I really don't get the polarized opinions. Arch has been the only distro that never failed me.

I really don't get the polarized opinions. Arch has been the only distro that never failed me. If I ever run into issues, I can always count on the problem existing between the chair and keyboard. The KISS principle really is king.

The only complaint I can understand is its forced use of systemd, but I don't personally have a problem with its presence.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Every OS vs OS, Browser vs Browser, Programming Language vs Programming Language attracts all the contrarians and edglords. It helps them climax during class.

  2. 1 month ago

    nice blog, homosexual

  3. 1 month ago

    >I really don't get the polarized opinions.

    it just doesn't fricking break. I feel like any minor frickup from like 10 years ago persists as a meme perpetuated by jealousy

  4. 1 month ago

    arch hetero here. it just works and filters wintards. win win
    >i can't figure out how to follow a wiki
    >linux sucks i'm going back to windows

    • 1 month ago

      ArchWiki feels like written by some autist. Gentoo wiki is sane

    • 1 month ago

      i use it for 7 years, still can't follow the arch wiki, it is too autistic, don't shill crap around.

      ArchWiki feels like written by some autist. Gentoo wiki is sane

      gentoo wiki is actually really nice

      Arch becomes irrelevant once you realize there are better alternatives like NixOS.

      nixos is a meme anon

      Plasma 6 runs like a shit heap in it, no idea how it's doing on other distros.

      its kde issue, never worked well, never will.

      • 1 month ago

        >i use it for 7 years, still can't follow the arch wiki, it is too autistic, don't shill crap around.
        why would you expose yourself like that?

  5. 1 month ago

    Like most FOSS aphorisms, the soundbytes you hear are from 20 if not 40 years ago and may or may not still be true at all. Arch is uniquely stable and robust because the maintainers modify the upstream as little as physically possible, which usually means not at all. Other distros intentionally break shit in the name of maintainer preference and then everything breaks fricking explodes shit everywhere later.

    • 1 month ago

      >the maintainers modify the upstream as little as physically possible, which usually means not at all
      This should be the rule rather than the exception.

      • 1 month ago

        Well security people have been saying so for decades and the xz things vindicates the idea but a lot of Unix people have anti-developer brainrot.

  6. 1 month ago

    Arch becomes irrelevant once you realize there are better alternatives like NixOS.

    • 1 month ago

      no one cares about your symlink soup

    • 1 month ago

      i liked the idea but most packages i used were unmaintained and i'd rather use arch than have to become a package maintainer

      • 1 month ago

        Do you want to provide a package name or are you a contrarian homosexual Black person troony?

        • 1 month ago

          i don't specifically remember, moronlord, as it's been a few years

      • 1 month ago

        sorry too stupid

    • 1 month ago

      Give me a variant of NixOS where I don't have to program environments for my applications to work and I'll heartily agree with you. Used it for nearly 8 months, but had to jump ship when I realized compilation and extensions in VS Code required massive hoops to jump through amongst other things.

      • 1 month ago

        What? just create a wrapped version of vscode? I have the same issue with neovim and wrap all of the dependencies.

  7. 1 month ago

    Plasma 6 runs like a shit heap in it, no idea how it's doing on other distros.

    • 1 month ago

      I've been a big archgay for a long time, and I really do think the reputation it has as a tinkertroony/constantly broken system is very undeserved & uninformed (I honestly think it requires far less tinkering than many mainstream "babby" distros). I've used it off-and-on for a long time and it's always worked great, and I've been running it consistently on my desktop for the past 2 years without issue. But, it really does fricking suck when the rolling release model finally bites you in the ass with some annoying regression and you're just stuck with it.

      I had the same problem as . Plasma 6 has been a catastrophically broken piece of shit for me and still is even now that it's on 6.0.4. Maybe the other distros are having a better time, who knows, but 5.27 was absolutely perfect for me and I had no reason to switch to Plasma 6. I know it was a major release and this is the exception to the experience I've had with Arch, but it's still unnerving that one bad update came down the pipeline and blew up my otherwise perfect system.

