How to move up the ladder?

Seriously. I've been the best employee for five fricking years and no promotion? What the frick?

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  1. 4 months ago

    promoting the best employees is pretty dumb. you want to promote people who will do the best in the next job

  2. 4 months ago

    You need to work less and start sucking dick more, unironically speaking

  3. 4 months ago

    Being a good wagie cuck doesn’t get you promoted. You need to go way above and beyond what your role is and help invent new processes and ideas.

    But the grass is always greener, anon. I worked my way up to a position where my last few jobs I work directly with the C-levels and I have to say it’s torture, I would much prefer a job in middle management or even lower where I have very little expected of me and just clock in and clock out. People at the top are almost always insane narcissists and treat everyone around them like they are stupid, and willingly shit talk their own employees on a regular basis with no real reason to do so. They make unrealistic demands, and where I am I am constantly having to both manage up and down, while being generally expected to solve at least some of the company’s biggest problems on my own. Budgets get slashed more than they get approved, and you wind up having to do a lot of menial work yourself but can’t tell people that because they’ll wonder what they’re paying you for, so you hide all that shit and only show them the big strategic stuff. Lots of office politics games and hidden hours you’ll never get credit for even though it’s deserved.

    Big salary, though.

    Is that what you really want? Then climb away!

    • 4 months ago

      I don't want to work with C-suite. I want to be C-suite

      • 4 months ago

        Why though? Money? There usually comes a huge sacrifice for that kind of money and you absolutely have to love your work to the point where you live and breathe it. You can never get comfortable or complacent and always have to be pushing the envelope. Some people love that, some people can do it naturally.
        You can make good money as individual contributor today than ever before, so if it's just money you're looking for them maybe consider up skilling as opposed to climbing the ladder.

      • 4 months ago

        Unless you are CEO and founder and majority owner it doesn’t really help, but if you’re climbing the ladder you need to spend time where I am first before you get there. I have been offered a CEO position and turned it down. Would have been responsible to a board and VCs and that’s maximum stress.

  4. 4 months ago

    You get promoted by job hopping. Every raise and promotion ive gotten has been by switching companies.

    • 4 months ago

      How often do you switch? Is there some sort of indicator in your current job that lets you know that it's time to go? Please tell me your story

      • 4 months ago

        I'm in IT. I switch every 1-2 years although as I have moved up its gotten harder to switch since I am more comfy now
        >graduate college into a job making 65k/yr
        >get a raise at that job to 70k/yr 6 months later
        >get told I am capped out and I wont get anymore raises until I move to management
        >frick that, look for another job
        >75k/yr at a bank 1.5 yrs out of college
        >get small raise to 77k/yr
        >switch to a big F500 globohomosexual company after 1 year at the bank
        >after 1 yr there jump to another F500 globohomosexual company
        >get promoted at same company now I make 96k/yr
        >been here for 2 years, actively looking for something now and want to land something in the 120k-130k/yr range

        • 4 months ago

          Are you doing the same job or are you responsibilities increasing too?

          • 4 months ago

            More responsibilities. Came out of college as a regular Sysadmin, now Im more specialized as a cloud sysadmin and lead projects for standing up applications and supporting them. Because Ive gotten better at my job I work less than I did before though, I WFH and probably do 20 hours of actual work a week.

          • 4 months ago

            So external movement is the best way to go?

      • 4 months ago

        you switch after a year or so, unless someone offers you ~2x more.
        At my first job I was making 48k/year, but I got a 90k offer after 4 months there. All remote ofc. I was a little ashamed to serve them the notice, but it would've been a bigger shame to stay.
        Anyway, it's your life, tech sector is there to milk it to the limits, so hustle to get the best pay with the least responsibilities

        • 4 months ago

          How the frick did you manage that? Whst field do you work in? What were the jobs? How did you get the offer?

