How come so many Mormons leave the church?

How come so many Mormons leave the church?

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  1. 2 months ago

    For every white who leaves they convert two latinx.

    • 2 months ago

      Why would Latinx be that stupid? They think they're partially cursed with native DNA

      • 2 months ago

        No they don't, the Mormon Church has officially repudiated that as no longer being doctrine.

        • 2 months ago

          >Mormon Church has officially repudiated that as no longer being doctrine.
          Which in and of itself should be proof the religion founded by Smith was a lie. Repudiation of the prophet is repudiation of the foundation and thus the house has fallen.

          • 2 months ago

            >Repudiation of the prophet is repudiation of the foundation and thus the house has fallen
            They believe that their presidents are literal prophets too.

          • 2 months ago

            Black person do you have any idea of how much shit jesus said had to be retconned?

          • 2 months ago

            Nothing at all. Everything Jesus said was final

          • 2 months ago

            You seriously think we have access to what Jesus said?

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, we do, and if you deny that you expose yourself as an ahistorical schizo. Internet is free, look it up.

        • 2 months ago

          >the government decides it won't legally recognize polygamous marriage
          >the Mor(m)on god conveniently decides this is no longer permissible
          >the government recognizes the rights of blacks and passes anti discriminatory laws
          >the Mor(m)on god conveniently decides Black folk are no longer cursed subhumans
          what a spineless joke of a religion

    • 2 months ago

      stop using Latinx, makes you look like a zoomie who cant do racism the right way

  2. 2 months ago

    Mormon here born and raised in Utah, though I moved away a little while ago. In my personal experience, there are two main reasons people leave.

    First, the LDS church is one where the members of the congregation are constantly asked to give up their time and energy. Every adult member of the congregation is supposed to have a "calling", or a job/responsibility. Some teach classes, others are called to take part in clerical duties, some help with family history classes, etc. It's NOT a religion where you get to be lazy. A lot is asked.

    The second reason is that the doctrines of the church are opposite to popular political beliefs of our day. I know a lot of friends and family who have left over the church's stance on gay marriage and homosexuality in general. Many more have a hard time coming to terms with other aspects of the church's early history, most notably polygamy and not allowing blacks to be fully involved in certain aspects of worship until the 1970's. Personally, I don't really give a shit.

    • 2 months ago

      There's also the regressive tithe and the shitty leadership, right?

      • 2 months ago

        To call it tithing would be hiding the fact that it's an admission fee and the antithesis of the Protestant reformation.

        • 2 months ago

          It's ironic that the most stable by-product of the english reformation is essentially a repudiation of everything it ever stood for.
          Joseph Smith Jr's family was circling down the religious comedy drain before his birth. For example.

    • 2 months ago

      Ex Mormon, left the church at 13.

      I have distinct memories of thinking the whole foundation story was a bit sus even as a kid. But in my case the real issue was
      I really, really disliked the constant expectation of being involved and giving time to the church. Even as a kid, I was expected to give up Sundays for worship (well, and family gatherings after), Friday evening after school for Boy Scouts (which I disliked), and several social functions a month on top of that. And I had to accompany my Family when they went to temple, which involved waiting around in the God damn visitor center for hours and hours. My Great Grandmother spent months driving us all over the US to visit old ancestral graves, spend hours in genelogical libraries, and visit temples/holy sites/etc. There was also in home commitment, Bible reading, having to interact with the missionaries when they came over (often on a weekly basis) etc.

      I'm sure all that stuff actually appeals to some people, but I'm very anti-social and introverted and it was pure fricking torture to make me have to interact with people that frequently. And I hated the time spent doing all that other stuff when I could be spending it watching cartoons, reading a good book, or playing with non-mormon friends. It's a very difficult sell to get a 10-15 year old to go to church or temple instead of playing N64 and watching DBZ with his buddies.

      Also as I got older the amount of bullshit in the church foundational stories, and some of the more batshit doctrinal beliefs I had been exposed to, made me really not interested in the church. I just stopped going and stopped doing any church related functions and my parents just quietly went with it because I was a good kid in every other way. I just would not go to church.

