How would you raise the IQ of a entire nation and also how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway

How would you raise the IQ of a entire nation and also how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway

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  1. 2 months ago

    What does it mean that Sweden is more patient than Japan?

    • 2 months ago

      according to the graph yes

  2. 2 months ago

    You would remove the low IQers and it would totally depend on their other qualities what it would look like.

  3. 2 months ago

    You provide proper nutrition and an environment free of violence from a young age, especially to impoverished populations that struggle with both of these. That's pretty much it.

  4. 2 months ago

    Who is going to dig the ditches and clean the toilets?
    Ok, but now your population no longer has a high IQ.

    • 2 months ago

      Castrated lower 40%of males
      Bottom 40% of females will be surrogate wombs.

      • 2 months ago

        So you're gonna both castrate and give them a shit life. Hmm. Something tells me you'll be dead soon.

        • 2 months ago

          Historically eunuchs became part of the social power structure and self propagated when they existed. Just give them prestige.

      • 2 months ago

        Do we know that IQ is inherited mainly through the male side?
        Because if you use low IQ women as surrogates, you might need a LONG time to up the average IQ.

        • 2 months ago

          A few years ago there were a bunch of articles on IQ being inherited almost exclusively through the matriarchal line. That seemed odd to me because both my sister and I have 130+ IQs which couldn't have come from our fricktard mother and seems to have come from our high IQ father. Our half siblings from the pairing of our mother with other men are normies. Obviously this is just one family data point but still makes me skeptical especially in the current environment of identity politics.

          • 2 months ago

            If everyone had 130 iq wouldn't it still be normalized to 100? How do we accurately track IQ over long term and across generations?

        • 2 months ago

          Don’t use dumb eggs, your 160 women are restricted in reproduction by time. Force the dumb woman to gave their kids

    • 2 months ago

      Women, animals, machines, the disabled, midwits, etc.
      There's really no good excuse to let low IQ people live. They're obviously unworthy of their breath and offer nothing valuable.

    • 2 months ago

      Robots duh

      Also the morons in this thread are holding onto outdated ideas about eugenics and selective breeding when in vivo gene therapies and literal human augmentation via in asive BCIs are taking off. That's actually what's going to increase intelligence, not some stupid borderline Nazi ideas about genetic purity through sterilization of lower castes of humans who happened to be born with genes and into environments which make them less intelligent

      • 2 months ago

        Brain Computer Interfaces are way too invasive and posses serious health risk because it would be a open wound. also because of technological progress it would be impractical. like yeah bro just replace your BCI every 3 years. also i personally dislike "the flesh is weak" for the lack of a better word attitude. as i personally tilt towards very small genetic editing kind of transhumanism, as i don't want to go against nature just tweak it a tiny bit.

        My only concern with a high IQ society would be that it might turn out to be soulless, for example by concluding that there too intelligent for traditional architecture and fill their cities with glass skyscrapers and "futuristic" buildings you see in a lot of sci fi.

        • 2 months ago

          Amusing how you called yourself low IQ without even realizing it.

          • 2 months ago

            The "IQ society might soulless" part was partly inspired by fiction but mostly by modern china which does rank in the top 10 of highest iq by country but has glass skyscrapers and cement bug hives and is a very soulless society. im very distrustful if not outright disgusted by BCI even if there not in my brain directly so forgive me for being low iq on that one

          • 2 months ago

            CCP lies all the time + distribution of IQ could explain high avg chink scores

          • 2 months ago

            It's obvious that personality and temperament are a substantial factor, and likely vary across ethnic lines in the same manner IQ does. The Chinese are intelligent, but in my experience they tend to be incurious, and in academia most of their efforts tend toward status seeking and credentialism. I think the reason Europeans are more innovate despite lower average IQ's is the exact same reason Europeans tend to dominate high risk, complex sports like mountaineering and wingsuit diving. I really don't understand why anons here seem to treat IQ as some all encompassing figure when the vast vast majority of high IQ people are not hyper successful innovators. A very thin slice of intelligent people are successful, and high accomplishment cannot be explained by IQ alone.

