How Often Do You Quote Literature IRL

And does doing this make you sound like a pretentious dramatic homosexual?

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  1. 11 months ago

    I don't ever do that, because it does make you sound like a pretentious dramatic homosexual. Sometimes I do that as a joke, but only as a joke.

  2. 11 months ago

    >does this make you sound like a pretentious homosexual
    yes, you fricking chunni

  3. 11 months ago

    Most people won’t even realize you are. I don’t think it’s pretentious as long as it’s applicable to the discussion in some way or you’re specifically talking lit.

    • 11 months ago

      >or you’re specifically talking lit.
      That doesn't count. You have to bring up the quote in a non-literary context.

      • 11 months ago

        Does it have to be word for word? I recounted the story from IJ about Jolene getting coked up and cleaning compulsively then combing through the carpet for dropped crumbs of coke the other day

    • 11 months ago

      I blend in my literary quotes as if they were popular sayings. "You know what they say, there are more things in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosphy"

  4. 11 months ago

    >pretentious dramatic homosexual?
    yes the acronym OLR was invented for those people (obscure literary reference)
    if you want to quote things from a book then start flinging bible verses kek

  5. 11 months ago

    Quoting is pretty cringe imo, but I do make little references to literature and historical events relatively frequently just because that’s the sort of stuff I’m interested in. It generally pertains to the conversation though. I’m a firm believer in the iykyk principle.

  6. 11 months ago

    I rarely memorize exact quotes, but I often bring up scenes from books to use them as an example to help me articulate what I'm trying to say.

  7. 11 months ago

    I don't quote, but I do commonly use phrases like "swinging at windmills".

    • 11 months ago


  8. 11 months ago

    If Gurney Halleck can quote the Bible then I can quote Moby-Dick in everyday conversations.

  9. 11 months ago

    I regularly recite untranslated quotes memorized from my (usually old) Latin readings. You might think that it's pretentious but I have friends from school who do the same. We weren't taught to do this per se but the culture basically encouraged this and we were taught to memorize and recite on demand so sometimes it just comes out of you, you know? you can't help but repeat the sounds you hear in your head.

  10. 11 months ago

    Very rarely.

  11. 11 months ago

    With coworkers never, with friends sometimes, with family often

  12. 11 months ago

    > I am become homosexual, originator of posts.

  13. 11 months ago

    >This is just like my Indian Marvel movies!
    But seriously if people actually made references to higher brow shit like literature I wouldn't mind

  14. 11 months ago

    >be me
    >currently balding
    >"“You great star, what would your happiness be had you not those for whom you shine?”

  15. 11 months ago

    Quoting books is going to be cringe in most contexts. Just quote them indirectly by mentioning the ideas in your own words. Make sure the language isn't too literary, just enough to work in a conversation. The only time you should be quoting things is when someone's testing you in a "Name 3 songs" fashion. Even then, you should be telling them to frick off.

  16. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Show went to shit when she left

  17. 11 months ago

    Just pick your audience. I never quote literature with my gf, but when I'm talking to my dad I do because I know he'll appreciate it. Do people really just spout the same type of thing to literally every person in their life?

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