I just don't understand why people love Plex so much

I just don't understand why people love Plex so much

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  1. 1 month ago

    It's a slick front-end to watch all the pirated content on your PC in the living room.

    • 1 month ago

      This. It's really very useful for that purpose although I would try to use jellyfin instead because I'm a freetard.

    • 1 month ago

      Do people really collect movies? I just delete them after watching. Its a lot of storage for 20-60gb per movie just to "have it" in case you want to rewatch it.

      • 1 month ago

        Something like the Criterion collection is worth having, but modern stuff is disposable.
        If you're strapped for storage you can convert the films to AV1 to save space.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah tbhngl you could just redownload it if you ever wanted to watch it again
        torrenting really is just a public cloud lol

      • 1 month ago

        lots of private torrent trackers will give you "bonus points" or whatever for seeding your downloads for a long time. this allows you to be able to "afford" more downloads easier.
        my friend bought an 8tb hdd for media, so why even spend the time deleting?

      • 1 month ago

        I hold on to some, but with 4K files being as big as they are I do delete things I don't plan on revisiting.

        You're not wrong, but plex or jellyfin is just one part of the workflow, you should have radarr and sonarr running to find the shows and movies you want and also upgrade their quality when possible. It is then neatly presented in your library frontend, from which you can still delete it after watching.

        I'm on a private DDL forum, I don't need to bother with bittorrent... something to keep in mind should the need arise, though.

        • 1 month ago

          >I'm on a private DDL forum, I don't need to bother with bittorrent... something to keep in mind should the need arise, though.
          You can use radarr/sonarr with usenet and also a lot of private trackers.

          • 1 month ago

            >>I'm on a private DDL forum, I don't need to bother with bittorrent.
            >still needing to manually visit download sites
            couldn't be me, that's some 2020 shit right there

            That sounds great if you're watching a lot of the latest slop, but it wouldn't be very useful with my viewing habits.

        • 1 month ago

          >>I'm on a private DDL forum, I don't need to bother with bittorrent.
          >still needing to manually visit download sites
          couldn't be me, that's some 2020 shit right there

      • 1 month ago

        >20-60gb per movie
        ive found the problem

        • 1 month ago

          I can't be bothered with encodes these days space is just an easier to solve issue than trying to get the best encode

      • 1 month ago

        I collect movies. I like to collect trash, exploitation, horror, gore, etc. I'm using 30 of 44 TB of space. You know episodes of The Last Drive In will disappear if Shudder loses a movie. Also, how else am I going to randomize episodes of Star Trek?

      • 1 month ago

        >20-60gb per movie
        The frick are you even on about? A 1080p movie should be like 2-5gb.

        I can't be bothered with encodes these days space is just an easier to solve issue than trying to get the best encode

        This doesn't even make sense though, you have to go out of your way to find larger files vs smaller ones. Smaller ones are ALWAYS the most seeded because morons and zoomers don't give a shit about quality.

        is it even worth it if you live in burgerland? you have to use a VPN. I've seen a lot about seedboxes, so I assume people don't seed from their home networks. this is about public trackers of course.

        You're already using a vpn so not seeding is just being an butthole piece of shit.

        • 1 month ago

          >, you have to go out of your way to find larger files vs smaller ones
          I don't though
          I just set radarr to get the remux from PTP
          this was all set up many years ago

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well then you're just moronic, there's no reason to be downloading remux's of the majority of movies. Unless it's a special release that was done well or a 4k film you should just get a regular file, dumbass.

            >Why would it make it harder
            If I wanted to watch 5th Element but I didn't know if you had it in 4k or not, I'd need to either search both libraries or use the search. Seems annoying.
            >4k copy on a smaller screen

            My 4k film library fits on one screen it's less than 40 movies. You don't have to search for anything. Also if you type in a movie it says the location of the file so again, it's no issue. Also why the frick would you transcode 4k movies to 1080 or less. Pic rel.

    • 1 month ago

      You're not wrong, but plex or jellyfin is just one part of the workflow, you should have radarr and sonarr running to find the shows and movies you want and also upgrade their quality when possible. It is then neatly presented in your library frontend, from which you can still delete it after watching.