          • 2 months ago

            >I think the reason Europeans are more innovate despite lower average IQ's is the exact same reason Europeans tend to dominate high risk, complex sports like mountaineering and wingsuit diving
            the 7R gene which is associated with impulse seeking, extroversion and novelty and also called the "Wanderlust Gene" is about 24% present in europeans and practicly 0% in east asian. do to the collectivist nature of east asian society's these people where driven out or barred from breeding
            >I really don't understand why anons here seem to treat IQ as some all encompassing figure. A very thin slice of intelligent people are successful, and high accomplishment cannot be explained by IQ alone.
            fair point we shouldn't treat IQ as a sole cause for excellence. your high IQ means nothing if culturally and genetically you cant really think outside the box like in ccp china

      • 2 months ago

        >in vivo gene therapies and literal human augmentation
        none of this will ever work because it's a scam
        gene therapies will have be done precisely with the right genes boosted. If not you'll just get cancer or an auto immune reaction.
        You can already do it now
        epigenetics. You become strong then your children will be strong too.

        • 2 months ago

          you're a moron

          >a gene therapy that gives you superhuman muscle growth abilities by inhibiting myostatin production
          you and every other desperate nazi has no idea what's coming lmao

    • 2 months ago

      Why do people work with the assumption that intelligent people can't do manual labor? If anything they'll do it better,

  5. 2 months ago

    butcher all the low IQ people to fertilize the soil
    let all the high IQ people breed
    repeat every so 100 years

  6. 2 months ago

    >how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway
    with a bunch of minorities doing all the work?

    • 2 months ago

      >with a bunch of minorities doing all the work?
      No but a Nation with a very homogeneous population

      • 2 months ago

        who's cleaning the toilets?

        • 2 months ago

          The people with 130 IQ?

  7. 2 months ago

    >How would you raise the IQ of a entire nation
    Gene editing

    • 2 months ago

      >Gene editing
      does it actually work (with no strings attached) or is it just theoretical?

      • 2 months ago

        >does it actually work
        Oh yeah.

        • 2 months ago

          What am I looking at here

          • 2 months ago

            Looks like beagles

        • 2 months ago

          USA could improve its overall IQ by deporting non whites, the results would be immediate and measurable

          I know it will never happen, I’m just throwing some pork out there that can’t be denied because I like being right

      • 2 months ago

        Yes it does work. We're just not going to be able to do anything significant with the time civilization has left (dysgenic collapse upcoming, 1-2IQ points lost per decade), because subhuman socialists won't let people do eugenics.

    • 2 months ago

      Robots duh

      Also the morons in this thread are holding onto outdated ideas about eugenics and selective breeding when in vivo gene therapies and literal human augmentation via in asive BCIs are taking off. That's actually what's going to increase intelligence, not some stupid borderline Nazi ideas about genetic purity through sterilization of lower castes of humans who happened to be born with genes and into environments which make them less intelligent

      You've never studied CRISPR or any gene editing. Even embryonic gene editing is extremely limited in terms of the total genetic data. It's at best several codons and leaving a dozen polymorphism as targets. Eugenics is a much easier solution when there are hundreds if not thousands of polymorphism responsible for intelligence. It's much easier to breed intelligent people with other intelligent people and then continue to research and augment with technological advances genetic engineering.

      • 2 months ago

        You're old and moronic

        you're a moron
        >a gene therapy that gives you superhuman muscle growth abilities by inhibiting myostatin production
        you and every other desperate nazi has no idea what's coming lmao

        Get with the accelerating times gramps

      • 2 months ago

        >Eugenics is a much easier solution
        Yeah in the autistic fantasy world of your dumbass brain. good luck accomplishing the logistically impossible task of getting society on board with your selective breeding program before AGI and Biotech converges lmao

        • 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    I would force everyone to listen to classical music few hours per day. Also some mandatory audiobooks because these morons cannot read anything longer than tweet probably and tests that check if you listened to it.

