How could the Byzantine Empire fail with such a giant army and so much money?

How could the Byzantine Empire fail with such a giant army and so much money?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Because they were literal morons who hired mercenaries
    The most hilarious thing is when they hired turks......... to reconquer cities and lands.... FROM QFRICKING TURKS
    Literally what were they thinking ?
    Mercenaries have no loyalty and would betray you even when you have money

    Btw Manzikert and Fourth Crusade are disasters starded..... BY MERCENARIES

    • 3 years ago

      but it worked for the Italians bro

      • 3 years ago


        • 3 years ago

          • 3 years ago

            bullying Balkanoids and Gayreeks and then getting raped by Ottomans is not a good military record

          • 3 years ago

            Venetians never bullied anyone in SE Europe, at best, they took advantage of Ottoman invasions to undermine the native states, they were also trashed by the Narentines for several hundred years, while vastly outnumbering them.

          • 3 years ago

            >Venetians never bullied anyone in SE Europe

          • 3 years ago

            schizoid and schizo are two wholly different things

          • 3 years ago

            That's what's actual schizos says, now post them results, mutt.

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            Not sure what's more amusing, the fact that you consider Catholic crusaders treacherously sacking a Catholic city an example of Venetian bullying or the fact that the article lists the Croatian/Hungarian numbers as "unknown", even though we know that the garrison was only 1200 strong.

          • 3 years ago

            yeah and what about the local population moron. They were forced to flee while the Venetians and Crusaders gobbled everything left behind. The Venice defense force really needs to do a better job

          • 3 years ago

            How am I the "Venice defence force", when I'm pointing out the absurdity of their claim? The ((Crusaders)) quite literally sacked a Christian city, and these mutts consider that a triumph.

          • 3 years ago

            Venice was the leader and directed the entire crusade

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            What's funny? Here in MonteBlack, all they did was an attempt to assassinate rulers of Zeta or invade when our armies were busy with the Ottomans, that's 9/10 of Venetian involvement on the peninsula, real history isn't a EU4 run.

          • 3 years ago

            no one cares about your tiny shithole

          • 3 years ago

            Zeta, unlike whatever hole spawned you, had the world's first state-owned printing state during its twilight years, and even if it were a shithole, how does it refute Venetians being israelite-born vermin? Why are you moving goal posts?

          • 3 years ago

            Getting strong schizo vibes from this user.

          • 3 years ago

            Byzantium probably would have been able to hold its ground against the Turks, if the Venetians weren't constantly stabbing them in the back. People who try to defend them are idiots.

          • 3 years ago

            I blame Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis for these obsessions with upstart merchant-states.

          • 3 years ago

            i think it comes from City of Fortune by Roger Crowley more than anything. fwiw I agree, Venice did Byzantium in moreso than Manzikert did.

          • 3 years ago

            Why would you be mad at a richer state that can field an actual infantry army composed of a middle class who can afford it? I can point to the city states and point at the average person and go 'that's literally me, but medieval.'

          • 3 years ago

            Their only weapon against the Turks was to evangelize them and then cuck them, like they did to the pechenegs, bulgars, western kipchaks. They couldn’t do this to khazars or to Seljuks.

          • 3 years ago

            Rhomanos BTFO'd a Pechneg army on the field so hard they swore fealthy to him before he turned around to face the Seljuks in the East and get sent to Alp Arslan's rape dungeon.

          • 3 years ago

            After the Byzantines made the Pechenegs Christian, they were weaker and defeated. They couldn’t do this to Muslim Seljuks or israeli Khazars.

            The Muslim Seljuks were hired as mercenaries to fight Byzantine civil wars, and that’s the first time a major contingent crossed into Europe from Gallipoli/Cannakkale. The Kantakuzene brought him over to fight his grandad I think.

          • 3 years ago

            Also the Byzantine Tourkopole Pechenegs switched sides in Manzikert

          • 3 years ago

            No it doesnt work moron

          • 3 years ago

            I said hiring mercenaries
            Not being a mercenary

      • 3 years ago

        No it literally didn't. Mercenary use bit them in the ass

      • 3 years ago

        Croat and Iberian mercenaries often fricked over their adventures.

