>hear that MFAs are programs where you can be really focused and challenged as a writer. >have a GI bill to burn

>hear that MFAs are programs where you can be really focused and challenged as a writer
>have a GI bill to burn
>apply to a program at a university
>director: "Welcome to Schmuckatelli University, I will give you a tour of the campus"
>show up to campus/appointment/interview because, well, why not?
>introduced to a bunch of random places on the university that I will probably never visit or come back to
>director: "I recall you said you were working on a series online? Can you share the website?"
>oh shit I didnt actually prepare for this part
>why did I tell her that?
>give her the link to my website just to not be emptyhanded
>its about a bunch of muscular sweaty shirtless guys beating each other up
>someone left a comment saying its homoerotic
>director scrolling on her phone with pursed lips, "that's quite a prose, so uh what's the theme for your work?"
>me: "u-uh it's about c-c-capitalism... and uh... PTSD."

How do I redeem myself? I am doing it for my art... and also that GI bill housing stipend.

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  1. 8 months ago

    anon just tell her it's about rough gay sex

  2. 8 months ago

    >>me: "u-uh it's about c-c-capitalism... and uh... PTSD."

  3. 8 months ago

    >what's the theme
    Yup, it's a lar. OP never moved past high school.

  4. 8 months ago

    Maybe as a postgrad you can find some nice wiener to suck you gay arse homosexual.

  5. 8 months ago

    Post the link op

    • 8 months ago

      I dont want it associated with IQfy if anyone searches me on google

      • 8 months ago

        You sound like a massive pussy b***hboy. Frick off.

  6. 8 months ago

    Share OP

  7. 8 months ago

    Funny, I'm working on a painting of boys fighting while erect and its about uh..the need to rediscover masculinity and the approaching epoch of Caesarism.

    • 8 months ago

      >the approaching epoch of Caesarism
      Why would modern idiots want this again? Stupid.

      • 8 months ago

        The empire was really nice for the poors. Republics are for aristocrats.

  8. 8 months ago

    >challenging anyone as a writer

  9. 8 months ago

    Hey OP, frick you for joining the US Military . You took the easy cake walk at the price of serving an institution that is supreme evil and God will judge you harshly for it.

    • 8 months ago

      Shut the frick up moron

      • 8 months ago

        Frick the United States Military and every fricker who served in it during the post-Vietnam era.

        Frick the Marines, Frick the Army, Frick the Air Force, Frick the Navy.

        Frick their Rolls Royce healthcare and Frick the GI Bill.

        Frick your stupid wars. Take that flag and shove it up your ass.

        Get a real fricking job you fricking losers.

        >hurrrrr I dunno what to do with my life and I'm a completely thoughtless moron hurrrr
        >Oh, I will join the US ARMY, and become a MAN, and defend my fellow hamburgers from bands of cave dwelling monkeys with drones piloted from Kansas by a dude eating McDonald's in air conditiong. Oops we blew up a school lol tee hee. Another 47 child terries down, USA USA USA!

        • 8 months ago

          lol didn’t read hippy loser kys

          • 8 months ago

            Get a real job loser. I am just saying what everyone thinks but can't say to your stupid patriotism-covered face.

            Frick you. You didn't buy your car or your house or your pants, you stole them from children in Iraq that died so you can have a """""job"""""

            You are no better than an SS guard in Auschwitz. You get cake, they get hellfire.

            Frick you and burn in hell.

          • 8 months ago

            look at this miserable fiend seething. leftism is its own punishment.

          • 8 months ago

            Go suck Netenyahu's dick.

            you can't enlist because you are a coward.

            says the guy who hires Ukranians to fight his wars? You're a joke!

        • 8 months ago

          People who make posts like these are pathetic. It just radiates desperation to sublimate their own pathetic station in life as "authentic" (hence "get a real job"), through denigrating others. Just like the posts where people denigrate lawyers, cops, CEOs, or politicians, because the poster feels they do "real" work picking orders at a warehouse, or welding poles for $20 an hour. It's just a life-cope against those who are wealthier or have some kind of authority and sway in society.
          I don't even care about the US military or whatever, but these neurotic try-hard posts make me sick.

          • 8 months ago

            You are a jackass amigo. Classic Americana.
            >"They are just jealous of us Reginald. They just wish they could have a real estate portfolio and a nice watch."
            The default defense of a powerful person to a powerless person, in all moments of history, in all societies, is
            >hurrrr they are just jealous.

            I could enlist tomorrow you fricking moron. I have a clean criminal record, no tattooos and a pulse.

          • 8 months ago

            you can't enlist because you are a coward.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not even rich or in the military. Or ever was. Your tryhard attitude is just pathetic.
            >I could enlist tomorrow you fricking moron. I have a clean criminal record, no tattooos and a pulse.
            I doubt you'd succeed with your neurosis. A mentally stable person doesn't need to justify their need to not do something with crazed venom.

          • 8 months ago

            >your try hard attitude
            Why is it bad to try hard?
            >I doubt you'd succeed
            This is such a bad insult it's a compliment.

          • 8 months ago

            ESL. Go back to beanerland

          • 8 months ago

            Don't you have a small brown child in a remote region of the world to drop a bomb on?

          • 8 months ago

            Stop using words you don’t understand

          • 8 months ago

            >Just like the posts where people denigrate lawyers
            Kek this moron is defending parasites

  10. 8 months ago

    >How do I redeem myself?

  11. 8 months ago

    gays are allowed to be reactionary (for now). Look at Bret Easton Ellis and Mike White.

  12. 8 months ago

    i've been debating doing mfa or mba mostly just to waste more precious time and money on vanity projects rather than getting a better job. i decided i'm gonna go mba so i can chill at the library late at night listening to vaporwave and larping like it's 1985. i don't even want to get a corporate job, i hate suits and powerpoints and shit, but it'll be a fun larp. late night study sesh soundtrack below:

  13. 8 months ago

    Why did you make yourself into a bullet magnet for Israel

  14. 8 months ago

    >let my self get knocked out to avoid joining sex cult
    >born into party

    • 8 months ago


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