I dont know how to be a man.

I dont know how to be a man.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    You're a frog, honey.

    • 2 years ago

      1. have a penis
      2. don't not have a penis
      3. be old enough that you aren't a boy

      Just bee happy:)

      Be a person who creates a structure around you simply by your nature. And it is not enough to have a network, your connections with others must stand up so they will not be destroyed by time or adversarial forces. Pic related, sort of.

      I was raised by a single mom, and i have felt inferior all my life because i lacked a strong father figure. I feel like i am beneath other men. To cope i have done a lot of training and martial arts, i may be outwardly masculine and manly, but i have no idea how to actually behave like a man and be a man.

      It hurts a lot.

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t be obsessed with this abstraction. Just try to a well rounded likable adult. Being male is enough to be a man.

      • 2 years ago

        Lots of people with dads grow up to be losers, if it makes you feel better. It's even worse for them because they have a father figure to be disappointed in them

        • 2 years ago

          or a shite father figure to frick them up

      • 2 years ago

        You could work as a fish processor off the coast of Alaska for a summer, they're always looking for help

        • 2 years ago

          Just got done doing a season there horrible advice to send a person with no father figure to a fish gay camp

      • 2 years ago

        Every man you see is learning as he goes. Keep training martial arts. Knowing how to fight and being a good hang with other bros is like 70% of working it all out. Don't overthink shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick you reminded me I want to learn martial arts. I'm nervous to start though.

      • 2 years ago

        >I was raised by a single mom, and i have felt inferior all my life because i lacked a strong father figure.
        I know that feel. My dad died when I was 7 and my mum never had a guy around for longer than a year. I had to teach myself how to shave and stuff over the internet mostly.
        I've grown up incredibly self-conscious and have anxiety disorder and so my body is constantly in flight mode which is shit when you're a man.

      • 2 years ago

        just remember that masculinity isn’t some collection of aesthetic signifiers that you have to abide by to affirm your “manhood.” the social category of manhood changes (and i think that’s one of the main causes of gender dysphoria today: we’ve seen a massive shift in the manifestation of gender as a social category over the past few decades that makes it easy for one to feel a disconnect between one’s social status and one’s own experience of masculinity/femininity) but there’s still an inscrutable notion of masculinity.
        basically, stop worrying about being perceived as a man and accept your inherent masculinity. a ton of people can’t cross that divide and wind up trooning out to cope. and really, getting big doesn’t solve that problem: it just exacerbates it. identify your masculine self and you’ll see the insecurity fade.

        • 2 years ago

          The definition of manhood and masculinity should be synonymous as they used to be. Being a slave to sensuality, weak of principle and body are all inherently feminine traits and are the polar opposite of a masculine man.

      • 2 years ago

        don't ever not do something because you're too scared of the consequences.
        that's it. that's all there is to being a man.
        that and having a penis.

      • 2 years ago

        To be a man you have to set your own ideals to live and die by for me its family over everything being a man isn't outward appearance it's mental and your actions strive to be a good man not just a stereotype

    • 2 years ago

      kek fpbp


      I dont know how to be a man.

      not surprised.

      read the bible. read the catechism. learn why traditional virtues and values existed in the first place, and why you should still embody them. protip: it involves stopping eating doritos and beer

      • 2 years ago

        I am a straight edge virgin and I fast regularly, but I have a tendency to eat like shit a couple of times a week. I do read the bible, I have some other books like Iron John and The Arena. I have yet to read the last 2.

        • 2 years ago

          based and mirin those 8s

          now get a job, take a shower, go to church and find a woman and get married and have babies and never ever give up on them. it's literally that simple.

      • 2 years ago

        > learn why traditional virtues and values existed in the first place, and why you should still embody them.
        Like what? Recommend some books.

