I gave up.

>installed Lineage on my Pixel last Friday
>think it's so amazing and neat for a few days
>yesterday the novelty started to wear off
>now i'm noticing all the bugs and weird issues
>for example the bootloader can't be locked, the screenshot tool's cropping feature crashes every time, sometimes i don't get SMS messages, and currently the project is in a weird state and my phone hasn't received an update in like 3 weeks
With that all out of the way, what should I do now? Is Graphene still worth checking out or should I just go back to stock? I'm sick and tired of tinkering and dealing with all of these little compromises.

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  1. 2 months ago

    The only reason to buy Pixels is Graphene why are you wasting time with Lineage??

    • 2 months ago

      This is going to sound autistic as frick, but I felt like I didn't "need" Graphene. I wanted a mobile equivalent to Debian (long software support and stability) and Lineage seemed to match that description better. I also felt like I'd be overwhelmed with the amount of security-related settings.

      • 2 months ago

        >This is going to sound autistic as frick
        Nah, that's actually dialling back on the autism.

        I long time ago I discovered Nova Launcher, I've used it to keep the same UI between my last 3 phones especially during major OS version updates. My current phone ,being ~9 years old, works flawlessly with Lineage, but the "here have this 'new' phone as a gift" (some samsung thing, apparently it's quite good ? shrug ?) I got from a mate was not supported at all, I had to build the rom myself, and it's "janky" at best.

        I think over time the popularity of lineage hasn't helped, it used to be "I support these phones, and do it well", now it's bit hit and miss.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, it seems like that's the case. Just wasting resources on Xiaopongmejeet shitslabs from 8 years ago.

          The only two major drawbacks with GrapheneOS from my experience:
          1. The GPS privacy setting makes it way worse, at least in my experience. But you can turn that off and use the standard GPS setting that sends your nudes to George Soros or w/e
          2. You can't root.

          Overall I recommend it, especially now that android auto works.

          Okay, good to know.

          >installed lineage on my pixel 6a
          >just works
          op is a baiting homosexual

          Nope. Also I had to use a janky website to crop this image

      • 2 months ago

        I wouldn't worry too much anon. GrapheneOS works out of the box and even if you don't use profiles or the other stuff it's still miles better in comparison to stock or other OSes ("ROMs"). I basically use it like I would use stock but with all the built-in security/privay benefits

    • 2 months ago

      For me, I can't reverse the navigation buttons on Graphene.

      • 2 months ago

        Switch to Arabic, moron

  2. 2 months ago

    why is bootloader locking important on phones but nowhere else in consumerland

    • 2 months ago

      Because PCs grew organically and smartphone were forced into the market by a designing company. Everyone would laugh at you if you sold locked down PCs, well I guess the designing company does it still

  3. 2 months ago

    The only two major drawbacks with GrapheneOS from my experience:
    1. The GPS privacy setting makes it way worse, at least in my experience. But you can turn that off and use the standard GPS setting that sends your nudes to George Soros or w/e
    2. You can't root.

    Overall I recommend it, especially now that android auto works.

  4. 2 months ago

    >installed lineage on my pixel 6a
    >just works
    op is a baiting homosexual

  5. 2 months ago

    >my phone hasn't received an update in like 3 weeks

    do zoomers really?
    Need to updoot? huh

    • 2 months ago

      >shit doesnt work
      >y u need 2 updat
      kys moron

  6. 2 months ago

    >for example the bootloader can't be locked
    literal skill issue

    • 2 months ago

      You can, but they say its not necessary and may cause problems even

  7. 2 months ago


    but sadly lineageOS doesnt support my phone


    • 2 months ago

      rom gsi exists

    • 2 months ago

      which redmi note?
      they stopped supporting mine too but you can get ROMs from the wayback machine sometimes

      Yeah, it seems like that's the case. Just wasting resources on Xiaopongmejeet shitslabs from 8 years ago.
      Okay, good to know.
      Nope. Also I had to use a janky website to crop this image

      however, pretty sure all these phones are made in asia anyway, the pixel 6 is made in china too, just cut out the middleman
      do any serious computing on... a computer

  8. 2 months ago

    Why tf would you install Lineage when you have a Pixel that supports Graphene? Lineage is for poor people stuck on Samsung ewaste.

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