I'm doing a practice coding test problem and I have no idea how to solve this. Am I just retarded or is this supposed to be very difficult?

I'm doing a practice coding test problem and I have no idea how to solve this. Am I just moronic or is this supposed to be very difficult?

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  1. 2 years ago

    what's difficult about it? It's fairly trivial. Go through the array in segments of size 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. Then count the value of each node towards the side they are on. For example

    3 -> it's root, ignore
    [6, 2] -> add 6 to left, 2 to right
    [9, -1, 10, -1] -> add 9 to left, 10 to right

    and so on. In the end you have a sum for left and a sum for right. Compare and print an answer.

    • 2 years ago

      You just traverse the branches and compare the sizes? How is it hard?

      all you gotta do is run a pre-order on that tree, add values until you get back to the root, save that value, then do the same for the other side

      I don't understand how it even makes sense for a binary tree to be represented as an array or how you're supposed to traverse it. I've spent an hour trying to make sense of it and I don't see it.

      • 2 years ago

        Go from root node thru children R->L then the nodes of those children R->L

        • 2 years ago

          What I don't understand is how you even know what position in the array is what depth in the tree, since you can have an arbitrary number of nodes at each depth. How does it makes any sense to represent this kind of data structure as an array?

          • 2 years ago

            This is your brain on web dev.

          • 2 years ago

            Well this was a coding test categorized under "frontend", which makes no sense because I've been a frontend dev for years and I've never had to do anything even remotely like this in my day to day work.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah its pretty dumb man

          • 2 years ago

            It's a terrible representation of the data structure, but it makes sense.

            Assume we count from 1. Array value 1 is the root. Array values 2 and 3 are the next branch down, left to right. Array values 4 through 7 are the next branch down, left to right. Array values 8 through 15 are the next branch down, left to right.

            Within each chunk, the "left" half of the tree is the first half of the values; the "right" half of the tree is the right half of the values.

            Go through each chunk, cut it in half, add up the halves, repeat until done. Then compare the sums. Be sure to ignore the -1's.

          • 2 years ago

            So if there's no node it's always going to be represented as a -1? The question doesn't make that clear at all because in the example it just ends at 10 instead of -1 for the missing node after it.

          • 2 years ago

            Leetcode? Shitty pajeet platform where everyone copy pastes shared submissions.

          • 2 years ago

            No this is on hired.com

          • 2 years ago

            Spend your shekels elsewhere if a introductory problem is this gay

          • 2 years ago

            yeah that's the confusing part. The last item in the array should be -1. I guess we can assume that if the last layer abruptly ends, the rest of it is all -1s.

      • 2 years ago

        It's represented as an array in chunks. First element in the array is the root. Next two elements are the first layer of the tree. Next four elements are the second layer of the tree, etc.

        • 2 years ago

          >Next four elements are the second layer of the tree, etc.
          not op. there's only 3 elements in the example tree second layer. if it was always 1248 then that's easy. but 3 makes no sense to me either.

          • 2 years ago

            they're just truncating the array when the final elements would be blank nodes. it's to save memory, otherwise you could end up wasting additional space simply to represent nothing.
            [3, 6, 2, 9, -1, 10] is equivalent to [3, 6, 2, 9, -1, 10, -1]

      • 2 years ago

        The array represents the value of each node in breadth first traversal, with missing nodes represented as -1.

        Starting at depth 0, we add the root to the array. This gives us [3]
        Next at depth 1, we add the two children of our root. There are no missing nodes, so we have [3, 6, 2]
        At depth 2, things get interesting. We could have up to 4 nodes here, but we only have 2. So working from left to right, we first add 9, then we add -1 to account for the fact that there is no right child from the node labeled 6. The -1 represents the missing space. Then going to the right side of the tree (the children of 2, we add 10 next. If we had any more nodes to go below this (i.e. a depth 3), we could add a -1 after this, but we don't, so we just leave the array as is.

