How to fricking destroy a HDD?

How to fricking destroy a HDD? I dont have a drive shredder nearby lol and even if, i would be paranoid the guy whos handling it, wouldn't properly destroy mine.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    option 1: big magnet
    option 2: take out the screws, remove the platter and smash it with a rock
    option 3: drill press

    but you can just DBAN it and not worry

    • 4 weeks ago

      >but you can just DBAN it and not worry
      Im not so worried about this, i want to physically destroy them. Yes, the platter is the safest option, but, can i destroy them with home tools? How thin are the platters? Can i cut them?

      • 4 weeks ago

        the platters are made of ceramic and are likr 2-4mm thick
        you can snap them with your bare hands
        back in the day working for a local government department we would get the intern to take them apart and we'd have a box along the back (concrete) wall, and we'd frisbee the disks at it so they'd shatter and fall into the box

        but a two-layer 0 fill and then random fill will make them irrecoverable to almost literally anyone without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, why are you THAT paranoid and yet can't afford a shredder or drill press?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >and yet can't afford a shredder or drill press?
          As if this is something everyone has at home lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            thats the point
            a home user doesn't have any data that could possibly be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover, so if he is that paranoid, he is obviously working for a large enterprise with very confidential data - so why can't his employer afford a drill press?

            oh wait it's because he's a pedophile woth child porn and doesn't want the local cops (who don't care) to find it, which a hammer will solve

          • 4 weeks ago

            >a home user doesn't have any data that could possibly be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover

            Who the frick si talking about a forensic recovery? Once you toss the drives away for recycling, there is always a risk of some employee takign the disk for himself or having a look on whats on it. And no i dont have super sensitive data, but i had financial data on the drives and other personal informations. Im actually shocked most of you dont really care about this?

          • 4 weeks ago

            A HAMMER

            DBAN will make the data IRRECOVERABLE without forensics, and a hammer will make even that near impossible
            how you haven't even considered this is fricking beyond me. you even said DBAN somehow wasn't good enough in

            >but you can just DBAN it and not worry
            Im not so worried about this, i want to physically destroy them. Yes, the platter is the safest option, but, can i destroy them with home tools? How thin are the platters? Can i cut them?

            if you fill the entire drive with 0s then 1s then random bits, it becomes extremely difficult to recover without needing to check individual bits for residual magnetic traces. why this isn't good enough for you is a fricking mystery, but oh well, JUST HIT IT WITH A FRICKING HAMMER

            god you are such a fricking moron its a wonder you could pass the captcha

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Who the frick si talking about a forensic recovery? Once you toss the drives away for recycling, there is always a risk of some employee takign the disk for himself or having a look on whats on it. And no i dont have super sensitive data, but i had financial data on the drives and other personal informations. Im actually shocked most of you dont really care about this?
            Do this:

            Fill a small plastic container with saltwater and place the HDD inside. This will corrode all the electronics.

          • 4 weeks ago

            If you're not worried about professional data recovery but rather some fellow shitposter dumpster diving for old hard drives then just shove a SATA plug into the hard drive and snap that shit off. Ain't nobody gonna go through the work of trying to repair that shit unless they're already targeting you anyways in which case they'll just break into your home to steal your hard drives.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Im actually shocked most of you dont really care about this?
            im actually shocked you never thought to just shatter the platter with a drill or taking the drive apart and snapping it with your hands

            im also shocked you think gi fricking joe works for the dump and will use electron microscopes to check each sector's residual magnetic feilds after a few zero-fills

            are you moronic or just dumb and ignorant?

          • 4 weeks ago

            do you really think some random dumpster diving homosexual is going to go through the effort of repairing a physically damaged drive just to hack your bank account? do you think that same homosexual has the technical ability to do that? or are you paranoid kim jong un sent a spy to steal your 10 TB of CP and bitcoin?

          • 4 weeks ago

            just drill a through hole around where the platters are, quick and easy to do (you own a drill, right?)

          • 4 weeks ago

            >most of you dont really care about this?
            moron. Of course we care. We researched it extensively and know all about it.
            Physical destruction is absolutely unnecessary unless the drive is worthless and you deem it a faster solution than a single wipe (recovery from which has never been proven).

