
Why do gay people genuinely seem more happy in life? I have 2 younger brothers who are twins and my straight brother seems miserable while the gay one is happy with life. They both live with my parents (I've moved out) and they're both treated fairly as far as I can tell

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  1. 2 months ago

    he turned into a homosexual to get a group that accepts him and will push him in every walk of life
    the straight guy is hated by every organization on the planet

    • 2 months ago

      I don't necessarily think my gay brother decided to just become one, especially in our towh, he always seemed a bit odd growing up. Hated sports which are big in my town, hell he actively got bullied for not being part of any after school sports teams yet he seems fine now. Hell my straight brother was in the baseball team and was a pretty alright player but recently dropped out.

      • 2 months ago

        homosexuals are a choice between worshipping Satan or God.

    • 2 months ago

      Society rewards gay and effeminate behavior in men

    • 2 months ago

      You aren't hated nearly enough

  2. 2 months ago

    Because they don’t have to deal with women

    • 2 months ago

      It really is that simple, life is easymode when you don’t have to concern yourself with women.

      Homos begin every conversation by sending each other dick pictures, even unsolicited, and no one gives a shit because they’re all wired the same way. They also speak openly about how much they want to frick each other, even when two of them are already “together”, makes you realise how fragile women are in a way. Sounds kinda good until you remember all the nasty poo-poo lubricated HIV sex they enjoy having.

    • 2 months ago

      Gays are really catty and dramatic. Anyone who's been to San Fran enough times knows this.

  3. 2 months ago

    >Why do gay people genuinely seem more happy in life? I have 2 younger brothers who are twins and my straight brother seems miserable while the gay one is happy with life.

    Without the threat of disease or discrimination: Gay social groups become a fricking paradise. Gay social studies is actually really interesting.

    Gay men are infinitely better than women at establishing personal boundaries, social hierarchies, status, and pursuing their own interests in a relationship. To compare and contrast this: Lesbians have an awful time assigning responsibility, picking 'leaders', engaging and moving through different social positions, and even with all conditions equal still experience statistically significant levels of internal abuse. It's kind of the idea that, *most* women want to be submissive, and weirdly compete with each other to be a woman who is 'fed and gifted', while men can be either/or without too much stress and can even change back and forth in order to support their social system.

    Gay men also don't experience sexual disparity: their sexual market is almost entirely uncompetitive and can be considered 'post-scarcity' when compared to heterosexual sexual markets. The fact that gay men don't have to hound each other for sex, and are constantly receptive to the advances of others in an almost Bonobo-esque way, significantly lowers the primary 'natural' source of infighting between men. Furthermore, gay men are also more free to pursue meaningful relationships when they 'actually' desire them as opposed to using them as a vehicle for sex. Gay men are less monogamous and more promiscuous, but when they do settle down with a partner it's statistically very strong. Data is still coming in, but collection from as far back as 2009 puts the divorce rate at gay men anywhere from 2% to 19%. The divorce rate for Lesbians is around 26& to 30%. The divorce rate for heterosexuals is between 40% and 67% (and supposedly increasing).

    • 2 months ago

      Wow... looks like the gaypill was true after all... we must RETVRN

    • 2 months ago

      >Gay social studies is actually really interesting
      Could you please recommend any books on this? You seem to be well-versed on the topic

  4. 2 months ago

    If it's any consolation I'm gay and quite miserable

  5. 2 months ago

    I think other than your anecdotal tale, you're mostly referring to them in the media. And in the media their happiness just seems to spread differently, with happier youth and then bitter old age.
    While I can't think of a particularly miserable gay man under the age of 40 who's famous, just about every old gay guy who comes to mind is a melancholic.
    Steven Fry, Ian McKellen, Georg Takei, Elen, Armani, Karl Lagerfeld, RuPaul, they all have a sort of bitterness to them.
    Obviously these are all stereotypes but that seems to be the general meme.

    • 2 months ago

      >with happier youth and then bitter old age
      Isn't this true for like 90% of people in general?

      • 2 months ago

        Probably, I'm just saying this is the trope. An OPs post is talking about tropes and public percpetion. Bitter old queen is the trope, in the same way that not all gays are Tasting History with Max Miller shinny self actualized teflon gays irl.

  6. 2 months ago

    >Steven Fry, Ian McKellen, Georg Takei, Elen, Armani, Karl Lagerfeld, RuPaul, they all have a sort of bitterness to them

    • 2 months ago

      I like Steven a lot but he isn't happy I don't think. Im not a bong but isn't he suicidal and has run away and disapeared twice trying to rope?

