i don't see the issue

>it's a free software
>software is open source, everyone can see the code
>maintained by volunteers, organizations and industries doing their best to make it safe and usable because business reasons
>all of the above in the spirit of open collaboration
>no giant disasters ever happened because distro diversity n shiet

>1 backdoor happens, solved at lightspeed
>everyone goes mad
>winshitters going crazy because "being fricked by cia is better than being fricked by mr. ching chong" openly stating their cuckold tendency
>itoddlers spilling milk
>"dude we don't know if we can trust it anymore"
It's a free os built on open collaboration with a growing market share, what did you expect? Can anything in this world be flawless?

Do you ever wonder where your food comes from or you just eat everything you get in front of your eyes? Because this thing lets you do that.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    >its free so doesnt matter if its shit

    • 3 months ago

      freedom isn't shit, anon

  2. 3 months ago
  3. 3 months ago

    The issue is that wienersuckers who's liberty is worth nothing need to make excuses so that they can use their dogshit OSes like microshart's winshit and comfortably be part of the botnet. To them, there's no difference between a completely controlled prison garden and a Free system that at least has the potential to be transparent and can fight surveillance. It doesn't matter if you gave them the tools they need to be free, they'd still CHOOSE to be slaves, because they're slaves by nature. They're not even worth pitying.

    • 3 months ago

      >muh botnet, muh buzzwords
      you're not worth pitying

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        You're not worth reading, as you can't even read your own code.

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >can you create an image of greek philosophers sharing a bucket of fried chicken with large smiles?

      • 3 months ago

        >be autist
        >use windows 11
        >random cmd prompts open and close, they got me
        >fans spin up constantly, can't take it anymore, need to avoid botnet
        >switch to linux, finally no botnet spinning up my fans
        >years go by, no problems
        >suddenly, fans spin up as my openssh session takes 0.5 seconds longer to start
        >start digging into the code
        >liblzma is spinning up the fans
        >discover backdoor committed 1 month ago to the xz-utils package
        >report it and save thousands of users and servers

    • 3 months ago

      >Muh liberty
      Before updating do you audit all the code changes or do you just trust some rando ?

      • 3 months ago

        >t. homosexual who trusts a rando reselling his data to third party

        • 3 months ago

          i do what i can, just as some others do what they can. The end result is that blobs of irregularities get unveiled. What's the point of your argument?

          Stop coping and pretending any of your distros are anything but insecure. You pull in thousands of packages made by randos from random servers, sometimes blindly copy pasting shit into your keychain to get some specific rando package. None of you read any of the code because most of it is highly specific. Just to understand it would require substantial time investment, from the build system to all the interactions and subtleties, even a savant would need a weekend. You simply hope there is someone else who does the work for free for you. Because all you are really after is being a freeloading cheapskate who wants everything to be free as in my bank account is 4 dollars and a shoe string.

          • 3 months ago

            >None of you read any of the code
            except that we do sometimes. And even when we don't, there are tests that allow us to detect potential problems, why are you so eager to not try to find a solution? Every single things you have yet to say is completely based on the assumption that anyone who uses Linux is too lazy to check out code, which is most likely nothing but your own projection.

            Some morons are just destined to be slaves anon. You have to acknowledge their place at the bottom of the hierarchy. They'll keep on eating shit and blaming fate or bad luck, but when you offer them a way out, they won't take it. They'd rather play the victim and wallow in self-pity. Just take a peek at [...] and you'll find these types all over the place.

            enough said. Not gonna read the rest of the thread.

          • 3 months ago

            As opposed to what, a company whose policy is "trust me bro" and can't be reviewed by no one? You can organize better and make shit more restricted on the development size but no one guarantees it's secure or well optimized.

            >it's just software made by randos
            And tested by those hosting it, they can make mistakes like any other organization and company.