          • 4 weeks ago

            >a single wipe (recovery from which has never been proven).

            dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M status=progress

            Run that for a few minutes.
            Run it to completion to be 100% certain everything is wiped.
            You don't need anything else. There's never been a confirmed recovery of an over-written byte.

            >There's never been a confirmed recovery of an over-written byte.
            i've personally recovered data from a zero'd drive using basic tools like the free trial of easeus recovery tool
            you need to zero twice at least, and for maximum effect run a random fill
            on CMR drives you can just budge the head over slightly to read the signature of the track, even if the bit is flipped the track is wider than the bit and you can recover data that way fairlt easily

            back in the day software like spinrite actually helped prolong the lifespan if drives by nudging the heads over intentionally.
            obviously on SMR drives this isn't possible as the tracks overlap, but even on SMR a single zero fill isn't irreversable, since you can check the residual magnetic traces and see what bits were flipped before they were 0
            this is why you need two passes at least, and then a random fill to be safe.

            the only sure fire way to wipe a harddrive permenantly is degaussing and then destroying the controller. if you degauss, there are no residual magnetic fields at all, and destroying the controller makes it impossible to see platter wear and determine likely write patterns (this methid involves a lot of guesswork and time so it's not really practised in data forensics)

            but generally a hammer to the platter will prevent anyone from reasonably recovering data. two zero-fills then hammer makes it practically impossible.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >>i've personally recovered data from a zero'd drive using basic tools like the free trial of easeus recovery tool
            Show proof, I've literally never seen anyone be able to do this.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Theoretically it can happen if you zero and cut the power before all data has been flushed from the on disk cache (dram) to the platter. But it's only going to be like 256 mb at most.
            That is if disks use the dram cache for write, if they only use it for reads then it's not possible I'm not sure if they do

          • 4 weeks ago

            >cee pee
            OP is probably not a federal agent, if so he would know theres no way to hide the data.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why don't you have a drill press?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >made of ceramic
          Isn't that specific to laptop drives? I remember smashing dead drives as a kid and bending the platter with a hammer.

          >but you can just DBAN it and not worry
          Im not so worried about this, i want to physically destroy them. Yes, the platter is the safest option, but, can i destroy them with home tools? How thin are the platters? Can i cut them?

          Why do you want to physically destroy it? If the drive is working, just fill it with zeros. There is no evidence that anything useful can be recovered from a modern drive erased like this. If it's dead, open it, remove the big magnets inside and rub them across the platters.

          • 4 weeks ago

            they are almost all cermic plated with iron oxide
            some high grade ones are aluminium or glass but usually ceramic is the most common

            i've come across maybe 25 aluminium ones and less than ten glass, and i was at one point the intern from

            the platters are made of ceramic and are likr 2-4mm thick
            you can snap them with your bare hands
            back in the day working for a local government department we would get the intern to take them apart and we'd have a box along the back (concrete) wall, and we'd frisbee the disks at it so they'd shatter and fall into the box

            but a two-layer 0 fill and then random fill will make them irrecoverable to almost literally anyone without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, why are you THAT paranoid and yet can't afford a shredder or drill press?

            and i've probably dissassembled a few thousand (we had to DBAN then break the platter, eventually we started doing the drill press once we ran out of interns)

        • 4 weeks ago

          I mean all you really have to do is rotate the plates and change their relative position to each other. Data is lost forever.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You can open a hard drive and simply run a knife along a radius of each platter as many times as you want then put it back together, computers will probably not be able to read the device. That's what I do anyway. Why physically destroy the thing when you can technically disable the drive and then recycle it correctly. I take mine to the local refuse facility (WITH SCREWS OFF) and place them in the appropriate bin.

        Boom, the little moment of digital activity that took place on that storage device will soon be melted down.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I can't believe there are people on this board that have never taken apart a HDD.

      • 4 weeks ago

        giving a hdd a good whack with a hammer will shatter the platters into useless shards
        you don't even need to take it apart, hdd's are pretty fragile, like the warnings on the label suggest, it's like taking a box with a mug in it, and just taking a hammer to it, the box won't project the mug from a hammer blow, it's goners

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a piece of plastic and thin metal, not the one ring. How is it even a question? Put it leaning against the wall and hit it with your heel.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >knock knock
      >wait let me just DBAN for 5 hours to delete my data
      moron alert

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Don't consume CP
        It's really very simple.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >option 2: take out the screws, remove the platter and smash it with a rock
      That's what I do, it's fun.
      But do wear safety glasses, those platters can shatter if they're glass.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    delete system32

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Install gentoo

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >zoomers dont even know what a hammer is
    the future of mankind is fricked

    • 4 weeks ago

      delete system32

      Not sure if you are serious. If so, you should never post here again, morons.

