>im a minimalist. >*spend money on a bunch of unnecessary junk instead of using a smartphone*

>im a minimalist
>*spend money on a bunch of unnecessary junk instead of using a smartphone*
is the average "digital minimalist" moronic?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I searched "digital minimalist" and top results seem to imply it's just about not using social media

    • 3 months ago

      and smartphones

      and it's a good way

    • 3 months ago

      Really? brb, founding a Youtube channel about my newfound digital minimalisms.
      If I had known earlier that all it takes to not have a fricking Facebook profile.

    • 2 months ago

      Holy shit, I've been a digital minimalist my entire life!

  2. 3 months ago

    not just digital minimalists, every minimalist is a moronic consumer that buys trinkets and expensive paperweights to justify not filling their house with distractions
    >it's just about not using social media
    if you're a man in the year 2024 you don't need to be addicted to social media when you literally get 1 message a week at most

    • 3 months ago

      >image of miles kissing gwen despite it having nothing to do with the thread
      I bet you watch blacked porn and cuck porn on your free time you homosexual

    • 2 months ago

      I'm sorry you're not popular. As a man I get about 20 messages a day so this doesn't really apply to everyone

      • 2 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    >Digital minimemelist
    >Uses recording+editing gear
    >Posts to youtube regularly

    • 3 months ago

      to youtube regularly
      >Uses Discord
      >Posts on Reddit constantly

  4. 3 months ago

    productivity this productivity that
    if he were doing something actually worth a dime then he wouldn't have time to buy junk and present it on yt

    • 3 months ago

      Productivity is the (not new) buzzword for trendsetters on social media. Especially now that most adult daycare patients have been fired.

  5. 3 months ago

    lmao I love this guy, he fell for every IQfy meme
    >no no no guys I just have to buy 3-4 more e ink devices and 7 more think pads then I'll finally be productive!!!

    • 3 months ago

      James is peak moron zoomer. He had his "moment" during the pandemic, when he streamed himself for hours and hours and hours "studying" all day. He looked unwell.

      He's out of school now, living in a shack at his mom's house in Utah and struggling to find a CS job.

      • 2 months ago

        does he not have a job? didn't he make a video crying about how his dream was to buy his mom a house or something?

        • 2 months ago

          >does he not have a job?
          His LinkedIn profile says he is an intern for a small company, but the repo he links to doesn't have any contributions from him.
          >didn't he make a video crying about how his dream was to buy his mom a house or something?

  6. 3 months ago

    >i have no willpower so i need to remove features from my devices, by buying other devices

    • 2 months ago

      There's essentially 3 versions of the digital minimalist, don't take this as me being authoritative or telling you to behave in a certain way so that you can fit into groups, I don't know shit about shit, I'm just creating a fresco with words and fecal matter.
      >The digital minimalist, who will functionally self-select themselves into being a vocal non-entity because they do not take part in social media and aren't playing into the ad-based discovery loop of the modern internet hellscape.
      >The person who is being assuaged of fears by adopting the digital minimalist label, pretty much like someone who still buys throwaway shit made from plastic and claims that they recycle so they don't have to confront the consequences of their vices.
      >The marketer who plays fully into the ad-based discovery loop of the modern internet and sells you crap, this is the vocal majority of digital minimalism and also its antithesis, since this is the kind of thing that digital minimalism is theoretically supposed to help you avoid.

      The design of nearly everything you encounter is likely based around similar principles to a smartphone. You are guided to choices of maximum profit by the design of the spaces you navigate and those choices are made as convenient as possible. Your willpower can't defend you from omnipresent threats or you will exhaust yourself or give in eventually.

    • 2 months ago

      willpower is myth.
      How people behave is 95% the habits they have aquired and the enviroment they find themselves in.
      Why be a moron and try to manifest willpower out of nowhere,
      when you can just change your enviroment to improve your habits and therefore improve yourself and your life.

  7. 3 months ago

    hes gotta get that bag somehow, i dont blame the guy
    i just feel sorry for the morons who watch that homosexual and buy the junk he shows off

  8. 3 months ago

    >do not work
    >are not secure
    >are not private
    >are gay
    >are fragile
    >are not comfy
    >are misused and abused by poor people
    stop doing smartphones

  9. 3 months ago

    he does things to generate views and discussion from absolute morons like you.

    • 3 months ago

      This. That's the "product" of his "productivity".

