I fell for the Linux meme, I downloaded Manjaro (xfce) and installed it.

I fell for the Linux meme, I downloaded Manjaro (xfce) and installed it. It was complicated to use, randomly crashed/froze and I could only get 1 game running (badly).

There is no simple way to install things that are simple in Windows, and now after an update I have been bricked out of my computer with nothing but a black screen. Now I have to reinstall Windows again.

If you want to have an unstable experience where you at best get to web browse then this is the operating system for you.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 months ago

    >Arch based distro
    Bro you're using a distro that's ran by morons based on a distro that's developed by communists who do less than the bare minimum. Just switch to Debian or Linux mint.

    • 2 months ago

      I got told Manjaro was the best for gaming, but then again I know next to nothing about this. I'll try those out at some point but in the meantime I'm staying on Windows.

      4/10 bait, don't show you're using a VM in the screenshot next time

      That's just a random image not mine, I'll give it a few pros:

      >very little ram usage
      >very fast although freezing randomly
      >lots of customability

      Those are the good sides, but the down sides outweigh the good sides for me.

      • 2 months ago

        Tell me how the gaming part goes, I actually want to drop windows completely, but debian packages are too old and microsoft office is too good

        • 2 months ago

          endevour os
          gaming is 95% fine if you exclude mandatory anticheat games which don't work. as for ms office yeah you're fricked

        • 2 months ago

          NTA, I have Manjaro XFCE, 5700X+6700XT and I can play almost anything with proton.
          Eu4, Elden ring, Helldivers 2, total war warhammer 3, out of the box basically.
          For some games i checked protondb for launch parameters, like ER and solved any issue.
          Combined with powerctrl for performance settings, stuff runs better than on Windows I feel.
          Never going back to Windows

        • 2 months ago

          Only Minecraft worked for me without crashing or being slow.

          NTA, I have Manjaro XFCE, 5700X+6700XT and I can play almost anything with proton.
          Eu4, Elden ring, Helldivers 2, total war warhammer 3, out of the box basically.
          For some games i checked protondb for launch parameters, like ER and solved any issue.
          Combined with powerctrl for performance settings, stuff runs better than on Windows I feel.
          Never going back to Windows

          I'm on nvidia gtx 1060 and kept getting driver problems, forgot to mention that as well.

          fricking morons. easily shittiest bait of the day and you took it like it was a piece of candy. fools!

          Bait? Sorry I'm not tech savvy enough, maybe if it were more stable and userfriendly I would be more than happy to switch. As of now though it's just not for people who just want to play games.

          And I don't want to type "sudo pacman" in a terminal each time I want to download something, I am not a coder, a hacker, or whatever and I don't need to memorize that shit neither do most people.

    • 2 months ago

      Tell me how the gaming part goes, I actually want to drop windows completely, but debian packages are too old and microsoft office is too good

      endevour os
      gaming is 95% fine if you exclude mandatory anticheat games which don't work. as for ms office yeah you're fricked

      NTA, I have Manjaro XFCE, 5700X+6700XT and I can play almost anything with proton.
      Eu4, Elden ring, Helldivers 2, total war warhammer 3, out of the box basically.
      For some games i checked protondb for launch parameters, like ER and solved any issue.
      Combined with powerctrl for performance settings, stuff runs better than on Windows I feel.
      Never going back to Windows

      fricking morons. easily shittiest bait of the day and you took it like it was a piece of candy. fools!

    • 2 months ago

      >mint or debian
      So the REAL linux is infact 5-10 years behind

      • 2 months ago

        Debian 12's kernel is from Dec 2022
        Mint's (Ubuntu) latest kernel is from Aug 2023

        This is why updooting is a mental illness, something that's not even 8 months old seems like it's a decade old.

  2. 2 months ago

    4/10 bait, don't show you're using a VM in the screenshot next time

    • 2 months ago

      Was also told xfce was the most lightweight DE as well.

  3. 2 months ago

    Why didn't you go with mint, the moron's linux distro?

  4. 2 months ago

    manjaro is shit whoever told you to get it is moronic. its literally broken shit.

  5. 2 months ago

    i hate technologically illiterate people so much its incredible

    go be vocal about things you dont understand elsewhere

  6. 2 months ago

    Yeah, uh no. Linux is not for people who game. I barely even use it for regular computer shit. moronic waste of a thread... I can't believe the jannies delete my shit and ban me for way more useful posts.

  7. 2 months ago

    best linux distro that just werkz for my gtx 960???? (non rolling release)

    • 2 months ago

      Most people haven't the slightest need for anything but Windows. Teentards evangelize it to imagine they're cool but youngbois are naturally foolish however technically capable. They cannot realize this because autspergies.

      Learning any OS enough to be useful requires several hundred hours if noob. Unless you like that stuff (not everyone needs to or should, the triggers incels with no life whose identity is an OS they do not contribute money or code to yet imagine they're striking a blow against some empire).

      Unless/until you're at sysadmin tier with Windows you've no real need for Linux except as a toy. If you don't instantly enjoy that toy drop it then do something else. I've run Linux since Corel Linux but I do not recommend it to others because gatekeeping is far better for the community than inviting the moronic and dealing with them demanding it be dumbed down.

      Best distro questions are best resolved for each user by trying them out which is very low effort and educational.
      If in doubt install Gentoo (not kidding).

  8. 2 months ago

    Works on my machine

  9. 2 months ago

    Manjaro is shit, I don't understand how it became (and remains) popular.
    >Arch with a desktop environment
    I get the appeal, fell for the meme a while back. Couldn't even update without throwing certificate errors. 10/10 great experience

  10. 2 months ago

    I’m sorry to hear about your frustrating experience with Manjaro Linux. It seems you’ve encountered several issues, from system crashes to difficulty installing software and games. Manjaro, like any operating system, can have its challenges, especially for those transitioning from Windows.

    For future reference, if you’re willing to give Linux another try, there are resources available to help troubleshoot common problems1234. The Manjaro community is quite active and often provides solutions to issues like the ones you’ve faced.

    As for reinstalling Windows, if your computer was previously running Windows, you should be able to reinstall it without needing a new product key. The key is typically embedded in the BIOS, and Windows setup should pick it up automatically once the installation is complete5. If you need to create a bootable Windows USB, there are guides available that can walk you through the process on Linux using tools like Ventoy6.

    Again, I apologize for the inconvenience you’ve experienced, and I hope your return to Windows goes smoothly. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

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