>I act as if God exists, and Im terrified that he might.

>I act as if God exists, and I’m terrified that he might.

This is Jordan Peterson's religious beliefs... what belief system would this be classified under?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Agnostic homosexual, if he were a full christian or frick even an atheist I could support him but agnosticism is gay

    • 2 months ago

      Why is agnosticism gay?

      • 2 months ago

        >I don't know if Spiderman and Dobby exists or not so I'll just take the middle ground lol
        It's moronic bullshit, no other belief is like this, and it only exists to soothe morons who know religion is bullshit but don't have the mental strength to abandon religious thinking. If you have enough reasons to doubt something existing, and no proof except the assertions of others, you simply don't believe in it, and are trying to hedge your bets because deep down you think you might go to hell if it's actually real.

        Agnosticism existing is the biggest proof of what a mind virus religion is, you don't hear anyone say this shit about fairies or gnomes.

        • 2 months ago
          Cult of Passion

          No, youre moronic and arrogant as shit with an inability to empathically perceive the world as anyone other than yourself, a solipsistic Satanist created by deep state think tanks and ad agencies.

          Oh go ahaead and keep the name of J.C. out of your mouth, Pharisee.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm not arrogant, if you do not believe in the God/s being described in the Bible, or some other religious text despite them originating the idea, then you have absolutely no basis for that belief.

            The only satanists here are the people who worship the fictional all powerful Lord of Hell who created all demons, and reduces all of human existence to being for the sake of serving his will rather than anything else. You quite literally believe in a dualistic world where an all powerful God created a terrible Hellworld where all life has to consume each other to survive, and then the vast majority of it which is self aware will burn forever.

            Jesus Christ- was a dumb homosexual who got nailed to wood while his prostitute mother watched, all the while crying for the same homosexual demon he believed was his daddy, and your dumbass somehow believes this ancient failed israelite is the origin of all morality. I would kill myself if I believed the pathetic shit you did, and you're probably close which is why you can't deny anything I've said under any metrics that aren't calling me a bunch of cultist buzzwords.

          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            >I'm not arrogant,


            >I act as if God exists, and I’m terrified that he might.

            This is Jordan Peterson's religious beliefs... what belief system would this be classified under?

            >This is Jordan Peterson's religious beliefs...
            I wasnt asking, I was informing your soul so it could either accept it or continue with your damnation.

            You have FAITH at best...AT BEST.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't care about what dumb cope you have for why you can't deny the truth when it's in front of you. Like I said, you're a demon worshipper, you'll bend any logic as long as it leads you back to submission to evil and lies.

            Oh, youre this guy.
            Youre agnostic and arrogant as shit, you little Satanic moron.

            >Oh you're this guy
            Not an argument. You've had two posts to make one and all you can do is be a homosexual. Let me correct your labels:

            I'm an atheist, and you're a moron.

          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            >dumb cope

          • 2 months ago

            >Accusing others of what you're guilty of

          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            You a Doctor of Psychology or Theology?


            I don't care about what dumb cope you have for why you can't deny the truth when it's in front of you. Like I said, you're a demon worshipper, you'll bend any logic as long as it leads you back to submission to evil and lies.
            >Oh you're this guy
            Not an argument. You've had two posts to make one and all you can do is be a homosexual. Let me correct your labels:

            I'm an atheist, and you're a moron.

            >deny the truth
            ARROGANT AS SHIT.

            ALL OF IT. WRONG.

          • 2 months ago

            Get help.

          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            >I don't know if Spiderman and Dobby exists or not so I'll just take the middle ground lol
            >It's moronic bullshit,



          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion


            >get help

            YOU DELUSIONAL moron ...YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR....

            >cant accept truth




          • 2 months ago

            >doctor of meme studies
            No one is impressed with you dedicating several years of your life to studying eunuchs in christianity and their heckin valid beliefs, you triggered troony

          • 2 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            Oh, youre this guy.
            Youre agnostic and arrogant as shit, you little Satanic moron.

