I fell in love for the first time with this properly impressive girl and she used to talk about The Bell Jar being the most influential source for her...

I fell in love for the first time with this properly impressive girl and she used to talk about The Bell Jar being the most influential source for her writing. Of course, being the cringe, obsessive, romanticist idiot I am, I walked into a book store and bought it last Saturday. She broke up with me a couple weeks ago because I was quite anxious going into the relationship due to past experiences with girls and it was definitely taking a toll on her. She was having trouble figuring out what she wanted to do with her life so our very mature talks about the future also fell through. Average late teen love cycle.

I'm still fascinated by her and trying to understand why she's so beautiful and impressive to me (I've known a lot of girls but I don't know how to process feeling this particular way about one, and coming to terms with the fact that it was also my fault she left), so for the first time in years I'm REALLY reading something. I'm about a chapter or two in and you can feel the dread of Sylvia Plath in this thing, it's wild.

I've kept myself nearly completely in the dark on purpose for a while because I was originally going to read my ex's copy. What can I expect for the rest of the read?

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  1. 8 months ago

    it's dark all the way through. really like her descriptions of the things happening around esther, very beautiful. if you know anything about sylvia plath the ending is very bittersweet and tore me up for a while

    • 8 months ago

      I definitely love the descriptions. It really conveys the cynical way Esther views the world, perfectly. It's a kind of writing that makes you feel shitty, but you can't deny it's beautiful.

      Unironically, read Schopenhauer's takes on women and realize that women are uglier and dumber than men and it's just your dick that makes you see anything special in that wench.

      Women are stupid and you're a homosexual

      You will never experience teen love.

      • 8 months ago

        Why do you put so much emphasis on teen love? Its really nothing much, ten years later you look back on it and maybe smile. Thats how it is for me at least, no more profound than other average teenage milestones like getting your liscence etc.
        Looking back, though it didnt seem so at the time, I think graduating high school is more poignant. Theres more poetry in milking the last moments you have with your childhood friends, really your childhood altogether, before everything changes in a permanent way, then there is in thinking you'll be together forever with some girl you out your dick in for the first time and will barely remember in 5 years

        • 8 months ago

          Teen love is the only love that exists. Sounds like you didn't really experience teen love. Everything past that first fall is transactional, logical, and pragmatic. All the romanticism is hollowed out and replaced by form and expectation. It's so much cheaper than the real thing it is an affront to compare the two. It is much more stable though. Lower highs and higher lows.

          • 8 months ago

            Based trips of truth

          • 8 months ago

            Based trips of truth

            based anons telling it like it is

          • 8 months ago

            Based trips of truth

            Love is also a conscious choice and deliberate action, not just an emotion. Many shameful, unfaithful, and selfish acts are done in the throes of strong emotion. Is this love?

            Passion is of course also a wonderful thing, but it must be nourished. I think many of you anons long for and romanticise these intense, fluctuating romances because of your own hang-ups having decided a telos, the argument coming after.

            In any case be kind to yourself in all things, good luck to you in your endeavours - romantic and otherwise.

            t. one perhaps older that has experienced the rapture and and recklessness of young love

          • 8 months ago

            I understand and agree. But anon might feel cheated that he has to contend with this temperate and disciplined love when their loved one had passion with all its mistakes with someone else.

          • 8 months ago

            Lol if you think teen love is the only love you've never experienced love as an adult. You dont have the emotional maturity to really process what love is - you cant really process it later in life because it makes no sense but you have the emotional maturity to truly appreciate the feeling.
            When you are a teenager you know nothing and assume everything. Love then is only special because its new. But compared to the love I feel for my wife now, its like reading an authors first works in their 20s compared to the masterworks they produced decades later

          • 8 months ago

            I could write a systematic takedown of this tired cope but I don’t care enough to. Nobody believes it so shut up oldgay.

        • 8 months ago

          Hell I don’t even look back and smile. I look back and cringe or get upset because I systemically ruined every relationship I ever had by being clueless or a spastic frick that didn’t understand how to act because all my father did was scream at me and beat my mom growing up. There were quite a few of them too, later on (and still to this day) I just ignore women most of the time because I’m still scared of fricking things up. One of them got married recently and I cried, I’m happy for them but the thought that that could have been me really blew.

