How do I organize this?

How do I organize this?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    just delete them

    • 3 months ago

      hoarding is a mental illness

      • 3 months ago

        >How do I organize this?
        I have the same problem.


        • 3 months ago

          I don't speak from experience as I rarely download any images or videos but I imagine some local booru would be the way to go. Rather than folders, you just tag every image with as many keywords as you can think of. Then you search for as many things as you can remember about the content of the image/video.

      • 3 months ago

        But I have troony porn drawings from 20 years ago anon. It's not hoarding it's archiving.

    • 3 months ago

      This is the only real solution. I guarantee it's almost all completely meaningless to OP and he impulsively saves anything that might make him think "that's alright" for 2 seconds when looking at it.

  2. 3 months ago

    gallery-dl should have put them in properly labeled folders with saved comments and metadata already
    how else would they be organized?

    • 3 months ago

      I manually downloaded that over the years

  3. 3 months ago

    i honestly believe that it'd be easier to earn $1k for a gpu and learn how to train ai models to do it for you
    probably half of that is on boorus so if you could just scrape a big portion of it you'd be able to auto tag them with image clones detection

  4. 3 months ago

    By artist

    • 3 months ago

      image the fricking time sink this was and you still chose the shittiest possible interface you could

      • 3 months ago

        >time sink
        It's just existing programs glued together with dozen small bash scripts. The interface is just dmenu with icons (aka rofi).
        Luv unix
        Simple as

        • 3 months ago

          >The interface is just dmenu with icons (aka rofi).
          no shit
          between different menus there's 0,5s of delay and you have to scroll through 5 options to get to what you want like a fricking moron instead of typing in a single command or making an actual usable interface

          • 3 months ago

            >between different menus there's 0,5s of delay
            There's just a frame of delay in the webm.
            >ou have to scroll through 5 options to get to what you want like a fricking moron instead of typing in a single command or
            You can just type the option you want to adjust dmenu-style.
            I didn't do that in the webm to keep things bit easier to follow, except for the artist select.
            You can also even use a fricking mouse if you want to.

          • 3 months ago

            or you could just install zsh-history-substring-search and get the same thing done after typing 3 character

          • 3 months ago

            >or you could just install zsh-history-substring-search and get the same thing done after typing 3 character
            You imply that would be somehow less work than this?

            Every setting there is something I used to adjust via terminal, until I moved it into this FAR more convenient dmenu-style selector. No need to start a terminal, ctrl-r and start scrolling thru potentially invalid and random results, and to rewrite half the command to change the actual setting.
            That menu also displays the current state of the system, while a command in shell wouldn't until you ran it. And how would that artist viewer with icons work in zsh?

          • 3 months ago

            >and how would that artist viewer with icons work in zsh?
            you can still use that script for it not that why the frick would you want to have previews for this
            >start a terminal, ctrl-r and start scrolling thru potentially invalid and random results, and to rewrite half the command to change the actual setting.
            if there's anything you do often enough for that to be a problem then it should be on your keyboard
            not a single thing on this screen should be more than a keypress away except xrandr but i personally have a dmenu script for it bound on my keyboard instead of a gay little menu i have to press like 5 keys to get to

            whats that panel

            he uses awesome so that's probably what it is

          • 3 months ago

            >why the frick would you want to have previews for this
            Do you have the time to memorize the names of 200+ artists, or would you rather recognize them by an icon of some art you remember them for, that also tends to be rather representative of the artists specific art style, something we almost instantly learn to recognize?
            >if there's anything you do often enough for that to be a problem then it should be on your keyboard
            How would a keyboard hotkey tell me, what my compositor/color correction, governor, display sleep timeout (dpms) or brightness etc settings currently are?

            To enter this menu, I press win+capslock (capslock really being escape cuz custom keyboard firmware bla bla ..). Then I type 1-3 letters and I'm at the option I want. Any option here I frequently use quickly becomes fast and efficient muscle memory. I can even change the name or order of the options, to make the most frequently used ones take a single key, or none at all (eg the display brightness setting).
            My keyboard is absolutely filled with hotkeys as is to control my WM, I cannot dedicate a key to fricking display sleep timeout options.