  10. 3 months ago

    Most minimalists on Youtube are phoney homosexuals farming clicks.
    You know why you don't see actual minimalists? Because they sit in some shack in Fricksville minding their own fricking business or are 2,5-3 world poorgays for which minimalism is necessity.

    • 3 months ago

      If you would actually care about "minimalism" as value you probably would need to look at historical figures like Diogenes or seek info about ascetics, hermits etc but I guess smelly hobos are not like your idealized image of minimalism.

      • 3 months ago

        Bowls and cups are bloat, btw.

      • 3 months ago

        as someone that is not a minimalist but takes cues from it, here's what I did/do
        >get rid of everything I know I won't need
        >get rid of things I don't need, kept for sentimental value but don't really care if I got rid of them
        >as a preference, keep only a few just in case items, like 2 extra AC cables
        >keep things packed together and tidy so more space is available and it's easier to clean
        as for digital minimalism
        >remove software I don't use anymore
        >delete all the files I don't need anymore
        >archive rarely used files
        >optimize image files
        >transcode videos
        currently gathering the info from useful images I saved and putting the info in .md files instead

        Diogenes was an ascetic, which is a different belief system. Or if you want to classify him as minimalist, then it would be extreme minimalism, which I've seen people practicing. just youtube it

      • 3 months ago

        as someone that is not a minimalist but takes cues from it, here's what I did/do
        >get rid of everything I know I won't need
        >get rid of things I don't need, kept for sentimental value but don't really care if I got rid of them
        >as a preference, keep only a few just in case items, like 2 extra AC cables
        >keep things packed together and tidy so more space is available and it's easier to clean
        as for digital minimalism
        >remove software I don't use anymore
        >delete all the files I don't need anymore
        >archive rarely used files
        >optimize image files
        >transcode videos
        currently gathering the info from useful images I saved and putting the info in .md files instead

        Diogenes was an ascetic, which is a different belief system. Or if you want to classify him as minimalist, then it would be extreme minimalism, which I've seen people practicing. just youtube it

        forgot image

        • 2 months ago

          so, basically trump of his time

      • 2 months ago

        >live in a jar with your dogbros
        the peak of the human mind

  11. 3 months ago

    you will never hear about digital minimalists online because they are not online. Want to accomplish digital minimalism? Use an old phone, with an old computer without internet access. Read books, read newspapers for news, go outside, see the real world. Write using pen and paper, meet your family and friends more regularly. Exercise, have a hobby.

  12. 3 months ago

    Real minimalism can coexist with owning tons of stuff, the point is you don't let it own you.
    YouTube "minimalism" is buying a bunch of stuff so you can larp like it's 1990 and smartphones don't exist to replace one obsession with another, total pineal gland calcification-tier mental garbage if you fall for shit like this, though it's not as bad as reddit "minimalism" where people spend a great deal of time paring down their possessions to fit in a backpack or in their car, or in their pod sized apartment.
    The latter is an undiagnosed mental disorder, many of these people have unresolved childhood trauma where they would constantly fantasize about running away, and the bug out bag mentality never really went away.
    There's even posts where people do practice runs packing up all their shit to see how quickly they can do it, imagine having nothing better to do, it's really sad.

    • 3 months ago

      >Real minimalism can coexist with owning tons of stuff

      • 3 months ago

        minimalism is a state of mind
        stop caring

    • 3 months ago

      >people spend a great deal of time paring down their possessions to fit in a backpack or in their car
      I believe I got to the point that I can pack all the stuff I care about in my car (2011 Ford Fiesta) and leave, and I didn't even try, it just happened because I never consoomed. I like the thought of it because it gives me freedom and less moving headaches, that's about it.
      The only pain in the ass leaving behind so might as well move is fridge, washer and dryer.

  13. 3 months ago

    is that the same subhuman that does those "study with me streams".
    The lack of authenticity and sincerity is nauseating.

    • 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    no, you are just a narcissist incel.

  15. 3 months ago

    >This channels is about digital minimalism
    >Lol, this guy has every kind of device
    >On his channel about minimalism
    >He EDC's every device he reviews
    Not sure if moron or literal bot anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      he's a moron.

  16. 3 months ago

    It's a mental illness.