      I've spent the past month or two distrohopping to other distros still on 5.27, and they were all broken in their own ways. Currently on the Kubuntu LTS release that just came out a few days ago, though, and so far, so good. At this point, though, I'm not getting my hopes up, because I typically start to see the issues crop up within a few days of usage.

      • 1 month ago

        i can't say i've ever had an issue like this on arch, but, I also don't use a full DE. i understand I'm going to be abused for being a tinkertroon but honestly all I've ever used is i3 - always intel chip, a nvidia gpu on x11 and run pacman -syu once a week and everything just works - always. gaymin, various IDEs for work, multiple monitors, etc

        on a fresh install I run the nvidia-settings script thingy that holds your hand to set up an X conf, and then if I change monitors (say, to work and back) I have one conf for each setup

        i truly don't get the problems people have

        • 1 month ago

          >I also don't use a full DE
          I think Arch + a slow-releasing DE like XFCE/minimalist WM is probably a pretty stable combo, but I've just grown too used to a lot of the little things/features in a DE (KDE in particular). For example, it's nice having a proper filepicker with thumbnails rather than the patched gtk3 one or the shitty gtk4 one. I feel like I end up fiddling too much with WMs to get them working the way I want.

          The most annoying part of Arch is the initial setup, from there it's pretty easy to maintain as long as you pay attention to what you're doing and consult the wiki as soon as you have the faintest idea that you may be doing something wrong.

          >from there it's pretty easy to maintain as long as you pay attention to what you're doing and consult the wiki as soon as you have the faintest idea that you may be doing something wrong.
          Generally I'd agree, the rare issue I'd run into almost always had a solution or guide on the wiki. I rarely ever had to touch the forums for anything, which I find myself having to do on other distros.

          Same here, hated plasma 6 and I still hate it, but I managed to fix most stuff by doing random shit until it worked, including uninstall all packages related to the DEs and reinstalling them, but there's still bugs here and there, hell recently the trashbin link started disappearing when you move something to trash, just to re-appear on reboot.

          >but I managed to fix most stuff by doing random shit until it worked
          Yeah, I was finding all kinds of dumbfrick, arcane fixes to issues I was having, like changing the color scheme away from the default to keep the lockscreen from breaking, or notifications appearing in the center of the screen (which was temporarily fixable by toggling the size of your panel on and off 1px). Even then, there were still quite a few bugs I couldn't find a reasonable fix for, and the whole thing worked a fraction as well as Plasma 5 did. Maybe a clean reinstall would have helped, I dunno.

      • 1 month ago

        The most annoying part of Arch is the initial setup, from there it's pretty easy to maintain as long as you pay attention to what you're doing and consult the wiki as soon as you have the faintest idea that you may be doing something wrong.

        • 1 month ago

          >bro, you're system that was built using egg shells won't shatter if you constantly tend to its sensitivity issues
          This isn't a strong selling point. See

          No one actually cares about archgays, we just want you to stfu. Install your OS and move on, I don't need to keep hearing about it

          >I really do think the reputation it has as a tinkertroony/constantly broken system is very undeserved & uninformed
          It FULLY deserves that title because archgays only ever talk about all the tinkering they are doing to their system. If all you talk about is the constant tweaking then it leads others into believing that your system is always broken

      • 1 month ago

        Same here, hated plasma 6 and I still hate it, but I managed to fix most stuff by doing random shit until it worked, including uninstall all packages related to the DEs and reinstalling them, but there's still bugs here and there, hell recently the trashbin link started disappearing when you move something to trash, just to re-appear on reboot.

      • 1 month ago

        No one actually cares about archgays, we just want you to stfu. Install your OS and move on, I don't need to keep hearing about it

        >I really do think the reputation it has as a tinkertroony/constantly broken system is very undeserved & uninformed
        It FULLY deserves that title because archgays only ever talk about all the tinkering they are doing to their system. If all you talk about is the constant tweaking then it leads others into believing that your system is always broken

        • 1 month ago

          it requires less tinkering than mint for your usual gaming pc install.