          • 4 months ago

            IT, I just had a well written LI profile and an active github, with 30% of work experience being fake. I didn't post or anything. Got the offer through LI.
            Same job basically, same responsibilities.
            Moral of the story, lie on your resume, companies lie in the job ads as well

        • 4 months ago

          This. I recently accepted a job that requires too secret clearance. Going to get some cybersecurity certs and my goal is to hit $200k salary in the next 2-3 years.

  5. 4 months ago

    you need to start licking and kissing ass if you want to get promoted, they promote who they like not who is better for the position.

  6. 4 months ago

    Keep applying to other jobs, if you pass the interviews and get an offer, go straight to your boss and ask for a raise, or at least ask them to match wage. If they refuse then walk off on the spot and accept the other position. Keep applying to other jobs non stop, don’t just settle at 1 company.

    • 4 months ago

      I've heard that accepting counter offers is basically always a bad idea because the boss will resent you

  7. 4 months ago

    You're supposed to hop jobs every 1-2 years. It's the only way to grow your salary past inflation and get new roles. People think that being the best person in your team is the best way to get promoted. The problem with this is that there's no guarantee that your success in your current role will translate into success in your new role, but it does guarantee that the team you're on loses its best employee.

    • 4 months ago

      What if my current job role doesn't allow for easy mobility?

      • 4 months ago

        Then (1) it's your fault for getting yourself into a bad position in the first place, and (2) you need to transfer into a career with better mobility. If you refuse to go into a career that pays better, you're no more entitled to money than an artist.

  8. 4 months ago

    >work for globohomosexual corp
    >do 5x the work of the browns and roasties they worship
    >rewarded with no raise or bonus and more work

  9. 4 months ago

    As others have said, leave.
    >$52k first job, 1.5 years
    >$63k > 1 year second job
    >$43k > 4 months (took a massive risk) 3rd job
    >$63k > 2 years 4th job (left at $80k after promotion)
    >$141k > 1 year 5th job
    Now at $175k a year wfh from 5th job after 1 year. People will say I'm larping but its true. Also only landed this job from eating shit at the $43k a year job and becoming friends with the director. Life is weird sometimes. All work from home positions, data analytics in a national healthcare corp. I'm very busy though, do data set creation, visualization, platform monitoring. Wear a lot of hats but only do 30 hours or so of real work a week.

    • 4 months ago

      Also take on projects to fluff the frick out of your resume, and try to avoid stagnating. My $80k a year job was insanely comfy, i maybe worked 12 hours a week of real work but I didn't learn frick all and i was willing to have less freedom to earn much more. $175k base is nice, potentially could hit $200k base if I go to management but idk if thats what i want to do

      • 4 months ago

        As others have said, leave.
        >$52k first job, 1.5 years
        >$63k > 1 year second job
        >$43k > 4 months (took a massive risk) 3rd job
        >$63k > 2 years 4th job (left at $80k after promotion)
        >$141k > 1 year 5th job
        Now at $175k a year wfh from 5th job after 1 year. People will say I'm larping but its true. Also only landed this job from eating shit at the $43k a year job and becoming friends with the director. Life is weird sometimes. All work from home positions, data analytics in a national healthcare corp. I'm very busy though, do data set creation, visualization, platform monitoring. Wear a lot of hats but only do 30 hours or so of real work a week.

        but you are still a wagie slavie. the neet wins again.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      What company? A payer, hospital system, etc?

      Also take on projects to fluff the frick out of your resume, and try to avoid stagnating. My $80k a year job was insanely comfy, i maybe worked 12 hours a week of real work but I didn't learn frick all and i was willing to have less freedom to earn much more. $175k base is nice, potentially could hit $200k base if I go to management but idk if thats what i want to do


      Old gay here who’s been everything from an intern to management, and also dead broke at one point. You don’t want to climb the ladder, it’s shit. Instead you want to climb the pay scale. You do that by job hopping every 2-3 years and not settle for less than the top of the market for your field and experience. Also learn new skills along the way so you can advance into other careers if you max out your current one. What ever you do do not become loyal to your company and certainly don’t get comfortable having the same jobs for too long.

