If you like Windows 7 you like Vista by default, because 7 was built off Vista.

If you like Windows 7 you like Vista by default, because 7 was built off Vista. Vista was good, it just tried too much too early and the average hardware wasn't ready for it yet.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I liked Vista, 7 and 10. Just downloaded 11 and it's fine too.

  2. 2 years ago

    I do like Vista. Always did.
    However I'm 44 and I had an Athlon 3200+ with 2GB RAM at the time - I wasn't some child with some hand-me-down P3 from a swap meet.

    • 2 years ago

      Based. I had same processor, however I was only at 768mb ram, Vista sucked until i got more ram

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair, I only had 1GB when I installed Vista. That was rapidly rectified.
        I felt sorry for the poorgays trying to run it in 512MB, and I knew a few. Losers and children like

        I used vista for 3 years, it was objectively shit. I then finally had the sense to install 7 on the same computer and it was just plain better.
        Also vista looked like shit. Vista's aero design was focused on gaudy xp style gradients but less colorful, while 7 was focused on tasteful translucency. Just because they both had the same compositor backend doesn't make them aesthetically similar. This is obvious to anyone who's not an autistic sperg lacking in subtlety and intuitive thinking.

        were extremely common, alas.
        Next-gen OSs require next-gen hardware, it was true in 1985, true in 2006, true now. But everyone always thinks Betsy the 10 year-old shitbox is going to be the exception - and blames the OS when it isn't.

        • 2 years ago

          >rapidly rectified
          Can you be any more of a seaBlack person if you tried you dumb butthole. Try reading my post again

  3. 2 years ago

    Vista was only good after SP2. But by that time we had Windows 7.

    • 2 years ago

      >Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 was released through different channels between April and June 2009, one year after the release of Windows Vista SP1, and four months before the release of Windows 7.
      Secondly, SP1 fixed pretty much everything wrong with Vista. You're thinking of XP.

    • 2 years ago

      it took like a year for the driver madness to stop

      nothing worked

      • 2 years ago

        lots of old hardware never ended up working and were swapped out

  4. 2 years ago

    If you like cars, you like horse buggies by default, because cars were built off horse buggies.
    Makes less sense put that way, doesn't it?

    • 2 years ago

      horse buggies are rad

      • 2 years ago

        >1-2 HP engine

    • 2 years ago

      More like
      >if you like this car
      >you'll like this car without these rims
      Since Windows 7 is >99% identical to Vista.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah except that 7 doesn't shit the bed randomly.

  5. 2 years ago

    The foundations of Vista still lives on to this day with Windows 11.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, Windows 7 is Vista SP3. Windows 7 SP1 is Vista SP4.
      I've always liked Vista's UI, but before SP1, Vista was a buggy unstable trainwreck, and still had plenty of annoying bugs before SP2. Not really different from Windows XP in this really, but that means I ended up using Windows XP as my main daily driver until early 2009. Switched to Vista SP2 but then upgraded to Vista SP3 (Windows 7) less than a year after.

      >The foundations of Vista still lives on to this day with Windows 11.

      Based. I had same processor, however I was only at 768mb ram, Vista sucked until i got more ram

      To be fair, I only had 1GB when I installed Vista. That was rapidly rectified.
      I felt sorry for the poorgays trying to run it in 512MB, and I knew a few. Losers and children like [...] were extremely common, alas.
      Next-gen OSs require next-gen hardware, it was true in 1985, true in 2006, true now. But everyone always thinks Betsy the 10 year-old shitbox is going to be the exception - and blames the OS when it isn't.

      My first Vista machine was a spare P3 700MHz with 768 MB of ram that I had in the lab.
      It wasn't ideal but it could run acceptably well if you disabled all the bloat. However RTM Vista was an unstable glitchfest that had nothing to do with the hardware it was running on (and I liked the UI). It improved with SP1 but still had too many annoyances for my liking. SP2 hit the spot. Then again, it was pretty much the same story with Windows XP, I only moved from Win 2000 after SP2 came out.

  6. 2 years ago

    I do like how Vista looks.

  7. 2 years ago

    >zoomers are nostalgic for one of the worst commercial operating systems ever released because it happened to be prevalent when they were 8 year old

    Vista was objectively shit, even by Microwiener standards.

    • 2 years ago

      >poorgay then, poorgay now
      Why does it have to be every single time.

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    I used vista for 3 years, it was objectively shit. I then finally had the sense to install 7 on the same computer and it was just plain better.
    Also vista looked like shit. Vista's aero design was focused on gaudy xp style gradients but less colorful, while 7 was focused on tasteful translucency. Just because they both had the same compositor backend doesn't make them aesthetically similar. This is obvious to anyone who's not an autistic sperg lacking in subtlety and intuitive thinking.

    • 2 years ago

      >autistic spergs notice a single pixel out of place
      >also autistic spergs never noticed that vista and 7 apparently looked wildly different
      This is the sort of brain-damaged post you get when you are so desperate to fit in, you parrot idiots, poorgays, etc.
      You might have been believable - but then you made the mistake of trying to justify it. Since you're far too young to have used Vista, you asspulled so hard that you tore your brain out through your anus.

      • 2 years ago

        No, spergs are characterized by their inability to judge a system as a whole. To them, both look "wildly different" but since both are built on aero, and praise for aero happened in tandem with hatred for metro, plus the meme of vista's infamy for being ahead of its time, they conclude that this must be the reason for 7's popularity and nothing else.
        Using your example, a sperg could be shown the most performant monitor on the market and he'd shit on it for having a dead pixel, if he were to somehow latch onto the fact that the dead pixel is a big deal. To use you as an example, you latched onto the fact that I mentioned both looking different to each other and concluding that this was the reason I had called out the "autistic spergs", instead of idea of aesthetics being tied to the underlying desktop compositor.

    • 2 years ago

      >Vista's aero design was focused on gaudy xp style gradients but less colorful
      >while 7 was focused on tasteful translucency.
      LOL he admits he ran Vista on some p3 shitbox with i815 integrated graphics and 7 on a much newer machine with support for aero glass
      Why do these zoomers frick up so bad EVERY SINGLE TIME

      • 2 years ago

        You are actually moronic. Can't expect anything more from a 65 IQ SEA monkey

  9. 2 years ago

    If you like Vista you like NT

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    If you like any Windows after Vista, you like Vista by default. Imagine thinking they're radically different in any way. It would be extaordinarily easy for Microsoft to backport shit to Vista if they wanted to, but that's not their business model.

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