  17. 3 months ago

    I ~kind of understand his point of view when you consider minimalism as 'minimizing the time spent on bullshit like reddit/youtube/instagram/whatever young people have a problem with taking up their attention. In that sense, it is good to have multiple devices that do one single task very well (e-reader for reading, iPod for music, feature phone for calling...) I personally bought a beat-up 11-inch Chromebook with a Celeron processor because I can take it anywhere to write notes and program simple things, but hoarding data, watching youtube and comfortably browsing the web on it is pretty slow and horrible, It helps me be less distracted and more task-oriented. In this strange way, I'd consider myself 'minimalist' even though it boils down to owning more computers than I technically need.

    However, this guy seems to be pulling it into the logical extreme. You don't need an e-reader to read manga, another e-reader to read books, another e-reader to annotate pdf's, a laptop to learn a language, a computer to serve your files, another computer for watching videos, another for gaming, yet another for coding... Sure, due to the screen size of each different e-reader, one might be better at a certain task than the others, but you've gotta get to a point sometime where the sheer amount of stuff you have just starts becoming clutter again, and maintaining a use for all this stuff feels more like a nuisance than an actual improvement.

  18. 3 months ago

    >people equating tax-writeoffs professionals with millions of views to the random average person

  19. 3 months ago

    This kid is such a hack - claims to be a minimalist but has a room literally overflowing with crap that he buys and replaces with $new_thing every few weeks using his obscene YouTube/streaming income. News flash butthole; having three different fricking eReaders does not make you a minimalist.

    • 3 months ago

      >his obscene YouTube/streaming income
      How do you know he's made an "obscene" amount of money?

      • 3 months ago

        His multiple cars, house, mountains of electronics he replaces every couple of months, expensive watches, sizeable subscriber base and view count, socialblade stats etc etc.
        For the absolute minimal value his content provides any amount of money is obscene but he's clearly earning enough to afford a very comfortable lifestyle.

        • 2 months ago

          >His multiple cars
          What "multiple" cars? As far as I know, James had one SUV that he used to
          commute to school. Any other cars are probably borrowed from his mother.
          He lives with his mom. He doesn't own any property. Many people on this
          board can relate.
          >mountains of electronics he replaces every couple of months
          He buys and resales a lot of cheap chink shit he finds on reddit,
          craigslist, and ebay. He's scored deals on some electronics because he
          bought a damaged model and later repaired it.
          >expensive watches
          He doesn't own any "expensive" watches. If you consider any watch <$500
          to be "expensive," you live a third-world mindset.
          >sizeable subscriber base and view count
          His "main" channel has nearly 800K subscribers, yet he hasn't released
          a video in more than two years. He doesn't monetize his videos nor has
          any known partnerships or sponsorships. His active account has nearly
          230K subscribers, which is nothing to sneeze at, and he isn't doing any
          form of monetization.
          >socialblade stats etc etc.
          SocialBlade is not reliable at making accurate estimates about how much
          he is truly making. His larger channel makes between $93 and $1,500
          a month, according to the site. That is a wide gap, and if the channel
          is still making money, it's likely on the low end of that range.

          Looking at the tech James uses, his clothing, and his living situation
          (among other factors), he is not living the high life as you seem to
          have deluded yourself into believing.

          • 2 months ago

            tldr, he still isn't a minimalist regardless of how many essays you write

          • 2 months ago

            You're not paying attention. My post was in response to the brain-dead
            notion that James is making an "obscene" amount of money through his
            YouTube channel. He is not.

            I agree with other anons that James is not a minimalist by definition.
            He is just a stupid zoomer who likes playing with old toys.

  20. 3 months ago

    Isn't this the zoomer who got popular somehow by streaming himself "studying" for 12 hours a day?

  21. 3 months ago

    Why does he look like a drug addicted hobo?

    • 2 months ago

      he's кинomaxxing

  22. 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    "productivity" influencers are the most insufferable and delusional people online.

  24. 2 months ago

    Do people truly become so agitated over what a teenager posts?
    This stuff shouldn't get to your head this easily

  25. 2 months ago

    >is the average "digital minimalist" moronic?
    no, that's just americans

  26. 2 months ago

    what do you expect, welcome to the age of form over content

    social media addicted zoomers are purely interested in a externally expressed aesthetic of self without any regard for genuinely authentic personal identity because third person presentation matters more than first person experience, as this is the world their developmental years primarily occupied, rather than direct interpersonal human experiences

    t. zoomer

  27. 2 months ago

    These are the gays behind the maidphone threads

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