    • 2 months ago

      Kek I remember a story from a decade ago about a judge whose sentence for some crimes was to make them listen to Classical music in a room for a few hours. Many of them chose
      longer community service rather than listening to Classical music
      (No idea how true or valid that story was)

      To try and relate, I suppose it would be like forcing us to listen to overly loud, monotonous, synthetic beats at full blast

    • 2 months ago

      >morons cannot read anything longer than tweet
      One line: "insightful!"
      Two lines: "deep analysis!"
      Three lines: "TL;DR
      We truly live in Kaliyuga.

  9. 2 months ago

    >how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway
    A somewhat alien Solarpunk world.

  10. 2 months ago

    >How would you raise the IQ of a entire nation
    Eugenics is probably the easy way to go.

    >how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like
    Probably like the vulcans of the old Star Trek series. An utopia with no violence, incompetence or anything else in the way fof a better future. As everyone is intelligent they all can see the way to progress is by working towards the same goals which are argued for debated beforehand. As there is no indesirables to maintain thru prison or wellfare the resources are at each citizen disposal for a true enrichening of the community and each individual. Basically if everyone is smart they know maintaining or improving a road, library, well, railroad, subway, park, buildings, ... is better than shitting on and destroying them so in this hypotetical society everyone can have nice things.

    • 2 months ago

      >Eugenics is probably the easy way to go.
      The Greeks practiced that a few thousand years ago. And guess what, it does not work.

      • 2 months ago

        We are talking about IQ/ intelligence. The Greeks did not practiced eugenics to get a smarter population a few thousand years ago moron. They did not have IQ or any other measurement of intelligence back then.
        Maybe some greeks had eugenics practices to improve the (visible) health of their population, and it worked because selective breeding works.

        i think its gonna have elements of solarpunk because they would have the human capital for creating powerful thorium reactors & breeder reactors or even fusion power. reverse environmental damage more quickly and have good urban & rural planing. but i dont think its gonna be a utopia with no violence and incompetence as theres allways going to be evil and misguided people. but the society would have insanly high trust and social cohesion and very low crime rates and most likely extremely low poverty and homelessness.
        >Eugenics is probably the easy way to go.
        using eugenics to breed "übermenschen" wont work but it can be used to create a healthy population free of most if not all hereditary diseases & greatly reduce the healthcare burden caused by physical disability & specialty the mentally moronic

        >but i dont think its gonna be a utopia with no violence and incompetence as theres allways going to be evil and misguided people. but the society would have insanly high trust and social cohesion and very low crime rates and most likely extremely low poverty and homelessness.

        Yes, basically it would work like any high average IQ country but much better.

        >using eugenics to breed "übermenschen" wont work but it can be used to create a healthy population free of most if not all hereditary diseases & greatly reduce the healthcare burden caused by physical disability & specialty the mentally moronic

        We know IQ/intelligence is mostly a genetic trait so you set up a cutoff point and people above it are given incentives to reproduce and people below it are not. Basically the opposite of today's world. Selective breeding princiles were applied to make dogs way smarter or bulls docile so they can be applied to make a hypotetical group of humans smarter.

        • 2 months ago

          >We are talking about IQ/ intelligence
          Sore Greek detected.

