i feel like reading in a public space is very wrong and by public i mean someplace where there's other people not outside, i seems to me like its...

i feel like reading in a public space is very wrong and by public i mean someplace where there's other people not outside, i seems to me like its a huge pretentious sign advertising "hey look at me i read"
i m not sure why i get this feeling maybe its the people who "read" i have dealt with all have been pretentious morons or autism i don't know

anyone willing to explain or give me some affirmation

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  1. 2 years ago

    People just like reading/working/studying in cafes. Stop being a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      i think it depends where you are, i mean do you get bothered at people who read in a library
      coffee shops are one spot that it's commonplace, i guess i don't understand where exactly someone could read to seem pretentious but i'm not disagreeing with you

      i just think that way i don't really know why, i m trying to understand,
      also aren't coffee shops quite noisy so why would anyone want to do something that require focus there

      • 2 years ago

        >also aren't coffee shops quite noisy so why would anyone want to do something that require focus there
        The average person isn't ready gaylosophy or Hegel. The average book doesn't require that much concentration, and most people can block out the ambient chatter of a coffee shop. People in coffee shops aren't shouting or being loud.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a healthy dose of social chaos, just enough to not feel alone but not so much to feel overwhelmed. It's not as strict and sterile as a library where you might be hushed for squeaking a chair, but also not a clusterfrick where you can't hear the person two seats away like at a bar on a busy night.
        Also despite the pushback against office spaces and the like in labor when it comes to free time people like to be around other people and even do solo activities with other people close by. For most of human existence we have lived in small tight tribal groups and family units. It's just ingrained behavior.

  2. 2 years ago

    i think it depends where you are, i mean do you get bothered at people who read in a library
    coffee shops are one spot that it's commonplace, i guess i don't understand where exactly someone could read to seem pretentious but i'm not disagreeing with you

  3. 2 years ago

    >i m not sure why i get this feeling maybe its the people who "read" i have dealt with all have been pretentious morons or autism

    sounds like you are just insecure

  4. 2 years ago

    It depends on where you read. If you're at a club and reading that's out of place. If you're on a rollercoaster and reading, that's weird. If you're dining at a restaurant with friends and reading that's weird. If you're in the movie theatre reading that's weird. If you're at a concert reading that's weird.

    The majority of the time no one cares what you do, except for women or when you make a big show of reading. As an example, when I was in college I was eating at the food court. There was some dude eating and reading a book. No one cared. The only people that might've cared would've been some bored women saying "haha look at that guy eating alone and reading! I bet he wishes he could have sex with us, let alone get any sex at all!" But then this moron had an autism attack. He decided to slam his book shut as loud as he could and precipitously stand up from his chair. He then proclaimed in a stentorious voice
    He then looked around at the food court and sat back down.

    So unless your doing autistic shit like that, no one cares. I didn't even know that autist was in the food court or reading until he slammed his book shut and was at a table next to his.

    • 2 years ago

      Aside from his poor taste in reading material, your autist sounds based

  5. 2 years ago

    The reason I go out to read is because I’m too easily distracted at home.
    I don’t think people are going out “to be seen” like others seem to think.

  6. 2 years ago

    You see reading as something extremelly sophisticated while actually it's pretty mundane.

  7. 2 years ago

    But anon, I read everywhere if my time allows, especially waiting for something or when travelling. Also with a nice e-reader it's not that obvious that one is reading, one could be watching YouTube.

  8. 2 years ago

    then why do people take pictures of their book + coffee this is a very common thing on social media

    • 2 years ago

      woman moment

  9. 2 years ago

    When OP's asking for affirmation he's really asking people to make him feel better about the fact that he doesn't get any inherent reward out of books and so can only see reading as something people do to appear smart.

    • 2 years ago

      no homosexual you missed the whole point
      i didn't ask for it it was just another way of saying " hey do you agree with what i have said"
      frick off, anyone can write a book so i don't think reading inherently makes you smart

      • 2 years ago

        I don't understand how you can enjoy reading and at the same time think that other people can only have narcissistic ulterior motives for wanting to spend their leisure time reading a book.

        • 2 years ago

          >same time think that other people can only have narcissistic ulterior motives for wanting to spend their leisure time reading a book
          maybe, but its not that they are reading but that they go to these noisy places to read, its like they are not giving whatever they are reading which i assume they are enjoying it 100% of their focus so i think that they are getting some sort of satisfaction from presenting themselves as " hey look at me i m reading" despite many homosexuals in this thread who claim that " boohoo reading doesn't make you look smart " to 99% of normies it does, i don't think that way but it is what it is

          • 2 years ago

            >I read gaylosophy because I am gay
            You're autistic. I despite your pedantic approach to reading you still only read a book at most once and if you do reread it, it is not immediately after having finished it. Take your pedantry to reddit. It will be praised there.

