I have an IQ of 86 (IRL tested), I want to become smarter. What are some books for me?

I have an IQ of 86 (IRL tested), I want to become smarter. What are some books for me?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Are you usually happier than the average person?

    • 3 months ago

      I don’t know, I like to walk and it makes me feel better than when I don’t

      • 3 months ago

        Literally me.
        Anyway, as far as I know you cannot increase IQ, but that doesn't mean you can't learn and appreciate new things.
        Just read what seems interesting to you.
        And your IQ is still within the average, it's not that bad.

        • 3 months ago

          Unironically fix your sleep and diet and do cardio and your brain will work much better


        • 3 months ago

          I tested as gifted as a child, 140 and 141 later in life, and I’m a miserable mess.

          think this guy is on to something… if you pick one area of study and stick with it, on the regular, most days out of a week, week in week out, it will increase your ability to engage with the rest of life intellectually, also expand your vocabulary, etc… just make it something you enjoy so that sticking with it is something you look forward to.

        • 3 months ago

          How can that be true, that you can't increase your IQ, when your IQ is something that is based solely on how well you perform on the test, and when many people have increased their scores on subsequent, comparable tests?

          • 3 months ago

            Also, this. How can you claim that IQ can't be increased when you can get a better score by practicing with similar tests? (Btw I know that at least Jordan Peterson believes this as well, it's probably a widely held belief among IQ test advocates, but to me it seems to be an obviously incorrect stance.)

            Perhaps your IQ score can be increased by preparing for the test, but doing so is meaningless. IQ is just an (imperfect) proxy of your composite intelligence, which is genetically endowed and cannot be improved.

          • 3 months ago

            Studying to make the test easier is basically just cheating to improve your score, IQ is about what you can do unprepared, in order to actually be smarter you need to score a higher average on a whole different test.
            A proper IQ test factors in everything from time taken to life experience to determine what score to give based on your answers.

          • 3 months ago

            >Studying to make the test easier is basically just cheating to improve your score, IQ is about what you can do unprepared
            But how can you account for the fact that some people have hobbies/careers that already prepare them for the test in a significant way, giving them an advantage roughly equivalent to that of taking time to study for the test beforehand? (I do, however, think it has some amount of validity, as an indication of a person's cognitive capabilities at the moment but I don't see how it could be taken as an infallible evaluation of absolute cognitive ability)

          • 3 months ago

            You can't, ignore the anon you're replying to. One of the most heavily weighted subtests on the WAIS iq test is fricking vocabulary; I don't anyone with a lick of sense would argue that vocabulary size is inborn

          • 3 months ago

            Some IQ tests ask about your degree and adjust the score. But I don't think they are ever 100% accurate.

      • 3 months ago

        My IQ is 130, i also feel better when i walk anon.

  2. 3 months ago
  3. 3 months ago

    Reading books won't increase your IQ, but if you consistently read the hardest books you enjoy, you will get better at reading, and probably score higher on IQ tests, if you care about that.

  4. 3 months ago

    Books about logic. Maybe some introductions.

  5. 3 months ago

    Read whatever you want just please don't reproduce

    • 3 months ago

      It's over anon, 86 yourself

      There's more to life than IQ.

      • 3 months ago

        Tell that to OP

      • 3 months ago

        There is nothing more important but I also think that IQ tests are pretty bad. I looked some docu were they found some homeless moron and said he is high IQ because he can solve puzzles in their test.

        • 3 months ago

          There's so much that's more important. I pity anyone foolish enough to actually think IQ is the most important thing.

  6. 3 months ago

    What's a good online IQ test?

    • 3 months ago

      They're all fake and give you a bs score. Or you do the whole thing only to find out at the end that you have to pay and sign up with your email to see the results. Total bullshit.

  7. 3 months ago

    What books do you like?

  8. 3 months ago

    It's over anon, 86 yourself

  9. 3 months ago

    The Holy Bible. God can literally make you smarter.

  10. 3 months ago

    it's not a race

  11. 3 months ago

    >Life that is dumber than humans reproduce just fine for billions of years
    >Life that is dumber than humans will continue to reproduce for billions of years after the end of humanity.
    >Nuh-uh you can't reproduce bevause test says you have low numbers.
    IQtards are legit moronic. Intelligence is hardly a positive selection.

    • 3 months ago

      > Life that is dumber than humans can live just fine without humans
      > Dumb humans live parasitically of the work of normal humans
      > Norman humans destroy parasites
      > Nuh-uh noo you ebil eugenicis fashis why you create suffern

      • 3 months ago

        >implying that high iq people aren’t parasites

  12. 3 months ago

    IQ means absolutely nothing. For every gifted, successful, genius, there are dozens of “he had so much potential” guys who are unsuccessful in life

  13. 3 months ago

    >he didn’t study for the iq test

    • 3 months ago

      Literally me.
      Anyway, as far as I know you cannot increase IQ, but that doesn't mean you can't learn and appreciate new things.
      Just read what seems interesting to you.
      And your IQ is still within the average, it's not that bad.

