How come Zoomers and Gen A are worse at operating computers than Milennials when they were their corresponding age?

How come Zoomers and Gen A are worse at operating computers than Milennials when they were their corresponding age?

You used to always hear about milennial teenage hackers that got into the NSA, FBI, NASA, Pentagon etc. on a weekly basis.

Never even heard of a single zoomer achieving anything similar

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  1. 2 years ago

    long story short, if you don't, you won't
    meaning there is really no incentive to learn the stuff for fun, phones are dumb as all hell by design, and you can get by for most of what is needed from a teenager out of them.

  2. 2 years ago

    these days, the interface most people experience computers through is about as simple as driving a car. there is no need to learn beyond how to access faceberg, fortnite and instantgram for young people. that wasn't always the case.

  3. 2 years ago

    Phones and other similar strictly consumer-oriented devices (appliances) aren't the same to computers so them younglings get far less exposure to actual computing to form that critical mass in population that makes it really pass as the computer-sawy generation. Simple as.

  4. 2 years ago

    hacking was a lot easier back then
    it's hard to hack something with a device that can't even run unsigned apps

  5. 2 years ago

    muh lennyals were forced to achieve basic competence out of necessity, by poking around with their family's home computer until they could use it semi-competently. windows being inherently flaky had the silver lining of teaching kids how to be pragmatic.

    meanwhile zoomzooms are totally clueless on how to use a computer because their only experience with electronics is pocket devices with OSes that are extremely limited by design

  6. 2 years ago

    Millenials learned the basics of terminal work earlier due to MS-DOS games, zoomers don't open a terminal until they buy kneehigh socks, knotted dildos and HRT.

    • 2 years ago

      millenials were past dos era, you dumb frick. it's the gen x who had real dos experience

      • 2 years ago

        >Birth years Early 80's-90's
        Plenty of 8-10 Y/Os got an early start so they could play doom instead of sonic - My parents brought home a top-tier 486 in 93 that we kept till 97.

      • 2 years ago

        >millenials were past dos era, you dumb frick
        Depends on your location and socioeconomic status. I would add that there are two distinct groups of millennials. One remembers a time before the internet; the other has always had infinite knowledge at their fingertips. The former are very likely to have encountered DOS in some form.

      • 2 years ago

        This, I remember a gen X guy coming to fix my computer in 1998, he was flying around in DOS.

        Once it was my turn to fix shit for others (t. millenial), I had a GUI and an error message spelling out the exact problem.

        How come Zoomers and Gen A are worse at operating computers than Milennials when they were their corresponding age?

        You used to always hear about milennial teenage hackers that got into the NSA, FBI, NASA, Pentagon etc. on a weekly basis.

        Never even heard of a single zoomer achieving anything similar

        >security stepped up their game from jacking off and sleeping in server rooms
        >a home PC was ubiquitous, not so much today, phone is king and people are baffled by file systems
        >zoomers are way less rebellious as a whole
        >even the most basic b***h had to copy/paste some code so glitter can show on her blog/myspace/tumblr

  7. 2 years ago

    There's something hidden in that image isn't there?

  8. 2 years ago
  9. 2 years ago

    Lapsus$ from earlier this year was a bunch of kids. Though it was mostly stealing credentials, SIM swaps, etc. There are a lot of young people doing netsec stuff if you look around on twitter.

  10. 2 years ago

    zoomers are great at programming wtf are you talking about
    they're just slightly moronic and genuinely believe crypto will change the world

  11. 2 years ago

    >How come Zoomers and Gen A are worse at operating computers than Milennials when they were their corresponding age?
    >You used to always hear about milennial teenage hackers that got into the NSA, FBI, NASA, Pentagon etc. on a weekly basis.
    >Never even heard of a single zoomer achieving anything similar
    you're recognizing what's called a generational gap moron. spout whatever nonsensical anecdote you want, but a current generation of adults/ young adults thinking the newer generation is degenerate and dumb is a trend that every generation experiences.

  12. 2 years ago

    Everyone in this thread is fricking moronic.

    It's because unlike boomers and zoomers Millennials are the only generation to grow up with desktop computers. (Gen Z you count also arguably more so) Boomers are relics of the past and zoomers; The only computers zoomers use are their cell phones and they don't even realize that is itself a computer. That's why.

    • 2 years ago

      Not true with gamer zoomers. They know how to crack games, reinstall OS, etc. At least I expect they can.

      • 2 years ago

        >They know how to crack games, reinstall OS, etc. At least I expect they can.
        not a meaningful measure of any kind of competency

        • 2 years ago

          You expect them to hack the Pentagon? They can do basic stuff, and they don't really even need more. After all, all you have to know about computers is how to use them in your job, if you have to use them. Unless you want to make money with your computer skills, they're basically useless.

          • 2 years ago

            no my point was that your post was dumb

  13. 2 years ago

    Instagram/Twitter/Facebook are distractions we didn't have until later.

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