      • 4 weeks ago

        if you hit it with a hammer hard enough you will shatter the platter
        you are a dumb moron Black person and from the sounds of it also a pedophile

        • 4 weeks ago

          >if you hit it with a hammer hard enough you will shatter the platter
          Proven countless times to NOT be working.

          • 4 weeks ago

            it works if scatter the pieces of the platters not keep them together in once place.
            Physical data destruction is very easy to do and doesn't require fancy tools.

            >single digit IQ Black person resorts to *oomer terms like a redditor when threatened
            i have done it over and over again
            HDD platters are ceramic, like dinner plates. they will shatter under enough shock. peg the drice at a wall and watch as it never works again

            oh and also OP, you can recover data from a shattered disk with enough effort. DBAN them, degauss them, and then shatter them, and that way da gubbment won't find your child porn

            That only works if you are able to recover all of the physical pieces. The tools that can do are not cheap nor easy/quick to operate either. Nobody is going waste their time on this outside of highly guarded state secrets.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >That only works if you are able to recover all of the physical pieces.
            You don't necessarily need the whole bitstream.
            Storing your data with cryptsetup would make this moot anyway though since you can through out the key and it's all just noise.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It depends on the material the platters are made of.
            Some will shatter, some will only bend.

      • 4 weeks ago

        cry me a river zoomergay
        dont you have some protest about palestine to go attend for uni course points?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >single digit IQ Black person resorts to *oomer terms like a redditor when threatened

          >if you hit it with a hammer hard enough you will shatter the platter
          Proven countless times to NOT be working.

          i have done it over and over again
          HDD platters are ceramic, like dinner plates. they will shatter under enough shock. peg the drice at a wall and watch as it never works again

          oh and also OP, you can recover data from a shattered disk with enough effort. DBAN them, degauss them, and then shatter them, and that way da gubbment won't find your child porn

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            >zoomer too moronic to even know how harddrive works
            >calls someone low iq
            this harddrive shit is literally elementary school level you imbecile

          • 4 weeks ago

            oh, so are you saying you CAN'T break a HDD platter?
            or did you reply to the wrong person?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >if you hit it with a hammer hard enough you will shatter the platter
        Proven countless times to NOT be working.


        • 4 weeks ago

          the fbi can still recover the pieces and reassemble them, you need to scatter the pieces throughout the country preferably burry 33% in random places dump 62% into a moving body of water and burn the other 29% and scatter the ashes to the wind to be 100% safe from the feds trust me my dad works at quantaco

          • 4 weeks ago

            This is the only way to be absolutely 100% certain.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >only 100%
            I think we can do better.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Be careful so that you don't lose and eye and/or testicle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Not sure if you are serious.
      confirmed dumb as a fricking rock

  4. 4 weeks ago

    if i had to deal with that id use thermite.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    shred -n 3 -u
    if you want to literally destroy the device for some reason then just melt it

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Only buy glass platter HDDs, open em up and watch them spontaneously shatter into a billion pieces

  7. 4 weeks ago

    1. You zero the drive
    2. You drill as many holes in the platter as you can
    If you're pressed for time, you just drill it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Not having all your HDDs running in a drill press which can be remotely activated to shatter the platters at a moments notice

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Fill a small plastic container with saltwater and place the HDD inside. This will corrode all the electronics.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >corrode all the electronics
      >platters remain sealed and continue to hold the magnetized state representing the data
      >platters can still be transplanted to another drive for data recovery

      • 4 weeks ago

        >he really thinks platters are hermetically sealed
        lol, lmao even

  9. 4 weeks ago

    put it in bubble wrap and send it to the FBI, they will make sure it's destroyed 😉

    • 4 weeks ago

      i giggled

    • 4 weeks ago

      Someone should do this with completely junk data and see if they do anything.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    As much as I advocate for privacy, the sheer level of single digit IQ moronation you see in HDD forensic threads makes me think that the people who make these threads really, genuinely are pedophiles.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >Daniel Larson's get's arrested
    >the glow-in-the-darks start going after his weens
    >"hOw Do I bRak hAdrdrive" threads start popping up
    Enjoy getting raped by a pack of Black folk in prison, stalker child

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>"hOw Do I bRak hAdrdrive" threads start popping up
      Exactly one thread.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is there a source for all these anime adaptions of these 2 girls?

