I just realized Houellebecq was right about literally everything

I just realized Houellebecq was right about literally everything

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  1. 11 months ago

    not really

  2. 11 months ago

    this is a better thread than nietzsche's one
    he nailed it, especially in atomised

    • 11 months ago

      What an incredibly depressing book to read. It took me 2 months to finish it because I just didn’t want to read it and my day ruined.

  3. 11 months ago

    >Western culture is empty, soulless, and hedonistic
    >I know, let's do nothing but assume it's inescapable and mope about it
    How is this still impressing people lol, that's like half of the intellectual output of the West since the 19th century.

    • 11 months ago

      Cause chuds think society became bad like 15 years ago only when gays became legal or something

      • 11 months ago

        It goes for stuff you probably like if you're a leftist too, the Frankfurt School homies were doing the same thing. If everything is so spiritually barren and meaningless in our culture and if you're pinning that on specific things, that should push you in the direction of religious searching but it never does for these people. "Oh woe is me, everything is so meaningless and we've cut ourselves off from God and the revolution/civilizational rebirth/whatever is impossible. Detach myself from the culture I say is hopelessly rotten and attempt to find the metaphysical/spiritual truth? I would never!". The way out is right in front of these people, Houellebecq in particular, but they prefer to do nothing but drown in misery.

        • 11 months ago

          >If everything is so spiritually barren and meaningless in our culture and if you're pinning that on specific things, that should push you in the direction of religious searching
          Rather it should point you in the direction of trying to move beyond those specific things. But those specific things usually have to do with secularization at least implicitly.

        • 11 months ago

          >The way out is right in front of these people, Houellebecq in particular, but they prefer to do nothing but drown in misery.
          Delusional moron

          • 11 months ago

            Pessimism and misanthropy =/= realism

        • 11 months ago

          Houllebecq has famously said only Islam can save the West. What is your cope now? That he said that in jest? In fact that is a theme of Soumission. Have you read Houllebecq past Extension du domaine de la lutte (Whatever)?

        • 11 months ago

          Houllebecq has famously said only Islam can save the West. What is your cope now? That he said that in jest? In fact that is a theme of Soumission. Have you read Houllebecq past Extension du domaine de la lutte (Whatever)?

          >religion (Islam lmao) will save us from cultural degradation
          People like this have no ground to stand on to criticize anyone else's intellectual output. There is a religious awakening every so often that comes as a counterforce to progressivism but the material wheel continues to turn and grind it all to dust. If we're honest here the spiritualism is purely selfish. If you can submerge yourself in the ecstasy of spiritual enlightenment for a few short decades then you die and it doesn't really matter what happens to the world, the religion cope did its job. In the end it has about the same potency as pessimism/misanthropy you despise so much.

      • 11 months ago

        No one mentioned "chuds" or "gays". Why are you throwing a tantrum about them?

    • 11 months ago

      How to tell you've only read elementary particles

  4. 11 months ago

    >was right about literally everything
    >not a Traditionalist Catholic
    Pick one.

    • 11 months ago

      If you read submission you would understand why he isn't a traditionalist catholic, and why larping as le ebic basado tradman doesn't save western society, or even provide actualizing grounds to improving it.

  5. 11 months ago

    Soumission timeline didn't happen yet though, still waiting for my haren, Ben Abbes

    • 11 months ago

      Give it 2 more weeks
      But really Macron fricked up the political part, should have been one more Hollande mandate

    • 11 months ago

      It was never a prediction, that was his attempt at optimism. You will never have a harem, you will never worship Allah, you will never impregnate a 14 year old; you will eat the bugs.

  6. 11 months ago

    Houellebecq acted like a woman with KIRAC, I lost all respect for him. An intellectual should live a life that reflects his philosophy, he doesn't, which renders his philosophy fake and gay.

    • 11 months ago

      >waaaaah my favorite incel artist is banging an art chick he betrayed meeee
      you're pathetic

      • 11 months ago

        Banging an art chick is fine, trying to predend he was deceived afterwards is vile.

