How's your masonic work in creating a personal sphere/time-cube going on, any success?

How's your masonic work in creating a personal sphere/time-cube going on, any success?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Timecubes interact through 'intimacy without relation' (Agamben) intensifying a life-resource (mana). In that sense they exemplify the future ethics that is built upon the non-zero sum.

    The first step in the game is to access the zero energy (the Black Hole, which is the ontological Bog. It's etheric blood). The Bogdanoffs were/are(will be disclosed as) the subtle joke moment. Light of your lamp ignited.

    The game of the past is the finite resource bumfight. It takes courage to make the transition into the future. To locate blindly a shape of that which is invisible within that which is passing.

  2. 11 months ago

    Does he count as a phenomenologist?

    • 11 months ago

      If phenomenologism counts as 1+1=3 (der Heilige Geist) then yes.

  3. 11 months ago

    Agamben's Form-of-life === Sloterdijk's sphere.

    Etheric blood is the zero-level energy to feed the seed of the form.

    But one must make a heroic act, or a foolish one, to step outside the railroad of the common mechanic train.

    Memes are water bringing sustenance. Sloterdijk is a subtle joke, where 'Dijk' is a gender-hegelization-moment. In the language of the Bible: the lukewarm. To renounce the untruth.

    To protect oneself from the womb's digestive aggression is to follow the precision of form. Where does one find the meta-skeleton of the form? It is hinted in the childhood. In those amulets that imprint themselves on the receptive tabula rasa of a child's open book. You forget to read it when you accept your place withing the instrumentalization as they confirm an identity. The modernity is the world's teenage-to-adulthood years.

    The Middle Ages is the Child with a Neshamah of the pre-diluvian sage: the present comes from the future.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, I agree

  4. 11 months ago

    it just dawned on me how many derivative hacks this guy will spawn; like this exact thread
    his work rides the edge between danger and the limit of sense (funnily enough all of those words share an etymon; περί; the precipice of the perilous and the perimetre). That means anybody who lacks either the bravado or the academic appetite he has will fail as a thinker, and more so as a writer

    • 11 months ago

      Bring on the age of Sloterdijkian "hacks"then, it'll be a welcome break from all the Deleuzian barnacles. Even Laruelle has entered his notion.

      • 11 months ago

        false dichotomy, I totally agree deleuzians are insufferable, but if you knew anything about Sloterdijk you would know he despises the kind of discourse of mastery (see his explanation of erotic, statuary, and gnostic in you must change your life) and the attendant sycophantasia
        we share an enemy though in continental revivalists, as if that movement was ever alive.

        • 11 months ago

          >see his explanation of erotic, statuary, and gnostic in you must change your life
          QRD? It's been awhile since I flipped through it.

          • 11 months ago

            You can infer it when he basically gushes about the classical styles of philosophical training. It's during the four training modules where he talks about types of training philosophers. There (quoting from Pierre Hadot) he indicates:
            Erotic (embodied in Socrates) who employs seduction (philanthropos etc) in the
            service of the ideal: by ironically feigning love for greek boys, then gaining their love in return and then directing it from his person to the insight as such.
            Statuary (embodied by Aurelius of all people) who is a kind of self-working teacher, and who then works on equating the ability to live with
            the ability to die (note the existential connotations etc).
            I bring these up because later in the chapter and all throughout the book really he is densely critical of the effort to simply copy and participate in the acquiring of knowledge games of memorisation. He even names internet communities as a symptom of the destruction of subjects of change (page 195 in my edition).
            To sum it up i'll let him speak:
            "When Seneca wrote to his only student, meum opus es (you are my work), this was
            barely more than a motivating turn of phrase, not to mention a
            charming expression of pedagogical eros. He himself knew best of all
            that even in the demanding relationship between master and student,
            everything ultimately depends on the latter's willingness to mould
            Things look rather different when the modern school and the guild
            of human-fitters set about their work: their life-changing intentions
            are undeniable , but their angle of attack is chosen in such a way that
            there can be no doubt as to the primacy of the outside influence".
            I take this as indication that the discourse mastery of the professor or the wise contemporary academic is completely wrongheaded

          • 11 months ago

            I don't see any master waddling into this thread and slapping his dick on the table to show us what's what. Seems like people who just want to reclaim that power to mould themselves; even the phraseology of that poster isn't particularly "Sloterdijkian." Whatever. I prefer these threads a thousand times over whatever constipated culture war talking points the internet's still trying to pass (because the elites already have passed it, and gearing up for the next swing of the pendulum).

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't see any master waddling
            'Thou observeth that which is within thee.' (Sloterdijk, -200BC) Those steeped deep in whateverTM – ''culture war'' nonsense, as an example – horizon implement the atmosphere of that particular horizon.