          • 3 months ago

            >Do you have the time to memorize the names of 200+ artists, or would you rather recognize them by an icon of some art you remember them for, that also tends to be rather representative of the artists specific art style, something we almost instantly learn to recognize?
            yeah you could do that but i said the image script is fine even if i wouldnt do it that way personally
            >How would a keyboard hotkey tell me, what my compositor/color correction, governor, display sleep timeout (dpms) or brightness etc settings currently are?
            i apologize for being this smart but i can tell what my PC is doing 100% of the time so this isnt a problem for me
            >(capslock really being escape cuz custom keyboard firmware bla bla ..)
            >he doesnt bind CAPS LOCK to Ctrl and ESC if it's <200ms press
            carpal reaper is coming for you
            >eg the display brightness setting
            why do you need to know how bright your screen is? just adjust it to what feels right
            or why would you need a whole fricking menu for governor setting? you only need if plugged then perf if unplugged and power saving on then conservative else ondemand (i dont know which ones which i dont use laptops)
            you dont need a menu for keyboard layout either since youre using maybe 3-4 at best
            i also dont get why would you need to config dpms if every program inhibits it if it needs to
            if you absolutely insist on indicators then make 4 colorful dots in the corner of the bar
            if i need to know something about my then it's on my bar which is basically just workspaces, programs and date

          • 3 months ago

            >i apologize for being this smart but i can tell what my PC is doing 100% of the time so this isnt a problem for me
            No you're just not exercising the sort of fine-grained control I need over random crap. Like you're probably not doing any color management at all.
            I need them to be standardized.
            >carpal reaper
            I used to play rhythm games, I've become immune to RSI, at least from petty shit like this. I did have a close call with carpal when I began playing those games, but managed it properly and reversed it.
            My tolerance for stress is orders of magnitude higher now than back then. My hands don't register basic keyboard usage as any sort of stress.
            >why do you need to know how bright your screen is? just adjust it to what feels right
            Having those values is more of a side-effect from making a script that adjusts all the monitors of my multi-monitor setup to the same brightness values, which I calibrated to match precisely with a colorimeter. I adjust the brightness frequently depending on ambient conditions.
            I'm also bit of a display nerd, so I just enjoy having these values known and controlled. I actually know what different brightness values look like, I'm not under the lies of monitor marketing people.
            Certain color standards such as sRGB actually dictate values like 80cd^2, it's good to keep in mind when doing color critical work.
            >he doesnt bind CAPS LOCK
            I never use capslock except for couple games, for which in my keyboard firmware I've written an fn+caps toggle to rebind it back to normal.
            >or why would you need a whole fricking menu for governor setting?
            The Linux ondemand scheduler had a bug for Ryzen processors which made it perform way worse and stuttery than in performance. But I pay my own electricity usage, keeping it in perf 24/7 is wasteful.
            Also, sometimes I leave big compilers or such overnight, but sleeping while puter screams is not nice. I can just set it to powersave, and it downclocks to silence.

          • 3 months ago

            I use CRTs for certain tasks, and automatic timeout for those is really bad, big heat cycle, unnecessary wear.
            This setting typically automatically adjusts depending on my current monitor config.
            >you dont need a menu for keyboard layout either since youre using maybe 3-4 at best
            I've not touched that setting in years now, but I keep it there because I like it.
            >if you absolutely insist on indicators then make 4 colorful dots in the corner of the bar
            I don't want to tie too many things into my WM, as I'm likely to change it eventually. This rofi menu works independently of what WM I'm using.
            That space also comes at a premium, I like to keep only real-time system monitoring there. Not largely static settings, waste of space.

            not like i dont know 3/4 of this shit since you post here with pictures all the time but whatever
            >>he doesnt bind CAPS LOCK
            >I never use capslock except for couple games, for which in my keyboard firmware I've written an fn+caps toggle to rebind it back to normal.
            what i mean is that you bind the caps lock key to ctrl in firmware and then use xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape'
            original ctrl doesnt even give any input on my keybaord

            hydrus network solved this ages ago

            hydrus is dogshit and only works on a small subset of data

          • 3 months ago

            I use CRTs for certain tasks, and automatic timeout for those is really bad, big heat cycle, unnecessary wear.
            This setting typically automatically adjusts depending on my current monitor config.
            >you dont need a menu for keyboard layout either since youre using maybe 3-4 at best
            I've not touched that setting in years now, but I keep it there because I like it.
            >if you absolutely insist on indicators then make 4 colorful dots in the corner of the bar
            I don't want to tie too many things into my WM, as I'm likely to change it eventually. This rofi menu works independently of what WM I'm using.
            That space also comes at a premium, I like to keep only real-time system monitoring there. Not largely static settings, waste of space.

        • 3 months ago

          put it on pastebin i wanna see that script

          • 3 months ago

            It's a collection of scripts and folder structures scattered over couple script folders in different drives ...
            This is the biggest file, it's responsible for running the artist menu.