  2. 1 month ago

    it makes them stand out
    also because "the cloud" is really epic (even though they need to have hard drives)

  3. 1 month ago

    >30+TB of media
    Honestly, it's because I don't like fenagling things when I want to sit down and watch a movie or a series when I go to bed. I tried jellyfin and Kodi and both just were not nearly as "set it and forget it". The big con to Plex is that you have to communicate with Plex servers to use it, but it also means nobody is directly connecting to my own media pc, I share my library with everybody because frick Netflix.

    Plexamp is a nice bonus.

    • 1 month ago

      See, I found it to be the other way around, but I'm willing to chalk that up to a strong familiarity with kodi/xbmc vs plex. Kodi, once you have it set up, is just an easier front end to use and add content to, the scrapers tend to work better and feel easier to correct if they grab the wrong metadata, and I just prefer having local libraries over having to connect my stuff to a network for streaming. It's all down to personal preference. Jellyfin seemed pretty good, but I couldn't wrap my head around the UI for some stupid reason.

    • 1 month ago

      >jellyfin and Kodi and both just were not nearly as "set it and forget it".

  4. 1 month ago

    just use jellyfin Black folk there's literally 0 reason to use this dogshit

    • 1 month ago

      mind reading my post?

      it does everything i want it to. whats not to like?
      didnt work as well as plex for me nor the friends i have on my plex. im into tech so i have no problem just watching shit on my pc but they are moronic so they use smart tv apps. 2 different friends with two different tv manufacturers both said the jellyfin app on their tv was shit. also i couldnt get hardware acceleration to work. yes its likely a skill issue but plex is a simple click. tl dr plex is easier to use and has better support at least seemingly for smart tv apps

      if you or someone else can help me get jellyfin working correctly id have no problem trying it again but every time ive tried it including recently it just does not work as intended whereas plex just werks

      • 1 month ago

        just use jellyfin Black folk there's literally 0 reason to use this dogshit

        Jellyfin does indeed mog Plex. Although, it's not as widely supported on TV's, so I have Plex setup alongside it just in case. Hardware acceleration isn't that hard to use for Jellyfin. Just add your card, and select the allowed encoders in the options. You can check the ffmpeg logs to see if it's working.
        >Verification not required.

        • 1 month ago

          >Hardware acceleration isn't that hard to use for Jellyfin. Just add your card, and select the allowed encoders in the options
          it either wasnt seeing it or sometimes when it did see it it would ignore me and just still just use the igpu. perhaps because i was on a laptop? idk . laptop had intel igpu and nvidia 970 mobile and plex recognized everything no problem

          i also am having more issues now since that laptop ran windows. i now have a dedicated server/torrent machine and im using linux on it. im a linux beginner. installing plex took more work/troubleshooting than windows and even when i finally got it to work it couldnt go deeper than one level in the directory my media is in. i had tinker more and ended up fixing it it had something to do with permissions. the first like three tutorials i saw all had different commands to try, none of them worked. it eventually fixed itself somehow. now with jellyfin im having the same issue but nothing is fixing it im trying all the same things i tried when plex was doing it but nothing is working. ive even asked in hsg and friendly linux thread but everything people tell me to try doesnt work

          • 1 month ago

            If it can't find directories then yeah it's likely a permissions thing, and may also depend on how how Jellyfin setup, as a container or native. Most people here are chuds, so I'd try IRC or their Discord to see what's going on, they've been pretty helpful to me in the past.

            Also, if you're going for the self hosted pirates media server meme, my recommended stack is:
            Jellyfin/Plex - Radarr & Sonarr & Prowlarr - Qbittorrent - Sabnzbd (if you use nzb as well)
            This is a pretty badass setup, all the piracy is automated so it will automatically find torrents/nzbs for you

          • 1 month ago

            picrel is what it looks like. all my shit is in media/user/nameofinternalharddrive but it cant go past media/user. def a permissions issue but i cant figure it out

            >as a container or native
            i just installed it on the machine im too stupid for something like docker
            >Radarr & Sonarr & Prowlarr
            they sound so interesting but im lazy idk maybe ill try them just without docker dockler sounds too hard
            > Sabnzbd (if you use nzb as well)
            i dont know what either of those are and yes i am a qbitorrent enjoyer

          • 1 month ago

            Check what user, group, and permissions the /media/user folder has, and check the same for all the subdirs within that path. Compare that against whatever user/group the Jellyfin process is running as to see where things are going wrong.

