How does one obtain full anonymity?!

How does one obtain full anonymity?!

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Disconnect from the internet.

    • 2 years ago

      not practical

      • 2 years ago

        A small price for salvation

      • 2 years ago

        Neither is anonymity in this world. Cut all your ties and go inna woods. Build a cabin. Eat what you pick and catch. Even then, anonymity isn't guaranteed

        • 2 years ago

          Im so tempted to pre-pay for starlink with cash or a fake name for 5-10 years and go full into the wild

          • 2 years ago

            doesn't work like that, you still need to be near a starlink station, which will do the actual transmission to the starlink satellite.
            Also you need to write an address to the location of where your starlink is supposed to operate, and to live in the woods (backpacking) you need a permit and those permits don't last forever, if your permit doesn't get approved then you can't go there.

          • 2 years ago

            >you can't go there
            Im not asking for permission, Im asking whos gonna stop me
            >you still need to be near a starlink station
            Nah, you only need clear skies in sight, all those shits are mumbo jumbo state/country laws and taxes

          • 2 years ago

            probably the people who you were stealing electricity to power your starlink and computer/phone will report that?
            also solar energy is kind of a scam and the rangers will probably catch you when you set up your panels, and you are not allow to cut wood, or dig up plants, or disturb the forest in any way, and if you were caught backpacking without a permit, you would probably just be warned and told to leave without issue, but if you were caught cutting trees or anything like that you will put yourself in deep shit since those tree conservationists will sue you for tens of thousands of dollars.

          • 2 years ago

            *they will make you pay for every tree, and every tree would cost $1000, and if you managed to live for a while, that would add up.

          • 2 years ago

            *they will make you pay for every tree, and every tree would cost $1000, and if you managed to live for a while, that would add up.

            Lmao, implying I can't buy some land on middle of fricking nowhere with fake data

    • 2 years ago

      Category 5: Ascension
      - Stop using the internet

      By going full offline. Can't do that in modern society.

      >implying usa companies don't do shit like this

      • 2 years ago

        we don't have enough room in our prisons to arrest so many people anon-kun~

  2. 2 years ago

    not possible in under 2k characters or with out years of research and knowledge in modern day

  3. 2 years ago

    Burn your fingerprints and face off, knock all your teeth out, have any identifying tattoos or scars surgically removed.

    And then disconnect from the internet.

    • 2 years ago

      Then you're just that guy with no fingerprints and a melted face

  4. 2 years ago

    Is it true that internet as it is now and how it came to be, isnt that safe and private to start with?!
    I want to ask these more tech-y guys that actually know what im talking about

    • 2 years ago

      you can't obtain "full anonymity".

      It's probably more safe than before, I never lived through the early days myself but just the concept of only connecting to 4-5 trusted sites instead of 20+ different people's individual sites seems significantly safer. Privacy is generally a lot worse on modern websites though.

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty safe just don't fall for scams or go to sketchy websites.
      Websites will track you but personally I think that if you actively try to avoid tracking, I have a gut feeling that the NSA will target you and put you on a list because it's a sign that you have something to hide.
      Just like how the normies will say, if you have nothing to hide, then who cares about websites tracking your real identity. At most it's the way how websites make money by selling that information, and the people buying it are other websites so that they can give algorithmic advertisements to you, which don't even matter when you have an adblock.
      Also your phone is basically a tracker, even if you disabled everything-google and all that tracking shit, if you want to recieve a phone call, you need to be connected to the cell towers, and the cell towers can track down a approximate location of where you are (and google is able to get a very detailed location using the wifi routers unique addresses, you don't even need phone service or gps).
      And you can't disable google because you need the play store, and your banking applications will try try to find ways to detect if you disabled or tampered with google.

      • 2 years ago

        i hope they track me, do it, waste all your resources, b***h.
        by the way even if you're not actively targeted, its still harmful for them to get all that information on everyone like that.

  5. 2 years ago

    Don't use your irl name.

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks Jeff

      • 2 years ago
        Still Jeff

        You're welcome Mikey

  6. 2 years ago

    You can never be fully anonymous, but there are measures you can take. I'll split it in 4 categories.