    • 2 months ago

      Don't know why people were calling this relationship pedophilic. That homosexual on the left has hit the wall hard. Reminder that Stephen Fry can go on Grindr and find some 18 year old (maybe even 16 year old with Britain's age of consent) bussy in a matter of seconds

  7. 2 months ago

    im bisexual
    experiences with women:
    >co dependent parent that pretends to act like a child to manipulate other people to pay her bills or help her do basic tasks like use a smart phone
    >coworkers and karens that will always report everyone in the store for the slightest infraction, or nothing at all to get their livelihoods taken
    >BPD crazy chicks that constantly threaten suicide and physically abuse their partners

    experiences with men:
    >Loads of fun guys into stuff like BDSM that allow sex to be more fun
    >loads of supportive people you emotionally, sexually, and in terms of business
    >sex constantly
    >same hobbies
    >no bullshit

    I went gay in the hopes that soon ill find a real daddy who loves me and treats me like beloved property. <3

    • 2 months ago

      Why is bdsm so common in the gay community?

      • 2 months ago

        nta but Tom of Finland, Punk and Robert Mapplethorpe probably started this culture

    • 2 months ago

      >I went gay in the hopes that soon ill find a real daddy who loves me and treats me like beloved property. <3
      So instead of putting up with women you want to be a woman.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not trans

        Why is bdsm so common in the gay community?

        Bondage is fun, having trust in someone to take care of you and make you their fricking property is fun.Having kinky gay sex is a better way to live than what a lot of the other people on this forum are living rn

        • 2 months ago

          You're a submissive and feminine bottom gay so you might aswell be trans

    • 2 months ago

      I'm bi too.
      I've had girlfriends and boyfriends in the past and I much prefer having a bf. It's like having a best friend but you're also very intimate with one another. You can have sex and then talk about all that nerdy shit like video games or the Kantian categorical imperative. b***hes don't want to hear any of that shit (pussy drying stuff)

    • 2 months ago

      yeah I'm Bi too and ended up having to exclusively dating men. the women in my area are gigawoke and have impossible standards. It's nice to go on dates and not have to foot the bill, to get to wear cute clothes and told how attractive I am, to get what I want to eat, have an attentive and sensitive dominant lover, get to watch the movie I want after sex, and not have to worry about getting attached or having it signify anything. gay sex is just nice and uncomplicated. dudes being dudes

      • 2 months ago

        >just nice and uncomplicated
        I can tell for a fact you're a top from the post. The prep work if you're a bottom cab be awful but it makes sense fun

        • 2 months ago

          I'm a bottom. douching isn't difficult. just don't eat before a date and take the 15m to clean out first

          • 2 months ago

            Unfortunately my digestive track is fricked up enough where I can't eat for 8+ hours to not frick up a date for little issue. It sucks

      • 2 months ago

        Women in general are just woke. Regardless if gay or not. They’re going to drive civilization into the ground with their inane bullshit.

  8. 2 months ago



  9. 2 months ago

    You’re talking about gay men. Lesbians are extremely miserable. There’s tons of statistics that back this up.

    • 2 months ago

      Dealing with women all the time is a pain in the ass. Even women know this.

  10. 2 months ago

    They aren't, they just go through fits of mania.

  11. 2 months ago

    absolutely not to me, members of the lgbtq community seem way more depressed than hetero people, and more whiny. They're never satisfied.
    "A study by Stonewall found that over the previous year: half of LGBTIQ+ people had experienced depression, and three in five had experienced anxiety. One in eight LGBTIQ+ people aged 18 to 24 had attempted to end their life."

  12. 2 months ago

    I'm gay and thought Adam Friedland talking about gay guys was pretty funny, they kind of "get it" I think:


    • 2 months ago

      >no nick
      >no stav
      >Adam still just spends the entire episode ripping on himself in their absence

  13. 2 months ago

    Ever met an old gay man or an old lesbian?

    Saddest people alive.

    • 2 months ago

      In their defense, pretty much there are almost no gay old men or lesbians since a majority of them died from AIDS. I'd be pretty fricking sad too if a majority of my friends died from a disease and dealing with survivor's guilt

      • 2 months ago

        They are sad because there are no children or grandchildren.

      • 2 months ago

        Basically no lesbians get aids you mong.

  14. 2 months ago

    They’re hedonists, so they set the bar for happiness so low that materials and sensations are sufficient

    High order happiness takes a lot to achieve, and many people unconsciously decide that it’s too much work and pursue easier goals. As they mature they get better at using language to rationalize it, but it’s still fundamentally a waste of potential

    • 2 months ago

      >well, achtually they aren't happier I am just smarter and more refined
      Lmao, 2300 years and counting of post-aristotelian philosophical cope to pretend people aren't animals that either -directly or indirectly- do things for the good ol' dopamine rush

  15. 2 months ago

    They take pleasure in doing evil

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        The crimes against nature you willing subject yourself to were once reserved for the worst criminals in the cruelest societies

        • 2 months ago

          I don't do anal sex if that's what you're referring to.

  16. 2 months ago

    listen Ive tried to make my boyfriend gay for years and it just doesn't work. He's just not into guys and has no desire to even kiss another dude. You really can't choose the sex you're attracted to regardless of how much that makes trannies seethe.

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