      Anyways, I still have a lot of respect for the Mormons and I don't wish anything on ill on them. For a certain kind of person that lifestyle is great. Just not for me.

      • 2 months ago
        LDS Guy

        Reasons A and B, as well as F (boredom, annoyance with others and their habits/beliefs)

        LDS here. It's cuz they like butt stuff

        That's (partially) a joke. In all seriousness tho, many are leaving (particularly in the states) for any mix of the following reasons

        A. They didn't pay attention to doctrinal teachings growing up and are shocked when they learn the stuff as adults
        B. They got too political (of the world as opposed to in the world)
        C. Actually butt stuff and porn (younger generation)
        D. Grew up with apathy towards the church, going through the motions and only being involved so much as its what everyone does.
        E. Got too into the habit of apologising to outsiders for their beliefs/practices, leading to self shame

        The closer to Utah you get, the more this is a problem. The church is well on its way to being mostly African and Latino over White

        • 2 months ago
          LDS Guy

          A and *D

    • 2 months ago

      Why exactly to normie libtards have problems with polygamy?
      >Sexual deviance with an infinite number of partners is fine, except it has to be one at a time and you can’t be married.

      • 2 months ago

        it's more of a christgay thing really

  3. 2 months ago
    LDS Guy

    LDS here. It's cuz they like butt stuff

    That's (partially) a joke. In all seriousness tho, many are leaving (particularly in the states) for any mix of the following reasons

    A. They didn't pay attention to doctrinal teachings growing up and are shocked when they learn the stuff as adults
    B. They got too political (of the world as opposed to in the world)
    C. Actually butt stuff and porn (younger generation)
    D. Grew up with apathy towards the church, going through the motions and only being involved so much as its what everyone does.
    E. Got too into the habit of apologising to outsiders for their beliefs/practices, leading to self shame

    The closer to Utah you get, the more this is a problem. The church is well on its way to being mostly African and Latino over White

    • 2 months ago

      >B. They got too political (of the world as opposed to in the world)
      People care about real issues so much that it distracts them from the very important Bible fanfic

      • 2 months ago
        LDS Guy

        Same goes for the Bible. Christianity in general. People are losing faith today across the board.

      • 2 months ago

        Not to be that guy, but the entire mess in the Middle East is due to people taking a misconception about the 3rd Temple seriously.
        You can't decouple politics from religion so easily.

        • 2 months ago

          >You can't decouple politics from religion so easily.
          I'd go further and say religion and politics are inseparable. They both make moral claims. They can't both be right. Churches saying it's worldly so they have no opinion is just gay. Do they have to take a "neutral" position to maintain their tax-exempt status? Maybe. That or they are just cucked people pleasers.

          If God exists, there are right and wrongs. Simple as.

    • 2 months ago

      Were you born into the faith or converted?

      • 2 months ago
        LDS Guy

        Born into, spent some time inactive. Currently a priest at 24 years old. Also didn't go on a mission.

        • 2 months ago

          Have you considered other more mainstream denominations or are you firm in your belief?

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            Pretty firm. If anything I keep finding stuff outside that reaffirms my faith inside. That being said, I do like Eastern/Oriental Orthodoxy.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah basically every LDS adult man is a priest. You're not fooling anyone. I knew an LDS guy who was constantly cheating on his wife, drinking, etc. and he was a "priest" too, by default

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            Not trying to fool anyone, just offering further info about my status in the church.

          • 2 months ago

            Sure. Just understand (as you very likely already do) that "priest" does not mean to most people what it supposedly does to you. You weren't bestowed with a remarkable, important position within your church. You're just a guy that has "priesthood" status, like every other mormon adult man

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            No shit?

          • 2 months ago

            You are either a fool or a liar. You must know that your church's conception of "priest" is not commonly understood. Why did you mention that you are a priest if every adult male member is a priest?