        • 1 month ago

          gentoo and nixos are far worse on the tinkertroony department

          • 1 month ago

            It's weird that those distros attract so many of these mentally ill people, I checked the reddit subscribers for Linux distros to get an idea of popularity:

            >Ubuntu 3,3 million
            >Arch Linux 255k
            >Fedora 95k
            >Linux Mint 91k
            >Debian 78k
            >Manjaro 70k
            >Gentoo 25k
            >NixOS 24k

            So Gentoo and NixOS are way down there yet they have so much drama, what gives ?

          • 1 month ago

            >Ubuntu 3.3 million
            It's only 223k.

          • 1 month ago

            Arch Linux has the most reddit subscribers of all Linux distros, what a time to be alive

      • 1 month ago

        I wonder if morons like this guy even use arch. My own experience with it shows that you need to do a bunch of tinkering. For example, when I installed Timeshift for the first time the automated backup didn't work, until I stumbled on some post suggesting to enable cronie via systemd, wiki was pretty ambiguous about it only saying to enable "chosen cron shceduler", crontab and anacron isn't good enough, but how would you now unless some autist on reddit tells you? Another one was when I installed Virtualbox, but it didn't install DKMS, despite the fact that you can't even start any VM's without it. Another one was SAMBA, having to edit bunch of text files cause it didn't integrate properly with Plasma menus and it just goes on and on...

    • 1 month ago

      >Plasma 6
      Use case? With Arch it's Xfce or nothing homie

      • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I've been a big archgay for a long time, and I really do think the reputation it has as a tinkertroony/constantly broken system is very undeserved & uninformed (I honestly think it requires far less tinkering than many mainstream "babby" distros). I've used it off-and-on for a long time and it's always worked great, and I've been running it consistently on my desktop for the past 2 years without issue. But, it really does fricking suck when the rolling release model finally bites you in the ass with some annoying regression and you're just stuck with it.

      I had the same problem as . Plasma 6 has been a catastrophically broken piece of shit for me and still is even now that it's on 6.0.4. Maybe the other distros are having a better time, who knows, but 5.27 was absolutely perfect for me and I had no reason to switch to Plasma 6. I know it was a major release and this is the exception to the experience I've had with Arch, but it's still unnerving that one bad update came down the pipeline and blew up my otherwise perfect system.

      I've spent the past month or two distrohopping to other distros still on 5.27, and they were all broken in their own ways. Currently on the Kubuntu LTS release that just came out a few days ago, though, and so far, so good. At this point, though, I'm not getting my hopes up, because I typically start to see the issues crop up within a few days of usage.

      What the heck? I've been using Plasma 6 on Arch since it's release and I've had no problems with it at all. Smooth as butter.
      I'm using an AMD RDNA 2 GPU on Wayland. What hardware are you on?

  8. 1 month ago

    I'd be more likely to try it once I get a new laptop, I'm at the mercy of custom distro patches for my shitty hybrid intel + nvidia laptop drivers. So far NixOS and OpenSUSE are the only ones that aren't mega fricked up, especially with KDE Plasma 6.

  9. 1 month ago

    I see people make threads about Arch all the time but rarely about Gentoo

  10. 1 month ago

    It is the only distro that has completely bricked itself after doing a simple update

    • 1 month ago

      just like windows am I right

  11. 1 month ago

    Incel: the distro

  12. 1 month ago

    This project could be interesting someday

    • 1 month ago

      said about every flavor of linux that ever was

  13. 1 month ago

    Gotta admit, the Arch wiki has saved me many times

    • 1 month ago

      name 50 times you had to use arch wiki to do anything serious

      • 1 month ago

        it's never anything serious, it's always busy makework to get my computer working right usually something to do with systemd

  14. 1 month ago

    Well this confirms it. Arch is not compatible with kde and has also been my experience.
    I use gnome on it and it just works after the initial tinkering with nvidia.
    Arch + Gnome + Xorg = peak linux experience.