      From 2010-2016 I developed a defeatist attitude and quit my job and moved back home with my parents. During that time I tried many thing to make money. Nothing was working and I was basically making shit for money. One night on IQfy some anon posted something to the effect of “nothing will ever happen unless you make it happen”, idk why but that hit me hard that night. The next morning I got my resume together and started applying to jobs using the knowledge I had from prior to 2010. I landed a $110k a year job and thought I hit gold. Learned a bunch of new skills at that job and then job hopped a few more times and now in 2024 my currently salary is $230k/yr. If you had asked me in 2016 if I thought I would ever be making 200k+ a year I would have laughed at you, it would have seemed so rediculous at the time.

      Who ever that anon was that wrote that, thank you. That was the fire under my ass I needed to get my life together and make shit happen because no one else was going to do it for me

      Good on you for making the changes you needed to make. What skills did you learn?

  10. 4 months ago

    Old gay here who’s been everything from an intern to management, and also dead broke at one point. You don’t want to climb the ladder, it’s shit. Instead you want to climb the pay scale. You do that by job hopping every 2-3 years and not settle for less than the top of the market for your field and experience. Also learn new skills along the way so you can advance into other careers if you max out your current one. What ever you do do not become loyal to your company and certainly don’t get comfortable having the same jobs for too long.

    From 2010-2016 I developed a defeatist attitude and quit my job and moved back home with my parents. During that time I tried many thing to make money. Nothing was working and I was basically making shit for money. One night on IQfy some anon posted something to the effect of “nothing will ever happen unless you make it happen”, idk why but that hit me hard that night. The next morning I got my resume together and started applying to jobs using the knowledge I had from prior to 2010. I landed a $110k a year job and thought I hit gold. Learned a bunch of new skills at that job and then job hopped a few more times and now in 2024 my currently salary is $230k/yr. If you had asked me in 2016 if I thought I would ever be making 200k+ a year I would have laughed at you, it would have seemed so rediculous at the time.

    Who ever that anon was that wrote that, thank you. That was the fire under my ass I needed to get my life together and make shit happen because no one else was going to do it for me

  11. 4 months ago

    Move, homie, move. My company has been keeping my compensation flat for 2 years, I threw a massive fit and demanded to talk to the big boss. He promised me something for NEXT YEAR. Lmao frick them, finishing up my side project soon then heading straight into interviews with other companies.

  12. 4 months ago

    My ex-boss once told me something at her leaving party, she deliberately kept me in my place instead of promoting me because I was perfect for the job and she didn't want to lose me to someone worse that she might have to pay more for. I missed out on years of potential pay because I expected her constant praise to turn into a promotion, while all the while she had no such intention. That one conversation was a huge redpill moment for me. The only way now to get better pay and titles is to constantly move to other companies, frick loyalty and rewards.

  13. 4 months ago

    You're not getting promoted because your manager (personally) doesn't like you. It's all about popularity/nepotism/likeability, your work ethic/effort/etc won't do jack shit for you when it comes to promotions. I personally had to learn this lesson the hard way when I spent over 5 years at my first office job before quitting (only 1 promotion in that span, with a measly 6% wage increase).

  14. 4 months ago

    you have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. start working unpaid overtime every day. your shift is 8 hours? work 10 hours!

  15. 4 months ago

    If you are not working in the public sector or trades where you have a set union work your way up the pole thing - as other anons have said move. Most jobs don't have that shit anymore in America. Tech companies, finance, all that shit - they do not give a frick. They will not promote if they don't have to, you are a cog, they don't want to give you more money. This whole A.I push and the big lay offs are literally them purging expensive staff whose jobs can be done by a machine. That's artistic death baby. So, move around take advantage of the job exp you have to get more $. Though, you'll soon get phased out by AI but enjoy the climb while you can I suppose.

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