How legit is Chomsky?

My anthropology professor sucked his dick so hard though the entirety of the semester and basically said he could do or say nothing wrong.

Redpill me on Chomsky.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >muh socialist anarchism
    Biggest hack of a “scholar” since Hofstadter, second most moronic (living) one behind Foner

    • 2 years ago

      Not true, Zinn is a bigger one.

  2. 2 years ago

    All those leftist hacks were wrong about pretty much everything as proved by ancient DNA.

  3. 2 years ago

    Marxist economics be like:
    “So yes as you can see the diadic hubris of post-contemporary modernist imperialism imposed by the petite buergoise cause a existential dileema of solopisism and this coexisted with the belligerence of corporations that caused the working class proletariat dialectics to become poorer and more oppressd”

    *continues to talk like this for 8 hours instead of just being down to earth and applying down to earth normal economics that will actually work for everyone and not just for over-educated yuppies*

    • 2 years ago

      Chomsky isn't an economist and isn't even really a Marxist and doesn't even talk like that. He was mainly influenced by anarchists and classical liberalism. Some Marxists like Luxemburg but he's widely seen as being in the anarchist or libertarian socialist tradition.

    • 2 years ago

      >So yes as you can see the diadic hubris of post-contemporary modernist imperialism imposed by the petite buergoise cause a existential dileema of solopisism and this coexisted with the belligerence of corporations that caused the working class proletariat dialectics to become poorer and more oppressd
      lmao this is unironically what they sound like

    • 2 years ago

      early life tier held up because his lies are so pervasive
      literally the repeat it often enough and its too big to fail adage anthropomorphized.


    • 2 years ago

      Lol this is exactly what a lot of the New Left guys are. Unreadable gibberish and jargon, it’s like they just peawiener for each other

  4. 2 years ago

    He's a socialist who can argue his point. No more no less. I don't agree with him but I never needed to answer to anyone who liked him so whatever.

  5. 2 years ago

    >A materialist who believes in free will

    >A classical liberal who believes in collectivism

    >A genetic determinist who believes the masses are conditioned by social engineers

    >An opponent of interventionism who supports the democratic party

    The king of have your cake and eat it too.

  6. 2 years ago

    He wrote a book called “Manufacturing Consent”, and basically every YouTube socialist normie was like “zomg it explains everything!”

    He just a socialist who is noted to really really hate America.

    • 2 years ago

      Edward Bernays?

  7. 2 years ago

    >dude Language Acquisition Device LMAO
    I can't speak for his politics, but his hack linguistics takes pisses me off.

  8. 2 years ago

    He calls himself an anarcho-syndicalist (which is already moronic on its own accord) yet has spent literally his entire life trying to whitewash authoritarian communist regimes. His track record includes denying the Holodomor, denying the crimes of the Khmer Rouge, predicting that Venezuela would be a shining beacon for the whole world to see how efficient command economies are, immediately pivoting to Israel when a journalist asked him his opinion about the Uighur genocide and asserting that people in the US who say Black person do (not even should) go to prison.

    He's also the big daddy of Reddit anarchism.

    • 2 years ago

      KGB cell, has to be

      • 2 years ago

        Childhood is thinking the left wing US intellectual “icons” are Soviet plants

        Adulthood is realizing they’re all CIA.

        He also got schooled by Foucault in that one debate.

        • 2 years ago

          why would the CIA try to undermine their own system. Like the psychological reason and more please tell me

          • 2 years ago

            1. These left wing people are almost always anti soviet (le libertarian left, le anti authoritarian left)
            2. They attract and control the inevitable left wing caucus of a country. Make them
            Impotent. Especially at universities, which historically were major for militant organizing.
            3. The US military intelligence machine has always had alliance with Cold War anti soviet left. They gave them asylum and funded their journals/activities. In return these figures shit talked the Soviets and promoted impotent identity politics Bs vs the soviet emphasis on class warfare and militant revolution.
            4. The largest US investment into a local puppet militias right now is the anarchist communist YPG. These people are hard left and they go around with US SOF escorting and training them. Their ideology is based on a guy named Mooray Bookchin who lived in Vermont and got astroturfed by State department and CIA to become a left wing icon.

          • 2 years ago

            >CIA is pro-anarchist
            Wtf I love the CIA now

          • 2 years ago

            why dont they just support right wing guys who you know, dont want to destroy the country

          • 2 years ago

            The pathetic thing is, I keep meeting lefties who claim that identity politics are a conspiracy to undermine muh class war, yet they still toe the party line, still respect troony pronouns, still defend BLM, and for all intents and purposes spend more time fighting against /misc/gays in muh culture war rather than trying to take back their movement from the identity politics libs.

          • 2 years ago

            Because based cia buck broke the leftists using identity politics

          • 2 years ago

            This is a good video that delves into the history of all of this

          • 2 years ago

            5. You are thinking in 2-d. States think in 3-d and 4-D. These are /our leftists/ which is the one and only reason they didn’t get shot in the head like actually enemy leftists did in the 60s/70s.

    • 2 years ago

      Also he said Ukraine should basically stop fighting and give up its territories, which answers the age old question of how anarchism would deal with hostile invading regimes. The answer being "just give up and pray they'll be gentle"

    • 2 years ago

      his Khmer Rouge take is based but everything else is cringe.