  15. 1 month ago

    They say arch because "I need the latest"
    But many pkgs are unstable.
    How do you know what/when to update?
    I remember anon saying there was a way to 'go back' but he never needed to.
    Blindly updating broke it fast in vbox.
    Simple, clean, lightweight great.
    How to Arch? Seems like it is for people that like and understand computers. I just want something that works and doesn't spy. Convince me, otherwise staying with Debian - bullseye even until they work the kinks out of bookworm. lol

  16. 1 month ago

    Oh, you managed to fix your X11, anon?

    • 1 month ago

      Yes, by leaving Wayland.

      • 1 month ago

        Ah, phoneposting then, cool

  17. 1 month ago

    >try another distro
    >need x software
    >no AUR
    >seems like I have to use flatpak, whatever that is
    >go back to using Arch

  18. 1 month ago

    >I really don't get the polarized opinions.
    In reality there really aren't any.

    When it comes to Linux end user desktop usage, there are really only two distros with market share, it is Ubuntu and it is Arch Linux, the rest are also-rans.

  19. 1 month ago

    Most of the people who talk shit about Arch on IQfy have never tried it, just like the people who talk shit about Linux in general have never used it.
    Arch has been my distro of choice for a decade, I did try others out of curiosity but I always end up coming back to Arch. I also use btrfs and yabsnap now so updates are never an issue.
    Meanwhile the graphics driver on the Windows 11 that was preinstalled on my laptop keeps crashing and I have no idea how to fix that, and the updates just add more ads.

    • 1 month ago

      Have you tried btrbk? I've been using it but I'm wondering if I should switch to yabsnap.

      • 1 month ago

        I've never heard of it before, it seems to have more features than yabsnap overall but I can't find anything about pacman hooks which is the main reason I use yabsnap. In fact, I don't even use its rollback feature, I prefer to manage the snapshots myself once they've been made.

        • 1 month ago

          >pacman hooks which is the main reason I use yabsnap
          Yes, I'm also interested in this.

  20. 1 month ago

    > just works
    > anything I can think of needing, I go to install and it's already there

  21. 1 month ago

    This. I've been using Arch for years and it rarely if ever gives me problems.
    In the rare event something broke the solution was super simple and posted right on their homepage.
    Also, their wiki is insanely good, even for other distros.

  22. 1 month ago

    MacOS for laptops
    Linux for servers
    Windows for bespoke desktops

    and that's it

    • 1 month ago

      You realize laptops and desktops are the same thing, right? Except for the physical size.

      • 1 month ago

        Yes they are both computers, great job

        • 1 month ago

          Then why would you prefer an OS for one, and other OS for the other?

  23. 1 month ago

    I prefer the white man's choice: Debian Stable.

    The only downside of Debian is that you can't act interesting by saying "I use Arch btw" (when you're not trying to le ebin rice and custoooomize (read unfrick) your system).

  24. 1 month ago

    >Arch has been the only distro that never failed me. If I ever run into issues, I can always count on the problem existing between the chair and keyboard.
    Arch does break sometimes. But it's a distro for power users and if you know what you are doing it doesn't take long to fix it.

  25. 1 month ago

    Archlinux logo reminds me of the green girl from Steven Universe

  26. 1 month ago

    arch? more like farch (like fart)

  27. 1 month ago

    Arch works fine for me and I like running it. alternatives are Debian or MicroOS which I have both USB ready

  28. 1 month ago

    It literally just werks. Ive spent 10x more time trying to get shit to work on debian, when i fell for the meme and ran my server on it. I will leave arch unupdated for months at a time and it updates with no issues.

  29. 1 month ago

    Well for one, their installer iso and Archinstall always breaks, which is a perfect example of a problem with the distro itself, not the user. I couldn't count the number of times the installation image broke or archinstall just failed.

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