        • 2 years ago

          >.Like what?
          Read the Nicomachean Ethics cited here

          Read in order:
          >Starting Strenght - Mark Rippetoe
          >The Maffetone Method - Philip Maffetone
          >Critical and Creative Thinking - Edgar Moore
          >Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
          >The way of men - homosexual Donovan
          >The way of the superior men - David Deida
          >Revolt against the modern world - Julius Evola
          >Men among the ruins - Julius Evola
          >Ride the tiger - Julius Evola
          >The Metaphysics of Sex - Julius Evola
          >Supertraining - Yuri V. Verkhoshansky

          The order of themes goes: Strenght and cardio training -> Basic how to logic for babies -> Basic virtue ethics -> A peak on raw masculinity -> More masculinity, light esoteric spin -> Get down the esoteric habit hole -> Advanced psychical training

          And do this exercise every so often:
          >Take a traditional virtue or value
          >Instead of assuming the usual "they where just dumb back then" start with the assumption that those virtues are answers for problems that we forgot we even had. But just because we forgot the problem, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore
          >Try to do a systematic search for what motives may have lead for the exaltation of such virtues by men better than you
          >Try to envision 2 people that are equal in everything, except the virtue in analysis.
          >Emulate in your head how both will live their life, what will be different
          Good luck.

  2. 2 years ago

    1. have a penis
    2. don't not have a penis
    3. be old enough that you aren't a boy

  3. 2 years ago

    Just bee happy:)

    • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Be a person who creates a structure around you simply by your nature. And it is not enough to have a network, your connections with others must stand up so they will not be destroyed by time or adversarial forces. Pic related, sort of.

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I was raised by a single mom, and i have felt inferior all my life because i lacked a strong father figure. I feel like i am beneath other men. To cope i have done a lot of training and martial arts, i may be outwardly masculine and manly, but i have no idea how to actually behave like a man and be a man.

      It hurts a lot.


      I dont know how to be a man.

      I know this feel anon. You will have an uphill battle to deal with this but literature is not the key to solving this. It can help but it is not the cure all. A man is largely ineffable. You cant describe it because you leave a lot out. What you do need though is sometimes self evident so here are a few things.

      patience with your effort and others. your own opinion needs to be enough for you. you need to know what something means when people or you say it rather than being pesantic or too in the weeds. You need to know when to think and when it is time to act. You need to learn that those that complain about something rarely are trying to grasp it better or come to terms with it as they tell you they are, but are just trying to make it seem unimportant so they dont have to do it. You need to be in things for the marathon and not the sprint. You should but good bonds before most other things.

      And this next part is really important and took me a long time to learn... you need to not care what women think or say. Women will tell you they want X in a man and they rarely tell you how they actually behave. Ignore it. Women shouldnt be your goal either. But its good practise to ignore them on this. You will instinctually do other things to please women. When a man has asked me what i think on a topic i have told him. When it was a women i have softened it to the point of it being meaningless. Once or twice i have given my full throat endorsement to something they dont like and upon standing my ground I found they ALWAYS grow in respect for me. And they become much more sexually interested in me too. They dont care about finding a man that supports abortion rights, they want a man who knows what he thinks about abortion and is solid on it. Thats because they wont need to be pro chocie when they are with this man because he is stable enough to have offspring with. Thus the subject disappears, only the character of the speaker remains.

      It is still not the benchmark of your life, it is VITAL they are not that to you. However men and women compliment each other and thus when you know you are making yourself into a compitent mate, you know you have something to offer. That can be a big confidence boost.

      You already know all you need to know anon. I could render you illiterate now and youd lnow what you need. You just need someone to tell you that the answer is here and theres nothing to find.

      Trust your insticts, they've been honed over aeons. You know the path, so walk it.

  6. 2 years ago

    you will never be a real man, frogposter

  7. 2 years ago

    It’s not easy, but it is simple. Being a man and not just a “guy” boils down to hyper-competence. When you watch a show like Peaky Blinders, what makes the main character manly?

    Is it his height? His clothes? His money?