          • 1 month ago

            Why are permissions on Linux so fricking wonky?

          • 1 month ago

            the whole point of linux is that its convoluted. its a feature. i wish i were joking

          • 1 month ago

            2 options. You can meddle with permissions or you can just mount the drive somewhere else like your home directory. I'd highly suggest the second one because you don't know how permissions work. Also install GNOME disk manager and take ownership of your disk if you haven't already.

          • 1 month ago

            i have a lot of stuff on the drive. terabytes worth. sounds like mounting it elsewhere might be messy?

          • 1 month ago

            Mounting a disk is easy. Install GNOME disk utility and change mount settings there. Or you can do it by hand. Look up the mount command.

          • 1 month ago

            already have gparted can i use that

            nope just new to linux you gays wonder why people stick with windows when anytime someone asks for the slightest bit of linux help they get shunned kek

          • 1 month ago

            No. Mounting a disk is different from formatting. Mounting literally means you're putting the disk folder somewhere. You can mount the disk to your home directory without touching the data. For example, mount /dev/sdX /home/user/movies. This will make a "movies" folder to your home and you'll be able to use your disk there. Your default is /media so it mounts the disk there. Read a tutorial on how to use mount or just use GNOME disk utility. There's a feature that lets you take ownership of a disk if you haven't already. Also you can ask


            for more help.

          • 1 month ago

            thank you

          • 1 month ago

            Back on my PC. I wanted to show you what to do exactly. Open up GNOME disk utility and select your drive and partition. Press the settings button and press "Take Ownership". Enable recursive mode and proceed. After that, go to settings again and press "Edit Mount Options". There, disable User Session Defaults, enable "Mount at system startup" and change the Mount Point. This is the easiest way. Of course you can edit /etc/fstab directly but I wouldn't recommend it if you're not experienced. With this, you should be good to go. I personally mount my disks at /mnt but it's up to you.

          • 1 month ago

            if your server is already on linux you are just doing clownshit not setting up sonarr/radarr and dockerizing all that shit

          • 1 month ago

            it takes less than five minutes (i timed it) to fully set up a completely automated syste. with docker-compose for all the *arrs, jacket, jellyfin, etc
            maybe 30 minutes if you follow the trashguides for sonarr to get anime working better

          • 1 month ago

            Docker is made for dumb people
            >t. dumbass who learned docker in a few days

          • 1 month ago

            >im too stupid for something like docker
            whats hard about downloading a file (docker-compose.yml) and typing "docker-compose up -d" ? thats literally 100% of the steps

          • 1 month ago

            And yet all the distributed *arr configurations frick up the most basic thing, by having multiple mounts (usually a Donwloads/, a TV/ and a Movies/)

          • 1 month ago

            how is this an issue? mine does this and i've had no problems whatsoever in three years
            is it a security thing?

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, it's just that the *arrs are all programmed to support hard links, and having separate mounts prevent that from working. From the PoV of an OS inside a container, different mounts are always different file systems. So you're making copies of all your shows and films for nothing. Whereas if you use a single mount, it will just create a hard link. The file will keep existing as long as it exists either for your torrent client or your *arr.

          • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Tv apps for jellyfin are getting better. WebOS is getting an official app for instance.

    • 1 month ago

      I tried both, it's really not good. Plex is just better.

      • 1 month ago

        >set it up
        What is there to be "good" about it?

        • 1 month ago

          Jellyfin didn't handle rendered (.ASS) subtitles well (in fact it didn't display them at all for me). Since a lot of anime fansubs depend on these, it's a no-go for me.

          • 1 month ago

            ??? Jellyfin handles it fine.

