How do you upgrade this? I'm looking to replace the monitor but what can swap in after that? Thanks.

How do you upgrade this? I'm looking to replace the monitor but what can swap in after that? Thanks.

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  1. 2 years ago

    GPU can be upgraded easily, same for monitor.
    if your mobo supports 32gb of ram, then that can be upgraded
    you'll have to buy used or nos if you want to upgrade the cpu, 4790k is a solid one from that gen.
    id just get a new gpu and monitor, then start setting aside money to get a newer mobo, cpu, and ram set up

    • 2 years ago

      Frick I forgot the motherboard, is a Gigabyte H97.

  2. 2 years ago

    Best gains would be had from a new CPU, but that would require a new mobo and RAM. Going to Zen 2 (e.g., R5 2600) with a B450 board would set you up well for a future upgrade to Zen 3.

    Second to that would be a GPU upgrade to 10-series or anything with 8GB of VRAM.

    Depends on your budget though. If you can't afford to do anything price you're best off sitting pretty since your system is still more than viable for 90% of usecase and even most games.

    • 2 years ago

      >(e.g., R5 2600)
      Meant R5 3600, though anything half-decent will do so long as you're going to upgrade, and you won't be losing any performance relative to even the best 4th gen Intel chips.

      • 2 years ago

        for that "upgrade" he needs to buy new ram and a new motherboard as well, you dumb-dumb

        Also the monitor I'll get this weekend is a 2560 x 1440 27 inches one. Will the 970 do well enough? Is the only upgrade I can afford until October or more probably Christmas. Last year I upgraded the RAM up from 8 GB and got the SSD as well, to boot and essential programs.

        I use this PC mainly to draw and animate, watch movies and the like. When I game I play strategy and racing games, nothing else.

        look for that xeon i mentioned, it's worth it especially for your drawings

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, hence I mentioned how it's only possible if he has the budget. Thing is, he'd be setting himself up for something far more viable in the longterm, and far more efficient, than if he dumpster-dives for old Xeons or a 4770K.

          • 2 years ago

            that xeon is like $20-30 and it's worth the upgrade. stfu, really

  3. 2 years ago

    holy aids at least get a 1920x1024 dude

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Actin like 1080p is a big difference from 900p. Anon I have something to tell you..... I was a 900p anon until 2020. In 2020 I got a high quality 1440p high refresh panel. IPS Gsync ect. Since OP is already at 900p, going to 1080p is kind of a waste. Either stick with the 900p or go with 1440p. 1440p is a lot bigger jump. 1440p is the new 1080p. 1080p these days is the new 720p.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally can just dumpster dive or spend a week on whatever craigslist or equivalent is popular near you.

      I bet there are DOZENS of 1080 60 monitors listed for 20 bucks, that they would give you for free if you pick it up.

    • 2 years ago

      Outside of this illiterate's fantasies, you'll barely notice the difference between them.

  4. 2 years ago

    >How do you upgrade this?
    you don't? that looks like it will be perfectly enough for another 10 years
    i doubt you do some heavy 3d rendering or other resource-intensive tasks
    invest those money on improving your quality of life instead

  5. 2 years ago

    look for a quad xeon that has hyper (i.e. e3-1240 v3) and maxx out the ram, also add a 970 evo plus 1TB ssd as a boot drive. gpu next if you can find a cheap one, that 970 is a joke 3.5GB meme

    • 2 years ago

      you can get some surprising mileage out of that still, grab an i7 4790k and a 1080 8GB and you'll be set for 1080p gaming and light productivity loads for a while.

      Why would you overpay for such a shit upgrade
      That's dumb, more like a sidegrade and waste of money

      >and a 1080 8GB
      Bottlenecked by the 4790k, check benchmarks if you don't believe me

      • 2 years ago

        that xeon costs $20-30
        ram and ssd are cheap. $30-40 for 16GB more
        a 1TB evo plus nvme costs around $100 and it's a worthwhile upgrade. lower down the list, the cpu is #1 here.
        you're just moronic, stfu

    • 2 years ago

      >quad xeon
      enjoy your $2000/month electricity bill.

      • 2 years ago

        the wattage difference is that the xeon has no igpu, but

  6. 2 years ago

    5600X at least

  7. 2 years ago

    you can get some surprising mileage out of that still, grab an i7 4790k and a 1080 8GB and you'll be set for 1080p gaming and light productivity loads for a while.

  8. 2 years ago

    Also the monitor I'll get this weekend is a 2560 x 1440 27 inches one. Will the 970 do well enough? Is the only upgrade I can afford until October or more probably Christmas. Last year I upgraded the RAM up from 8 GB and got the SSD as well, to boot and essential programs.

    I use this PC mainly to draw and animate, watch movies and the like. When I game I play strategy and racing games, nothing else.

    • 2 years ago

      consider upgrading to 32gb of ram if you use krita. my set up is comparable to yours and the rendering speed improvements after going from 16 to 32 was huge.

    • 2 years ago

      I have your exact same specs (except for less RAM) and a 1440p, 144Hz monitor. Don't worry, it runs fine.

    • 2 years ago

      You're not gonna be playing racing games on the 970 at 1440p. But for everything else it's fine.

      By Christmas you'll have way better cards on the shelves by both companies so you're better off holding on to the 970.

  9. 2 years ago

    There's little point in upgrading your GPU currently despite the recent price drops and your whole cpu/mobo/ram core doesn't allow for reasonable upgrades either. So save your shekels, perhaps buy a 1080p monitor and buy essentially a new computer next year with intel 13th gen or ryzen 7k and new rtx4000 and rx 7000 cards. Your pc isn't unusable yet so waiting another year should not be a problem.

    • 2 years ago

      Any monitor recommendations? As I said, I was one for drawing and animating things, not gaming.

  10. 2 years ago

    4k 32" monitor
    RTX 3080 or 6900xt
    Whatever best bang for your buck processor is out there. Yes the i5 will be a bottleneck but that doesn't matter when you have a beef bus GPU. Remember you can always drop settings until its truly time to upgrade

  11. 2 years ago

    Going from HDD to SSD will be your biggest upgrade. Sure a new CPU with more cores will be nice and so will a new GPU but the SSD will be the most noticeable upgrade.

  12. 2 years ago

    you can buy a new gpu, monitor and storage independently
    when zen4 comes out you can buy cpu+mobo+ram

  13. 2 years ago

    I'd love to go for a 27" 1440p monitor but I live in a place where all of those monitors are at a stupid price. So the only option I have is 24" 1080p of varying qualities.

    Budget is $200-220 for a new monitor.

    • 2 years ago

      save up more money, white man

    • 2 years ago

      check out the Viewsonic VX2758-2KP-MHD
      I bought it this year for like 240 eur I'm sure it will be cheaper in the US

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