        • 11 months ago

          fair enough then, although he was actually deceived by people even more narcissistic than him
          from what I gather he was just expecting the porn, not the documentary outing his private life
          besides, you've got to remember that the dude always pretended and always lied in any public appearance, from his political inclination to his own persona

        • 11 months ago

          >Banging an art chick is fine, trying to pretend he was deceived afterwards is vile.
          This. I agree with anon. A guy that did what he did should at least own it.

        • 11 months ago

          It’s worse yet because it sounds like he first thought he could pull a fast one by sending his Chinese wife/procurer on his behalf to meet up and play the depression card to arrange the orgy (forgetting that in Serotonin he described the Netherlands as a business first then a country.) At least according to the ‘director’:

  7. 11 months ago
  8. 11 months ago

    French “people”

  9. 11 months ago

    >I just realized Houellebecq was right about literally everything
    That's sad, for you. He's literally a grifter writing to cash in a specialized audience of social freaks that he might achieve a perverse kind of fame through them.

    I found his writing intolerably affected and empty. The fact some of the losers out there think they are relating to him is a kind of hilarity all its own. He's basically a self-destructive Jordan Peterson for gullible homosexuals at the bottom of the totem pole, who mistake his willingness to mix with their kind as authenticity when it's a blatant novelty seeking gimmick.

    • 11 months ago

      >IQfy, incel, alt-righters, sexual misery, the integrality of post-modern suffering is an epiphenomenon
      >a self-destructive jordan peterson
      must be hard to be a midwit

      • 11 months ago

        You're telling me.

        • 11 months ago

          >I found his writing intolerably affected and empty. The fact some of the losers out there think they are relating to him is a kind of hilarity all its own. He's basically a self-destructive Jordan Peterson

          • 11 months ago

            >have no argument
            >somehow lose anyway
            >need to retreat into posting quotes and basedjacks
            The closest thing to a concession the internet has.

          • 11 months ago

            my argument is that you'll never be able to get (besides the language) either the style or the meaning of pic rel you redditbrained pseud

          • 11 months ago

            >buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
            What's the matter, run out of basedjacks you dumb frick? Lmao.

          • 11 months ago

            >outing yourself as not only unable to read a foreign language, but also unable to translate it to adress the actual point
            to remind your obviously moronic brain my argument about your original awaful post was
            , incel, alt-righters, sexual misery, the integrality of post-modern suffering is an epiphenomenon
            and you've yet to address it. tell me why the things he diagnozed are somehow, to quote your disgusting take " intolerably affected and empty."

          • 11 months ago

            Your desperation is so thick it's coming off you like sweat. This isn't a French board. This thread isn't in French. No one is talking about the French. It's a complete non sequitur.

            I know, your hope is the fact not everyone reads French means you suddenly have a point or didn't just run away from the discussion and move the goal posts hoping no-one notices. You don't. You did. We notice.

          • 11 months ago

            >so thick it's coming off you like sweat.
            >It's a complete non sequitur.
            >reddit spacing
            >still doesn't address the point
            I'm done with you

          • 11 months ago

            >bumps the thread on page 10 a day later to explain how he doesn't care
            lmao fricking pathetic holy shit

          • 11 months ago

            You didn't capitalize your first letter because you want to come across as if you don't care.

            >captcha: RRXGAY

          • 11 months ago

            unironic cope and seethe

          • 11 months ago

            >you don't even speak French, check fricking mate

      • 11 months ago

        >wahh don't you dare talk bad about my incel father figure!

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't read the French since I'm a one language moron, but I found some of the prose from the translations pretty wonderful.

      One of my favorite is the last paragraph of Whatever:

      "I cycle still further into the forest. On the other side of that hill is the source of the River Ardèche, the map says. The fact no longer interests me; I continue nevertheless. And I no longer even know where the source is; at present, everything looks the same. The landscape is more and more gentle, amiable, joyous; my skin hurts. I am at the heart of the abyss. I feel my skin again as a frontier, and the external world as a crushing weight. The impression of separation is total; from now on I am imprisoned within myself. It will not take place, the sublime fusion; the goal of life is missed. It is two in the afternoon."