          • 2 months ago

            Lol. Not by a longshot. Just saying like

            According to what metric? The Greeks were widely renowned for the beauty of their youths and the intelligence of their thinkers.
            The Greeks absolutely did practice selective breeding, and did so quite widely. They have a number of curious customs and social practices that I think reveal a unique cultural obsession with the matter. Lycurgus' law in Sparta for instance mandated extensive training regimens for both men and women, hefty punishments for bachelorhood, for late marriage, and importantly for marrying unfit persons. If an older or unhealthy man was also unable to produce children, or if there was a younger man whom he admired, he would select this man to impregnate his wife and produce children. This was an accepted and common practice. In Athens, ugliness was something that was similarly shunned. In the archaic period, citizens of Athens practiced a yearly harvest festival where they would select the ugliest man and woman in the city, and cast them out from the town while they would be stoned by crowds. This was an actual practice in Athens. Later on it was turned into a symbolic ritual, but either way I think it reveals a very peculiar cultural obsession. I won't go into them, but there are hundreds of applicable examples of a unique cultural fascination with what I would describe as eugenic breeding. Even in the absence of genetic theory, they absolutely understood heritability, as evidenced in the many surviving written accounts that attest as much.

            "In rams and asses and horses, Cyrnus, we seek the thoroughbred, and a man is concerned therein to get him offspring of good stock; yet in marriage a good man thinketh not twice of wedding the bad daughter of a bad sire if the father give him many possessions, nor doth a woman disdain the bed of a bad man if he be wealthy, but is fain rather to be rich than to be good. For 'tis possessions they prize; and a good man weddeth of bad stock and a bad man of good; race is confounded of riches. In like manner, son of Polypaus, marvel thou not that the race of thy townsmen is made obscure; 'tis because bad things are mingled with good"

            "To beget and breed a man is easier than to put into him good wits; none hath ever devised means whereby he hath made a fool wise and a bad man good. If God had given the Children of Asclepius the art of healing a man's evil nature and infatuate wit, they would receive wages much and great; and if thought could be made and put into us, the son of a good father would never become bad, because he would be persuaded by good counsel. But by teaching never shalt thou make the bad man good"

            explains that the greeks selective breeding and eugenics practices weren't aimed for pure intelligence, as they did not have IQ test or the like because pure intelligence without use was useless to them, but against deformations, illness, physical ugliness and weakness and other stupid behaviour.
            Just a quick example.
            If a wanted an intellectual society the club footed guy with a 160 IQ would have a lot of kids and the strong and healthy 85 IQ guy would have zero kids. The greeks would cull the first guy and make a slave of the second so in the end society net IQ drops.

      • 2 months ago

        According to what metric? The Greeks were widely renowned for the beauty of their youths and the intelligence of their thinkers.

        We are talking about IQ/ intelligence. The Greeks did not practiced eugenics to get a smarter population a few thousand years ago moron. They did not have IQ or any other measurement of intelligence back then.
        Maybe some greeks had eugenics practices to improve the (visible) health of their population, and it worked because selective breeding works.

        >but i dont think its gonna be a utopia with no violence and incompetence as theres allways going to be evil and misguided people. but the society would have insanly high trust and social cohesion and very low crime rates and most likely extremely low poverty and homelessness.

        Yes, basically it would work like any high average IQ country but much better.

        >using eugenics to breed "übermenschen" wont work but it can be used to create a healthy population free of most if not all hereditary diseases & greatly reduce the healthcare burden caused by physical disability & specialty the mentally moronic

        We know IQ/intelligence is mostly a genetic trait so you set up a cutoff point and people above it are given incentives to reproduce and people below it are not. Basically the opposite of today's world. Selective breeding princiles were applied to make dogs way smarter or bulls docile so they can be applied to make a hypotetical group of humans smarter.