  9. 2 years ago

    >larps as anti US imperialist
    >simps for US imperialist YPG
    >larps as anti atrocities
    >simps for Misc Pot and Khmer Rouge
    >larps as a scientist
    >believes in empirically unverified dogmas about human society

    Simple as.

    Usually a moron that some lefties like bc he touched their pet topic at one point. Or because they’re edgy le woke and Chomsky used to say mean things about US actions in Latin America (except when he doesn’t).

  10. 2 years ago

    He was a classic midwit lefty cuck. He was also a moronic Cambodian Genocide denier due to moronic contrarianism.

    Only gross old boomer hippies and their gay Gen x students give a shit about this fossil. There’s a reason no one other than that screeching Armenia b***h on TYT wheels his corpse out every now and then.

  11. 2 years ago

    6. State also shoots right wing icons it doesn’t like…. It doesn’t really favor right wing propaganda and if such figures exist they are US employees or assets.

  12. 2 years ago


    >be CIA or FBI agent in operation CHAOS tasked to infiltrated left wing groups
    >dress up as a hippie and go around organizing left wing students. Do drugs and have so much sex.
    >pick out the leaders among them
    >make ties and get them gigs and “recruit them”. They say things with /our slant/. Get them fast track jobs and positions so they randomly become major columnists or professors.
    >meet with them regularly and tell them what to say. Operation paper clip.
    >leftist hordes listen to them bc leftism is just a subculture like any other and not an intellectual movement
    >they end up being new left and eventually those rich boomer leftists with houses in Berkeley or Ithaca.

    • 2 years ago

      >paper clip

      Sorry it was Operation Mockingbirg.

      Also if you find that there are actually dangerous leaders among these groups you arrange for them to either die of a drug overdose or kill them outright.

      But not before you try to recruit even though 🙂

  13. 2 years ago


    — left didn’t infiltrate the US
    — the US infiltrated the left
    — the left wing culture machine is almost certainly a military intelligence operation in its entirety which is why it astroturfed to total dominance and doesn’t tolerate dissent in official institutions
    — the US wants a new ideology that is a liberal-left synthesis out of the old Cold War conflicts. It doesn’t care that most people aren’t enthusiastic about it.

    • 2 years ago

      The fact that a guy who outright admitted to being a communist was put in charge of the CIA should set some alarms off for all these “Muh CIA boogeyman” type leftist.

  14. 2 years ago

    Your job as a loyal citizen is to mirror the state ideology which is why most high conformity and high obedience people do so immediately.

  15. 2 years ago

    Tbh, I find his discussions on linguistics interesting. Outside of that, meh.

  16. 2 years ago

    Actual accomplished linguist, awful takes on pretty much everything else

  17. 2 years ago

    Remember he is old, very old, his students were the boomers of 69 who currently rule this country and still consider themselves the "children of the revolution". Chomsky is their totem and they cherish him.

    There is not much substance to his theories, he is just repeating the old school leftist diatribe of his day. He takes a highly conspiratorial view of financial and corporate interests mirroring "capital" and "bourgeois" of more formal socialism. No doubt business interests play a role in American politics, but his analyses are often distorted and downplay the role of the state and everything boomers have done, secret cabals are to blame, never his children, hence why they love him. Typical of formal socialists he also extends his ire towards capitalism towards the small proprietor, who are just as corrupt and part of the system as the plutocrats funding death squads in latin America (events like this themselves often misconstrued and blown out of proportion).

    It it just the usual slanted schlock you find in every tribe, religion and ideology, it is disappointing. I find the idea of socialist libertarianism interesting, it would remove much of the problems of authoritarianism, it would help solve the problem of individualism versus the group, if the group is reduced to such a small size then "mob rule" and persecution of the smallest most powerless minority, the individual, becomes less of a problem.

    Now that even his students are getting on a bit he is sliding from relevance. The "woke" nuleft are taking over and they are more interested in seeing LGBT Wells Fargo floats at the gay pride parade than completely uprooting the capitalist system.

    He is still alive and to his credit replies to e-mails. I wonder if it would be cruel to write an e-mail proving in front of his face that despite his fame he is in fact an intellectual lightweight no different from a creationist in his irrational bias, or maybe just leave it and let the old man be.

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    Well he's the leading General of the Marxist March through the Institutions. That's why he is revered.... by Marxists.
    He is a linguist, and some of his theories are very interesting. But that's not why he was praised.
    Chompsky is praised for intellectualizing and framing a series of critiques on US Cold War Foreign Policy.
    I'm sure you can extrapolate the rest from there.

  20. 2 years ago

    Sorry excuse for an anarchist

    • 2 years ago

      His stuff on linguistics I've heard is good though, can't really give much on that though since I'm not a linguist, but his own social theories and beliefs in anarchist are fricking moronic, I hate hearing this dude represent Anarchism. I already hate Anarcho-syndicalism, but man, they had a based history with the IWW and doing things around Europe (till becoming fash), but he gives it such a bad name in the modern day and is absolutely weak on everything

      • 2 years ago

        Syndicalism is fine, just without the anarchism. Moderate authority is much better

  21. 2 years ago

    Whoever made anthology a subject is dumb. Imagine going to school to be a anthologist holy shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Anthropology* I mean unless you believe there is a different biologically between races/ethnic groups, you are living a lie.

  22. 2 years ago

    absolutely btfo by based foucault

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