      Also, this. How can you claim that IQ can't be increased when you can get a better score by practicing with similar tests? (Btw I know that at least Jordan Peterson believes this as well, it's probably a widely held belief among IQ test advocates, but to me it seems to be an obviously incorrect stance.)

  14. 3 months ago

    Unironically fix your sleep and diet and do cardio and your brain will work much better

    • 3 months ago

      Not to say that this isn’t true, but I think Einstein would still be Einstein if he only ate processed foods

      • 3 months ago

        He would have remained a genius, but definitely not as much as he actually was. More importantly, he would not be able to utilize his intelligence as well as he did.
        It's almost impossible to think clearly, be organized and motivated when your health and sleep is bad.

  15. 3 months ago

    Do you have mental health issues? Depression stunts your intelligence for example. You can get it back by curing it.

    • 3 months ago

      How to cure depression?

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          True dat 🙂

  16. 3 months ago

    he cute

  17. 3 months ago

    You absolutely don't have an 86 IQ, you express yourself too well and are self-aware.

  18. 3 months ago

    People forget that 100 is the median IQ. Half of everyone you know is below 100, OP. It's not that bad.

    • 3 months ago

      If IQ is genetic and I'm a few standard deviations above average then what's the chance that my extended family is <100?

      • 3 months ago

        It isn’t entirely genetic. Environment plays a substantial role. I suspect that chemicals in the womb or something are why I am like this because most people on both sides of my family are handicapped in some way. My father’s paternal cousin from his dad’s brother was an actual low functioning autistic like the kind that smashed her head against the wall and couldn’t spell her own name.

        • 3 months ago

          Well, one of the most important things to know about intelligence is that on some level everyone is basically moronic. The problems people deal with in society, science, and work are often so complex that nobody can solve them in their head. Instead, they use 'thinking tools' to help them, things like math and logic. This allows you to reason on paper. It lowers the requirement for your memory and processing power.

          For example, imagine multiplying 23466 * 54337. I bet you can't do this in your head, but with a pen and paper you can solve it.
          The are many other 'thinking tools' like this. Usually a lot of what you learn when you study a field of science is learning about those tools. Physics, chemistry, biology etc are all full of rules and shorthands to make it easier to think about these complex problems.

          The downside of low IQ with these tools is speed and remembering to use them at the appropriate time. Your awareness clearly indicates that the latter isn't that much of a problem for you. The former might be.

          You have to remember that you can break most problems down into easier problems, but that usually requires a lot more memory. Therefore you need to use something like pen & paper to augment your memory.

          I would suggest trying to learn programming. The very basics are difficult, but they instill a type of thinking into a person that allows them to reason over things that are too complex for anyone. I suggest starting with some (online) university course for Python or JavaScript. But remember, programming is hard. Everyone struggles with it and everyone makes stupid mistakes with it. Try to set yourself a simple goal such as "I want to make a tic-tac-toe game" and learn enough programming to accomplish that. Then pick a new goal.

          I think this would be a decent starting point to try to improve your reasoning capabilities. I personally learned to program and it has definitely affected the way I think about everything. More than anything else.

          Good luck.

  19. 3 months ago

    OP completely forgot he made the thread

  20. 3 months ago

    the midwit parades only when he's been affirmed by midwits elevating himself above them while their pretense of not thinking the same is taken candidly by the midwit, this degenerate scum should be wiped off
    you are better off as such and in terms of improving your ze IQ scorze, put your care elsewhere and wait for reroll

  21. 3 months ago

    IQ is bullshit, however the advice I would give to anyone would be to learn an instrument and continue to socialize and meet people

  22. 3 months ago

    Try fasting.

  23. 3 months ago

    You're smart enough to know you can get smarter. You're going to be alright.

  24. 3 months ago

    If you can cross this barrier, it's not fully over.

  25. 3 months ago

    You should enjoy being low IQ. You are more likely to be happy than a high IQ person.

  26. 3 months ago

    stop taking your medication and retry the test.
    good luck.

  27. 3 months ago

    You can't. Read books that help you deal with that.

  28. 3 months ago

    >i want to improve
    Remember that a marching ant travels a greater distance than a sleeping ox. Pick an area that interests you and if you truly desire it you can become one of the smartest people on that subject. Knowledge= Time spent learning*IQ
    Most people dont like to spend their time learning , so you can easily catch up if you put your mind to it.

  29. 3 months ago


  30. 3 months ago


  31. 3 months ago

    Sometimes it could also be that one feels groggy when taking tests and if so then you should get a coffee/redbull or something and try again.

  32. 3 months ago

    Srimad Bhagavatam, Essential Rene Guenon, Wittegenstein, the phenomenologists, Nagarjuna.
    If you get any of these books you are above no matter what.

  33. 3 months ago

    I can smell the low IQ smooth brains emitting out of this thread.

  34. 3 months ago

    play vidya

  35. 3 months ago

    >The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge

  36. 3 months ago

    I have an IQ over 150 (tested in childhood). You don't want to become smarter. It's a curse.