    No, you can have all of those things and still be perceived as a man-child. What makes you a man is competence; you have to develop practical skills that set you up for success.

    There are guys today who can’t change a tire. The modern world wants you to be low-T, full of estrogen and harmless.

    While becoming competent isn’t easy, it doesn’t have to be confusing. If you’re looking for IQfy related answers, start reading about the lives of masculine men. Let them teach you what mama couldn’t.

    I’d start by reading a biography of Howard Hughes. But merely reading about these sorts of men won’t turn you into one, you have to follow through and start teaching yourself how to be competent. Learn how to fix things, how to be self-sufficient, how to manage money, how to speak clearly and publicly, how to lead, and how to do basic things like boil an egg or change the oil in your car.

    While the Internet and social media have destroyed many things, at least now this information is more easily-available than ever before. Don’t know how to do something? Watch someone teach you on YouTube.

    Don’t bother with college, it’s a waste of time. Learn from men who are successful at what they do. If you want to learn how to write better, watch the Masterclass or YouTube videos of a writer who you admire. If you want to learn the basics of cooking, you can open YouTube right now and learn from Gordon Ramsay himself.

    So no excuses fren, get to work and see the results.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree with this anon. Being a man means getting shit done. Even if you have not clue what you are doing but can bullshit your way into appearing competent it's all the same.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s not easy, but it is simple. Being a man and not just a “guy” boils down to hyper-competence. When you watch a show like Peaky Blinders, what makes the main character manly?

        Is it his height? His clothes? His money?

        No, you can have all of those things and still be perceived as a man-child. What makes you a man is competence; you have to develop practical skills that set you up for success.

        There are guys today who can’t change a tire. The modern world wants you to be low-T, full of estrogen and harmless.

        While becoming competent isn’t easy, it doesn’t have to be confusing. If you’re looking for IQfy related answers, start reading about the lives of masculine men. Let them teach you what mama couldn’t.

        I’d start by reading a biography of Howard Hughes. But merely reading about these sorts of men won’t turn you into one, you have to follow through and start teaching yourself how to be competent. Learn how to fix things, how to be self-sufficient, how to manage money, how to speak clearly and publicly, how to lead, and how to do basic things like boil an egg or change the oil in your car.

        While the Internet and social media have destroyed many things, at least now this information is more easily-available than ever before. Don’t know how to do something? Watch someone teach you on YouTube.

        Don’t bother with college, it’s a waste of time. Learn from men who are successful at what they do. If you want to learn how to write better, watch the Masterclass or YouTube videos of a writer who you admire. If you want to learn the basics of cooking, you can open YouTube right now and learn from Gordon Ramsay himself.

        So no excuses fren, get to work and see the results.

        Well I can cook, I can into loonix, I can into changing car tyres and typical maintenance. But I am not proficient in anything.

        • 2 years ago

          Then become proficient at something that you believe will contribute to your desire to be competent.

      • 2 years ago

        That's ridiculous. As someone who is a woodworker, a trade perceived as manly by many, you should take your time and learn how to do things correctly and never bullshit other people.
        A real man lives in truth.
        Fake it til you make it is for gays.

      • 2 years ago

        That's ridiculous. As someone who is a woodworker, a trade perceived as manly by many, you should take your time and learn how to do things correctly and never bullshit other people.
        A real man lives in truth.
        Fake it til you make it is for gays.

        And I only mention being a woodworker because trying this homosexual fake it til you amke bullshit in it will cost you a few fingers.
        Learn something and be honest about who you are and what you can and cannot do.
        Men who pretend to be more than they are or "alpha" end up getting shot or with a cracked skull on the floor.

        Captcha: 4wd40
        Yes, a man should have a can of wd40 at the ready always.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree with this anon. Being a man means getting shit done. Even if you have not clue what you are doing but can bullshit your way into appearing competent it's all the same.

      What is this nonsense? Being a man is literally just being an adult male.

      Emotionally undeveloped manchild? Still a man.