            The unpleasant part is: when we try counter a discourse we step into it's sphere to bathe in its atmosphere.
            >talking points
            These are the nodes of the common time, i.e. the womb coordinates. According to the positioning relative to the womb-coordinates one gets an identity (a position within and according to the womb). So, the timecube is the form sustained through the etheric blood/zero-energy that exists in the state of non-relation with the womb/common time. In that sense, the left-wing is those flows that strive to return one's awareness into the womb, to make it related with the licensed coordinates.

    • 11 months ago

      >will fail as a thinker, and more so as a writer
      Oh noes!! To fail as a thoonker and a word scribbler – a heckin' tragedy!

      Bring on the age of Sloterdijkian "hacks"then, it'll be a welcome break from all the Deleuzian barnacles. Even Laruelle has entered his notion.

      >it'll be a welcome break from all the Deleuzian barnacles. Even Laruelle has entered his notion.
      Both three of them are on the same side. Don't read books.

      • 11 months ago

        >i never le read I am a le modern diogenes
        grow up kid

  5. 11 months ago

    >masonic work in creating a personal sphere/time-cube
    What does that mean? Sounds interesting

    • 11 months ago

      The Bogdanoffs (the master builders and the etheric engineers from the time before time) are calling to post-punished gamers and common sneeds to ascend the ghostfence (tes) and to seize the means of memeing. To evolve and so on, and so on.

      • 11 months ago

        Never type anything again.

        • 11 months ago

          Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?

  6. 11 months ago

    >creating a personal sphere
    One time I was talking to this crazy guy who said the last time he did LSD he took too much and had a really bad trip. He ended up beating his head against the floor until he knocked himself out, and while he was unconscious he went to something he called the World Mind Meeting. He described it like being in a tunnel, but as he approached the light at the end he realized it wasn't the exit, but instead was a glowing sphere suspended between a stalagmite and a stalactite. He referred to it as his Boulder, and he said that everyone has a Boulder of their own, and if you are able to meet your Boulder then you can train your latent psychic powers. I wonder how he's doing now.

    • 11 months ago

      He referred to the Stone, so it seems. Which says to me that some amount of dysregulation of the common sense can help getting at the Real. Relating it to Sloterdijk, the stone is the heart of the sphere.

    • 11 months ago

      >but instead was a glowing sphere suspended between a stalagmite and a stalactite. He referred to it as his Boulder, and he said that everyone has a Boulder of their own, and if you are able to meet your Boulder then you can train your latent psychic powers
      Sounds like the "center" of a toroid. They're everywhere in New Age imagery.

  7. 11 months ago

    Desmond, is it you friend? Or are there multiple schizoid sloterdijkian tesloreheads in the world? Idk. Bless ya, OP, for even if not old friend I appreciate reminder...

  8. 11 months ago

    I am merely interested in escaping the prison.

    • 11 months ago

      To concentrate on the escape proves the ontology of the situation from the negative. All negative discourses are, ehm, the '''ghostfence'''. To banish negativity is to conjure and implement the positive. Paradoxically, this place is pretty close to the negative epicentre: no puccy or puccy magnetic things (i.e. no gynergy, no pre-mana) within the discourse, no brotherhood, no stable ideas. But to realize that is to turn it into the irradiation of the counter-sun.

      Desmond, is it you friend? Or are there multiple schizoid sloterdijkian tesloreheads in the world? Idk. Bless ya, OP, for even if not old friend I appreciate reminder...

      We raise our cups to the memory of friends that went into that glimmer in the fog. And let us pray that the thread of prophecy intended them to go under.

  9. 11 months ago

    “...and as you join Freemasonry, initially they'll tell you that their G, the G in the square and compass, means God. But then as you go up through the levels, they'll tell you, 'Oh, this stands for Gnosis, knowledge.' But then when you get higher up it stands for the Generative principle, which means, buggering little boys. And I'm not saying that on my own authority. I spoke with the highest ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, Jim Shaw, and um, he was a 33rd degree Freemason, and I had a number of conversations over the phone with him about Freemasonry. And um, you know, I got it from the horse's mouth.” Fritz Springmeier on the Hagmann & Hagmann Report - 10/17/13

    • 11 months ago

      >source: trust me bro

      • 11 months ago

        The source is mentioned in the post dummy. Being illuminated, opening the third eye, squaring the circle with the two ball cane aka your wiener are all codes for sodomizing the initiates.

  10. 11 months ago

    i want to start my own religion, but i still need an aesthetic style for it. If you want to suggest any symbols, art styles or architectural styles, now is the time.

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