  2. 2 months ago

    drug addict atheist who is the product of the entertainment industry and who tries to feel something

  3. 2 months ago

    >I act as if God exists, and I’m terrified that he might.
    What do you mean by ‘I’
    What do you mean by ‘act’
    What do you mean by ‘as’
    What do you mean by ‘if’
    What do you mean by ‘God’
    What do you mean by ‘exists’
    What do you mean by ‘,’
    What do you mean by ‘and’
    What do you mean by ‘’’
    What do you mean by ‘m’
    What do you mean by ‘terrified’
    What do you mean by ‘that’
    What do you mean by ‘he’
    What do you mean by ‘might’
    What do you mean by ‘.’

    Without defining all these terms in a highly non-standard vague Petersonian way I cannot answer the question.

    • 2 months ago

      God I hate definegays. We all know what commonly used words mean already, just make your damn point

  4. 2 months ago

    atheist+catholic upbringing

  5. 2 months ago

    Am surprised that no one has said 'schizo' yet.
    Because he is a schizo.

  6. 2 months ago

    Jordan Peterson is a religious agnostic. His actions imply that he has belief about the existence of God, but he still lacks a definite view on the issue. His behavior can also be described as a form of Pascal's wager.

  7. 2 months ago

    It's called being agnostic.

  8. 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago

    Calvinism, because if God exists it means free will is a lie and we are ruled by an angry and hateful dictator.

    • 2 months ago

      lol stfu moron

      • 2 months ago

        People never have an argument against Calvinists, they just seethe because they know they got BTFO and their God got all his copes and scapegoats taken away.

  10. 2 months ago

    It's called taking Pascal's wager too seriously like a midwit moron

    • 2 months ago

      Why is it midwit? It's really the only good argument for believing

      • 2 months ago

        It argues devoting your life for a religion you don't even truly believe in, out of fear of hell in the tiny possibility that not only christianity is true, but the specific version of the christian god that exists is the one you chose to believe is reasonable, excluding all other religions major or minor and all other infinitely many potential afterlives all while assuming that if the christian god exists your half-assed fear induced worship would be a positive in his eyes.

        • 2 months ago

          There are really only 4 major religions with an afterlife. Christianity... Zoroastrianism which allows atheists in heaven. Islam which is obviously false and 500 years after Christianity, and then Ancient Egyptian and other ancient type of religions which couldn't even be practiced today with stuff like mummification. This really only leaves Christianity. Christianity which gives you churches for community and a good ethic to live by. Being a good person and abstaining from harmful things. What's so bad about that? Just trying your best to believe and hoping some day you find real belief by immersing yourself into the religion.

          • 2 months ago

            >There are really only 4 major religions with an afterlife
            Lol no, your pick is completely arbitrary. Also, what makes you think that the one true religion must be a major religion? Hell, what makes you believe the one true god has to be one humans have thought about at all?
            >Islam which is obviously false
            Many could say the same thing about christianity
            >and a good ethic to live by
            The point is with Pascal's Wager you're just forcing yourself to believe in something out of fear. If you're so obsessed about the possibility of a hell you have a better shot just being a good person intuitively and always acting in what you feel is the most moral way instead of following the specific rite of a specific religion and hoping you hit the jackpot with it.

          • 2 months ago

            >your pick is completely arbitrary
            What else do we have to work with other things we know?
            >Many could say the same thing about christianity
            I'm talking about someone who might be convinced of the argument of Pascal's Wager. You would have to pick the religion which is most likely to be true and this comes from evidence and argumentation. What religion do you think is the most likely to be true if you had to pick?
            >And always acting in what you feel is the most moral way
            This is hard for many people including myself. Instead of just grasping onto nothing but feelings it's better to have something concrete.

          • 2 months ago

            >You would have to pick the religion which is most likely to be true
            That's the thing, it presumes among many other things that if there is a god, it would be the god of a major religion, which I don't think is true or even likely at all.

    • 2 months ago

      Pascals wager is ancient Roko's Basilisk.

      • 2 months ago


  11. 2 months ago

    It's called being an atheist but wanting to sell shit to your Christian fanbase

  12. 2 months ago

    He is a Christian in the more traditional sense but atheist in the modern sense that religion is somehow supposed to be separate from reality

  13. 2 months ago

    He's following Pascal's wager, which at the end of the day is the most rational way to interact with religion.

    He's not concerned about identifications or theological minutia, only about the practical side of religion.

