If sex drive is tied to your hormones (testosterone,etc) then how do you explain asexual people who have the same hormones but no sexual thoughts what...

If sex drive is tied to your hormones (testosterone,etc) then how do you explain asexual people who have the same hormones but no sexual thoughts whatsoever?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Yes, that's right. More.

    • 1 month ago

      Let the jealousy course through you, it will be good in future days as with schooling and on the side talk. You will equalize me sooner than you planned.

  2. 1 month ago

    > no sexual thoughts whatsoever
    Usually they jerk off like the rest of us, they’re just shy and need a friend to set them up. Also
    Did I fall asleep and wake up in 2005?

    • 1 month ago

      Asexual people do not exist (excluding health reasons etc.). For males it is an incel cope and for females it is not being able to find a chad cope.

      Poor example. Asexuals don't exist as the other poster said. It simply exists as a coopt to get the people disgusted by sex under the LGBTQ+ umbrella while they're teens so they can be passed around by homosexuals one day.

      The better example to your question would instead have been " then why do troons who are chemically castrated still jerk off despite lacking androgens".

      The answer to the question is sexual frequency and drive are largely products of behavioral inputs and reinforcement. This plays a larger role than hormones do. If I watch porn all the time, I'll have almost uncontrollable erections around women. If I avoid porn and sexual thoughts, the desire abates. You're a product of what you do. Hormones play a role but less of one than people think.

      >asexual people
      They are lying. Whether it's to themselves or other people depends on what moronic personality disorder they have.

      Why is there so much backlash against the idea that asexual people exist? If some says they're straight, gay or bisexual, I assume you would believe them. If someone says they don't experience sexual attraction to either sex, it is not hard to believe them. Is there some kind of motive here? Is it just the feeling that there are too many "identities" these days and you don't want to accept another new thing?

  3. 1 month ago

    Asexual people do not exist (excluding health reasons etc.). For males it is an incel cope and for females it is not being able to find a chad cope.

    • 1 month ago

      holdop asexual people dont exist? its all propaganda??

      • 1 month ago

        Yes it is. It's normal to be "asexual", and the norm is likely caused by some sort of poisoning.

  4. 1 month ago

    Poor example. Asexuals don't exist as the other poster said. It simply exists as a coopt to get the people disgusted by sex under the LGBTQ+ umbrella while they're teens so they can be passed around by homosexuals one day.

    The better example to your question would instead have been " then why do troons who are chemically castrated still jerk off despite lacking androgens".

    The answer to the question is sexual frequency and drive are largely products of behavioral inputs and reinforcement. This plays a larger role than hormones do. If I watch porn all the time, I'll have almost uncontrollable erections around women. If I avoid porn and sexual thoughts, the desire abates. You're a product of what you do. Hormones play a role but less of one than people think.

    • 1 month ago

      >The answer to the question is sexual frequency and drive are largely products of behavioral inputs and reinforcement. This plays a larger role than hormones do. If I watch porn all the time, I'll have almost uncontrollable erections around women

      Do you have a source or is this just anecdotal? Because ive heard the opposite before, that people who frequently watch porn arent able to get erections when in a real situation.

      • 1 month ago

        either he only fricks and never faps or vice versa
        dude doesn't know what he's talking about

    • 1 month ago

      I don't know about asexuals (if they even actually exist), but in terms of hormonal health I'm guessing it's because there are so many other hormones coursing through your body that determine your thoughts, desires, and behaviors. Women have low levels of test yet still get horny and jerk off.

      >" then why do troons who are chemically castrated still jerk off despite lacking androgens".

      I have no data on this, but I'd guess it's many of them are on adderall or other stims. I honestly think that the amount stimulants that we prescribe to young adults is directly correlated with the rise of transpeople, since that shit turns people into sex freaks, androgens or not (see also, gooners).

  5. 1 month ago

    >asexual people
    They are lying. Whether it's to themselves or other people depends on what moronic personality disorder they have.

  6. 1 month ago

    If asexual people existed then you would have a good point and maybe testosterone isn't important. Therefore I'm going to simply declare that asexual people don't exist and that way you are wrong and look like an idiot and I don't have to adjust my world view in any way

  7. 1 month ago

    The brain has to process the hormones to close the cycle and produce behavior. Thing is the brain is spaghetti and even has stuff dedicated to suppressing other stuff and both parts are down in the deep social machinery we share with rats.

  8. 1 month ago

    What is it called, when I am largely asexual, until I see a redhead?

    • 1 month ago

      too lazy and or autistic to actually chase girls

  9. 1 month ago

    narcissists who wanna feel special

  10. 1 month ago

    same way i explain the elephant man or that one guy that was born with "wet tissue paper skin" that had the shit that gave rigidity to his tissue fricked and as such from just from a bit of friction or pulling his flesh fricking teared, you are miss-formed, my dude/dudette

  11. 1 month ago

    >That feel when asexual but no refractory period
    Fricking didn't find out I can cum buckets until I was almost fricking 17. Shit sucks.

    Anyway, what makes you think asexual people have the same hormones? There's a frickton of hormones, not to mention neurotransmitters, any of which could impact sex drive.

    Also, not all asexual people have no sex drive. Frigidity is also a cause of asexuality.

  12. 1 month ago

    >asexual people exist

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