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            Simply to be honest? Like, I'm 24, just about every other guy is an Elder. This isn't the power trip you seem to think it is

          • 2 months ago

            No, it definitely is. It's at least a credibility trip. In the west, "priest" generally means that the owner of that title is elevated in status from other members of his church. This does not describe you, so there is no reason to mention it.

          • 2 months ago

            He already said he was a Mormon and anyone on IQfy should know about Mormon priesthood. Chill the frick out.

          • 2 months ago

            I guarantee the fact that basically every mormon male adult having a "priesthood" is news to plenty of people here.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm seconding this, most Americans know basically nothing about Mormonism and how it actually works. The Mormon's post was insightful, the dork getting upset about how the good name of the Vatican is being besmirched by the Mormon's usage of "priesthood" didn't get thrown in a lock often enough in high school.

          • 2 months ago

            The guy you're seconding and the guy you're calling a dork are the same person lmao. Their use of the word priest is misleading, and mormon anon's use of it in this thread was an attempt to gain credibility; just like it always is with mormon "priests."

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            >the good name of the Vatican is being besmirched
            we must be reading different history books

          • 2 months ago

            >anyone on IQfy should know about Mormon priesthood.
            come on, shill, why should we in europe know about the details of a barely significant mcreligion?

          • 2 months ago

            hey, look, mormons play the same dishonest game as the jehovists, who would have thought?

    • 2 months ago

      Not a Mormon but read a lot about it. I'm always shocked how little many "ex-Mormons" know about the religion. They often turn out to be the most outspoken critics and yet they know less than I do. It is really bizarre to me.

      I feel like the church would benefit from taking a firmer stand on real world issues. It seems like they often withdraw leave it up for members to decide. This lack of clear direction allows people to wander astray and not see their own contradictions. While it'd be inappropriate perhaps to endorse political candidates, political questions are moral questions that have moral answers.

      • 2 months ago
        LDS Guy

        There's a balance between promoting personal revelation and agency, and making firm statements. The leaders of late haven't been great at working that balance imo.

        • 2 months ago

          Presidents a few decades ago seemed much more outspoken, and I'd have had no reservations about joining. I know they want to grow the membership and seem more approachable but there is a cost. Lately all churches are diluting their message which makes them less effective and less appealing for truth seekers who aren't just looking for a social club. Friendship of the world is enmity with God.

          Still rooting for you guys and hope there will be a based leader in my lifetime that turns it all around.

          • 2 months ago

            The biggest fumble for me was cucking to the 2020 narrative. They could have grown a pair and prevented millions from getting it, but they said, nah do whatever you think is best lol. That was the day I lost all respect for the leadership. Sorry.

          • 2 months ago

            Also maximum compliance with shutting down and all the advisory things on the satanic agenda. The whole handling just gave me "of the world" vibes. Unfortunate.

      • 2 months ago

        They seem to be taking the approach for letting other people have freedom of choice but also saying this freedom is a sin. For example the LDS church backs same sex marriage being legally protected but also says same sex marriage is a sin

        • 2 months ago

          I think that's fine and I take a similar position but they are softening on every issue and it's disappointing. Just look at how evolution was discussed then and now. We've seen how this plays out in other churches, we've seen how this plays out in politics. You give up ground, you get nothing, then they ask you to give up more ground and it never ends. There is no compromising with the left.

          • 2 months ago

            The problem though is legalizing gay marriage also means legalizing gay adoption and if marriage isn't between a man and woman there's no limit

          • 2 months ago

            The state should have nothing to do with marriage. It's a religious commitment. If they're going to be involved at all, it doesn't matter what the terms are because it's already illegitimate. Agree about the adoption issue, which also should be nothing to do with the state however.

  4. 2 months ago

    I left because I found out the real truth about Mormonism.
    Suicide vows and blood tokens? Blatant ripoffs from Freemasonry? The 10 governing planets? Kolob? The obvious sham of the Book of Abraham? Kinderhook plates? Greek psalter incident? Second anointing? Get the frick outta here, I've had enough.

