How many books did you read this year so far?

How many movies did you watch this year so far?
How many games did you beat this year so far?
How many classes did you pass this year so far?

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  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    Don‘t know
    Don‘t know
    Don‘t know

  3. 12 months ago

    is this the census
    i've decided i'm no longer male

  4. 12 months ago

    This year was bad for books so far.
    Maybe 15? 17? Less than 20.

    One, Prodeus.

    None but I finished grad school.

    • 12 months ago

      >One, Prodeus

  5. 12 months ago

    I don't read books
    I don't watch movies
    I don't play videogames
    I am a high school dropout
    I don't conform and never will

    • 12 months ago

      the west has indeed fallen

  6. 12 months ago

    >1 book
    >40 movies
    >0 games
    >0 classes passed

  7. 12 months ago

    Im reading one per month

  8. 12 months ago

    I miss 2008 when Bridget was the only troony I knew about. Bridget my beloved, take me back to simpler times

  9. 12 months ago

    0, im not underage

  10. 12 months ago

    I beat Ashes 2063, a free total conversion Doom 2 mod with two episodes. I think I also finally beat the original Blood on Well Done without savescumming but that may have been late last year.

    • 12 months ago

      Also Ashes had one of the best storylines and atmosphere I've seen in a game in years. It had that 90s feel where anything can happen in the story, instead of creating that unconscious feeling that no matter what happens it'll be like a cornball Hollywood movie with the same story beats and reveals.

  11. 12 months ago

    10 or so books.
    0 new ones. 1 rewatch (Once upon a time in Hollywood)
    2, Hitman 3 and Forza Horizon 3
    0, haven't been in school for 10 years now.

  12. 12 months ago

    4, but one of them was Sanderson's "Oathbringer" which took forever and was so shit it made me quit the series so I wasted 2 months.

    Everything else is zero cause I have a job and no free time.

  13. 12 months ago

    I want to marry bridget

  14. 12 months ago

    >Books: 26
    Big number because I was binge reading for the first time Harry Potter and then was rereading whole Witcher series, so aside from that:
    Best one: The Trial by Kafka
    Worst one: Atomic Habits by James Clear
    >Movies: 55
    Best one: Paprika 1991
    Worst one: We're All Going to the World's Fair 2021
    >Games: 2
    Blasphemous and Pathologic (both good)
    >Classes: 0
    im a neet moron

    • 12 months ago

      >Worst one: Atomic Habits by James Clear
      Why? Some people recommended it to me, they said it changed their lives

      • 12 months ago

        Extremely generic advices for the most basic people out there with no internal thoughts. Whole book could be condensed to three or four sentences and it wouldn't made much of a difference, but instead it's full of obvious things, coach ramblings, and author jerking off his ego constantly. Nothing new, interesting or groundbreaking, just a waste of time

        • 12 months ago

          >Whole book could be condensed to three or four sentences
          Post them

          • 12 months ago

            The more you do it the better you get at it. I had hard life and am very smart. Live, laugh, love. Buy my book and feel motivated by me

          • 12 months ago

            This kind of posting/commenting/thinking is one of the cardinal sins of the last few overlapping generations of terminally online people. It's like that old thing about how you see a newspaper article or news report on something you happen to be an expert in, and realize they're totally fricking it up, then turn the page and they're talking about something you're not an expert in and you don't bat an eye. I've read books that I wasn't even very fond of, but I at least had a fair assessment of their contents, and then read IQfy posts about them shortly after that were like "this entire book is just X, Y, and Z. Waste of time." And I instantly recognize how unfair it is.

            It's a specific kind of zoomer irritability and c**tiness, my theory is that they're all preemptively irritable and b***hy waiting to lash out at anything that doesn't serve satisfaction up to them on a platter. Anything that requires work, anything that isn't quite what the video essay they watched about it "hyped it up to be," etc. As soon as an expectation pays off in something other than what their (very undifferentiated, petulant, narrow) consciousness wanted it to be, it doesn't matter what ELSE the thing might be. All they can do is lash out with b***hy snooty condescension at it.

            Never read this book or even heard of it, just saying.