      Neet in parents basement at 25 years old? Still a man.

      Furry who jacks off to MLP in his 30's? Still a man.

      An actual bum who has never and will never contribute anything to society? Still a man.

      • 2 years ago

        I disagree

  8. 2 years ago

    You can always be a woman.

  9. 2 years ago

    Read in order:
    >Starting Strenght - Mark Rippetoe
    >The Maffetone Method - Philip Maffetone
    >Critical and Creative Thinking - Edgar Moore
    >Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
    >The way of men - homosexual Donovan
    >The way of the superior men - David Deida
    >Revolt against the modern world - Julius Evola
    >Men among the ruins - Julius Evola
    >Ride the tiger - Julius Evola
    >The Metaphysics of Sex - Julius Evola
    >Supertraining - Yuri V. Verkhoshansky

    The order of themes goes: Strenght and cardio training -> Basic how to logic for babies -> Basic virtue ethics -> A peak on raw masculinity -> More masculinity, light esoteric spin -> Get down the esoteric habit hole -> Advanced psychical training

    • 2 years ago

      >rabbit hole
      > Advanced physical training

      • 2 years ago

        Well, let them have this lol

    • 2 years ago

      >How to be a man
      >Starts with IQfy
      >Ends with IQfy

  10. 2 years ago

    First you need a pee pee then you need to make it grow by rubbing it a lot.

  11. 2 years ago

    Don’t listen to these tards. No amount of self help books or stoic philosophy will make you “manly”.

    What you need is a goal. Something you want so badly that you’d do anything to achieve it.

    • 2 years ago

      What if my goal is to read stoic philosophy to become a manly man?

      • 2 years ago

        Then do it. The point is that the goal itself doesn't matter, it's the pursuit of the goal.

  12. 2 years ago

    The sissification of males coincides with the outlawing of rape

  13. 2 years ago

    go to a brothel, they know how to fix men there

  14. 2 years ago

    keep ur penis in ur pants.

  15. 2 years ago

    Just identify as a man.

  16. 2 years ago

    What is a man?

    • 2 years ago

      A miserable little pile of secrets

  17. 2 years ago

    You must be swift as a coursing river,
    with all the force of a great typhoon,
    with all the strength of a raging fire,
    mysterious as the dark side of,
    the moon

  18. 2 years ago

    the only thing you need to be is yourself
    but you won't listen and instead will chase a spook for god knows how long.

  19. 2 years ago

    What makes a man? Skin flesh and bone.
    We are all men with different organs. Different personalities. What is a man supposed to be?

    • 2 years ago

      A husband, a father, a contributor to his community, and most importantly, a Catholic.

      Clout and b***hes, that’s all there is, always has been.


  20. 2 years ago

    Man is virtue and vacuum.

  21. 2 years ago

    Clout and b***hes, that’s all there is, always has been.

  22. 2 years ago

    read zorba the greek

    • 2 years ago

      Well that settles it. I'm finally going to read that book and it's all thanks to repeating digits on a Sami drumming forum.

  23. 2 years ago

    kys dumb frog

  24. 2 years ago

    just be a hue man. HUE MAN

  25. 2 years ago

    reject the worthless, reactionary concept of "being a man" and become a cute twink instead

  26. 2 years ago

    OP here. I decided to go on a 3-4 day fast and i will also be shaving my head, as i have been losing my hair from bad genetics. I will go and work out though in the park, and listen to an audiobook or something. In short: i will keep coping.

  27. 2 years ago

    >I dont know how to be a man.
    this will fix you up
    nothing more manly than operating a chain saw

  28. 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    I don't think anyone mentioned the actual answer. You want to do something you can be slightly proud of even if it's small, build a shitty table. Just make sure to have goals you can finish besides the long term abstract ones. Over time you build up competence and confidence.

  30. 2 years ago

    In my opinion, what makes a man is responsibility.

  31. 2 years ago

    confidence anon, find out how you can get it and you will become a man

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