    • 3 months ago

      > You don't want to become smarter. It's a curse.
      Its only a curse if you are stuck as a wagie and have to partake in society

      • 3 months ago

        This world is hostile to nuance at each and every possible level. Everywhere I look is a black hole spiraling down into deeper and ever-deeper layers of nuance terminating in a cosmic, quantum uncertainty undergirding a peeling veneer of order... and no one else can see it or cares to examine anything but surface-level appearances. It's a curse because intelligence is little more than a parlor trick that's less fun at parties (not that I can handle going to them). Above all, it's the crushing realization that no matter how long I spend learning and thinking, I'll never even half-understand more than a tiny little subset of all knowledge; I will die knowing next to nothing more than I was born knowing. Avoid being smart at all costs. Intellect is not a refuge — it's a bottomless pit of self-reflexivity in which only despair lurks.

        • 3 months ago

          >This world is hostile to nuance at each and every possible level...
          Projection. Your senses only provide neutral information about the world, while your mind try to make sense of it. You need to break down your preconceived notions and try rebuilding a more realistic perception of reality.
          If you are talking about society favoring the simplicity over nuance, then I already told you to not participate in it.
          Words are an inadequate communication form and one can illustrate glimpses of the Truth with them. So stop thinking purely rationally and try to engage with your intellectual intuition

          > Above all, it's the crushing realization that no matter how long I spend learning and thinking, I'll never even half-understand more than a tiny little subset of all knowledge; I will die knowing next to nothing more than I was born knowing.
          Bruh Im 30 and I already feel I have learned everything about this world. Once you understand the essentials you can easily figure out the details, e.g if you understand primary colors then you automatically know all the infinite combinations. I understand genetics, philosophy and war. From these I understand the human condition and everything you can derive from it.

          >Avoid being smart at all costs. Intellect is not a refuge — it's a bottomless pit of self-reflexivity in which only despair lurks.
          Thats your ego talking. Its full of conceit. Tame it by cultivating your soul and find peace in virtue.

          • 3 months ago

            What does it even mean to understand philosophy? Philosophy isn't solved, there is substantial disagreement between philosophers. You sound a bit too sure of your knowledge.

          • 3 months ago

            >What does it even mean to understand philosophy? Philosophy isn't solved, there is substantial disagreement between philosophers.
            By philosophy, I of course mean Ethics since its the most important discipline. Sure philosophers disagree constantly about 'why' (Metaphysics, Epistemology etc) but all the greats are in alignment on what (Ethics). Philosophy is a lifestyle and questions about 'why' can never by solved on a rational plane i.e through words. Your innate intellectual intuition /supra rationality /Nous /whatever you wanna call, it is like a sun covered by the clouds of your ego. Tame your ego, let go of vainglory, ambition and other materialistic pursuits, so your sun can shine unimpeded and thus free yourself from the darkness and see Truth clearly.

            >You sound a bit too sure of your knowledge.
            Heh, Im only 99% sure of all my knowledge. Without a constant 1% doubt, you cant think critically. Intelligence requires humbleness. Im ready to forsake any position if new arguments or evidence illuminates higher ground.
            But words are just words. Its all for fun anyway

            Plato's Phaedrus
            Socrates: But he who thinks that in the written word there is necessarily much which is not serious, and that neither poetry nor prose, spoken or written, is of any great value, if, like the compositions of the rhapsodes, they are only recited in order to be believed, and not with any view to criticism or instruction; and who thinks that even the best of writings are but a reminiscence of what we know, and that only in principles of justice and goodness and nobility taught and communicated orally for the sake of instruction and graven in the soul, which is the true way of writing, is there clearness and perfection and seriousness, and that such principles are a man's own and his legitimate offspring;-being, in the first place, the word which he finds in his own bosom; secondly, the brethren and descendants and relations of his others;-and who cares for them and no others-this is the right sort of man; and you and I, Phaedrus, would pray that we may become like him.

          • 3 months ago

            >Tame your ego, let go of vainglory, ambition and other materialistic pursuits, so your sun can shine unimpeded and thus free yourself from the darkness and see Truth clearly.

            Listen to the fricker, lad. This one has found out how stay away from the abyss . . .

        • 3 months ago

          That's not due to intelligence, but due to your temperament. There is a difference.

  37. 3 months ago

    your life is a BLISS otherwise you won't be able to unsee the horrors . . .

  38. 3 months ago

    To be honest, IQ doesn't matter at all if you are capable of doing something revolutionary or having success. There are some people who have low IQs who are famous too. So therefore, you shouldn't worry, and to gain more intelligence, you have to read more, study, and discover. Maybe you should practice first before taking a test.

  39. 3 months ago

    Take comfort in the fact that your IQ is still higher than the IQ of the average Black person

  40. 3 months ago

    1. Get a revolver
    2. Load one bullet into a chamber
    3. Play Russian roulette while you sit in a corner with a dunce cap on your head

  41. 3 months ago

    Did u do tests online and how much are they different from 86?

  42. 3 months ago

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