          • 2 years ago

            >I despite your pedantic approach to reading
            >you still only read a book at most once and if you do reread it, it is not immediately after having finished it
            why are u so reluctant to admit that some people not all do it just for the looks before you start "go back xDD" stop strawmaning everything you fricking homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            I'm assuming you are OP.
            Why are you so autistic that you think everyone must read with 100% focus (like you think you do), and when they don't that they are pretending to read to appear smart. You're the definition of a pseud because you can't even entertain other possibilities without trying to affirm your """intellectual superiority""".

  10. 2 years ago

    >i m not sure why i get this feeling
    Because you're an overly self-conscious homosexual
    No one cares about you reading in public and if they did they'd be precisely the sort of person whose opinion you shouldn't care about

  11. 2 years ago

    People in this thread are shitting on you but I kind of get it. I've tried reading in cafes and shit before and I'm just like eh, this is ok, kinda noisy, easier to read at home. But people really do like the idea of themselves as sophisticated cool book nerds who read at a coffee shop uwu. That kind of turning your life into a story is common

    • 2 years ago

      they also miss the whole point of this thread i m not calling everyone who reads in coffee shops morons but i am saying that 90% of them are just doing it for the looks i even presented that the most common book pictures on social media are in a coffee shop with a coffee

      >i m not sure why i get this feeling
      Because you're an overly self-conscious homosexual
      No one cares about you reading in public and if they did they'd be precisely the sort of person whose opinion you shouldn't care about

      >Because you're an overly self-conscious homosexual
      what are you even talking about, do you want me to live inside my head and not notice my surrounding or are you that much of a brainlet that you assume that noticing something takes too much brainpower that i must be overly self-conscious

      • 2 years ago

        It's not about noticing it's about imagining things that aren't there, i.e. public opposition to your reading a book. No one cares.

        • 2 years ago

          except i m the public opposition in this fricking scenario did you even read the thread

          • 2 years ago

            No one cares.

      • 2 years ago

        >but i am saying that 90% of them are just doing it for the looks i even presented that the most common book pictures on social media are in a coffee shop with a coffee
        Woah, this totally means 90% of people pretend to read for attention. Let's not forget social media is integrated into people's lives, so god forbid someone post what they're doing in life, or god forbid they post about a book. I mean you use IQfy to discuss books, and odds are you are in the 90%, so you must use IQfy to pretend to read in an attempt to look smart.

        NO. You're an insecure homosexual trying to affirm your superiority.

        • 2 years ago

          >I mean you use IQfy to discuss books, and odds are you are in the 90%, so you must use IQfy to pretend to read in an attempt to look smart.
          except on 4chinz no one knows who am i your point is invalid
          >this totally means 90% of people pretend to read for attention
          90% of people who read in !!!! public places !!!! ( places filled with people not outside place ), yes totally, you made an entirely different statement than i did homosexual
          >You're an insecure homosexual trying to affirm your superiority.
          yes i need to affirm that these anonymous morons know that i m superior to other normal people.
          you are an actual moron

          • 2 years ago

            You can't even argue in good faith. Hit that HRT again troony.

  12. 2 years ago

    Some Anon said it in another thread but it's just reading as fashion. Great way to look at it.

  13. 2 years ago

    >i seems to me like its a huge pretentious sign advertising "hey look at me i read"

    With all due respect, you've got some kind of neurosis. For the most part, people read in public spaces because it's comfy. You drink your coffee and sink into the text. Or sit on a bus bench and read Thom Jones' "The Pugilist at Rest," as I did yesterday (and may have missed my bus because I was so engrossed (I'm not sure if the bus never came, or I missed it)).

  14. 2 years ago

    Do what you want man. There's other people who literally think a dude sucking a dude's dick is okay and you're getting all insecure about reading.

  15. 2 years ago

    >hey look at me i read"
    You'll be pleased to hear that nobody cares enough to think that much about what you're doing.

  16. 2 years ago

    >being on phone in public good
    >reading in public bad
    there's literally no difference and if you think that being on your phone in public is good because everyone else does youre probably just a conformist bugman

    • 2 years ago

      no one in this thread mentioned phones...

      • 2 years ago

        kek all the gays complaining about people reading in public probably use their phones in public. its a double standard.

        • 2 years ago

          >bro you don't like smoking weed you must love using heroin

    • 2 years ago

      no one in this thread mentioned phones...

      kek all the gays complaining about people reading in public probably use their phones in public. its a double standard.

      Just read books on your phone in public. Normies will think you're a zoomer normie smartphone zombie just like them. The neck pain you'll get 20 years later from staring down at your phone for hours on end is well worth it. Just so long as you aren't see as a non-normie in public, right?

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