          • 12 months ago

            Kinda how I imagine an author of this book would response to me. Listen, I personally didn't like this book and already said why. For me it was too much of words containing too little information about something that wasn't anything new, it was the same shit regurgitated in every self-help book. If book like that helps you then you have my condolences, but I expected something more from "life-changing" books
            >I didn't even read this book
            kek, typical IQfy

          • 12 months ago

            My issue isn't with you expecting more, it's with the "summing up the X in 3 sentences" thing that zoomers do when they didn't like the X. "This game was basically Y with Z." I'm not even opposed to criticism like this when it's insightful, and it can be. But in this format it never is. It's always some moron you can tell had a weirdly personal experience of not liking a book his dad recommended to him, and his petulance is really a surreptitious vehicle for his deeper frustration at not being able to engage with anything in the world around him because he's so irritable and jittery and he relax and experience something outside his horizon of expectations once in a while.

          • 12 months ago

            Bro, you take it way too seriously for my ironic describing of a book in 4 sentences. You're on 4chin and don't know the term of exaggeration? It mostly was true, but I still intended it to have more comedic overtone and here you lash out on me with your tirade on zoomers

          • 12 months ago

            The book this anon is discussing is one of those self-help book stitched together from blog posts, so in this case I think the pithy assessment is warranted.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah but even then it's dangerous. Maybe especially then. I'm pretty elitist myself but I've been pleasantly surprised by a lot of works. And it's a habit that is perhaps easiest to train in an extreme case like this: can you read something that is objectively not that great and still strain your mind to see the wisdom in it, or at least the ideas that you can take from it and develop better on your own?

            This instance is a tip of the much larger iceberg of the morons I saw on IQfy earlier saying LOTR was "too long" and shit. Those guys are lost causes, they can't even read a fricking book. It's not just not even worth saying that LOTR is "too long." It should be something you can say mildly AFTER having read it, because it's still overall pretty short and easy to read. If you find yourself going BUT MOMMMM IT'S TOO LONNGGGGGGG as your FIRST reaction, as a 34 year old man, you're a fricking moron.

  15. 12 months ago

    >How many books did you read this year so far?
    5. The most recent one was the 480~ page magnum opus of George Lincoln Rockwell.
    >How many movies did you watch this year so far?

  16. 12 months ago


  17. 12 months ago

    ~11, mostly Plato with a couple novels/plays
    I don't really keep track, maybe about two dozen new (to me) movies
    0, haven't really played games much in quite a while but I want to get back into them
    All four of them and I graduated summa cum laude, going into grad school in the Fall
    Honestly I feel like shit despite having everything go well for me and my future looking bright. I have read the most I have independently all my life, I graduated with A's and A-'s in every class, I got accepted to a great school for what I want to study, I have friends and family who love and care for me and I for them, and even casual sex just makes me feel hollow as ever. I just feel lost.

  18. 12 months ago

    Around 47 excluding Shakespeare plays

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you exclude them?

      • 12 months ago

        Because they are small and if you count them it means I've read 60-70 books this year so far

        • 12 months ago

          No matter how small it is, a book is a book.

  19. 12 months ago

    One, Dune
    Working on Diablo 4
    >Going to college in America

  20. 12 months ago

    Books: shit I dunno, more than 50 for sure
    Movies: 4, maybe 5. I can definitely remember 4 though.
    Games: zero ;_; my backlog is fossilized.
    Classes: lmao zero frick school, I'm too old for that shit.

    Ski runs: over 200
    Art museums visited: over 100
    Countries visited: 4

    EDIT actually holy shit I just remembered I went back and beat Yugioh Forbidden Memories this January. 1! I beat one game from my backlog this year!

    EDIT and holy shit I just remembered I beat FF7 too! That makes 2! Holy shit I've been productive this year. Thanks OP I feel great now.

  21. 12 months ago

    I'm a NEET

  22. 12 months ago

    7 books
    3-6 movies
    2 games
    5 classes

  23. 12 months ago

    2 (Hogwarts legacy and RE4 again)
    0, I graduated college 4 years ago

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