Havana Syndrome Finally Solved

Looks like it was Russia who attacked Americans in Cuba some 30 years ago with Havana Syndrome.

Although we now know which country was responsible, the method of attack and the cure is still not known.

How was Russia able to attack American diplomats with Havana Syndrome over a period of days to weeks, and have life altering symptoms and consequences some 30 years later, with no scientific explanation and cure in sight?

What does IQfy think?

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  1. 3 months ago
    Fledgling Investor

    >30 years ago
    are you fricking stupid? "Havana Syndrome" was first documented less than 10 years ago.

    • 3 months ago

      its been documented since the late 40s

  2. 3 months ago

    Your own pic says what the method of attack was, sonic weaponry.
    As for the cure, its like trying to cure an eardrum broken to screaming in your ear except instead of an ear drum, its capillaries and blood vessels deep inside your brain.

    • 3 months ago

      >Your own pic says what the method of attack was
      No, the pic says what glowies told various western state media outlets to print in a ridiculous effort to bolster public support for pissing away another hundred billion in Ukraine and a potential future open war with Russia.

      • 3 months ago

        OP clearly accepted the line that they know russia did it, so going off of that logic, they also know what the method was.

      • 3 months ago

        please yes, TZD

  3. 3 months ago

    Why are they talking about Havana syndrome now though, they just gave it legitimacy

    • 3 months ago

      The US is losing its proxy war in Europe. They need to stir up anger at the US's enemy so the people of the US won't be upset over all the resources poured into yet another losing war. Until now, the US blamed Cuba for this nebulous condition but suddenly it's Russia, not Cuba, who is shooting sonic weapons in Cuba at diplomats for reasons unexplained.

      • 3 months ago

        >What does IQfy think?

        >"""""""""""""Media Investigation Suggests"""""""""""""""""""""

        The CIA has already investigated Havana Syndrome back in 2017 after the people who complained about it ended up getting brain tumors from it and they started taking it seriously. They explicitly stated they don't think it's caused by the Russians and they still think this. I'm enclined to believe them over some homosexual Journalist who's job it is to make stupid exaggerated fricking statements for a living.

        I believe the CIA in this particular instance because they have every incentive to blame the Russians so they can create more opportunities to extend public and federal antagonism towards Russia and manufacture consent for more open hostility.

        >The US is losing its proxy war in Europe.

        False. The US has already achieved several of their desired goals with the Ukraine conflict:
        -NATO has dramatically expanded with the admission of Sweden and Finland's membership.
        -European ally-state weapons manufacturing, armament, and militarization, has finally begun in earnest.
        -Russian apologetics has more or less dissolved in the public eye: Russia is once against openly perceived as a military threat to western society.
        At the moment the Ukraine conflict is encouraged for the foreseeable future if only because it has continued to be extremely effective at killing Russians. Estimates are anywhere from 290,000 and 460,000 with the average Ukrainian soldier killing between 2-3 Russians each.

        This has been an overwhelming success for American hegemonic interests.

        • 3 months ago

          >-NATO has dramatically expanded with the admission of Sweden and Finland's membership.
          So more of exactly the sort of thing that provoked this in the first place? Outstanding.
          >-European ally-state weapons manufacturing, armament, and militarization, has finally begun in earnest.
          Guess they don't need us fighting and paying for all their wars for them anymore then :^)
          >-Russian apologetics has more or less dissolved in the public eye
          Public support for the war has done nothing but decrease since it started and polls show only partisan democrats maintain majority support anymore.
          >At the moment the Ukraine conflict is encouraged for the foreseeable future if only because it has continued to be extremely effective at killing Russians.
          Unironically psychotic. How many hundreds of thousands of people have to die to avenge your butthurt over some Russians allegedly buying facebook ads for Trump 8 years ago?
          >Estimates are...

        • 3 months ago

          Meanwhile in reality:
          >the war revitalized the Russian army and military industry
          >the Russian army has only grown in size
          >even the west ditched the "waste Russia's equipment" narrative and are now admitting that Russia is outproducing the west

        • 3 months ago


          Looks like it was Russia who attacked Americans in Cuba some 30 years ago with Havana Syndrome.

          Although we now know which country was responsible, the method of attack and the cure is still not known.

          How was Russia able to attack American diplomats with Havana Syndrome over a period of days to weeks, and have life altering symptoms and consequences some 30 years later, with no scientific explanation and cure in sight?

          What does IQfy think?

          >Russia knows the location and identity of all US intelligence workers
          >Russia attacked US intelligence workers thousands of times and US has no idea how it happened

          CIA bros, are we the losers?

        • 3 months ago

          >average Ukrainian soldier killing between 2-3 Russians each.

          this is what holhol-shills actully believe

  4. 3 months ago

    I think you are a moron. Move your ass into the front and use your legs to remove mines, you moron piece of shit.

  5. 3 months ago


    pg 13

    according to the bohm-aharonov effect, if two zero-field scalar wave beams are crossed in a distant region, real physical effects exist in a distant region.

  6. 3 months ago

    wasn't it basically weaponized microwave ovens?

  7. 3 months ago

    >2016 is 30 years ago

  8. 3 months ago


    Feels weird knowing that down the road there's probably going to be some FOIA report showing that we've known Havana Syndrome was bullshit for years and just went along with this shit because alternatives would have been publicly embarrassing and probably made some government workers pissy about getting called mentally ill and having the aid Congressed passed for this bullshit put at risk.

    As an added piss off, playing along with this bullshit makes it fricking worse and more likely to spread. Frickers would rather people get sick than be honest. As a sufferer of psychogenic illness, everyone involved in covering up this bullshit deserves to be tossed in the deepest pit we've got.

    • 3 months ago

      USA government said it's real tho.

  9. 3 months ago

    >some 30 years ago

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