          • 3 months ago

            >As opposed to what, a company whose policy is "trust me bro" and can't be reviewed by no one
            a company can get sued, or at the very least get their trust and reputation ruined, which attacks them directly in their profits
            meanwhile, a bunch of freetard "volunteers" are pretty much impossible to hold accountable

          • 3 months ago

            Get sued for what? Their eula literally excludes them from any loss or damage and their reputation is already dogshit. Nobody "likes" or "trusts" microshit, they just use it because they have to or they don't know better.

          • 3 months ago

            > their reputation is already dogshit
            you're mistaking actual reputation for just your opinion (which is worthless)
            >Nobody "likes" or "trusts" microshit
            and that's why everyone keeps using their products and services. right.
            >because they have to or they don't know better
            that's some manchildish reasoning
            if loonix were better, companies would sooner or later learn of that and use that instead
            but it's not better. it's worse. to the point where people gladly pay money for windows licenses than use a free loonix

          • 3 months ago

            They use it for servers homosexual. Way more than shitty ass Microshit Wallboards.

          • 3 months ago

            again, your clueless opinion is worhtless

          • 3 months ago

            Internet facing servers, some shitty domain controller doesn't count as a "server", homosexual.

            Hurr durr Google counts shitty "servers" needed for Windows environments to even function. moron.

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            He's right, the AD shitbox that sits in the networking room so everyone can get locked out of their account every time IT thinks everyone needs to change their password doesn't count.
            t. sysadmin

          • 3 months ago


            It isn't a server though. It's a domain controller. If you want to call it No True Scottsman, go ahead.
            I did make a mistake in not mentioning exceptions for shitty ass domain controllers which are literally required for offices running Windows.

          • 3 months ago
            Anonymous Mogul

            He's right, the AD shitbox that sits in the networking room so everyone can get locked out of their account every time IT thinks everyone needs to change their password doesn't count.
            t. sysadmin

            >hurr domain controller isn't a server
            anyway, windows also runs as host to enterprise applications
            even for enterprise stuff written in Java that runs on both Windows and Linux, in my experience they're hosted from Windows anyway 8/10 of times


            supercomputers are not servers
            >Linux is also most used for web servers
            that doesn't mean most web servers use linux, only that using it for web servers is the most common use case for linux

            Take a guess what OS is running the virtualization software hosting those.

            Another good point. Most Windows VMs are running on top of a Linux KVM box. [...]

            sure, but not exclusively. there's also hyper-v

            but at this point you're clutching for any idea you can come up with
            that won't make companies stop using windows, though

          • 3 months ago

            >anyway, windows also runs as host to enterprise applications
            >windows is most commonly used to run bloatware

          • 3 months ago

            >that doesn't mean most web servers use linux
            As someone that's spent most of their career porting old 90s IIS based webserver setups to linux based nginx setups because upper management wanted to cut cloud costs by 90%, yes, it does.

          • 3 months ago

            Kek still pretending domain controllers are "servers". Hilarious. You could run that shit on 386 with 32MB of RAM if it wasn't for the bloated ass GUI.

          • 3 months ago

            if what you're saying is true, why don't you call up some company and offer them a headless DC running on a 386?

            >that doesn't mean most web servers use linux, only that using it for web servers is the most common use case for linux
            See pic homosexual

            >point out flaw in quoted sentence
            >replies with a different sentence and ad hominems

          • 3 months ago

            I guess you have never heard of hyperbole, homosexual.

            But really, if windows wasn't a completely bloated piece of shit, then domain controllers could run on basically nothing.

            Pic contained evidence refuting his idiocy. Just because I also used an insult in addition to facts doesn't make it ad hominem you fricking imbecile.

          • 3 months ago

            >that doesn't mean most web servers use linux, only that using it for web servers is the most common use case for linux
            See pic homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            It isn't a server though. It's a domain controller. If you want to call it No True Scottsman, go ahead.
            I did make a mistake in not mentioning exceptions for shitty ass domain controllers which are literally required for offices running Windows.

          • 3 months ago

            Take a guess what OS is running the virtualization software hosting those.