        • 3 months ago

          emacs is better m8

      • 3 months ago

        >start up fanboxdl/gallerydl/hitomidownloader/pixivutil
        >enter in thing/s I want to download
        >go do other stuff while stuff downloads
        Simple as.

    • 3 months ago

      whats that panel

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I don't share this hobby but I respect this.

  5. 3 months ago

    Delete all of them, it's corrupting your mind looking at this pornographic images

    • 3 months ago

      >porn is le bad because you're not giving attention and money to real wahmen

      • 3 months ago

        he didn't say it was because of that.

        • 3 months ago

          It was a highly probable implication because most people are npcs and "porn bad" is usually followed by "because you should reproduce and give us more wagebabies!"

          • 3 months ago

            ya really think so? it's either coomers are getting more and more degenerate universally or i'm noticing the degenerates more. to be clear, i'm not trying to moralgay. i've just seen a lot.

          • 3 months ago

            yes the internet only shows you the worst of the worst

      • 3 months ago

        It was a highly probable implication because most people are NPCs and "porn bad" is usually followed by "because you should reproduce and give us more wagebabies!"

        >fried dopamine receptors
        >lack of motivation to do anything productive
        >just endless loop of living in a coom haze
        >dick sore from the 6th milking of every last drop of dopamine today
        Been there, never again

        • 3 months ago

          dopamine receptors
          stopped reading there
          that's not how the brain works

          • 3 months ago

            I experienced it

          • 3 months ago

            Psychological problems or habits =/= permanently fried receptors or brain damage.

          • 3 months ago

            Nobody ever said anything is permanently damaged. Everything is (mostly) reversible, rather quickly even (a day), if you've not been a chronic abuser.

          • 3 months ago

            you don't even damage your brain temporarily by yerkin off. Damn, you chronic masturbators are in for a surprise if you ever fall in love with a woman IRL. Now THAT'S brain damage. More people have killed themselves over relationship drama than jpegs and mp4s.

  6. 3 months ago

    Consider Hydrus

  7. 3 months ago

    all in one folder and just remember the names of good ones

  8. 3 months ago

    use meta data, not folders. add tags to the files

    • 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    probably with hydrus

  10. 3 months ago

    A database filesystem would solve this problem. The fact that it's the current year and yet one still doesn't exist is the ultimate technological humiliation ritual.

    • 3 months ago

      hydrus network solved this ages ago

    • 3 months ago

      >A database filesystem would solve this problem. The fact that it's the current year and yet one still doesn't exist is the ultimate technological humiliation ritual.
      What would you use database features for? Explain.

      • 3 months ago

        Organizing files intelligently. Especially media files.

      • 3 months ago

        Different anon, I describe the solution different, but head to the same direction.
        Generally speaking it is only a concern when reaching a certain amount.

        But interesting is the capability of searching by secondary keys. For example a tag. May you love landscapes and you want to find all images containing a certain kind of tree or their location.
        Further arises a issue when you have thousends of similar files and need to „partition“ them into subfolders.

        I would not say its a „database filesystem“ but there should be some connection to have a database along with it. Howver keeping it sync is not trivial either.

  11. 3 months ago

    Just use Hydrus

  12. 3 months ago

    install hydrus

  13. 3 months ago

    Guess I'll do it manually

    • 3 months ago

      What don't you like about Hydrus?

      • 3 months ago

        I don't want to have to import or scan my files

      • 3 months ago

        >What don't you like about Hydrus?
        Not that anon, but I don't like how monolithic it is by design. I want something more unixy. I keep thinking tmsu could be a foundational building block for such a system.

        • 3 months ago

          how fast is this? seems cool

          • 3 months ago

            It's fast enough. The SQL query for doing tag searches is pretty straightforward and the tables are properly indexed. With that said, tmsu's problem isn't speed. It needs to have tools built around it.
            - Scripts could be written so that gallery-dl applies tags from boorus to your local tmsu.
            - Viewers that can do a tmsu tag search and show the results need to be created.

            Someone has to build on top of this tagging functionality.

  14. 3 months ago

    I just found Stash a bit ago, it may help:

  15. 3 months ago

    > how
    cd /z/images/Pixiv
    rm * -v
    cd /z/images/Twitter
    rm * -v


  16. 3 months ago

    You need or organize your life first.

  17. 3 months ago

    Wait an one more year until there's easy local assistants that can do this for you. You could probably make the software now by CLIP/OCR for images/videos and LLMs for text

  18. 3 months ago

    Create tag based category folders and name them in a funny manner.

  19. 3 months ago

    hash filenames, hydrus, potentially deepdanbooru or comparable

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