      • 3 years ago

        Then why was Machiavelli so butthurt about them?

    • 3 years ago

      The stereotype of the treacherous Greek was 100% justified.
      Now, most of the time they were backstabbing each other, but also many times they betrayed their Christian, supposedly allied Western Latins. The first time they were called to act, the Latins assembled the largest army in Europe at Constantinople ready to help the Emperor reconquer Anatolia, but after more than a century of constant betrayal they stopped caring to help unless the Greeks payed them to do it.
      Byzantiboos always ignore the times when the Greeks betrayed the Latins, but then cry nonstop about the Latin response.
      Eg. 1:
      >Alexios makes a deal with the infidels he's supposedly fighting against during the siege of Nicaea, completely snubbing the Crusaders he himself asked for help
      >in return, Crusaders consider the pact they made with the emperor to give him the lands they conquered in Anatolia to be forfeit, and go to create the Outremer kingdoms

      Eg. 2:
      >Deposed Greek prince asks excommunicated "crusaders" (aka mercenaries) to help him regain his throne, in exchange of a lot of money
      >"crusaders" do just that, they put him in the throne
      >Greek prince refuses to pay and tells crusaders to go away
      >crusaders sack Constantinople and take their pay by force
      >incessant screeching about muh perfidious crusaders and muh fourth crusade ensues

      And don't forget about the massacre of the Latins.

      >How could they fail with such a giant army and so much fricking money?
      mercenary armies are good for short term gain nothing else

      They have literally no advantage
      Mercenaries are literally bandit who want easy money
      Thats why everybody and their mothers became mercenaries in middle ages/antiquity

      In the particular case of the Byzantines, Roger de Flor, Catalan mercenary, was very successful at driving back the early Ottoman Turks from Anatolia. The only problem is that the Greeks backstabbed him, literally.
      After the death of their commander and 1,000 of their members, the remaining Catalans went on their own murder spree across Greece, which ended with them taking over Attica, which they ruled as the Duchy of Athens for almost 70 years until Attica was conquered by another group of Spanish mercenaries, which ruled it until the Ottomans conquered Greece.

      • 3 years ago

        What's funny to me is the Greeks backstabbed Romans before Byzantium and the Greeks fell to Romans because they backstabbed each other and the Greeks fell to Persians because of betrayal as well.

  2. 3 years ago

    >How could they fail with such a giant army and so much fricking money?
    mercenary armies are good for short term gain nothing else

    • 3 years ago

      They have literally no advantage
      Mercenaries are literally bandit who want easy money
      Thats why everybody and their mothers became mercenaries in middle ages/antiquity

    • 3 years ago

      Because they were literal morons who hired mercenaries
      The most hilarious thing is when they hired turks......... to reconquer cities and lands.... FROM QFRICKING TURKS
      Literally what were they thinking ?
      Mercenaries have no loyalty and would betray you even when you have money

      Btw Manzikert and Fourth Crusade are disasters starded..... BY MERCENARIES

      >Muh mercenaries
      You do know that's pop history, right? They didn't use mercenaries as often as pop history makes you think. They only stopped having a large-ish professional army by the time of the Komnenos, hence why Alexios called in the crusaders and started using mercenaries.

      • 3 years ago

        >You do know that's pop history, right? T
        You do know it's historical fact right? Alexios was dependent on Turk mercenaries in his balkan wars

        • 3 years ago

          Mate, I mentioned Alexios
          >They only stopped having a large-ish professional army by the time of the Komnenos, hence why Alexios called in the crusaders and started using mercenaries.

          At least read the entire 3 sentence response before posting. By the time Alexios becomes emperor, Anataloia is flooded with the Turks, Normans have crushed their armies in the West, Pechenegs and Magyrs are becoming more of a threat. Between 400 AD to 1071, they weren't relying heavily on mercenary forces. They only started doing so when the game was more-or-less over. They lost their recruiting territories (and tax revenue territories) in the Balkans and in Anatolia, so they had to rely in mercenaries.