    • 2 months ago

      >Suicide vows and blood tokens?
      Huh, tell us more

    • 2 months ago

      >Greek psalter incident
      I don't think him thinking Greek letters are Egyptian Hieroglyphics is even remotely believable. Apparently there is only one source for this story.

    • 2 months ago
      LDS Guy

      Exhibit A of reason A right here

      LDS here. It's cuz they like butt stuff

      That's (partially) a joke. In all seriousness tho, many are leaving (particularly in the states) for any mix of the following reasons

      A. They didn't pay attention to doctrinal teachings growing up and are shocked when they learn the stuff as adults
      B. They got too political (of the world as opposed to in the world)
      C. Actually butt stuff and porn (younger generation)
      D. Grew up with apathy towards the church, going through the motions and only being involved so much as its what everyone does.
      E. Got too into the habit of apologising to outsiders for their beliefs/practices, leading to self shame

      The closer to Utah you get, the more this is a problem. The church is well on its way to being mostly African and Latino over White

      • 2 months ago

        Nah, bullshit. You don't accidentally miss the whole creepy-ass endowment ceremony because you don't pay attention in sunday school, they straight up hide the details about it until you're in the middle of an Eyes Wide Shut style prayer circle with a goofy green apron and chef's hat on. The other shit I mentioned never gets taught either, save for very oblique references to Kolob.

        • 2 months ago

          I'm not a Mormon but I researched the things you posted. Some of them I couldn't find anything on, others were just plain false, ie. one anti-Mormon eye witness source, which is just, nothing.

          I'm aware they do weird stuff in the temple but given satanists invert everything, isn't it at least possible there were original rituals that f sons and occultists created a distorted version of, and they're just doing the original version? I try to give things a charitable interpretation even if I don't believe them. That said, I believe the New Testament makes it clear that the body is the new temple.

          Are they sworn to some kind of secrecy on pain of death? I wondered if that's what you meant by suicide vows. I genuinely don't know.

          Overall I agree that it's dishonest to not be more open about what the religion is about from the outset.

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            You basically just explained Abraham 1:21-31 without even reading it or referring to it.

            Pretty much, yeah. We hold that Masonry picked up certain rites that have been handed down through millennia, nation to nation and organisation to organisation. Hence, while God taught JS Jr the Endowment, He had JS Jr become a Mason to see the symbolism in practice.

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            The real issue with the Endowment isn't the Endowment itself, but people's lack of study, prep and care for it, leading to a lack of understanding of it.

          • 2 months ago

            No, it's actually pretty weird, and the mormon church doesn't like talking about it because they know it's weird. Come on man... the temple stuff is freaky, and the whole suicide pact blood rite thing is not made up. That shit is weird and you know it, and if you don't, you're in too deep. I respect mormon culture, but I would never be serious about it because of what happens in the temples.

          • 2 months ago
            LDS Guy

            It's difficult to get members to even talk to members because they have hangups about it. Even in the Temple people feel hush hush, you get a few sentences in and they have an existential crisis lol
            They really don't try to make it part of their existence

          • 2 months ago

            Thanks for the reference, didn't know about these verses, just seemed like a natural explanation. I definitely need to give this book a proper read.


            >isn't it at least possible there were original rituals that f sons and occultists created a distorted version of, and they're just doing the original version
            The temple endowment ceremony has nothing to do with early Christianity whatsoever, but it does have a lot to do with Masonic rites which only appeared in the 1700s. Smith, totally coincidentally, was a Mason, and he almost certainly ripped a shit ton of stuff off when making his cult. Not to mention how fricking outlandish it is that you need special handshakes to get into heaven.
            The suicide vows thing refers to the fact that until 1990 ish, the endowment included verbalized promises to slit one's throat, rip out one's heart, and disembowel oneself should one reveal what one was shown during the ceremony. The verbal component was removed in reforms around that time but the hand gestures remain as "tokens" (e.g. raise your hand to the square and draw your thumb across your neck, something the LDS shill should be aware of). The ceremony also used to include nearly-naked touching ("anointing" with oil) on the no no square but that got axed as well. Nothing about any of this is taught before you go to the temple for your endowment, not even in temple prep classes (which are more feelgood bullshit that avoids the fine details) like that dude claims.
            As for Kolob and all that shit see pic related. For second anointing, read this account:
            Kinderhook plates:

            There's no reason to be very charitable towards Mormons, as they ultimately don't possess a great understanding of their own faith and its implications unless they're 1) psychopaths or 2) not Mormons anymore.