          • 3 months ago

            Another good point. Most Windows VMs are running on top of a Linux KVM box.

            again, your clueless opinion is worhtless

          • 3 months ago

            >None of you read any of the code
            I read the code of the packages I care about, try doing the same on winshit

      • 3 months ago

        i do what i can, just as some others do what they can. The end result is that blobs of irregularities get unveiled. What's the point of your argument?

    • 3 months ago

      are you 12?

    • 3 months ago

      Some morons are just destined to be slaves anon. You have to acknowledge their place at the bottom of the hierarchy. They'll keep on eating shit and blaming fate or bad luck, but when you offer them a way out, they won't take it. They'd rather play the victim and wallow in self-pity. Just take a peek at


      and you'll find these types all over the place.

    • 3 months ago

      Some morons are just destined to be slaves anon. You have to acknowledge their place at the bottom of the hierarchy. They'll keep on eating shit and blaming fate or bad luck, but when you offer them a way out, they won't take it. They'd rather play the victim and wallow in self-pity. Just take a peek at [...] and you'll find these types all over the place.

      based freedom enjoyers.

      • 3 months ago

        >None of you read any of the code
        except that we do sometimes. And even when we don't, there are tests that allow us to detect potential problems, why are you so eager to not try to find a solution? Every single things you have yet to say is completely based on the assumption that anyone who uses Linux is too lazy to check out code, which is most likely nothing but your own projection.
        enough said. Not gonna read the rest of the thread.

        Thanks, for the appreciation :).

        • 3 months ago

          you're welcome

        • 3 months ago

          One advice, never argue with anyone. if they would understand you they would already have done it, since everything is already there and it is already have been said.

    • 3 months ago

      So true

  4. 3 months ago

    speak for yourself, im getting some god damn popups to enter password for my keyring. im inspecting all processes and files myself.
    Deactivated SSHD and it stopped, hopefully its for good

  5. 3 months ago
    Lucretia simp

    >i don't see the issue
    meanwhile the linux(/GNU+) community
    >divided on what DE we should use
    >divided on what init system we should use
    >divided on what audio system we should use
    >divided on what display server we should use
    >divided on what's the best way to install software
    Oh! and my favorite is when people claim it will be the year of the linux desktop because steam supports le videogames with proton. Yet the most realistic way people will go about fixing or editing programs on the computer is by copy pasting random sudo commands into their terminal they found online

    • 3 months ago

      morons are divided on what to use
      because the only sane choice is funtoo/xfce/openrc/pipewire/xorg/portage
      if you can't be bothered to use funtoo use slackware

      • 3 months ago

        just looked this up. Is it actually reliable if i don't know much about how Gentoo works and want a good system?

        • 3 months ago

          i haven't run funtoo in quite some time, though i am planning to return to it on a desktop soon. i haven't run gentoo before, as every time i thought about it, i just went with funtoo because drobbins. i have a friend that had a moron phase and ran funtoo+i3, and he told me to run funtoo over gentoo so i did when i was using it. funtoo doesn't require the user to compile the linux kernel so that's a plus for many users. but gentoo is more popular and has better documentation on many things, the gentoo handbook is very detailed and will teach you a lot about linux. but if you want a good system and want to run gentoo/funtoo, just duelboot one of them with another operating system. they will take time to configure and get used to. but once configured can be quite comfy.
          debian/devuan, arch/artix, and mint i generally recommend, i've been running slackware and devuan (both with fde/lvm) as my mains for sometime since hopping off funtoo.

          • 3 months ago

            The only problem i have with those is that i always have a problem with getting started with DEs and WMs after the base install. It just drives me crazy how it doesn't work. Especially because configuring my wifi is a pain in the ass(i'm at a uni dorm so i have to use a login and password). I have to use wpa_supplicant.conf, it's a nightmare, it works when the password isn't encrypted in the file(which is a problem) but doesn't when encrypted.
            Many of these issues just make me hate myself. I wish i could just fix the issue with a GUI of networkmanager like on a finished KDE install.