    • 1 month ago

      I've heard the smart tv app for Jellyfin sucks

    • 1 month ago


      I just don't understand why people love Plex so much

      For me it’s
      >Screencast to TV with an app like Steam Link.
      >Now I can play games and watch movies ad-free with minimal latency.
      >Can also run upscaled content.

      Something like Steam Link takes like 5 secs to set up so idk why people bother with these ghetto streaming apps rather than just screen casting their shit.

  5. 1 month ago

    it does everything i want it to. whats not to like?
    didnt work as well as plex for me nor the friends i have on my plex. im into tech so i have no problem just watching shit on my pc but they are moronic so they use smart tv apps. 2 different friends with two different tv manufacturers both said the jellyfin app on their tv was shit. also i couldnt get hardware acceleration to work. yes its likely a skill issue but plex is a simple click. tl dr plex is easier to use and has better support at least seemingly for smart tv apps

    • 1 month ago

      >smart tv

      you are using the dogshit tv operating system? just buy a tv stick and install the jellyfin apk Black person

      • 1 month ago

        you didnt read my post. i use my pc. my friends who are on my plex server use the tv apps and jellyfin apparently has shitty apps. never tried them myself. also i have more problems with jellyfin, read

        >Hardware acceleration isn't that hard to use for Jellyfin. Just add your card, and select the allowed encoders in the options
        it either wasnt seeing it or sometimes when it did see it it would ignore me and just still just use the igpu. perhaps because i was on a laptop? idk . laptop had intel igpu and nvidia 970 mobile and plex recognized everything no problem

        i also am having more issues now since that laptop ran windows. i now have a dedicated server/torrent machine and im using linux on it. im a linux beginner. installing plex took more work/troubleshooting than windows and even when i finally got it to work it couldnt go deeper than one level in the directory my media is in. i had tinker more and ended up fixing it it had something to do with permissions. the first like three tutorials i saw all had different commands to try, none of them worked. it eventually fixed itself somehow. now with jellyfin im having the same issue but nothing is fixing it im trying all the same things i tried when plex was doing it but nothing is working. ive even asked in hsg and friendly linux thread but everything people tell me to try doesnt work

        try to actually read this time

    • 1 month ago

      >yes its likely a skill issue but plex is a simple click
      On Jellyfin it is also a simple click. Filtered. NEXT

  6. 1 month ago

    I prefer Emby

  7. 1 month ago

    there's nothing even close to the plexamp

  8. 1 month ago

    Why wouldn't I? I have 40TB of content that me and my friends and family all share easily on all of our devices.

    The only thing I hate right now is that none of the "tv tuner" add-ons like dizquetv/ersatztv etc. seem to be capable of giving me my custom [as] channel I'm trying to build because they try to transcode every god damn file/bump and shit and my old cpu can't handle that and it won't use the gpu and buffer everything ahead of time properly.

    If someone could actually make that plugin and let it direct play everything without transcoding or if it wanted to transcode for fricking logo stamps and shit it at least easily used nvenc properly and gave you a long window of buffer ahead of what's playing that would be a fricking miracle.

    Plex itself though is great.

    • 1 month ago


      >30+TB of media
      Honestly, it's because I don't like fenagling things when I want to sit down and watch a movie or a series when I go to bed. I tried jellyfin and Kodi and both just were not nearly as "set it and forget it". The big con to Plex is that you have to communicate with Plex servers to use it, but it also means nobody is directly connecting to my own media pc, I share my library with everybody because frick Netflix.

      Plexamp is a nice bonus.

      >30+TB of media
      not only do i call bullshit, i think these are samegay

      • 1 month ago

        Sorry, it's 35.7TB* to be exact and not 40. I'm also missing a bunch of stuff still.

        • 1 month ago

          all of that looks like slop but adult swim bumps is cool

          • 1 month ago

            There's no way to tell when it's literally just showing 3 recently added lol

          • 1 month ago

            like i said everything shown is slop

        • 1 month ago

          >30+TB of media
          not only do i call bullshit, i think these are samegay

          Based, clocking in at 24tb here, 54tb usable

          • 1 month ago

            For me and my friends/family? Yeah.

            Personally, I watch a lot of TV while working because I WFH. There's also generally just a lot of tv shows that exist and a bunch of them went for a shit ton of seasons.