  2. 8 months ago

    Unironically, read Schopenhauer's takes on women and realize that women are uglier and dumber than men and it's just your dick that makes you see anything special in that wench.

    • 8 months ago

      this post makes it seem like youre perhaps dealing with some repressed homosexual feelings. want to talk about them?

    • 8 months ago

      You're more sensitive than a woman.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate women but I won't read him because I will hate them in my own way and not using someone else's thoughts.

      • 8 months ago

        you don't have to believe in them if you read them

  3. 8 months ago

    Women are stupid and you're a homosexual

  4. 8 months ago

    Having sex with women is the gaygiest, gayest thing you could possibly do.

    I only frick ladyboys/femboys/trannies to show them, and the world, how much of a straight, red-blooded, alpha male I am.

  5. 8 months ago

    As a third worlder, I couldn't understand this book. Everything about it was terribly shallow. It's not exactly that I mind that though. I love Antonioni's movies and they are exactly about that. I guess my issue is that it tried to make me care about it instead of presenting itself in a detached and self mocking way. There's nothing tragic in it yet the book keeps trying to grant weight to something weightless. I think it's a book that only women and first worlders can appreciate.

    • 8 months ago

      i think the fact that there's nothing really tragic in the book to prompt esther's feelings speaks to a particular sense of ennui where even though things in your life are fine and by all means you should be happy, you just still feel like shit all the time. maybe this is a feeling endemic to first worlders, can't really speak to that

    • 8 months ago

      She was clinically depressed. It may be hard to sympathize with that for you, but clinical depression is a physical illness.

      • 8 months ago

        muh chemicals has been deboonked.

        Why do you put so much emphasis on teen love? Its really nothing much, ten years later you look back on it and maybe smile. Thats how it is for me at least, no more profound than other average teenage milestones like getting your liscence etc.
        Looking back, though it didnt seem so at the time, I think graduating high school is more poignant. Theres more poetry in milking the last moments you have with your childhood friends, really your childhood altogether, before everything changes in a permanent way, then there is in thinking you'll be together forever with some girl you out your dick in for the first time and will barely remember in 5 years

        I agree with the other anon. After early 20s everyone is being strategic about their dealings with the opposite sex. Having never experienced pure dumb love on your teens means you will never experience it, as you can't afford that carefreeness when there are expectations of you "not wasting women's time".

        • 8 months ago

          >muh chemicals
          It literally has not. Serotonin imbalance is still a major recognized cause of mood problems and likely is genetic in its root cause.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Sylvia Plath
    She has borderline personality disorder. It's like the inverted female version of autism (i.e. emotion instead of logic). Let this be a lesson to avoid BPD.

  7. 8 months ago

    A lot of females obsess over this book. It won't be difficult for you to find another one.

  8. 8 months ago

    It's for the best, relationships where the man is so fawning and star struck aren't good for anyone. You should find a girl you find endearing, not impressive, she should need you. This girl you're talking about doesn't need you, and she doesn't find you impressive enough for her standards, otherwise she wouldn't have left. But she might've found YOU endearing, cute and sincere, and little.
    Relationships like this makes men into floppy homosexuals like you who come onto IQfy to drool all over their keyboard writing a sticky, insincere post bragging about pathetic love.
    Seriously, been there, done that, she's too good for you, you're not a man yet. By the time you are you'll realize women are Big. Sexy. Children. and if you find a woman impressive or intimidating, it just goes to show how little you have to offer.
    Who would be impressed by a big sexy child? Only another child. A man would be endeared, and horny, and that, my friend, is true love.

  9. 8 months ago

    >I was quite anxious going into the relationship due to past experiences with girls and it was definitely taking a toll on her
    This homie literally trauma dumped on a girl because he believed the bullshit of "men should be more in touch with their emotions and be more emotionally vulnerable" that women spew.
    L M A O

  10. 8 months ago

    The relationship nihlism in this thread and negatively focusing on the very human, normal story of OP instead of the literature we're here for says a lot about why you're all still single and lonely.

    When you step out of your internet rotten brains and actually live you'll understand the books you love a lot better.