          In short, they didn't fail because of mercenaries, they used mercenaries, because they failed. This is where my pop history comment comes into play.

          • 3 years ago

            >This is where my pop history comment comes into play.
            and that's why you're still wrong. The Byzantines employed Norman mercenaries decades before Alexios as well

          • 3 years ago

            Not in large quantities.

          • 3 years ago

            yeah right.
            This dude was a major thorn on the side of the byzantines and he's just one example

          • 3 years ago

            How are you contradicting anything? Frankish type mercenaries aka Normans or Catalans ended up going on their own tangential conquering sprees.

  3. 3 years ago

    they were too busy doing roman things (backstabbing each other) to actually realize that their country is shitting the bed

    • 3 years ago

      Also this
      Too much Civil wars

  4. 3 years ago

    Look at this absolute unit of a military

  5. 3 years ago

    They got fricked by Italian traders, Norman mercenaries, Turkish mercenaries.

  6. 3 years ago

    Are Chinese particularly interested in byantines? Lol just curious.

    • 3 years ago

      There's a bit of interest online

  7. 3 years ago

    By being greek.

  8. 3 years ago


  9. 3 years ago

    They didn't have a large army, had to deal with multiple rising powers on all sides.

  10. 3 years ago

    Despite what many anons say, Byzantium had constant steppe nomads pouring into Anatolia and Bulgaria and when they'd defeat one another would appear. They also had constant infighting.

  11. 3 years ago

    Also they started the crusades after Manzikert in 1071, so they can’t really complain that the crusaders turned on them in 1204, or really, from the start when they refused to hand over the territories in the Levant.

  12. 3 years ago

    Are the Chinese Byzaboos or Ottoboos?

  13. 3 years ago

    I'd say they had a good run, nothing lasts forever.

  14. 3 years ago

    Decadence and corruption, the later period byzantine empire was ran like a sicilian mob outfit

  15. 3 years ago

    Becuase instead of doubling down after Manzikert and raising more, larger armies they spent the next 300 years fighting civil wars. They also put 0 effort into improving defenses for their new adversaries. This included the use of turkic mercenaries who were then allowed to settle even closer to the Aegean. Rinse, repeat, game over

    • 3 years ago

      After Manzikert (1071) they begged/bribed the Western Latin Franks to send help, and they did, in the form of the First Crusade (1091).

      • 3 years ago

        The initial crusades were successful. They just decided the problem wasn't worth pursuing to an actual conclusion

        • 3 years ago

          Yes. The Byzantines called for the First Crusade, and the Crusaders succeeded in pushing back the Turks from the Marmara Sea to Konya/Kayseri. And then the Byzantines said: we will keep the Levant for ourselves, starting with Bohemond in Antioch (Siege 1097-98), and set up their own Latin Frankish Crusader Kingdoms (capitalized to refer to a specific phenomenon). Eventually the Byzantines won 382 from their gambit of calling for Western help, but in 1204 one of these Crusades sacked the Byzantine capital itself, so you can think for yourself whether it was really worth it.

          • 3 years ago

            > And then the Byzantines
            Correction, this should state: and then the Crusaders said…*

            382 years*, calculated from 1453-1071

        • 3 years ago

          The latter crusades lost not because the Turks adapted, regrouped, and won. Every inland crusader army would face 10-20% losses by Skirmishing Anatolian Seljuk Turks, another 10-15% by Syrian Seljuk Turks, and then face a combined Muslim army to finally lose the rest of their soldiers.

          • 3 years ago

            **Lost because the Turks adapted…. **

            Sorry lads. So many typos today.

          • 3 years ago

            Yes, but that's a lack of focus. The crusaders primary goal was always the Levant and Byzantine leaders post 1100 were very stupid

  16. 3 years ago

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