How do you feel about Windows 11?

How do you feel about Windows 11?

I feel like it's slower than Win10, don't know, maybe I haven't gotten used to it yet.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >I feel like it's slower than Win10
    It is and the blame is not all on just the GUI

    • 4 weeks ago

      source? isn't this chart random because something something disk cache...? also did they disable windows defender here?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I know for sure that I will never use it. I'll cope with Linux when the time comes. It has the most 'jeet scent of all existing software.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honestly you should have a second Linux machine ahead of time, most people (other than the ones that do so little they'd be just as fine with a smartphone which wasn't typical for g) can't switch instantly.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'll wait for the upcoming Nvidia changes (explicit sync, 555 driver, etc.), I also have hopes for NVK driver that it being actively developed.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sure. In the end it's just the recommendation to start a second machine well ahead of time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >NVK driver
          >The project lives in the nvk/main branch of the nouveau/mesa repo on
          Lmao good luck waiting for that one

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I use windows 11 for gaming and debian linux 12, kde installer, x11 session for everything else. I've used this type of dual boot setup for over 15 years and it continues to be the optimal setup.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you feel about Windows 11
    Cuckold OS

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why do baby duckies always have to mention cuckolding and anal rape when they discuss software they dont like? Were you guys touched when you were kinds or something?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >fake get

  5. 4 weeks ago

    the windows 11 ui just feels buggy to me and it's not getting fixed with updates

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Had to uninstall 2 months after install it because shit was breaking all the time, I'm going to stick with w10 until AMD gets their shit together and I can switch to Debian without issues (I have a NVIDIA gpu rn)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nvidia works fine on debian lil bro

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nevermind, I just remembered it was some issues with steam and nvidia that I didn't care enough to continue.
        Still using both debian and windows 10 on my laptop

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you feel about Windows 11?

    i..i feel uohhhhhhh 11-Tan erotic!!! ToT

    • 4 weeks ago
      all fields

      infantile pedotroony diaperhomosexual kys

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Every time I use windows I get a headache how intrusive it is and doesnt let me do anything without login into some bullshit account, install 1000 updates, click a hundred pop ups, Slow down my internet.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >doesnt let me do anything without login into some bullshit account, install 1000 updates, click a hundred pop ups,
      You mean the forced, current state of all personal computing? Yeah. It's the j

    • 4 weeks ago

      >doesnt let me do anything without login into some bullshit account, install 1000 updates, click a hundred pop ups,
      You mean the forced, current state of all personal computing? Yeah. It's the j

      All computers/electronic interfaces are perpetually "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" as part of an eternal humiliation ritual and reform of humans relationship with machine

  9. 4 weeks ago

    The latest, most pozzed. And when a microsoft product is deemed "most pozzed", you know that's saying something

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Might be slow cuz of all the ads and notifications about war in ukraine or some other shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      telemetry (spying) gets Ring -3 privilege. Userspace gets +3 lol

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Wait for Windows 12 LTSC

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Wait for Windows 12 LTSC
      Do you really want to wait... for this?

      • 4 weeks ago


        the only good part of win11 is the kernel, everything else is seriously washed up

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes, user land need to be replaced but let's be honest it's going to be worse then win32 was.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          Why do I need my OS to be for tablets again?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >frick it, let's finish copying OSX
        What in the frick

        • 4 weeks ago

          Its not even a good copy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >good bad good bad bad
        it's ogre

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I like it as long as I can tweak things to the state I like with explorerpatcher. However, I've read that Microsoft stripped the Windows 10 taskbar from the backend code and can no longer be exposed in builds >26000 which really pisses me off. If the LTSC release doesn't have this I might switch to Linux for good

    • 4 weeks ago

      You can always replace explorer.exe.
      Since you are going to be using LTSC there is no chance an update will frick with that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why do people "switch" instead of adding more OS which is trivial with virtual machines and/or with multiple computers which are effortless to accumulate?

      My Windows boxes have Linux and Windows VMs and my Linux boxes have Windows and Linux VMs. Everything on my LAN can be accessed from the other machines so for example I can chill with my couch notebook, play music off my main PC or server, and access running bare metal or VMs to use them from a distance. My shop PCs are ancient Thinkpads but good enough to NoMachine into faster boxes to view tech data, order parts etc.

      You can convert your existing Windows install to a virtual machine then run a Linux host so you have full access to your old files in a familiar setting. If gaming requires bare metal access then you won't need that on Linux on the same machine so you can run that in a VM simultaneously. I now back up any install I care about to a VM so I have a portable running backup at will.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's not that easy to setup, if you want to do it properly. for a throw away testing environment, vms are good for that.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    UI / UX is worse than previous versions other than the explorer tabs but under the hood is better than 10

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you feel about Windows 11?

    I do not have any kind of feelings whatsoever towards garbage.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    wait for Windows 11 build 26xxx to hit the normie release circle. builds before that issues with chromium and MPO that causes black screen issues, flickering, artifacts, etc.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Garbage but I'm forced to use it because trannies keep making Linux worse.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >winshit 11
    literally windows 8 part 2
    what in the FRICK are these Black folk thinking

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Windows Explorer has a half second lag on every click it's fricking annoying as shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's got to translate each click through 17 layers of JS frameworks on top of the chrome web rendered on top of win32 and finally the kernel.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >I feel like it's slower than Win10
    because it is

  20. 4 weeks ago

    never gonna touch it to be honest

  21. 4 weeks ago

    >daily techlet cope thread

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't work on my PC and I won't upgrade just because Microsoft is telling me to.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    The display handling is almost as bad as Linux these days. Pretty much nothing works like it used to and any new additions are universally terrible. I swear, the devs over at MS must only be allowed to use a single 60Hz display to design, troubleshoot and test things.

    It's fricking horrible.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I swear, the devs over at MS must only be allowed to use a single 60Hz display to design, troubleshoot and test things.
      Charitable of you to assume that MS employees test things at all.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Going back to Windows 10 is fricking miserable after using 11.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Few good changes and many bad ones

  26. 4 weeks ago

    it doesn't feel slower but UI feels laggy for whatever reason, overall i like it much better than windows 10 besides that.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Taskbar is a huge regression, explorer was a huge regression (its better now), right-click for context menu is crap, no ability to cascade windows, Win 11 groups and combines programs together in the taskbar but you can't restore all the separate windows all at once. I wish Windows 11 LTSC fixed all of that but it hasn't.

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