            Symbolic hand gestures aren't new. They're embedded in all Eastern religions. In Sanskrit they are called Mudra. There are hand gestures in Christendom too.

            >("anointing" with oil) on the no no
            They are the tools of procreation. Mormons have a positive view on sex when it's used for the right purpose. How is this even unreasonable? If anything, the "traditional" anti-sex view of the church, where priests can't even be married, that's the weird one. Is being touched by a doctor the same as abuse? Also, all this on a religion founded on circumcision lmao. How can rubbing of oil on legal and consenting adults but considered offensive compared to that.

            > the endowment included verbalized promises
            This isn't unusual even for mainstream religion. Pretty sure apostasy carries the death penalty in Islam, isn't it in the Old Testament? It's shocking to our modern sensibilities for sure. However, Jesus says "Swear not at all" (Matthew 5:34), so making any such binding agreements is immediately suspect (Not that the historical church didn't also make them).

            I am not a Mormon but it's extremely difficult to navigate the waters between the church apologists who will defend everything no matter what and the ex-Mormons who throw every single thing to "shock" you, including obviously fraudulent claims. Searching for the truth be hard bros.

          • 2 months ago

            By all means, believe in Mormonism if you want. Don't say I didn't warn you.

          • 2 months ago

            >isn't it at least possible there were original rituals that f sons and occultists created a distorted version of, and they're just doing the original version
            The temple endowment ceremony has nothing to do with early Christianity whatsoever, but it does have a lot to do with Masonic rites which only appeared in the 1700s. Smith, totally coincidentally, was a Mason, and he almost certainly ripped a shit ton of stuff off when making his cult. Not to mention how fricking outlandish it is that you need special handshakes to get into heaven.
            The suicide vows thing refers to the fact that until 1990 ish, the endowment included verbalized promises to slit one's throat, rip out one's heart, and disembowel oneself should one reveal what one was shown during the ceremony. The verbal component was removed in reforms around that time but the hand gestures remain as "tokens" (e.g. raise your hand to the square and draw your thumb across your neck, something the LDS shill should be aware of). The ceremony also used to include nearly-naked touching ("anointing" with oil) on the no no square but that got axed as well. Nothing about any of this is taught before you go to the temple for your endowment, not even in temple prep classes (which are more feelgood bullshit that avoids the fine details) like that dude claims.
            As for Kolob and all that shit see pic related. For second anointing, read this account:
            Kinderhook plates:

            There's no reason to be very charitable towards Mormons, as they ultimately don't possess a great understanding of their own faith and its implications unless they're 1) psychopaths or 2) not Mormons anymore.

          • 2 months ago

            >I decided there was one question regarding the Book of Mormon I had
            > answered many times before but I doubted anyone with a good scientific
            > background would accept such an answer.
            wtf he doesn't even give us the question? how can we even know this is a reasonable objection
            >These were not simply hypotheses and theories of scientists but demonstrable FACTS
            kek well most of modern science is bullshit so now I really wanna know

            so this guy broke an agreement and special privilege to tell us that they wash feet and say some words? it's quite disrespectful honestly. because he worships the false god science and puts it first, then found out there is a conflict...