        The Greeks absolutely did practice selective breeding, and did so quite widely. They have a number of curious customs and social practices that I think reveal a unique cultural obsession with the matter. Lycurgus' law in Sparta for instance mandated extensive training regimens for both men and women, hefty punishments for bachelorhood, for late marriage, and importantly for marrying unfit persons. If an older or unhealthy man was also unable to produce children, or if there was a younger man whom he admired, he would select this man to impregnate his wife and produce children. This was an accepted and common practice. In Athens, ugliness was something that was similarly shunned. In the archaic period, citizens of Athens practiced a yearly harvest festival where they would select the ugliest man and woman in the city, and cast them out from the town while they would be stoned by crowds. This was an actual practice in Athens. Later on it was turned into a symbolic ritual, but either way I think it reveals a very peculiar cultural obsession. I won't go into them, but there are hundreds of applicable examples of a unique cultural fascination with what I would describe as eugenic breeding. Even in the absence of genetic theory, they absolutely understood heritability, as evidenced in the many surviving written accounts that attest as much.

        • 2 months ago

          "In rams and asses and horses, Cyrnus, we seek the thoroughbred, and a man is concerned therein to get him offspring of good stock; yet in marriage a good man thinketh not twice of wedding the bad daughter of a bad sire if the father give him many possessions, nor doth a woman disdain the bed of a bad man if he be wealthy, but is fain rather to be rich than to be good. For 'tis possessions they prize; and a good man weddeth of bad stock and a bad man of good; race is confounded of riches. In like manner, son of Polypaus, marvel thou not that the race of thy townsmen is made obscure; 'tis because bad things are mingled with good"

          "To beget and breed a man is easier than to put into him good wits; none hath ever devised means whereby he hath made a fool wise and a bad man good. If God had given the Children of Asclepius the art of healing a man's evil nature and infatuate wit, they would receive wages much and great; and if thought could be made and put into us, the son of a good father would never become bad, because he would be persuaded by good counsel. But by teaching never shalt thou make the bad man good"

          • 2 months ago

            Hve you been reading the stoics again?

          • 2 months ago

            No. The quotations are from Theognis. You're off by about 300 years.

          • 2 months ago

            Okay, I sat through a Rufus audio book once, the style seemed similar

      • 2 months ago

        Free market eugenics facilitated by genetic engineering would work because it requires no external intelligence to supervise. It just works.

        • 2 months ago

          >sell gene editing that makes you more complacent as happy genes
          >sell metabolism genes as anti obesity
          >sell iq lowering genes as happy genes
          What a brave new fricking world. It would literally be beyond disastrous. Literally brave new world tier unironically. I can't even. If I didn't take the moron gene therapy I'd be pushed to a little island as a savage. Meanwhile the morons will inherit the world being permanently high on soma (happy gene editing) and just doing whatever their unedited rich masters desire of them. Literally the Roman Empire wet dream. Our God would not forsake us, but we'd become so dumb we wouldn't even understand what God would mean.
          Disgusting. But yeah let's do it. My genes are superior anyways so my progeny will become the ruling class or live on a tropical island with all the intelligent folk, free folk.

          • 2 months ago

            Hasn't that already happened with the covid vax crap?

          • 2 months ago

            the vax showed you basically just how dumb the average person really is. Or rather how easily malleable and how easily convinced with the right pushes on buttons. It's beyond sad but be happy that you've been allowed to witness that kind of mass psychological operation and the result. I'm not even arguing against vaccination, but healthy 20 year olds simply didn't need it, at all. And yet 75% took it no questions asked. It'd end exactly the same with happy gene editing.

            All of these would make you less competitive in a modern marketplace and would be selected against. No one sane is going to intentionally make their kids stupid.

            complacent slaves is better for most systems than educated free thinkers.

          • 2 months ago

            Until there's an external threat and you get steamroled.

            I remember some stufy on I forget the species but somehow all the aggraessive males got removed and the society turned passive then after a while got completely wiped out by invaders

          • 2 months ago

            All of these would make you less competitive in a modern marketplace and would be selected against. No one sane is going to intentionally make their kids stupid.

          • 2 months ago

            It is already like in Brave New World: the elite gets special treatment.
            Where I live, the politicians across the spectrum have destroyed our educational system. It turns out docile, stupid and uninformed people. These are the perfect voting cattle. Meanwhile, the elite send their children to schools with a proper curriculum, to make them fit as future rulers over the same cattle.