            That's a lot of TV shows, I only have about 8TB of media but half of that is anime with most of the other half being Movies, is there really that many worth watching TV series?

            Sorry, it's 35.7TB* to be exact and not 40. I'm also missing a bunch of stuff still.

            imagine being proud of being a hoarder. gluttony for gluttony sake is moronation.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't mind being a data hoarder, it's fairly inoffensive and nothing like being a physical hoarder and I have made use of it plenty whether it's rewatching, rewatching with someone or letting them watch a show on my server

          • 1 month ago

            Hoarding implies that there is no purpose or use and it's just sealed up in a room or some shit. My server is active and used all day every day from multiple people. Quite literally the opposite moron.

          • 1 month ago

            so u just gonna seethe ITT all day

        • 1 month ago

          Why did you block out the Porn library

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            It's not porn, it's the announcement images I use to let people know about things going on with the server. It had the name of my server and text in images so I didn't want to share it.

            Most of my porn is on my main PC or a USB stick directly into the back of my TV 🙂

        • 1 month ago

          Impressive. What's your HDD structure, RAID?
          I'm just about to hit 16TB and I have two 16TB drives that are mirrored. Not sure where to go from here.
          I will probably get two more 16TB drives and run RAID4 or 5 but I don't know how to build the setup and get all my media on there without having a drive left over.

          • 1 month ago

            No structure, I just buy and add space as needed. I wish I had a second server for backup of everything but it's too expensive so I just pay for a backblaze backup incase a drive fails.

            Why split 4k into its own library? Doesn't that make it harder to find things?

            No, why would it make it harder to find something? It makes it easier to not accidentally watch a 4k copy of a movie on a smaller screen though.

          • 1 month ago

            >Why would it make it harder
            If I wanted to watch 5th Element but I didn't know if you had it in 4k or not, I'd need to either search both libraries or use the search. Seems annoying.
            >4k copy on a smaller screen

          • 1 month ago

            >4k transcode

          • 4 weeks ago

            raid 5 works with three or more drives, you can use mdadm or whatever to build it
            building an array will wipe the drives so make sure you backup
            t. 64tb raid 6

      • 1 month ago

        Sorry, it's 35.7TB* to be exact and not 40. I'm also missing a bunch of stuff still.

        That's a lot of TV shows, I only have about 8TB of media but half of that is anime with most of the other half being Movies, is there really that many worth watching TV series?

        • 1 month ago

          For me and my friends/family? Yeah.

          Personally, I watch a lot of TV while working because I WFH. There's also generally just a lot of tv shows that exist and a bunch of them went for a shit ton of seasons.

      • 1 month ago

        not either of those anons but I have just over 40TiB of mrdia, mostly anime and movies as I hardly watch TV shows
        excuse the lack of running services and empty drives, i've just migrated to OMV so i've gotta set everything back up

      • 1 month ago

        dumbass zoomer

      • 1 month ago

        Way to out yourself as poor

        • 1 month ago

          They didn't mention it from cost though, they could just be moronic and think that's actually a large amount of media like most zoomers do since they only download subpar 1gb files and shit with terrible encoding and bitrates.

      • 1 month ago

        I also have quite a lot, and have been adding to it

        >30+TB of media
        Honestly, it's because I don't like fenagling things when I want to sit down and watch a movie or a series when I go to bed. I tried jellyfin and Kodi and both just were not nearly as "set it and forget it". The big con to Plex is that you have to communicate with Plex servers to use it, but it also means nobody is directly connecting to my own media pc, I share my library with everybody because frick Netflix.

        Plexamp is a nice bonus.

        Plexamp is really nice, happy I got the lifetime premium when it was on sale


        I just don't understand why people love Plex so much

        just use jellyfin Black folk there's literally 0 reason to use this dogshit

        Jellyfin just didn't work as well as plex, everything about it just wasn't quite as good. Have plex running on my Nvidia shield pro going to my OLED LGbtv. Have the server running on my NAS with 45tb storage and plex is the only thing I do that requires a lot of space.