          • 3 months ago

            nta but I can run a networkmanager GUI (nm-connection-editor) just fine on arch xfce

          • 3 months ago

            Weird. On my Artix it never worked like it did on KDE or i3 EndeavourOS. Cause on Endeavour it allowed me to specify that no certificate is to be used, and all i had to do was put in my login and password and it worked like magic, without the need to troubleshoot anything!

      • 3 months ago

        Stop telling noobs to use the least noob friendly distros. It's like you morons don't want people to use Linux. Just tell them to use fricking Pop!_OS or Mint if you want outdated X11 crap.

        The only reason it might be the year of the Linux desktop is because Cosmic DE might be out before end of the year if we're lucky. At least the alpha should be out fairly soon.

        • 3 months ago

          slackware isn't hard
          funtoo and gentoo aren't hard also, it's just a time sink
          Pop!_OS is shit tho, for beginners i do recommend debian,arch (it's always been piss easy to install), and mint

          • 3 months ago

            >Arch for beginners.
            Nice b8.

          • 3 months ago

            Nah, he's right, once you figure out how arch works it's probably one of the simplest distros to use.

          • 3 months ago

            it is though
            like 6 years ago i could install it from memory as teen. like gentoo it's not hard just more of a time sink

          • 3 months ago

            Suggesting a rolling release to noobs is the most moronic shit you could possibly do.

          • 3 months ago

            i will give you that though, rolling release is shit for noobs
            i've broken linux installs in the past
            once on ubuntu
            and multiple times on arch, mostly because i would frick something up
            i haven't used arch in like 3 - 4 years so i don't know how much it's improved

          • 3 months ago

            Let me add I started with Slackware 2.3 with Linux Kernel 1.2.8. Sure it seems "easy" to you, Arch is also easy to install I guess with their new installer. But if you're pushing for beginners to use it, you have got to be trolling or just extremely deep on the spectrum.

            You're just being an elitist homosexual, which is why Linux will never catch on as a desktop. Linux users are literally the enemy against further adoption, especially Arch users.

            Everytime there is a big upgrade "x, ,y ,z broke bawww". Tons of posts like this always. I will just assume you are trolls.

            Recommend Arch to experienced users if you want, just not beginners!

            This issue doesn't even effect the main userbase of rolling release user. This attack was for servers and the majority of users know that's the dumbest shit possible when using rolling release. The goal was for this exploit to hide long enough for it to reach stable.

            Rolling releases are moronic for beginners though, and this has little to do with security.

          • 3 months ago

            I believe Linux has some advantages for noobs/casuals but maybe not enough to invest the time to set it up.
            If you gave grandma a minimal install with a GUI and a few normie apps, I think would be more frictionless than any windows or mac. The start menu/dock/panel would only have the exact things she's looking for: internet/file browser, multimedia apps and that's it. She'll never have to worry about a forced update so things will always stay exactly the same.
            >but what about when she needs to learn to do something like copy files from a usb
            She'll ask you of course, but she would have done that on a windows or mac.

          • 3 months ago

            i suggest
            mint if you want the easiest transition, just don't use flatpaks by default
            debian/ if you want a little more control over your system
            and arch if your willing to learn and want the most control over your system
            but when someone asks me the linux distro to use when they want to transition i just say mint xfce
            >elitist homosexual
            how is arch elitist and i said debian,arch,mint

          • 3 months ago

            I missed the debian and mint. I use debian for servers and as a KVM host, but I would never recommend it for a desktop to a noob.

            Mint makes sense, but it's super outdated and using stuff that will not be properly maintained anymore.

            Cinnamon has no hope to ever not be stuck using deprecated stuff unless there is a huge effort to basically rewrite the entire shell. Mint is a dead distro otherwise. It has no real future.

            Pop!_OS on the other hand is rewriting their DE to be modern and secure. It's not going to be stuck using stuff so crusty old it is ridiculous.

            There is a difference between stable/mature and just plain geriatric.