    Keep your head up OP, engage in whatever grief you're in but don't let it consume you. I always loved Ms. Plath's poetry.

  11. 8 months ago

    I’m going write to tell you that I am disgusted by your narcissism and self obsession. The actual cringe I feel reading this is quite upsetting to me. No stupid fricking teenager is having serious talks of the future.
    Sylvia Plath was a bipolar schizo and her little book offers no insight into anything worth An adult man’s time.

    >I’m fascinated with her
    >I’m coming to terms with the fact it’s all my fault she left
    >I can feeel Plath’s dread

    Yikes, don’t take yourself so seriously, loser. Chad from the football team is fricking that girl and he doesn’t give a shit about her garbage writing or thinking about tomorrow.

    Sorry kid, you’re not special and you’re kind of a self obsessed dweeb. That’s why she ‘left’ you. It’s teenage bs man. There’s nothing to come to terms with. It’s all just for fun

    • 8 months ago

      Where did you get the notion your cuckold fantasy would make for good life advice?

      • 8 months ago

        homie probably got it from IQfy, every modern "masculine" obsessed man thinks about it all the time. They're so obsessed with women and not being enough for them that they use it as fuel or something.

        It's literal fricking brainrot, real masculinity doesn't look like that shit lol.

      • 8 months ago

        I’m telling you the reality. It’s not a cuckold fantasy either.

        I’m the guy with the girl you like. I see it all the time. Sad little loser thinks he has a shot with the beautiful smart girl. Loves her ‘the right way’ in a ‘special’ way. Forms ‘a special bond’.

        It’s all bullshit man. You don’t even know her. I hate to say it but you need to learn this now. I’ve seen it over and over again. Little dweeb loser wants to get called up to the big leagues.

        It’s not ever going to happen. Reading her favorite story to connect with her is a load of shit. It’s not going to work. That book to her is just window dressing and it’s not even a comment meant to attract you at all. It’s meant to attract the 9/10 she knows. You just happened to hear it.

        Move on, maybe try the 4/10 and you’ll have a shot with your romantic shit. But for anyone 6/10 or higher? You’re the 5 guy that week ti fall in love with them

        • 8 months ago

          Lmao calm down bro. He clearly had more than a shot or else they wouldn’t have ever dated. He did fumble the ball obviously because he was acting too much like an emotional woman (he didn’t say but it’s most likely). It’s all about game and confident if you pass the initial stat check in the looks department.

          • 8 months ago

            I’d not consider it a shot. He’s got a whole novel written for his biography. ‘Oh wow is me, my father beat me, my mother was a victim and I am a victim too! Pity me fair maid! The conclusion of my tragedy is the romance of discussing thein favorite book!’

            She probably added him to her collection of toys and moved on, and there is literally nothing wrong with that. The only sad thing is the little fool thinking he’s the main character and his true love will come back to him

          • 8 months ago

            OP literally said “broken up” which means they were together and he had a chance, you’re only half right here. If he has better game and knows what to do he could have gotten way more. You’re making it sound like it’s hopeless despite making fun of him for painting a hopeless picture, obviously you’re just being nefarious here.

          • 8 months ago

            Broken up? Broken up from what?

            She had a two week fling with a loser.

            He was hopelessly in love and now his life is altered forever.

            There wasn’t a meeting of the minds as to what they were.

            I’m helping the guy.

            I understand and agree. But anon might feel cheated that he has to contend with this temperate and disciplined love when their loved one had passion with all its mistakes with someone else.

        • 8 months ago

          This is one of the gayest larps ive ever seem lmfao
          >nuthin personal, kid

  12. 8 months ago

    Get fricked loser. Your big tiddy IQfy gf is mine.

  13. 8 months ago

    You didn’t have a father growing up did you? The way you talk about being “impressed” with women is incredibly gay and buck broken.

    • 8 months ago

      Also that book is navelgazing trash

  14. 8 months ago

    >being the most influential source for her writing
    Her writing fricking sucks and will never be Plath

  15. 8 months ago

    I could probably get a gf, but I'm just so cynical and blackpilled that I would never be happy no matter what. I should write about this

  16. 8 months ago

    Not sure if this is bait. But The Bell Jar is obligatory reading for angsty, 20-something lit-females

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