    Category 1: No Security Measures Taken.
    - At this stage no precautions for privacy are taken, more then likely most people at this point dont care, or don't know about the risks involved with your data used and your privacy being abused.
    - Using Closed Source Operating Systems i.e. Windows
    - Using Software that is known to actively collect information. i.e. Google Products
    - No safety measures in place to prevent services from collecting your personal data.

    Category 2: Basic Security Measures Taken
    - At this point, you might still be using windows but you probably have a paid VPN, and an Ad Blocker On.
    - Never using your name on websites / services
    - Opting out of tracking / information gathering from windows OS / Chrome / other services
    - using a safer browser like Brave, and using a more secure search-engine
    - You have a base understanding that your data might be at risk if you're not taking these precautions

    Category 3: Advanced Security Measures Taken
    - At this point you are highly aware of privacy and security practices, the standards you should take, and how to implement them. You are also aware of the sheer number of services that violate your privacy daily.
    - Using only open-source software that has been verified as secure and privacy conscious.
    - Using Linux OS, preferably Tails, Parot, Qubes, or WhoNix
    - Always using a PAID VPN
    - Open Source browser with multitude of security extensions, i.e adblock, anti-tracking, js disable, security tips, etc, but preferably Using Tor Browser and disabling JS to browse the web
    - Understanding of programming and how it works, able to customize your operating system to fit your needs especially your security and privacy needs.
    - Full wipe of your system every 1-3 months.

    • 2 years ago

      >Using only open-source software that has been verified as secure and privacy conscious.
      There's literally no such thing. In order for software to be verified it must be mathematically proved, but there is no mathematically proved open source software because it's all written by incompetent hobbyists.

      Open source software is the most insecure shit in the world because it's written by people who don't have the competence to write bug-free software.

      • 2 years ago

        step 1. Go to github
        step 2:Fork the code onto your PC
        step 3: Read the entire Code and verify that is secure under your personal standards
        step 4: Compile the code and run it.

        As long as you fork the project into your own computer and read the code you have an opensource program you can trust.

        • 2 years ago

          >Read the entire Code and verify

          Unless it's the most simple shit, you CAN'T verify it, moron. Even the people who programmed it don't know what their code is doing. That's why there are these things called "bugs"

          As long as there is a single possible bug in the code, it is not secure.

    • 2 years ago

      >Category 1: Not A Pedo, or a Pedo that lives in a 3rd world country
      >Category 2: A e-girlcon or A Pedo or someone who is probably dangerous to society
      >Category 3: A Pedo and dangerous to society

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine trying to think of reasons why someone would care about privacy and the only thing that comes to mind is pedophiles. What the frick is wrong with you?

        • 2 years ago

          It's just a joke anon, it's only partly true :- )
          I use linux and I look at shotacon so...

      • 2 years ago


        Category 5: Ascension
        - Stop using the internet

        lets face it cat 5 is the only one we should be using

  7. 2 years ago

    Category 4: Paranoid Security Measures Taken
    - Past Category 3 you don't really need anything further in fact it may be detrimental to your productability and use of computers / the internet
    - Advanced Knowledge of hardware programming, and building/programming your own motherboard, CPU, RAM, and HDD.
    - Building your own Operating System, or personally reading through the entire code of the before mentions secure OS's and using that exact code as the OS.
    - Using only TOR browser inside a virtual machine to browse the internet
    - Never inputting any personal information on the internet, and only using secure only services over TOR.
    - Wiping your entire computer and flashing the hardware every time you finish using it.

  8. 2 years ago

    Category 5: Ascension
    - Stop using the internet

  9. 2 years ago

    By going full offline. Can't do that in modern society.

  10. 2 years ago

    have a nice day then find a nice little frozen corner in hell to hide in

  11. 2 years ago

    use mcdonalds wifi

  12. 2 years ago

    craft a fake identity, or steal one.

  13. 2 years ago

    Define anonymity. Online anonymity, real life, or both? Is it enough for people to not know who you are online and in real life? Governments have been collecting DNA at birth for decades now. Someone is always gonna know who you are. As for online, the only right option is to not go online. If that isn't practical to you then just look up any "anonymity" guide online and use common sense. Not that hard.

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