          • 2 months ago

            found it on the mormonthink website
            >The results of studying, pondering, fasting and praying were that the scientific methodology was sound and the fault was in that taught in the Book of Mormon (no death before the fall of Adam approximately 6,000 years ago)
            the modern belief in the age of the earth was created to give the time needed for evolution, it is not a hard science and has many flaws (

          • 2 months ago

            >to tell us that they wash feet and say some words
            No, to tell you that the upper levels of Mormonism release themselves from the confines of morality through a secret ritual only a select elite are permitted to undertake and which is not taught to lay members.
            Ignore his rambling about science and shit, he (like most ex mormons) became your typical materialist liberal after leaving because he never developed a system of epistemology for himself.

          • 2 months ago

            That's true but didn't he say, unless he commits some mortal sin or something. So it's still not guaranteed. Like how is that any different than regular baptism? The real red flag is them letting a science worshiping libcuck that high in the hierarchy

            >Ignore his rambling about science and shit, he (like most ex mormons) became your typical materialist liberal after leaving
            This has made it really difficult for me to take these ex-mormons seriously, unfortunately very common.

            >he never developed a system of epistemology for himself
            This is really the problem with suppressing criticism and avoiding the hard questions. You see the same thing with many kids raised in overbearing religious households. They are told "that's just the way it is son" then everyone is shocked when they rebel on their first exposure to liberal education.

            You can't raise them as if the rest of the world doesn't exist or that opposing views have absolutely no merit at all. People have reasons for believing the most moronic shit imaginable, there are always reasons and people usually feel they are doing the right thing, they're not just "evil" or whatever. It's good to be honest about that.

          • 2 months ago

            >Like how is that any different than regular baptism
            It explicitly gives you a ticket to Mormon Heaven regardless of what you do afterwards, as long as it's short of murder ("shedding of innocent blood").

        • 2 months ago
          LDS Guy

          It's in scripture. Go to temple prep class, read some books, instead of blaming others.

  5. 2 months ago

    Mormons have no apologetics. Ask them about literally anything and they admit it's made up bullshit and say they believe it any way.

  6. 2 months ago

    Even as late as the 2000s it was a lot easier to remain culturally isolated. Since the rise of the smartphone nearly everyone possesses a constant propaganda streaming device. Young women are especially vulnerable to this. It was much easier in the past for the church to control the narrative and use social pressure to keep people in line

  7. 2 months ago

    The linguistic problems of the Book of Mormon are worth a study, it is interesting how problems are hidden beneath the text and for someone without philological knowledge they are practically invisible. I recommend reading this website:

  8. 2 months ago
    LDS Guy

    BTW I run a theism-focused religion server. If anyone here wants to ask me more direct and detailed questions about the LDS church, and/or Mormonism in general, you're welcome to join, so long as you believe in a Deity of some sort.

  9. 2 months ago

    You'd think it sounding really really made-up would have something to do with it

  10. 2 months ago

    Oh, and while we're at it, here's a transcript of the very ill-fated Swedish Rescue from 10-15 years ago. Some burning questions get raised, like the matter of the translation of the Book of Abraham, the Hofmann forgeries, blood atonement, contradictory accounts of the First Vision, and blacks and the Priesthood.

  11. 2 months ago

    >be 16
    >saying sacrament blessing for the first time
    >mfw the bishop tells me to do it over again 7 fricking times because I missed a word somewhere

    • 2 months ago
      LDS Guy

      Yep, been there, done that

  12. 2 months ago

    Because the entire thing is a 19th century Christian fan fiction, and even slightly scratching the surface causes the whole facade to fall down in the most embarrassing way. After age 30, you’re either a cynical c**t clinging to your social power or too moronic to know it’s all a scam.

  13. 2 months ago
    Friendly neighborhood JW

    They realized that it wasn't the truth and many will eventually turn to the One True God

    • 2 months ago

      I doubt a single person has ever left Mormonism in favor of JWism, lol.