  6. 3 months ago
    Lucretia simp

    I'm kidding ofc, I love this community. There was a post a while back on how linux/gnu+ is very similar to early Christianity. Very divided on basic things but no one cared because the people that make it up are nobodies. It then gains popularity, becomes corrupted by the leaders and then schisms happen. I wonder if there is a schism awaiting us in maybe 10 years after the death of of RMS and Torvalds

  7. 3 months ago

    The issue is with how people can manipulate themselves into positions and there are no real names and identities attached.

  8. 3 months ago

    And no consequences for doing bad things

  9. 3 months ago


  10. 3 months ago

    the difference is with linux ANYONE even independent actors can add backdoors.

    But with windows / apple you'll have to actually give up your real identify to go get a job there and doing something like this is a huge crime that can land you in jail for many years so realistically its only high level paid government actors that can do it. Like literal CIA or KGB tier undercovers.

    Either way we are getting backdoored, but i'd rather only be backdoored by an all powerful government who dont give a shit about stealing from me or leak what kind of e-girl porn i jerk off to, rather than some independent person who might.

    • 3 months ago

      just do like I do and encrypt your e-girl porn, anon

      • 3 months ago

        but anon if they have a backdoor into your system they can just wait for you to unencrypt it

        • 3 months ago

          They can't do shit if I only ever decrypt my e-girl porn through offline liveboot usb.

          • 3 months ago

            at that point you might as well just print out physical copies and keep them in a locked drawer

    • 3 months ago

      at least with linux and bsd you can see the code and try and find the backdoor. with windows and macos you don't know and can't try and find the backdoor

      gnu hurd is the only right path

      • 3 months ago

        >you can see the code and try and find the backdoor
        evidently this prevents nothing and its still possible to get backdoors in anyway if they're sophisticated and hidden well enough. This backdoor was discovered by pure chance. It could EASILY have stayed hidden for months or years.

        • 3 months ago

          >It could EASILY have stayed hidden for months or years.
          in contrast to what, exactly? Winshit? or iToddler toys? What's the point of your argument? What's your end goal?

          • 3 months ago

            if you had read my original post that you are replying to
            im saying with linux this is possible by ANYONE, even independent people, whereas with windows its only possible by state actors basically because you actually have to get a job there.

        • 3 months ago

          how long was eternal blue hidden

    • 3 months ago

      This is the most moronic narrative they've ever pushed.

    • 3 months ago

      >with linux ANYONE even independent actors can add backdoors.
      They can't tho, this "backdoor" didn't even make it to beta. People who use the testing branch for daily driving should be aware of the highly experimental and insecure nature of their operating system.

  11. 3 months ago

    The funniest part is that it was discovered while still in the testing branch. It didn't even make it to beta. No system worth anything was even affected, just some smelly nerds who run bleeding edge software for the sake of it.

  12. 3 months ago

    That's what they found.
    Linux is so huge with so many hands in it, likelihood of stuff slipping by is higher.
    Safest *nix distro will always be the one with least code and moving parts, and tight group of people auditing

  13. 3 months ago

    It's different from what normies are used to.
    Normies tend to be moronic and afraid of things that are different.
    Everything else is cope trying to justify being moronic.
    It's really that simple, just morons searching for an excuse to justify picking a worse option.

  14. 3 months ago

    >software is open source,
    that includes a binary blob in the compilation process, they fricked up security 101

  15. 3 months ago

    This issue doesn't even effect the main userbase of rolling release user. This attack was for servers and the majority of users know that's the dumbest shit possible when using rolling release. The goal was for this exploit to hide long enough for it to reach stable.

  16. 3 months ago

    >solved at lightspeed
    who's gonna tell him?

  17. 3 months ago

    morons fighting each other on deciding what crap OS to choose instead of looking into the hardware. Pathetic.

  18. 3 months ago

    >Be me

    • 3 months ago

      Hi Luis Torvaldez, I'm a fan, the fan in your laptop

  19. 3 months ago

    Windows wont always be there to pull Linux out of the fire. It is time Linux walked on its own 2 feet and got a real job.

  20. 3 months ago

    >backpedaling and more name-calling

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