  9. 1 month ago

    It was the first widely adopted front end that made it easy to have your own personal "Netflix", people have stuck with it and it's great. Nowadays if you're starting fresh and aren't trying to use it on a game console or something then Jellyfin would probably be the recommendation, either way both are good and you should use them with an *arr stack. Anything less makes you look like a luddite, probably still manually downloading torrents or using RSS

    • 1 month ago

      >probably still manually downloading torrents
      as god intended. problem, atheist?

  10. 1 month ago

    just werkz

  11. 1 month ago

    someone please invite me to a plex or jellyfin server.

  12. 1 month ago

    I just use nginx as a file server. Click to download the file, watch it. Simple as.

  13. 1 month ago

    I use jellyfin with android TV and the client is good.
    I've not seen what jellyfin clients looks like on other TVs. I've heard the Roku one is pretty decent but outside that they can't be all that different or so much worse. I can't even see how that would be the case unless they just didn't exist

  14. 1 month ago

    i hope you homies seed your torrents

    • 1 month ago

      i don't
      and i use jellyfin

    • 1 month ago

      is it even worth it if you live in burgerland? you have to use a VPN. I've seen a lot about seedboxes, so I assume people don't seed from their home networks. this is about public trackers of course.

      • 1 month ago

        im in the us and i seed a lot i use a vpn

  15. 1 month ago

    Sure, if you're the only user and you're watching media on your own computer, then this is pointless. Plex/Jellyfin really shine when you have a frick load of media stored on a server and you want to send it to multiple clients. It's also nice for my boomer mom because she gets the pretty pictures and all that 🙂

    • 1 month ago

      Zoomers can't comprehend that people actually want to watch things that aren't on some sketchy website fullscreened through an hdmi on an old laptop.

  16. 1 month ago

    my family can watch my movies too
    they can't be bothered to use jellyfin so i run both

    • 1 month ago

      What's the difference from their perspective?

      • 1 month ago

        Their TVs didn't have a jellyfin app.

  17. 1 month ago

    Lately I have just been using stremio + torrentio to replace Netflix and whatever. I have a library of films and iptorrents account but stremio is just more convenient for basic shows that I dont care much about

  18. 1 month ago

    It just werks TM

    • 1 month ago

      Why split 4k into its own library? Doesn't that make it harder to find things?

  19. 1 month ago

    Sunk cost fallacy. Plex used to be great and so people still swear by it even though it's really only gotten shittier.

  20. 1 month ago

    It does everything I want, and then some.
    Convince me to use something else

  21. 1 month ago

    because it just werks and my normie family can use it to watch anything in our digital library on a smart tv.

  22. 1 month ago

    I don't. I hate it.

    Jellyfin is my best friend.

  23. 1 month ago

    >PC and Server in my office
    >TV in living room
    >Don't want dedicated PC in living room
    >Don't want keyboard and mouse in living room
    Easy choice

  24. 1 month ago

    It's free as in free beer, modern TVs have a Plex app, women won't get the ick if you use it.

  25. 1 month ago

    normies who can't use ssh

  26. 1 month ago

    The year of using arch as my main machine was incredibly valuable and teaching but I got filtered. I'm setting up a debian homeserver and will keep my windows box offline. It was a mostly fun ride lads.
    I will miss having my mpd keybinds and fancy temperature control but it's over.

  27. 1 month ago

    The only thing worth saving are 360p rips of King of the Hill.
    everything else you can just replay in your mind.

  28. 1 month ago

    Because Plex just works you dipnod. I can easily get it going on a SamrtTV with zero issues. Plus its UI and library fetures are excellent, though they need to work on allowing Plex read customized metadata better.

    I used to love XBMC/Kodi, but Kodi is now a hot bed of buggy bullshit, that bugs completely out on a SamrtTV, and its UI is an outated slop of shit.

  29. 1 month ago

    >Overseerr/Servarr Apps + Plex
    Literally can't beat this. It's peak.
    Everything containerized and auto updated with watchtower.

  30. 1 month ago


  31. 1 month ago

    >perfect UI for pirated shit
    >auto sorts everything
    >it just works
    am I supposed to not like it?

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