      • 2 months ago
        Friendly neighborhood JW

        One of the members of the governing body, Guy Pierce (now in heaven) was raised a Mormon

        And here's the testimony of a former Mormon who became a JW:

        Another testimony on Quora:

        So there

        • 2 months ago

          Touche, you got me there.
          My point isn't so much that literally no one would ever do it but that the vast, vast majority of mormons who leave become atheists or antitheists or vague "spiritual but not religious" woo-woo practitioners rather than joining another faith. Take a look at the exmormon board on plebbit, almost everyone who posts there talks about how liberating it is to be able to have casual sex and support gay shit now that they're out.
          In either case, a lot of the reasons people leave Mormonism very likely also apply to JWs and if you examined both groups I bet you would find significant overlap in terms of motivations, dealbreakers, straws that broke the camel's back, and group pressures.

          • 2 months ago
            Friendly neighborhood JW

            "They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us."
            (1 John 2:19)

        • 2 months ago

          >leaving one cult for another
          Some people are just born suckers.

          • 2 months ago
            Friendly neighborhood JW

            "I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a cult." (Acts 24:14)

          • 2 months ago

            It's good that you're admitting it, that's the first step to leaving.

          • 2 months ago
            Friendly neighborhood JW

            "“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."
            (John 6:68)

  14. 2 months ago

    Did you guys know that the Mormon church has one of the most valuable real estate portfolios in America, as part of an estimated $150 billion in assets?

    • 2 months ago

      They have like 600 billion dollars worth of assets in total, or something like that. They be rich AF.

    • 2 months ago
      LDS Guy

      Fun fact, that giant Florida bar is cattle farms

    • 2 months ago

      What's the problem with that?
      The Vatican has a bank.
      Any self respecting church has to have something to back itself up. Otherwise you are the mercy of the government.
      What are you trying to prove?
      Do churches have to be dirt poor to be 'real'?

      • 2 months ago

        How would you feel if you were told that you shouldn't consume coffee because God said so, and that in order to get into heaven you needed to pay your church tithing money, but one day you find out that your church uses the money to build shopping malls that sell coffee, and lies to you and the government about it to boot (SEC release 96951)?

        • 2 months ago

          I would become hysterical, immediately piss, shit, and cum and then militantly rail against the church 24/7 on, clearly.
          Tbh, I really don't see where the conflict of a church growing its wealth and power is. I'm not a low church protestant.
          Also just because they own the shopping mall doesn't mean they "sell coffee". They rent a lot out to a coffee shop. However I don't really see how this is bad.
          >nd lies to you and the government about it to boot (SEC release 96951)?
          Are you actually suprised a religion with secret codes and rituals is not 100& transparent. They have mysteries, no one ever swore them to be completely open about everything.

          • 2 months ago

            >Tbh, I really don't see where the conflict of a church growing its wealth and power is. I'm not a low church protestant.
            The death of this mindset among Christians is a big reason why Christianity is in decline. Prosperity gospel is one thing, but Atheists hate Evangelicals so much because Evangelicals aren't afraid to flex political power.

  15. 2 months ago

    What do you guys think of Dan Maclelaln? He's a famous Mormon who's a scholar of the Bible and refutes ignorant Christians all the time.

  16. 2 months ago

    it's a cult

    • 2 months ago

      Meaningless buzzword

    • 2 months ago
      LDS Guy

      Literally all religions are cults and should be proud of it.

      • 2 months ago

        >Literally all religions are cults and should be proud of it.
        I don't know if you're a troll, but if you believe Mormoon theology, you are a moron. It's literally bullshit made up in the 1800's to get one guy 15 year old pussy and other people's wives. At least Muslims have the cloak of antiquity. Mormons have nothing, and they're religion was literally deboonked as a lie a long time ago.

      • 2 months ago

        very popular line with cult members

        • 2 months ago

          Not him and not a mormon, but what's a cult in this instance? Does it requiere a cuñlt-leader, like in most cult definitions?

  17. 2 months ago

    Its probably the same thing that is happening/happened to the mainline Protestant churches. They attached themselves to all the left-wing political causes, which initially only led to conservatives leaving, but over time the next generation raised on these left-wing ideals just decided to abandon religion altogether because there's less mental gymnastics involved reconciling leftism and Atheism than with Christianity. Also, Mormonism honestly just has some silly ideas.
    Another compelling explanation is that religion is in decline almost everywhere, but the Mormons held out a little longer than others, so now we're just seeing a correction.