        This should make the final array [3, 6, 2, 9, -1, 10]

      • 2 years ago

        What I don't understand is how you even know what position in the array is what depth in the tree, since you can have an arbitrary number of nodes at each depth. How does it makes any sense to represent this kind of data structure as an array?

        Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_heap#Heap_implementation.

        • 2 years ago

          How do you know that 5 was split in two but 3 only has 1 branch?

          • 2 years ago

            The children of the element at index i are at indices 2i+1 and 2i+2. So the children of (3) at index 2 are at indices 5 and 6. Since index 6 doesn't exist, there is no right child.
            Seriously, read the wiki article.

          • 2 years ago

            I got that but what if the tree is deeper, do you leave a blank spot for the missing index?

          • 2 years ago

            The questions says -1 means no node.

      • 2 years ago

        uh oh. you did not read the books

  2. 2 years ago

    You just traverse the branches and compare the sizes? How is it hard?

  3. 2 years ago

    all you gotta do is run a pre-order on that tree, add values until you get back to the root, save that value, then do the same for the other side

  4. 2 years ago

    Couldn't you start at [1], split the arrays into two more arrays (left and right) based upon every other one (off even index after [0], and then subtract left from right. If you have a positive number, or a negative number would tell you left or right

    • 2 years ago

      The absolute state of code bootcampers

  5. 2 years ago

    you have to learn it, unironically. Despite what CStards claim it's not an IQ test, they all just grind hundreds of questions and more or less memorize the approaches. It's like how the chinese learn math, just constant practice

    • 2 years ago

      >Despite what CStards claim it's not an IQ test, they all just grind hundreds of questions and more or less memorize the approaches
      that's how iq tests work too, so it kind of is one.

  6. 2 years ago

    Does "larger" here mean "more nodes" or does it mean "the sum of the values in the nodes is larger"?

    Are nodes guaranteed to have values >=0? If not, how do I distinguish a node with value "-1' from an empty node?

    Question sucks.

    • 2 years ago

      It means the sum is larger because in the example they gave, the output is Left.

  7. 2 years ago

    function solution(nums) {
    if(nums.length < 2)
    return "";
    const left = (e,i) => {
    const depth = Math.floor(Math.log2(i+1));
    const position = i + 1 - Math.pow(2,depth);
    return position < Math.pow(2,depth)/2;
    const sum = (acc, e) => acc + e;
    const arr = [0, ...nums.slice(1).map(e => e==-1?0:e)];
    const all_sum = arr.reduce(sum, 0);
    const left_sum = arr.filter(left).reduce(sum, 0);
    const right_sum = all_sum - left_sum;

    if(left_sum == right_sum)
    return "";

    return left_sum > right_sum? "LEFT" : "RIGHT"


  8. 2 years ago

    Inefficient recursive solution
    function subtreeSize(array, i)
    if (i >= array.length)
    return 0;
    if (array[i] == -1)
    return 0;

    let sum = 0;
    sum += array[i];
    sum += subtreeSize(array, 2*i + 1);
    sum += subtreeSize(array, 2*i + 2);
    return sum;

    function largerBranch(array)
    const left = subtreeSize(array, 1);
    const right = subtreeSize(array, 2);

    if (left > right)
    return "Left";
    if (right > left)
    return "Right";
    return "";

  9. 2 years ago
    El Arcón


  10. 2 years ago

    >this will be your competition in 5 years
    good to know i've got job security

  11. 2 years ago

    Simple linear scan. The first half of each row of nodes is added to the left sum, the second to the right.
    function largerBranch(array)
    let left = 0;
    let right = 0;

    // rowStart..rowEnd is row of all nodes at current depth
    // rowStart..rowMid belong to the left branch
    // rowMid..rowEnd belong to the right branch
    let rowMid = 2;
    let rowEnd = 3;

    for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++)
    if (i === rowEnd) {
    // Advance to next row
    rowMid = 2*rowMid + 1;
    rowEnd = 2*rowEnd + 1;

    if (array[i] === -1)

    if (i < rowMid)
    left += array[i];
    right += array[i];

    if (left > right)
    return "Left";
    if (right > left)
    return "Right";
    return "";

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