    • 2 months ago

      Pascals wager is not functional, pascal even said this in the pensees it was a joke/thought expierment. The author of the wager explicitly says so for two reasons 1. The existence of other religions losers your odds significantly and 2. Believing something only because you don't want to get hurt doesn't legitimately count as belief.

  14. 2 months ago


  15. 2 months ago

    >I don't know if Spiderman and Dobby exists
    Not a good comparison. Only one model of the world can be correct, agnosticism is just acknowledging that you don't have enough information to make a call.

    • 2 months ago

      > Only one model of the world can be correct
      That's fricking wrong. 😐
      All models are approximations and you can have several more or less 'correct' ones.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah yeah OK we all took undergraduate econ. When I say "model" I am referring to an order of reality that has a god, or that does not. Only one of these things can be true. A universe cannot have and not have a god.

        Agnostics are dishonest, they're only fence sitting so they can pretend to have the moral high ground to atheists and theists. Literally just saying "both sides are bad" and then parting yourself on the back despite the fact you've made no arguments.

        Again, not all arguments are positive. Agnostics make arguments against both theism and atheism. It's fence sitting, sure, but why is that a bad thing?

        • 2 months ago

          Because there's a difference between nuance and fence sitting. Nuance is finding and acknowledging what's wrong between two positions to create your own, which due to the basics of logic will either lead to an entirely new belief, or fall into one of the other categories but with different arguments. Fence sitting is just retreating into ignorance, and lacking the willpower to even hold a position or create a new belief. It's just the complete absence of thoughtfulness which only exists for the holder of the fence sitting position to pretend they're better than either side of a group despite both having put more thought and conviction into their beliefs than the moron who can always escape criticism because he has nothing to say or believe which can be debunked.

          • 2 months ago

            You're projecting this smug superiority onto agnostics that I don't think is that common. I feel like agnostics don't have strong enough feelings about their religious beliefs to "pretend they're better" than either camp –almost definitionally.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, I think I am. I just don't really believe Agnosticism has any real nuance to it other than surrender to avoid debate and conflict, but you may be more right that most people simply don't care enough to have set opinions about it.

    • 2 months ago

      Agnostics are dishonest, they're only fence sitting so they can pretend to have the moral high ground to atheists and theists. Literally just saying "both sides are bad" and then parting yourself on the back despite the fact you've made no arguments.

      • 2 months ago

        I argue that there is no difference between theism and atheism, and if you can't see that, then you have a low IQ.

        • 2 months ago

          You can't make a single argument for why that is the case without exposing yourself as a midwit.

          • 2 months ago

            The argument is that God must be omnipotent, and therefore he is not hindered by his own non-existence, so it doesn't matter if he exists or not.

          • 2 months ago

            >The argument is [presupposition] [presupposition] [presupposition] [presupposition]
            You never graduated highschool did you?

      • 2 months ago
        Cult of Passion

        >Agnostics are dishonest
        Youre full of shit and lies, you believe your own delusions.


  16. 2 months ago

    It is just perfect, really the belief system for a crying grandma moron like jp
    >I don't know if god is real and kind of doubt he is but I'm too scared to follow through with that so I try to force myself to believe it even though faking it gets me nothing in whatever prospective gods eyes. I have all of the directionlessness of atheism and all of the weakness and shame of theism. I am very smart.c

  17. 2 months ago

    >This is Jordan Peterson's religious beliefs

    Jordan Peterson acts like an addict.
    Jordan Peterson spends his time almost exclusively on Twitter starting at around 9am and until maybe 2am. He then tweets every 4 hours on a slow day, and every 40 minutes on a fast day. Jordan Peterson, additionally, infamously refused "social media training" that was recommended to him after he told some random climate activist on Twitter to kill themselves. Jordan Peterson lost his credentials because of this and as a result: can no longer lecture at university, can no longer practice clinical psychology, and must make a living going on podcasts, and interviews. Additionally, he is also, on and off, addicted to Benzodiazepine (which is an antidepressant).

    I do not believe that Jordan Peterson believes in God: he is completely incapable of controlling any of his inhibitions, his economy depends on tabloid drama and acting like a provocateur, and in that way has become more Satanic than anything.

  18. 2 months ago

    JP does not believe in God.

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