    • 2 months ago

      >Cathtard acts like he knows anything about Protestantism like east coast mainline politician churches re representative of anything.

      • 2 months ago

        I am a Lutheran, and the fact is that mainline Protestantism has been in decline for a long time due to those "east coast mainline politician churches" acting like homosexuals and alienating conservatives while driving their own flocks towards Atheism.

        • 2 months ago

          >I am a Lutheran, and the fact is that mainline Protestantism has been in decline for a long time due to those "east coast mainline politician churches" acting like homosexuals and alienating conservatives while driving their own flocks towards Atheism.
          Most protestants outside of the DNC are evangelicals who are more right wing than you.

          • 2 months ago

            >Most protestants outside of the DNC are evangelicals
            Yes, because the mainline branches have been in decline since the 60s and will be extinct in 20 years.
            >who are more right wing than you.

          • 2 months ago

            In America yes. In Europe no.

  18. 2 months ago

    If I ever meet a mormon IRL, I want to say the second token of the melchizedek priesthood and hear their reaction. Most likely they will be a glowie and they will get their glowie friends to zersetzung me.

    for those who don't know, second token of the melchizedek priesthood is the equivalent of the scientology revelation about lord xenu after you pay $200K in audit fees.

  19. 2 months ago

    >mormons are just like other christians bro trust me

    • 2 months ago

      What is this manuscript called? What is the source of it?

      • 2 months ago
        LDS Guy

        It's in the filename and on the manuscript

        • 2 months ago

          When I searched for it, it just came up with stuff about the temples


      • 2 months ago

  20. 2 months ago

    Religiosity is on the decline.

  21. 2 months ago

    Aside from the moronation of Mormon doctrine? Maybe they don't enjoy the 'private sessions' with their temples elders behind closed doors?

  22. 2 months ago

    Bc its a moronic religion based on a hoax, some admire it bc of the cunning of the white Joseph Smith and admire its whitness but for somone who cares about truth, its obviously a false moronic religion.

  23. 2 months ago

    i imagine LDS has a problem with having an unofficial hereditary nobility within the church; this would create a substantial pressure for lesser members to depart if they're turfed out of the hierarchy

    • 2 months ago

      The average Mormon views the LDS "royal" families as something like God's chosen representatives on Earth. Simply getting to do the endowment and eventually get ordained as a high priest is enough for him as it makes him feel powerful and special even though he's just another tithing paypig/free labor source at the end of the day.

  24. 2 months ago

    Why are all the high ups in the LDS lawyers, doctors and high-status professionals when Jesus was just a carpenter? Does having a high-status profession make you more worth in the eyes of God?

    • 2 months ago

      Being able to contribute more tithing and having a prestigious job give you big status boosts in Mormonism. It's not an "official" doctrine but it's one of the unspoken social factors to being a Mormon where you can be the most righteous, dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying Mormon out there but you will almost certainly never get called to a ward bishopric or higher unless you have a job like that or you live in the sticks.

    • 2 months ago

      >when Jesus was just a carpenter?
      I don't know what you are trying to imply, but I don't like it. Almost third world adjacent.
      >We have to all be subsistance farmers and craftsman who pray in a tin shack and reed bibble laik yizos
      >All else is hecking DEMONIK.

      • 2 months ago

        Blah blah blah, what a bore.

        • 2 months ago

          You are a dumb slave.

          Better for you?

  25. 2 months ago

    In 2015 the church leadership made it explicitely clear that Joseph Smith read the book out of a hat using a "seer stone" which a lot of people found... sus

    Also a lot of people start doubting when they receive their temple endowment because the whole process is really really culty, just look at it:

    • 2 months ago

      bro you don't understand it is an ancient hebrew ceremony bro it was passed down through the templars bro the green apron and chef hat are ancient hebrew garments bro just pay 10% of your income for life and you will get into mormon heaven bro

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