      • 11 months ago

        >"I cycle still further into the forest. On the other side of that hill is the source of the River Ardèche, the map says. The fact no longer interests me
        So why mention it? This is overwritten and full of pretension. I've genuinely heard the same sentiment 100 times from talentless anons who think they are offering some nihilistic insight and color with their quirkiness.

        These idiosyncrasies come in a mass produced can, they're preserved in mediocrity.

        Go and post this shit on Wizchan, you will get laughed at.

        • 11 months ago

          But don't you get it? He's a wacky and zany lost soul tottering on on a line between incoherence and profundity dipping into one and then other as he breaks down in his docu-blog style! It's so unique, even more so than the last time I saw it. I mean, what's more disaffected than telling us how disaffected you are? So cool.

        • 11 months ago

          All I can do is explain why I like it.

          First, you said it's overwritten. Definitely true in a sense, but it's important to remember that the rest of the book is written differently and in a mundane/flat affect, and so when he switches to the style you call "overwritten" here at the end, it draws your attention. If the whole book was written this way, I'd agree, but it's not. The style choice is clearly intentional, and I like it.

          >The fact no longer interests me
          >So why mention it?
          Contextually, the narrator/main character just got out of a psych hospital and went completely dead inside. Mentioning the fact and then mentioning his disinterest in the fact communicates how little he cares anymore (his disinterest at the fact of his location, by the way, the symbolic meaning of not caring where you are at on a map obvious).

          I also like the repeated use of the sentence structure with the semicolon. The harsh semicolon breaks fit well with the content of the paragraph. I especially like the one with the "landscape is more and more gentle... ; my skin hurts", which emphasizes this kind of harsh breaking between clauses with completely different mood/connotation between the clauses of this one in particular.

          And yes, it is "nihilistic" and edgy and whatnot, but I still like it. As a story about a man who essentially resigns his life to the societal factors that Houellebecq covers in his stories, I think it fits.

          Can you explain how you would make the paragraph different? I'm just wondering, since we seem to have a disagreement in taste. Or even link some writing that you find good. Please, I'm genuinely curious.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm going to look ridiculous quoting Tennyson, or Joyce or Melville, or almost all of the writers I enjoy because this is a thread about self-indulgent vacuity, a vacuum which the nature of art fundamentally abhors. The closest thing that comes to mind and retains merit is probably Mishima, in part because of his great economy of style and because there's a sense (and it is true too) that his introspection isn't merely recreational. It's not as good out of context, but you can seek that if you want.

            >As usual, it occurred to me that words were the only things that
            could possibly save me from this situation. This was a characteristic
            misunderstanding on my part. When action was needed, I was
            always absorbed in words; for words proceeded with such difficulty
            from my mouth that I was always intent on them and forgot all about action.
            It seemed to me that actions, which are dazzling, varied things, must
            always be accompanied by equally dazzling and equally varied
            >I did not look at anything. Uiko, I remember, was frightened at
            first, but, when she realized that it was I, she only looked at my
            mouth. She was, I suppose, looking at that silly little dark hole, that
            ill-formed opening which was soiled like the nest of a small animal
            of the fields, and which now wriggled meaninglessly in the early
            dawn light-she looked only at my mouth. And, having satisfied
            herself that not the slightest power was going to emanate from that
            mouth to connect me with the outside world, she felt relieved.
            "Good heavens!" she said. “What an extraordinary thing to do.
            And you only a stutterer!"
            >Uiko's voice carried the freshness and felicity of a morning
            breeze. She rang the bell of her bicycle and once more put her feet to
            the pedals. She bicycled round me, as though she were avoiding a
            stone on the road, alhough there was not another soul about. Uiko
            scornfully rang the bell of her bicycle again and again, and as she
            pedaled away, I could hear it echoing across the distant fields.

            The Temple of the Golden Pavilion is wonderfully organic and wistful, and moreover has all the impotent power Houellebecq tries and fails to conjure.

  10. 11 months ago

    When are we gonna see the sex tape?

  11. 11 months ago

    Blah blah blah

  12. 11 months ago

    Whatever happened to that porno he made?

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