago

            I don't think i currently have the authority to bargain on behalf of the Scotts, seeing as I'm not Scottish, but I'll get back to you.

        • 2 months ago

          Ah here it is

          Dear Sir
          Mr Darwin begs me to thank you warmly for your letter, which has interested him very much. I am sorry to say that he is so unwell as not to be able to write himself.
          With regard to Natural Selection, he says that he is not staggered by your striking remarks. He is more faithful to your own original child than you are yourself. He says you will understand what he means by the following metaphor.

  10. 2 months ago

    Gods grace.

  11. 2 months ago

    >germ theory
    everyone already knew this thousands of years ago

  12. 2 months ago

    yet Scotland is still poor.
    looks like they didn't get any reward for doing all that.

    maybe inventing things is not rewarding

  13. 2 months ago

    Scots didn't have Penal laws imposed on them one of which barred Catholics from receiving an education.

    >The penal laws particularly targeted Catholic schools run by religious orders, whose property was routinely confiscated. The laws were intended to force Irish Catholics of all classes to convert to the Protestant Church of Ireland if they wanted a decent education

    >The Education Act 1695 (7 Will. 3. c. 4 (I)), was an act of the Parliament of Ireland, one of a series of Penal Laws, prohibiting Catholics from sending their children to be educated abroad. Its long title is "An Act to restrain Foreign Education".

    >(From An Act to Restrain Foreign Education, 1695)

    >“Whereas it has been found by experience that tolerating at Papists [Catholics] keeping school or instructing youth in literature is one great reason of many of the natives continuing ignorant of the principles of the true religion.. no person of the Popish religion [Catholicism] shall publicly teach school or instruct youth… upon pain of 20 pounds and prison for three months for every such offence…”

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