    • 2 months ago

      >how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway
      A somewhat alien Solarpunk world.

      i think its gonna have elements of solarpunk because they would have the human capital for creating powerful thorium reactors & breeder reactors or even fusion power. reverse environmental damage more quickly and have good urban & rural planing. but i dont think its gonna be a utopia with no violence and incompetence as theres allways going to be evil and misguided people. but the society would have insanly high trust and social cohesion and very low crime rates and most likely extremely low poverty and homelessness.
      >Eugenics is probably the easy way to go.
      using eugenics to breed "übermenschen" wont work but it can be used to create a healthy population free of most if not all hereditary diseases & greatly reduce the healthcare burden caused by physical disability & specialty the mentally moronic

    • 2 months ago

      >Probably like the vulcans of the old Star Trek series. An utopia with no violence, incompetence or anything else in the way fof a better future. As everyone is intelligent they all can see the way to progress is by working towards the same goals which are argued for debated beforehand. As there is no indesirables to maintain thru prison or wellfare the resources are at each citizen disposal for a true enrichening of the community and each individual. Basically if everyone is smart they know maintaining or improving a road, library, well, railroad, subway, park, buildings, ... is better than shitting on and destroying them so in this hypotetical society everyone can have nice things.
      I’m a big fan of Star Trek, but the Vulcans historically were so violent (despite their high intelligence) that they nearly destroyed themselves multiple times in planetary wars. Surak changed this when the entire species was on the brink.

      As for real life, virtually every sociopath / psychopath (I know, old terminology) is very high IQ.

  11. 2 months ago

    Kill all the israelites, simple as.

  12. 2 months ago

    kill like 2% of the dumbest every generation for a couple of hundred years

  13. 2 months ago

    lmao you know who's have a patience of zero on average
    meanwhile my chad country has high iq and high patience
    too much patience because now we're forced to be patient with you know who's

  14. 2 months ago

    eugenics program of some kind. Probably free market genetic engineering: Companies sell gene therapy to parents to improve their kid's traits. Companies thus compete with eachother to make better therapies, so we get boostrapping.

  15. 2 months ago

    Selective breeding aka eugenics is the obvious and unavoidable solution. Gene therapy and editing can be used for elevating the rest. In addition to this, the proper environment must be present to foster neuron growth and exercises. Feeding everyone and making sure they get plenty of fresh air to their heads and sufficient oxygrn when sleeping (especially during formative years) helps.

    A two-fold process of improving nature and nurture.

  16. 2 months ago

    >how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like anyway
    horribly depressed because without dumb people you'll have to force geniuses to do necessary manual labor.
    inb4 automation

  17. 2 months ago

    I have a theory involving nootropics, similar how fluorine is inserted in water, we could try a more aggressive pharmaceutical approach among children who actively resist education (those in the third world know what I'm talking about. Even if a child is sat down, isolated, etc. his or her mind will simply refuse the content being taught, regardless if she or he has the capacity to solve them). This must also be coupled with problem resolution from an early age and the complete suppression of certain subjects from the obligatory curriculum.

  18. 2 months ago

    Being low IQ is ideal in animalistic societies
    Low IQ people get more laid, have more children, less inhibitions which means they always score good opportunities, earn roughly the same amount of money as their non-moronic peers while simultaneously living overall better lives.
    High IQ are autistic, unlikeable, do not get laid and really go nowhere in life unless they also score high in sociopathy, which most intelligent people do not
    Average IQ societies will always outlive high IQ ones
    t. high IQ autist

  19. 2 months ago

    To answer your question
    >"how would a nation with a very high IQ (>160) population look like"
    It would quickly cease to exist from the relentless undermining between
    The more sociopathic class would simply enslave the more agreeable one, both are intelligent but raw strength and aggression will eventually settle a hierarchy again with the snakes coming out on top, even between the nerds.

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