    • 4 weeks ago

      thread ended here, go back to twitter homosexual op

    • 4 weeks ago

      >look up daniel larson
      >some literal-who dikdoker
      zoomers gtfo

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Drill holes or smash it with a sledgehammer

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Next time try not downloading child porn on it, pedophile.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    hit with hammer
    crush with car
    drop in the ocean
    saw it to bits
    throw it against a wall
    beat it with bricks
    drill it
    chisel it

    your IQ is 9 if you cannot figure any of this shit out

  15. 4 weeks ago

    if we cant find any evidence then we'll plant it

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Buy a high power nailgun and just put a bunch of nails on the HDD; make sure that they go through all the platters.

    Could also just use a drill.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M status=progress

    Run that for a few minutes.
    Run it to completion to be 100% certain everything is wiped.
    You don't need anything else. There's never been a confirmed recovery of an over-written byte.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Send it to me. I need a new HDD and I don't care what kind of abyssmally degenerate shit you had on it before.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I need a new HDD
      Bro they're like $150 for a VERY good server drive. You can't be this poor...

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I just keep using my drives until they die. That is, wait for it to kys

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Once upon a time in the heart of the city,
    Lived a man named Johnny, tech-savvy and witty,
    Stood before his PC with a frown,
    His eyes darted between the monitor and the town,

    He knew what he had, data precious and rare,
    A secret treasure, no one could compare,
    But the world outside was full of vultures,
    Rumors of data breaches and hacker intruders,

    So Johnny devised a plan, ironclad and bold,
    To keep his secrets safe, his story untold,
    He reached for the toolbox, his heart pounding fast,
    Picked up the drill bit and prepared to blast,

    Drillin', drillin', into the drive,
    No more secrets, no more lies,
    Gonna make 'em disappear into the night,
    Drillin', drillin', baby, holdin' on tight,

    Johnny took a deep breath as he pressed the start,
    The drill whirred to life, its power uncharted,
    He watched in awe as metal met silicon,
    A symphony of destruction, precision, and violence,

    Sparks flew and smoke rose, as the drill bit chewed,
    Through layers of aluminum and titanium, it pursued,
    His hard drive, once the guardian of his data,
    Now lay exposed, vulnerable, and shattered,

    No more threats from the cybercriminal hordes,
    No more sleepless nights or silent scores,
    Just Johnny, victorious and free,
    In control of his information, just like he wanted to be,

    So that's the tale of a man named Johnny,
    Who protected his secrets with a drill and a savvy,
    It's a story, a cautionary rhyme,
    About trusting tech and taking back your time.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Hit it with a hammer. moron

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Just download this song and copy it over and over until the whole drive is filled.
    Done & dusted.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This appears to be a nonsensical song about feces being someone's favorite food. It is important to note that consuming human or animal waste can pose significant health risks due to the potential presence of pathogens and parasites. This behavior is strongly discouraged and considered unhygienic and unsanitary.

      Feel free to ask any question related to HDD destruction, or data erasure, and I will do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful answers!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Butyful song saar. Downloaded just to enjoy.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    i've always been wondering if the chips on the HDD's controller are worth destroying too, as i thought the drive's controller keeps track of SMART data, location of the files on the physical platter and more. any thoughts?

    • 4 weeks ago

      technically you could attempt data reconstruction from the controller but it is so stupidly difficult and involves a lot of guesswork and luck, so it's never really done in practise
      it's better to be safe than sorry and if you care, destroy the chips too. industrial HDD killers will zero-fill thrice, degauss, break the platter and melt the chips, usually with a burst of microwave radiation.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    The government already knows about your stash, and will out you if you show signs of dissent or rebellion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They could "out" anyone, just plant "illegal" data such as CP.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The government doesn't even need to do that. They can just stop you in traffic, arrest you for resisting arrest then jail you for several years by claiming you beat the shit out of Officer Dipshit who unfortunately didn't have his bodycam turned on.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    No worries, the glowie has a cp drive at hand to slip into your pocket at all times };^)

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Frying pan

    Beef tallow

    20 minutes


    Don't ask questions

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Target practice.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Dissolve it in coke

    • 4 weeks ago

      Coke + salt might actually be a great idea.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Just still straight through the middle. Simple as.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    Wouldnt dipping it in battery acid and just leaving it there work?

    • 4 weeks ago


  31. 4 weeks ago

    >microwaved HDD
    >overwritten HDD

    let's say i want to recover data from two different devices, each one has been through one of the situations greentexted, which one would be easier to recover?

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        the hdd's controller board can be replaced, quite easily too
        a microwave would certainly frick the controller board good, but can it even penetrate the inside? there only non-metal gaps are around the seal, which is quite thin, and the breather hole, which is quite small
        if the microwaves don't actually get inside the drive, then it would be easy to repair by replacing the controller board

  32. 4 weeks ago

    just smash it with a fricking rock. hit it until you can get to the platter and smash the platter into dust. if you're still shitting your fricking shorts that you're so important someone will take the time to reconstruct the platter from the dust you put half in one bag and half in another.

    this takes about five minutes and your data is 100 percent unrecoverable.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    backyard fire pit

  34. 4 weeks ago

    >how do i use a hammer or other such blunt cave-tool

  35. 4 weeks ago

    How the hell does overwriting the data not work? I always wondered how they could recover that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      nudge the head over to the edge of the track and check the traces

      >>i've personally recovered data from a zero'd drive using basic tools like the free trial of easeus recovery tool
      Show proof, I've literally never seen anyone be able to do this.

      go get a spare HDD, fill it with memes. zero it once - plug it back in to a windows machine and run easeus recovery took and watch as it recovers 100% of the data
      i've had it recover 2TiB of data from a 1TiB drive before, and I was just as confused and skeptical as you are now

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        kek wtf are you talking about

        • 4 weeks ago

          see the spaces next to each bit? when you flip a bit it doesn't just affect the bit, but the iron particles nearby as well. the track doesn't necessarily return to 0 when you zero the bits on it, so if you nudge the head over you can effectively read the bits from inbetween each track
          this is almost exactly how SMR drives work, by overlapping the tracks to fit more data on a platter at the cost of reliability and longevity

          a long time ago there was software that let you write data inbetween tracks to fit more data on a HDD

          • 4 weeks ago


  36. 4 weeks ago

    You can use angle grinder and rip hardrive in half, disc platter must be destroyed by hammer.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    Take a rock and smash the drive
    Otherwise you can just dismantle it and pull the platters out. Once out they can't be realigned and all data is lost

  38. 4 weeks ago

    For SSDs it would be as simple as drilling through the flash chips right? I have a feeling too many people have tried to "destroy" an nvme drive by snapping it in half, but ended up only breaking the board.

    • 4 weeks ago

      snapping an ssd in half is very unlikely to actually damage anything, no, even if you snapped it along where a chip is, the chip is more likely to be torn off the board than snapped in half
      and yes, drilling through the centre of each flash chip will certainly do it, or just give each one a good whack with a hammer, maybe with a centre punch or nail to concentrate the force into the centre of the chips

  39. 4 weeks ago

    If seven passes is good enough for the DoD it's good enough for you, Pedro the pedo.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    open up the cover and take a shit in it. nobody will want to touch that ever again

  41. 4 weeks ago

    yell at it

  42. 4 weeks ago

    The pajeet doesn't want the gov to find his CP stash, lol.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    You're so fricking dumb. Throw it on the fricking concrete ground you dumb frick

  44. 4 weeks ago

    1. overwrite with shred like 30 times

    2. hit hdd hard multiple times with digging bar to vicinity of axle

    3. burn with wood in empty oil barrel

    4. toss in scrap metal

  45. 4 weeks ago

    I know pretending to be a hacker is cool but if glowies want to frick you over they'll just plant evidence and/or beat you up with a pipe wrench.
    If you want to completely delete a drive, smashing it up is more than enough

  46. 4 weeks ago

    just run cipher on it from the command line, then smash it. All of the data will be over written and not recoverable, and it doesn't really matter if you properly destroy it after that.

    Of course, if you're a pedo, go ahead and have a nice day.

    captcha: GAWD

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